mediumship psychic activation understanding your psychic gift Sep 03, 2024


Have you ever been going to sleep and can feel a presence in the room? Or have woken to a presence 'staring' at you?

Have you ever been doing your thing and then see that flash of light or a shadow sweep on past but when you look there is nothing there?

You know you have a gift, you know you can sense when someone else is in the room, you have even had shivers when you've felt them and yet, you're not sure why they come to you specifically or what even to do with that information.

In my Mediumship Masterclass, I share with you why they have chosen to make themselves known to you, what the purpose is for and what even to do with that experience.

People think that when a person passes over, that they are magically some angel and they are fine.

However, in my 20 years of working with many, many clients, I have had a very different experience and I am here to teach you the ethical principles and understandings of what is the truth going on here and what to do to help the Spirits that come to you.

You have a Gift, let's Master it together, click here, Mediumship Masterclass is open now:

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑