“Let yourself receive the Gift of yourself.” - Me ❤️

how to build your online business how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Apr 07, 2022
“Let yourself receive the Gift of yourself.” - Me ❤️
There is some FIRE coming out of me lately and I am grateful as fuck to be feeling lit in myself again!
I went through a very dark night of the Soul, lost myself, my purpose and what I was doing.
But it was only temporary.
It was a recalibration.
It was an upgrade.
And it was me leaving my old life, old relationships, old patterns and just the life that could not fit into the one I had been journalling into reality from the day I began online and realised that to succeed, to grow and create - is an inside job!
I have known this since 2005 and all those years ago when I tore down my rave posters from my wardrobe doors and instead covered them with pages and pages of Louise Hay affirmations that I had written out and printed out and wasn’t working a job back then but saying those affirmations out loud 3 x a day for breakfast lunch and dinner with all the enthusiasm and might about how wonderful my life really is - is what has created the extraordinary and not normal life I have had to date. I know this.
I know the power in this. But 5 years ago when I began online and took it more seriously by spending time every single morning religiously writing out affirmations of all kinds to create my reality to where it is today, this last 18mths has seen my life change exponentially and tear down - well, my old life.
And it made me kinda lost!
Who am I without my trauma?
Who am I without my family patterns?
Who am I without my old identity?
I knew, journalling back 5 years ago, creating more extraordinary life adventures of all kinds all in the name of freedom and lifestyle choices that are my top 2 highest values alongside honesty and integrity, I KNEW when I was writing them, that single mum on the pension back then - to have what I was journalling about 5 years from now?
Would be a COMPLETE identity overhaul.
NOTHING in my life would be the same.
And whilst that is a well der, of course Hannah - to actually implement those changes is one of the most biggest ‘hurdles’ you could say, in the entirety of creating your new life!
Try taking away someone’s comfort zone over and over again and pushing outside the limits and boundaries outside of ‘their means’ as they say - 99% of the population just don’t and won’t do it!
I have woken up this last few weeks realising that my slump, apart from the obvious reason of the dog attack, but the deeper aspect?
This whole identity shift.
I am no longer the single mum on the pension.
I am no longer the struggling ‘erratic and unstable’ girl people would call me.
I am no longer directionless and wandering around without aim.
I am no longer the one who is constantly complaining and talking about her trauma and domestic violence experiences like a badge who owns her.
Who am I then?
I am a multi-six figure, very close to seven figure empire builder who is here to change the god damn world 🔥
I’m the one that invests before I have the funds time and time again, exponentially transforms nothing into gold, manifesting all I require and so much more because I WENT FIRST.
I am the The Life Purpose Queen, The Goddess Queen, The Truth Bearer and hold such an energy that transforms you even before you have finished reading the words on this device.
I am a thought leader, rule breaker, system changer and deep, passionate fiery intuitive healer and life purpose mentor who speaks her truth, tells it like it is and won’t stand for anyone not living in their integrity or truth of who they are or portrays themselves to be. I call out your bullshit and tear down the shadows leaving you lain bare.
I AM divine feminine, chaotic, raw, real, messy, creational being that appears messy and unstable to many who are unbeknown how Goddess Fem FLOWS and lives TRUE 🐺
I am the one that shows you the light of truth in the words you speak and shines light on your deepest shadows that usually triggers the fuck out of you that you unfollow, block me and come back again time and time again.
I am the one you know you need to work with, be in my field and get some of this truth blazing, fire soul lit magic rubbing off on you daily because you KNOW that this is truth that lights the way for your Life Purpose and some.
You can feel it in your bones and are starting to trust yourself more, make big moves to propel your life forward.
You’re not willing to play small anymore and are committed to your Purpose each and every single day because you KNOW, life is short, let alone life is BORING when you’re chasing love and lifeless tasks that isn’t reciprocated it is death to the Soul ten times over!!
You’re tired because you’re not LIVING the fullest aspects of your PURPOSE, not because of your health issues you still talk about that is the reason.
That isn’t the fucking reason.
You’re just god damn not committing to your PURPOSE.
You’re not LIVING.
No ifs buts or maybes.
“Let yourself receive the Gift of yourself.” - Me ❤️
This 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 poured through on our Trust Your Intuition Training last night!
If you can’t see your own magic? Then how can anyone else?
If you’re not showing up being your full self for the next task that is required instead of sitting there munging on chocolate and chips binging on netflix saying you’re too tired for it? How can you expect your Purpose to show itself to you?
Stop hiding.
“Let yourself receive the Gift of yourself.” - Me ❤️
Nothing is stopping you.. but you.
And you’re tired of that right?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Transcendence - Starts tomorrow!! This potent manifestation container takes us outside of Earths laws and works deep in the quantum.
The utter magic that flows through leaves your Butterfly wings turning into Eagle wings and allows you to see what’s been hidden, what has been kept in the dark and transforms the darkness of nights into the lightest, brightest and biggest aspect of your life you’ve ever seen back into LIFE.
Things that you gave up on.
Things you didn’t know were possible right now - are shown to you.
The path - becomes clear.
Final hours to join us! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
P.P.S. You can feel the power of the Goddess Codes right? It’s a Soul Calling and it’s magic - is felt, is activated and propels you to your divine magic gifts of the reason you were born into this world. Send me a message for the magic of 4 months working 1:1 with me through Goddess Codes, if you’re ready to uplevel, build your empire and leave dust in the wind for all those trying to keep up, you know who you are, that your Soul CALLS, PULLS, nudges and edges you beyond your edge so you can FLY. Message me.