Lucky I trusted my intuition

reality awareness May 03, 2020
Lucky I trusted my intuition and built an online business doing what I love, when everyone told me not to, go stop doing this Psychic shit and get a ‘real’ job...
Lucky I trusted my intuition and bought the love of my life, my beloved V8 and followed my Heart about this - when everyone told me a car was not an investment, especially a V8 that is so much fuel costs.... lucky I trusted my intuition instead right?
Especially since my beloved V8, has given me the freedom to road trip which was the purpose of getting it, with what I love doing...
And gosh, with fuel @ 0.98cents now?
Lucky I didn’t listen to their fear and scarcity mindset about fuel prices and trusted my heart love and bought the V8 instead right?
As 12 months later here we are in lockdown with me being able to jump in the car when I did with full freedom to end up here in the country, with these wide open spaces that my Heart feels freer than I ever have before, having built and achieved what I have through sheer determination, inevitable manifestation knowing of where my HEART called me, my divine Life Purpose unfolding before my very eyes - no matter how illogical it seemed at the time..
I trusted me, over them and I am grateful I’ve built this muscle to be able to do such, for it has led me to where my Heart is so full of gratitude and the gratitude bliss bubble’s strength is transforming everything around me and that which is not pure heart centred Love seems to dissipate, disappear and transform before my very eyes.
Lucky I trusted my Heart and Intuition over what they still continue to say today...
As the solid foundations of my Life Purpose that I’ve built online are only gaining strength, and what is about to birth out of this Divine space?
When you have that strength, to trust yourself over what ANYONE says - you realise your Power.
There are many feeling more powerful than they ever have before - but the key here - SAFE in their power.
There are many coming into deep PEACE in their lives, more than they ever have before.... and we are holding space for those, that are angry, pissed off, upset, blaming, projecting and not taking ownership of their own hurts and pains of their past that they are projecting onto others and pointing the finger.
👉🏻 when you are angry and pointing the finger at ‘what they did to you’ - you have 3 fingers pointing back at yourself.
The difference between consciousness and unconsciousness is the willingness to see what it is that you are hurt about and actually feel that hurt (which can be very uncomfortable!) - or you just continue to spew negative energy into your environment and wonder why ‘bad’ things keep happening to you.
When you see the 3 fingers pointing back at yoruself, curled up and in deep contraction, you learn to hold yourself like you would a small scared child in a dark cold room and wrap them up with love, safety and kindness and in that... your Heart heals, transforms and shifts that ‘negative’ energy and thus your reality is transformed to a new vibration that ripples out - not the negative energy, this via the law of attraction that our 3D Earth plane is built upon, you suddenly start having experiences that reflect the kindness, gentleness and love that you’ve just wrapped yourself up in, that your very, powerful Heart has transformed, rather than the hurt burdening and carting that generational heaviness around.
Lucky I trusted my intuition to continue a path that everyone told me I’m crazy, shouldn’t feel my emotions like this, shouldn’t teach spirituality like this, shouldn’t speak like that, shouldn’t swear, shouldn’t dress like that, shouldn’t buy this car or that or gah - thank fuck I pushed all that side and trusted my intuition - my HEART anyway, no matter how hurtful and how many tears pour out from my heart, from peoples unconscious projections that are triggered from my deep, Heart, powerful, grounded energy that is... what transforms this world.
Lucky, I have a deep, powerful connection with my Heart and Intuition, that can hold, the unconscious dark projections that I feel, without them even saying a word.
For it is this, that Ancient Blooded Healers know how to do best, it is, our Gift, it is... what we’ve walked on this Earth for, since the beginning of time, Dragons and all.
Lucky, I trusted my intuition anyway, for its made me the Life Purpose Queen, who has the freedom to continue to follow Her Heart, that leads by example of what’s possible when you don’t settle, don’t compromise and trust when it makes no logical sense to even do so ❤️
Where do you, need to trust your intuition more, over what anyone else says?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. The Ancient Blooded Healers have been called and are rising through this time - that we’ve been born for.
Life Purpose Accelerator is open now, and is the space to deeply accelerate the place of your Souls calling to ground into reality that which your Soul’s Blueprint has been waiting for, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: