My work heals you. My content heals you.
Apr 08, 2024
My work heals you. My content heals you. When you do the work of my work, it exponentially shifts you 🔥
If you want to work with me privately in any which way, step into my courses, my content - as this will shift you (did you check out Workshop 1 of Unhook Me for free?!).
I have been receiving many messages of those wanting to work with me privately - send me a message and I will guide you to what will be best as I know, that my course work, will be a portal waiting to enter.
I only work privately with those who have done my course & content and work first, for those that have done the work in my courses - have healed, have shifted and stepped deeply into their Purpose.
What you want to work with me privately for, I guarantee you, if you message me and have a chat about where you're heading and what you want to heal, I have a course that will deeply activate, heal and accelerate your Purpose.
Life Purpose Legacy has it all, it is the Inner Circle and you get access to everything. It is a 12 Month commitment and will deeply change your life, but you have to be ready for that. Just like working in my private mentoring with me.
What I teach in my courses is a body of work that I have 19 years experience in. It is tool, that you have for life. You heal, you grow and you exponentially accelerate and open to your Purpose, but you have to do the work.
Doing my body of work, you go from unhealed drama, gossip, whinging, whining, complaining and chaos to healed and acutely clear, decisively aligned actions with crystal clear questions and connection to your intuition that is the direct phone line to your Unique Life Purpose.
The Universe loves clarity and decisive actions 💎🔥
So too, does your Purpose 💎🔥
I cannot heal you, only you can do that. My course work will heal you, but you have to do the work. My course work will allow you to find your Purpose. But you have to do the work, only you can do that.
I am not your spiritual mother, you have the Divine Mother.
I cannot heal you, only you can do that.
My course work, is a step by step guide, that will heal you - as you work it. But you have to work it!
When you have healed and are ready for the Million Dollar Conversations, that your Life Purpose Destiny beckons you to enter, it is here, I introduce, my Million Dollar Mastermind. My Soul has been craving to release this to you 😍
As we portal shift to higher realms, I cannot be more ecstatic to release this to you now! 💎🥂
My 4 Month Million Dollar Mastermind is now open and we start on the 21st April.
Send me a message for the details, if you know the Million Dollar Mastermind is where your Soul is calling you to be, it is what, you have been waiting for 💎🥂
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑