No More Broken Promises ๐
Nov 04, 2019
When you say you are going to do something for yourself and you don't follow through with this, there is a piece of your soul that dims and piece of you that dies.
Your voice hides away and you become less and less of a powerful co-creator.
Feeling powerless, useless, worthless and downright sad, depressed and ridiculously jealous of anything that anyone has that you don't.
Because WORDS ARE POWERFUL and the words you speak and the words you think, become feelings, then become things.
When you say you are going to do something - you make a promise to yourself!
When you don't follow through on what you say you are going to do, you experience feelings of betrayal, depths of sadness and loneliness and you will more than likely find that these are being reflected to you through other people, places or things that are going on in your life.
Broken promises to yourself are like chains and padlocks around your Soul ๐
If you want more energy in your life, stop talking about what you are going to do, and just do it ๐ฅ
I ask you:
Who is it that has betrayed you?
What did they do?
What didn't they do?
What pissed you off about the incident?
What did you do about it?
Did you speak to them?
If not, why not?
Did you complain to someone else about it? If yes, why?
Did you speak to a mentor/counsellor about it?
And now I ask you....
What aspects of your life - are these similar traits going on for you?
What is it, that you keep saying you are going to do and you don't end up doing it, day in day out? (Betraying your own promises to yourself/your own words to yourself)
What pisses you off about this?
Did you speak to yourself about this?
If not, why not?
Who is it that you are betraying?
Does your Soul come alive and brighten or does it dim, darken and hide away when you think about the thing you keep saying you are going to do, but don't follow through?
What do you need to do NOW that stops you from speaking about it and not actually doing it?
Do you really need to do it - or do you need to let go of thinking that you need to do it?
Ponder, journal, breathe๐
Whatever is going on 'out there' is going on 'in there'.
When you start pointing the finger - look at the 3 fingers pointing back at yourself - listen to what words you are really saying.
You are the guide of your own Soul and Life, you just need to remember where to look - because it is you, that has the answers deep within your Soul - you have all the answers you need, they are right there in front of you ๐
Your own voice about your reality, whether complaints or positive events are the answers to your own Soul's calling.
Are you listening? ๐๐
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
P.S. If you're not sure why you keep repeating that sabotaging behaviour, why you can't leave the person, the event, the thing and keep going back even though you know your Soul is guiding you to somewhere else...
If you find you are constantly doing the same thing, even when you know it is torturous for your Soul and are ready to find out why and shift into something greater than what you are meant to be doing right now - the 21 Day Shifter Program is where you can shift out of this to move into more freedom, deep clarity and Life Purpose alignment.
๐ฎ Unlimited psychic readings
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Get yourself out of the hole and back on track rapidly beautiful one. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program: