Jan 02, 2019
I am getting asked lots of questions about where you can learn more about Atlantis and I am sharing this post to support these questions and to help you.
Of course, there are many more resources you can learn about them so if you know more, share below to support everyone.
These are a few books I have read and highly recommend (well, I haven't read the Lost Lands in this post here, but so many people have told me about it, the rest I have read here).
So, choose what draws you and go for it dear Soul!
PLUS there is my Atlantean Meditation in the Reality Awareness Support Group, send me a message if you can't find it and I can tag you in it ❤️
Books photographed here are:
~ The Mists Of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley (there are 3 in this series, highly recommend them all, this is King Arthurian, High Priestess time, which is where everyone came, after the fall of Atlantis)
~ The Lost Lands, by Lucy Cavendish
~ The Liquid Crystals, by Justin Moikeha Asar (these things are straight out of Atlantis!!! The book and cards themselves are sooo healing and hold so many key elements of healing straight from Atlantis and beyond)
~ Mermaid Magic, by Lucy Cavendish (if you're ready to reclaim your gifts and magic of the Merpeople skills, highly recommend this one)
~ Angel Medicine, by Doreen Virtue. (this one is also gold if you want to reclaim skills, I loved reading this back in 2005 when I had my spiritual awakening)
~ The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, by Drunvalo Melchizedek (powerful in understanding 'how we got here' - this is a must)
Any questions, comment below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑