Old Boyfriends, Old Girlfriends, Old Flames, Old Lovers... their in your thoughts right? #energyupdate
Oct 03, 2018
#energyupdate Ex's, Old Boyfriends, Old Girlfriends, Old Flames, Old Lovers... their in your thoughts right?
So much old is being cleared out right now. If you've had old flames old lovers in your mind, or even contact with an ex out of the blue - or clearing out energetic old crap from your current relationship, to clear the slate and start fresh energetically, to bring new souls in or just plain fresh energy and a new energetic start to your life - you're right on path.
Perhaps you feel like you've seen them out of the corner of your eye when you've been walking through the shop, to turn and realise it wasn't them...
Perhaps you had to double take because you saw their car, but you don't usually do that anymore or haven't for some time now...
Perhaps you have been thinking about them randomly - catch yourself in a daydream about them almost and then realise - actually you're picking them up energetically too.
There are many threads being shifted right now, the whole energetic structure of the crystalline matrix is being wiped and rewiped and redesigned, restructured and rebuilt.
It is like the entire floor beneath you is dropping out from under you and there is nothing you can do you about it but..... breathe...
Yet, it isnt like it is - that you are then 'falling' - it is just that everything is just in 'space' - like you are aware of all the atoms of everything around you - you are here, but deeply connected to everything at the same time. There is a surreal-ness to it. It just is... and you can't do anything.. but just be present with it.
You probably find that you are going through an entire reshuffled in your life right now, whether physically, emotionally, mentally and more.
Unsettled, but a deep sense of trust at the same time - because you can't do anything else but right?
There are soooo many different options on the table for you right now - so many ways this could go, play out, unfold and there is a part of you that feels deeply unsettled, uneasy, panicky even - because even though you are clear what you WANT to happen - there is a part of you doubting it because you are wondering well HOW - when these things - you kinda can't see how it is going to happen, even though you know, deep down it is...
And you have to walk in faith and trust... anyway.. because you deeply have no choice...
What to do about these ex's? Old flames?
What has been unsaid, unspoken, what do you wish could've been said?? No - this isn't about contacting them - because you already are...
If you've been sensing them, you are feeling them, as much as they are feeling you.
Get pen and paper out, write a letter and safely burn it as a way of 'speaking' to them. Go into meditation and 'speak' to them there. Ask if there is any other words or messages that need to be spoken about and shared. And do this, on your own. Once you have done it, leave it up to the Universe whether they are supposed to be in contact with you or not.
You will know what you need to do. Yet, do your inner work and part first.
Now is the time for releasing.
The old structures of not only your life are changing - but the entire crystalline matrix on our Earth that is shifting, changing and upgrading right now.
Be okay with the unknown - no - get COMFORTABLE with the unknown...
Get comfortable with not being in charge...
Get comfortable with trusting the unknown 'space' that you are feeling...
And know that your only job, is to keep your thoughts and feelings focused on what you want...
About that brain training, mindset work? Yes - that.
I am now choosing to learn to be comfortable in the unknown...
I am now allowing myself to move further into my power by choosing to trust...
I am getting more comfortable at trusting the unknown...
I am getting better at remembering to choose how I want to feel...
I am getting better at taking extra loving care of myself, including how I choose to talk to myself and others..
I am choosing... to treat myself with tender love and care, through these huge changes...
I am choosing to remember... that this is now the new normal...
I am choosing to consciously tell myself to relax into it and do so....
I am choosing... to trust...
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Only 2 more sleeps until the doors for Goal Reacher close! If you are wanting my deep support, 1:1 intuitive psychic insight for every area of your life and deeply awaken your Life Purpose to set the tone for not just 2019, but for the rest to come, click here to jump in before this closes, or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/goal-reacher-program