how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Jul 20, 2024


They can’t have energetic access to you anymore.

How many people are you hanging onto because you’re too scared to let the threads go? 

How many people are you clinging onto because you’re sacred to be on your own? 

To be completely on your own? 

Because I guarantee you if you are hanging onto any threads, any person, any ‘just in case’ or ‘don’t want to face the dip as your client and business circle recalibrates’ or ‘just for the good s*x’ or ‘but I don’t have anyone’ and then run back to your family or your ex or your old ways because you’re too scared to feel the isolation and be completely on your own when you are being asked to - you will not manifest what you’re asking for. What your Soul is calling forth for. What your Destiny requires of you - if you are to truly live it. It will keep being postponed and diluted and you’ll end up settling and living a shadow version of your purpose, because you didn’t believe in what you’re here for and then it dismantles and you wonder what is happening. You gave up and gave in. 

And in that.. you surrender. 

That hard masculine shell keeps holding you up, but you can’t anymore and so you drop. You cannot not drop. You cannot not face what you are facing - what you buried, you just can’t. Fuck - you live for this shit and yet, you have held the barricade up this entire time! 

It will feel isolating, alone, like no one gets you and some and you’ll give up all reserves, it will feel like it is never ending and this is just how life is now and then one day - everything will change - overnight. 

Because you’ve been preparing for this, the entire time. 

You’ve been training for this. 

You’ve been in initiation for this. 

Everything you’ve done to date - has led to this moment. 

You’ve been born for this. 

You ARE born for this. 

As soon as you realise who you truly are, as soon as you stop clinging onto your old ways, as soon as you cut ties with all that have energetic access to you (Unhook Me Workshop at it’s finest , that you can access in the Life Purpose Activation Kit - because it is essential for this!) - everything will give way - for your SOUL to rise, for your Destiny to take the reigns. 

If you’re willing to walk in the dark that not even the light shines in for your Soul to see where it is going (human self needs to see) - your Soul traverses this realms with it’s eyes closed, it is your Soul’s playground - and if you’d only trust your Soul to the places where even you let go of ever finding the way and not surrendering any ounce of control to find where you’re going or what you thought you were meant to do - one day - you will wake up and your dream life has birthed ‘overnight’. 

Because you trusted, because you cleared the energetic and physical space, because you did the fucking work, because you didn’t give up even when you did, because you stayed consistent as fuck, no matter what was going on for you and… because YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS. 

In your deep surrender, you will wake up on the shore of your own consciousness. And this shore, will be the Destiny that only dreams are made of. 

Because you believed. 

Because you didn’t settle. 

Because you knew this was possible. 

Because you didn’t give up. 

Because even on death row, some deep core thread was tied to this plain BECAUSE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE HERE. 


And you chose it. 

You chose you. 

And because you did - your dreams come true. 

The desire, your heart calling, what you truly want. 

Everything you’ve ever dreamed of - does come. 

The dedicated soulmate ancient since the dawning of time destined love, the health and wellness, the multiple millions per month on repeat and wealth building, the freedom and lifestyle - you've always dreamed of. 

Dreams do come true. 

And so do the initiations to see if you can hold it and surrender all at the same time to what you're truly asking for. When it all crumbles, who are you now? What ‘dreams’ do you chase then? Who do you become? 

Or is it something completely not what you thought - but more aligned than you could ever possibly wish for, but knew was your Destiny all along? 

There comes a time when you have to trust deeper than makes logical sense. 

Investments won’t make logical mind sense, but total sense to the heart and soul alignment and that place is the place that is what births forth your Unique Life Purpose Path. 

Not all have the courage to follow this. 

But those that do, are the ones living their dream life and loving every moment of it. 

And the world, needs more love. More dreams come true. More possibilities and world changes that are leading to the life we are all born for. 

I believe.. it is humanities destiny and I am here to guide the way. 

You will look crazy and be judged black and blue until it works. 

You will be called all sorts until they see it is what you’re still doing years later whilst other companies have collapsed and those peeps don’t say a word anymore. 

You will still be doing your thing whist everyone else around you collapses and crumbles… you're still solid on your Life Purpose path, unique and destined for you - beause that is what Unique Paths are destined for - they stand the test of time. 

The true Leaders are being born and rising… 🔥

Is that you? 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. Everyone has a destiny, not everyone follows it. If you’re ready for your Destiny, want clearer intuition on how to even follow that or what that is for you, if you want the tools to heal, shift, recalibrate and get on path right away - the Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you. With Psychic Healing; Life Purpose Soul Remembrance Activations; Inner Child Healing; Shadow Work; Intuitive Business Development and Acceleration, the Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click here:

P.P.S. Our second Capricorn Full Moon happens tomorrow! This is solidify such a potent portal of many years to come and I am super curious what is going to channel through on this Second Capricorn Full Moon, click here for all the details to join us:

P.P.P.S. Eeek, we are getting closer to the portal of new clients entering my space - on the 28th July I am closing the doors to any new clients coming in, so if you’re in, before this time, there is a journey Spirit is taking me on in a bubble of rapid acceleration in this alignment that has unfolded over this Capricorn Full Moon alignment and where Spirit is taking Reality Awareness and I - are you coming for this transformation of lifetime? There is a few ways to step into this portal: 

2025 Personal Psychic Forecast. 12 Cards, 12 Months, Audio Recorded and emailed to you to listen back over 2025 to guide the potent energies for you, click here for this:

Mystic Mastery - my 6 Month Mentoring Vortex, to magnify your intuitive gifts to accelerate your life purpose with intuitive business development for aligned expansive growth in your business, click here for all the details:

Or if you know the Inner Circle is always your vibe, click here for this: