PEOPLE JUDGE OTHERS DREAMS instead of asking more questions

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Jun 12, 2024

PEOPLE JUDGE OTHERS DREAMS instead of asking more questions and only because they are not clear on their own dreams. They also... can't stop watching 👀 I think we call that #signs - when your intuition keeps showing you something! 💫

A deeper part of themselves is pointing out this person to them, their way of life, their success, the things that that person secretly - or openly wants - is right in front of them. People only judge and criticise others when they are not happy in their own lives. Period.

The successful ones, get curious, take risks, leaps of faith, lead with their heart and putt their heart’s desires into action - without logically thinking about it.

PEOPLE THAT JUDGE OTHERS DREAMS - are 99.9%, okay, 100% of the time, the ones who have closed off their heart, who shut down their inspiration, who closed off to spirit and became unconscious to their dreams…

Because when they were a little boy or girl, their imaginative talking was shut down, closed off, told to stop talking to their imaginary friend or better still - ignored completely. Because of generational and societal imprinting that is clouding their Soul, covering it like a big black cloak of darkness (unconsciousness). Your dreams are there, what you want in the utmost clarity of direction is there for you - you just have to become conscious of it again.

Many people come to me, not knowing what they want, many people come to me in a time of crisis, many people come to me, lost and confused.

Only these people are coming to me - because a crucial element of their Life is awakening - their true unique purpose.

Not everyone who comes to me - follows this thread of their unique life purpose to the very end - till death do a us part.

Not everyone - is meant to, in this/their lifetime. Over my 20 year career in this industry - I have learnt that the hard way, thinking everyone was like me, was a huge learning curve in understanding my own unique Life Purpose gift of The Life Purpose Queen and the facets that entails to help humanity.

Some people come to me to heal their broken heart, mend their relationships and are happy, fulfilled and in love with their life again, waking up with purpose and passion to live their best lives, just like before all the ‘bad’ stuff happened - but without the societal and generational imprinting.

Some people come to heal their illness and be able to function again, gaining their health back, because deep down they knew it wasn’t their time and sought me out to help pull them back here - functioning with health and vitality again.

Some people come to gain clarity, insight, that spark that ignites an entirely new trajectory that pulls them out of the darkness they found themselves in and they run with this light because they are the people that have the drive, passion and purpose already.

Others…. fully commit to their path of uncovering their Unique Life Purpose and this particular lifetime for them, IS the lifetime they fully live out their unique life purpose blueprint.

But those that commit to this whole heartedly, end up living extraordinary lives.

Those that come to me and commit to this whole heartedly, end up having their dreams come true.

But those dreams - are variable. As my mentor so wisely says, ‘We don’t get what we dream about, we get what we tolerate.’ - Regan Hillyer.

I didn’t set out to be a mother consciously, but consciously I chose to walk this path. Before that, my dreams were to travel the world following every festival and rave around the globe (realm!) and following the summers same. My heart still longs for such, but I am pretty sure that is my 18 year old heart’s dreams. I’m not 18 anymore and whilst I love music, travel and summer… there is more depth to my dreams these days.

Becoming a mother, grew me into the person I am today. I have lived my dream life with my daughter, the freedom to stay with her all day everyday, unschooling life alongside showing her what a passion business and purpose driven life looks like, modelling and living to her a completely different realm, allowing her, her own choices in it all, has been and continues to be a dream that I am grateful for.

Some people are happy to work for someone else - there is nothing wrong with it - as long as you are happy doing what you love, living a life you love! If not, then it’s time to reassess. Some people love making money online, doing what they love and working for themselves to be able to have lazy mornings in bed, simply because its a cold winters morning and have the freedom to stay in bed longer than their own alarm they had set for themselves, whilst still completing the tasks for the day, on their own timeline, working with the seasons, working with their own cycles and rhythms, not that of someone else.

It all depends on the life you want to create and there are a million ways to do that.

It just depends on what you want, on what brings you happiness, and what fuels your joy.

Sometimes that clarity - of what you even want that is not a unconscious by-product of your childhood fantasies to get your childhood unmet needs met, requires digging through layers of unconsciousness and healing that which is the block in between you and the conscious clarity of your Soul speak (trust your intuition) and your true unique life purpose blueprint desires.

Follow your heart, follow your bliss is real - but it ain’t for the faint hearted. And it requires tuning into your heart, not the imprints that cover it from your life to date and society moulding.

It will grow you, change you and you’ll die a 1000 deaths just to become Her/Him.

But is it worth it?

I don’t know, is NOT following your dreams worth it? What is NOT following your dreams costing you?

I know where I stand…

And the field of dreams it is for me.

All day, everyday, my way.

My hearts way.

The only way.

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. If your hearts way, is the only way for you - Master Manifestor is for you. Early Bird investment increasing in just a few hours… pre-work drops - today, click here for all the details, we are getting ready for take off:

P.P.S. If you know your heart is the only way and you want access to the mindset, magic, mystery, psychic skills, millionaire money mentoring - Life Purpose Legacy Inner Circle is for you. Never miss out on any course I release, get lifetime access to courses and live millionaire mentoring trainings to live out your best life, making the moolah to match and leaving your legacy in the wake, click here, early bird is open now:

P.P.P.S. These are the final weeks to be mentored privately by me, whether that be Psychic Readings or my 12 month Life Purpose Accelerator, after the 28th July, I am not taking on new clients until my intuition ‘says so’ - or, I finish the projects Reality Awareness is born to become - whichever comes first. Through this sacred space, this vortex of acceleration, I can already feel the space that has opened and this next phase is a cocoon of radical expansion - if your soul is pulling you to be in this vortex, send me a message. I can feel, so ever deeply… a place where all dreams come true 💎