PART #2 of 3: Multiple Millions, *just* from your energy.

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Jul 20, 2024

PART #2 of 3: Multiple Millions, *just* from your energy. The True Leaders are being born. The weeds are disintegrating 🥀. The Ancient Blooded Healers Rise 🦁🔥💎. Real talk about Soul Led Intuitive Business Strategy. 

It has to be in alignment. 

It has to be real. 

It has to be authentic. 

If you’re moving to your next level income bracket and level of impact of human consciousness in the world - I guarantee you will not get there with that darkness unturned inside of you with your hard masculine shell blocking the way for your sensual divine feminine core to be at her highest, most expansive self. It won’t let you. YOU won’t let you. You can push, force, hustle and grind and make some moolah. But I guarantee you’ll cap out and burn out before you break income and impact barriers. 

Your next level of what you’re hoping for isn’t hanging on the next book deal or client booking in with you. 

It’s not on how many followers you have or the facade you show to the world. 

It is not hanging on your next event. 

It’s not hanging on the manifestation to come to pass to be good enough to show the world. 

It is WHO YOU ARE. #energydoesntlie

Your Soul won’t let you align nor sustain what is not truly in divine alignment with WHAT and WHO you are uniquely born for. Especially when you set out to change the world with your purpose driven life. 

Everything that once was has to dissolve and be erased. You have to open. You have to trust. You have to be surrendered and safe. You have to let go. You have to feel safe to receive it. You have to reconnect to your core. You have to reconnect to your whole self. You have to feel safe to receive yourself at your whole core - at your truest self. You have to be at your highest and lowest at the same time and feel safe in that. You have to hold your entire authentic heart in it’s entirety and surrender it to the divine all at the same time. This is self love at it's finest. This is not bubble baths and getting your nails done. This is the core of who you are, with no imprints, infiltrations or injections of other people's perceptions, ideas or constructs that you've swallowed.  

Soul Led Intuitive Business Strategy. Sharing your WHOLE self - your entire facet. Being You. Manifestation of what you truly are here for. Not what you think you want or desire. Not the hard shell you’re hiding behind - we want what is behind that. The world wants what is behind that. Your purpose REQUIRES this of you. And the world is waking up to the facets that are not the authentic Ancient Blooded Healers who have been here since the dawning of time. 

It will all be stripped away so you’re living in authenticity and you'll be tested beyond measure. Who are you when it is all stripped away? 

It will be stripped away to see if you can hold what you are truly asking for. Who are you when you have nothing of what you said you set out to create, do and be in the world?

It will be stripped away to see if you have the purest heart of what you are truly here to be a leader of and in, to guide others, not from the fragile concrete facade, not from an ego-driven infiltrated constructed state, but your true authentic being - to see if you are really who you say you are. 

The thing about Ancient Blooded Healers - we cannot live out of alignment! 

It will make us sick. And all will fall apart. So if you're not listening to your intuition about what you're being guided to do, you'll put on weight, get stopped in your tracks and 'forced to listen and align', you'll be on edge all the time and you'll constantly get sick. 

We cannot lie. It will be stripped back to be shown the truth. We only can speak and live the truth.

And the thing is - we ARE living in alignment. 

The thing about Ancient Blooded Healers is that we are ALWAYS following Soul.

And even when what was in alignment, all crumbles away - the initiation begins. You reached here because you already have moved to the next level of your Purpose. One stage is complete and another begins but the initiation is like a compass aligning to the direction of how ‘well you pass this initiation'? 

What rabbit hole do you choose? 

What temptation do you give into? 

What level do you settle at? 

What do you cling to when you have nothing? 

Who are you really when your best laid out manifestation plans are not going as you wanted? 

Who are you when you have to face the 'shameful trauma laden' manifestations of unaligned paths and show the world the new you? 

Who are you really when the facade is triggered, disintegrating before your very eyes and you’re standing there naked for all to see what you’ve covered and buried the entire time? 

The thing about Humanities journey of Awakening is that many are being stripped bare right now and the true leaders are rising, being built and enduring what they know they can see. 

The weeds are fighting and dying off out of lack of connection to their true source as the disintegration is dissolving fast and the dust blowing to the wind, a new era is rising and it is those that have stood the test of time since the beginning and are rising like they have always known, yet are meant to. 

You’re born for this. 

And yet - your Soul’s destiny is out of your hands. 

Holding the facade up, the barriers, the ego perception of who you think you’re meant to be in the world whilst being empty and hollow living a shadow projection and unintegrated life - won’t allow your Soul to take charge, won’t allow God to step in, won’t allow - the destiny of time wheel align to the cog of where you’re meant to go on your Unique Life Purpose. You don’t do that. God does. 

You can try - but it is a divine destiny and test that only few pass and fewer still…. live out of their days within their Unique Destiny. 

The place where dreams do come true - ALL your dreams and desires of everything you can have and want - is your divine destiny. It's pure alignment of Soul. 

Yet, are you holding the reigns? Clinging to all you’ve ever known and the threads just in case? 

Or have you left sight of the shore? 

Stripped bare? 

Don’t even know who you are anymore?

A few months ago, I walked out into the paddock and collapsed on my knees on the ground, howling my eyes out, hands in my eyes, speaking to Nature who has become my best friend ally out here, Fae is real out here (and everywhere), but so tangible here…. head in hands, tears streaming - “I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore. Everything that made me, me is gone.” - I said out aloud as memories were flooding my mind of surfing at my favourite beach break at my old home and how much I miss the ocean flooding the cells of my being…. 

“That’s the point!”

I suddenly stopped howling and held my breath as I lifted my head out of my hands and turned my head to the right looking over my shoulder - nope! No one there! 

As clear as day - someone said that in my ear - not even Clairaudience - it was whispered clearly in my ear. I stopped howling, the sobs tapering off. Something shifted. 

That’s the point. That’s.... the point. 

That’s the FUCKING POINT!. 


Everything HAD to go. 

Out here, in the Land of Fae, that only some are invited into, everything has been stripped bare, taken away - everything that made me me, from the external and internal world, completely stripped.

Stripped back to bare Soul - so deeply, that not even any external facets remain that make up my old world, the old Hannah is gone and someone new has been reborn. 

For the following months, I barely walked - stripped bare walking I mean - not knowing who I was in this new skin. Not having anything to grasp onto. 

And it was mighty uncomfortable. 

A complete emptiness - not alone, not abandonment, not isolation, not anything I can describe nor put a label on - a big black nothingness of complete separation of all that I ever knew, but all I ever knew, wasn’t even a memory.

My identity shifted. Recalibrated from a point of nothingness.

Who I was, was irrelevant. 

Who I am now, aware. 

Who I am becoming - conscious and time accelerated. 

If you cannot lose sight of the shore, your Purpose will not be taken course of the destiny that awaits those who trust more than they fear, and those who surrender more than they cling on, those that walk with themselves and God only, to light the way of the path that has always been destined and that you’ve held onto this entire time, which IS the entire reason all this is happening and doesn't make sense and does make sense all at the same time is…. 

Your Purpose. 

Don’t you remember? 

But in the disintegration - it is required that you won’t even remember that. 

Until you do. 

Part #3 of 3 - tomorrow. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. I am sooo excited my Life Purpose Activation Kit is available to you now. This culmination of my work to bring together here for you so you can heal your past, unlock your psychic gifts, deepen them and hear the whispers of your Soul as it guides your Unique Life Purpose - the place where dreams come true? It’s real. Because Soul aligned life is only that. With Psychic Healing; Life Purpose Soul Remembrance Activations; Inner Child Healing; Shadow Work; Intuitive Business Development and Acceleration, the Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click here:

P.P.S. If you are looking for a done for you blueprint to copy what I have done - I am not the coach for you. I help you remember who the fuck you are and become it. I help you uncover your unique life purpose blueprint that only you can access. I help you remove all the layers and prod deep into parts of your subconscious that you’ve gone unconscious too, to uncover the gold deep inside that. I am here to align you and expand you to take your business to the next level - from your Soul. After the 28th July, I won’t be taking any new clients into my space. I was guided to open Mystic Mastery - 6 months of Intuitive Business Development, in complete alignment with your Soul’s Mission, click here for all the details:

Or, grab your 2025 Personal Psychic Forecast by clicking here:

If you know that the Inner Circle is more your jam, then click here: