Okay Reality Awareness Resonators... I have been shown some BIG things...
Aug 28, 2020
Okay Reality Awareness Resonators... I have been shown some BIG things... some HUGE revelations and MASSIVE pieces of the puzzle, that I am being guided to so much to share with you over the coming 4-6 months about 'the solution' of how we can shift BACK to our Original Home.
That 'New Earth' (I never liked using those words) - that LONG FOR HOME.
That - beautiful vision and heart centred place.. of everything living and expanding into pure consciousness of evolution, of complete abundance, of complete immorality of humanity of where our Heart longs for that we KNOW has been and is where we are supposed to be?
"Yeah, yeah, Hannah..."
Hang in here with me for a second... something huge is unravelling...
So you know how I shared that the past two years I have been questioning Sacred Geometry, I have been questioning 'But what is outside of Earth's Law's?' I have been questioning it like no tomorrow and no one could seem to give me an answer.
Hence Reconfiguring Energetic Codes came through and answered SOME of the questions.
A few days a beloved soul sister woman, shared this video with me and she shared it because I had mentioned on livestream the other day about something being 'off' with the Fibonacci sequence...
Then, on livestream the other day for our Monday Meditation, someone asked about the directions - the North, South, East, West and how where is North actually.. and I shared my story how.. for years... I always get 'lost' - in a sense that for me, North - is Naturally East - where the Sun comes up. But then shake my head and remember that oh, that's right, that isn't North.
There are soooo many other pieces I am feeling guided to share with you... but... I need to speak on livestream about it.
HOWEVER - my upcoming livestream I will hold on Sunday publicly... will make SOOO much more sense to you if you take some time to watch what I have already watched and the intuitive guidance that came through about it all that is hence, why I am sharing this now with you.. soo many revelations and processes have come through to put all the pieces of the puzzle together of:
~ world craziness lockdowns
~ the ingesting of humans that makes us sick
~ the how can they be doing this
~ the real reason we have past lives and have had so many torturous ones of them that we have healed
~ the real reason so many people suicide
~ the real reason so many of us don't want to be here most of the time
~ the real reason North is - why we always feel it different to what it 'apparently is'
~ the dark side of Archangel Michale and Archangel Metatron and these videos making me rethink EVERYTHING and the conclusion I have come to about this
~ the understanding of why, for this last 12 months I have been guided to hold the Crystalline Chakra Activation Journey starting early September and all this making WAY more sense now and WHY we are doing this
~ that the flower of life is actually the daisy of death and has kept us trapped for all this time (not just this but this is huge piece of it that I am hanging to share my revelations about it on livestream with you)
~ thoth.. the ultimate traitor or is he 🤔 (so much to share on this) and the connection with Drunvalo Melchizedek I have had all this time
~ the polarity universe/world we live in and how I have 'thought well this is normal' but what this ACTUALLY is
Phew.. these are HUGE revelations...So much to share on livestream about all these revelations.
And I am sure after you watch these videos (best in this order but trust your intuition over what I say!), that you will have a tonne of questions and woah moments too.
I will go live on:
~ Sunday 30th Aug Brisbane AEST 10am
~ Sunday 30th Aug London BST 1am
~ Saturday 29th Aug Los Angeles PDT 5pm
~ Saturday 29th Aug New York EDT 8pm
~ Sunday 30th Aug London BST 1am
~ Saturday 29th Aug Los Angeles PDT 5pm
~ Saturday 29th Aug New York EDT 8pm
Going live, right here: https://www.facebook.com/realityawareness/
Like I mentioned, if you can make priority time to watch these three videos before the live, it will help you understand deeply what I am talking about then:
You may be drawn to other videos on this page too, but this 'order' is what I was shown them in.
Whilst I don't take EVERYTHING as gospel on this page, because there are some thing not sitting right with me and I am enquiring into these with discernment... it surely put a lot of pieces of the puzzle together, which I am deeply looking forward to chatting with you about.
See you on Sunday/Saturday... for an in depth journey to... our reactivation HOME.
Might want to grab a cuppa for this one too ❤️
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
The Life Purpose Queen 👑