OKAY OKAY! I'M LISTENING! To Spirit.... and to Your Requests 💗🕊💗
Oct 23, 2019
OKAY OKAY! I'M LISTENING! To Spirit.... and to Your Requests 💗🕊💗
I have been receiving many questions about what services I offer, what Psychic Readings I do and I have also been receiving lots of new information about what I am offering and the ways I am being of Service to you through Reality Awareness.
There are new exciting pieces and many big changes here with all of these so, let me share them all here with you 😍
The biggest piece I have been working with my mentor on - is my 'Predictive Psychic Readings'.
As you know, I don't like 'Telling people's future' because nothing is set in stone. Yet, when I give readings, they are deeply accurate, on point and give deep insight to what is going on to not just create the future you choose, but have insight as to what lays ahead, so you can prepare for what you want to create, rather than 'life happening to you'.
With this, I have been 'scared' of predictive readings, because of the bad reputation that Psychics have copped in eons gone by, because of people not knowing how to use their Gift properly to help support people in changing their future - rather than just seeing the bad things, telling them that and leaving them in the lurch and creating bucket loads of fear in the process, hence the bad reputation Psychics have.
I am here to change that reputation and I have always known that.
With that being said, I am facing my fears and opening up to honouring my Gift, Leadership and Purpose in the world of changing that reputation and I am starting to offer predictive Psychic Readings as guidelines to showing you how you can deeply tune in and create your life accordingly to what you want, not what 'is going to happen to you'.
I am here to show you how it is done 😉So, about time I own that hey? 🔥
There isn't just changes to my Psychic Readings though... there is more... yet, with my Psychic Readings, the structure of them has changed too. Let me share all the goodies with you:
Psychic Readings
- Done via Phone call, WhatsApp Audio Call, Messenger Call
- There are now 2 Options for Psychic Readings
- 15min Phone Call $30
- 45min Phone Call $97 (Usually $297, but until Christmas, I have been guided to offer these for $97)
- Click here for more information or to book your Psychic Reading: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
21 Day Shifter Program
- This powerful Program will be increasing from $499 to $799 on the 12th November
- This is a place, most people have shifts in three days that they haven't been able to shift in YEARS
- Unlimited Psychic Readings
- Unlimited Support
- Unlimited Voice Messages and Text Messages for 21 Days via WhatsApp
- Click here for more information or to book your 21 Day Shifter Program: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
2020 Business Forecast
- Imagine being clearly guided in your Business in 2020, so you don't have to worry about your ups and downs or where your next clients are coming from, so you can create a stable and prosperous 2020!
- Take the stress and headache out of not knowing what lays ahead for your Business in 2020 with Quarterly Forecasts that tap into your Cash Flow, what you need to be focusing on and any struggles or pains that you may come across so you can be ahead of your game and step into prosperous flow, rather than up and down changes where you don't know what is coming next!
- Quarterly Audio Forecast Psychic Readings to support your Business for a prosperous 2020, combining logic with deep intuition to create your best end of financial year and fly right into a new one already far beyond where you want to be.
- Click here for all the details for your 2020 Business Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2020-business-forecast
Animal Shaman
- Live Channeled Animal Shaman Activation on our Dark Moon/New Moon portal next Sunday/Monday (depending on where you are in the World!)
- I have been surrounded by Animals, there are sooo many! They have been deeply calling and their energy and messages are strong!
- Let alone Activating the depth of your Animal Shaman to guide you through 2020, I am sensing that this Activation is a lot bigger than I am being shown right now.
- I am deeply looking forward to this Live Channeled Activation that is taking place in our private group, click here for all the details to Activate your Animal Shaman senses and not only take your skills to the next level, but clear out this past decade, preparing us for the decade of LIGHT: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Trust Your Intuition Early Bird increases tomorrow night! Click here to join us to take your Psychic Skills into your Career as you become an Accredited Certified Intuitive Healer with Trust Your Intuition - the TRIBE IS WAITING FOR YOU! https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
If you WANT IT ALL - The Inner Circle is the place for you then! Of course you want it all! You gain access to EVERYTHING when you are in my Inner Circle, anything I create over the 12 months, PLUS the high level 1:1 deep mentoring from myself, and of course, your Certifications, should you choose to move in that direction as a Healer supporting the world for the change you know in your Heart belongs to Humanity.
The Inner Circle increases next week, click here for all the details and to grab your divine space, before this increases: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
There are beautiful things coming for 2020 - are you preparing now for them?
Releasing this last decade to embrace the decade of LIGHT we have coming up?
Time to prepare precious ones!
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑