May 22, 2024
HUGE energies so that which have been the last 2 weeks. We thought the Eclipse was big - but no - the Solar Storm this last two weeks (not just the harp/no harp psst it's both auroras - there is a bigger storm than they are 'showing us') has been insane AND some! 🤯🥵
~ feeling like you're in another world
~ still in this world but
~ feeling like you're torn in two, like your etheric body and physical body are separating sideways (the Earth 'split in two' from back in Dec 2021 is really being felt now)
~ time has been extraordinarily weird. Clocks gone behind by a good 20mins after the solar wave on Sun/Mon just gone and many have 'lost a month' since the eclipse and somehow, nek minute it is June already 😳
~ foods have been off and not eating or feeling like anything and then craving foods from your childhood or nostalgic eating
~ sleep has been off. So tired, but not able to sleep either and energised after the sun has gone down even though wired and getting things done that you've put off for months.
~ tears. Sorry - heavy grief waves! OLD grief. Many old layers being shed from your heart - the sword has been removed from your heart and it is now time to heal.
~ systems, structures and boundaries are changing, or being changed for you. If you haven't made or aren't making the changes your intuition is guiding you to make - they will be changed or are being changed for you (whether you're ready or want them or not - they are 'just like that')
~ people are showing their true colours and people, places and groups are being removed from your life. You're being shown where to place your investments, time, energy and yourself. Your Soul is not only coming into alignment for the full manifestation of your Destiny - but your soul is COMING ONLINE.
~ manifestations that you've been working on for YEARS are bearing fruit in the biggest way and you're seeing leaps and bounds move forward 'out of nowhere' 'all of a sudden' as everything changes all at once
~ dimensions are literally shifting. We've spoken about it and known about it and now it is happening.
We have just 'hit a dimensional wall' and have entered. The way I described it to my Intuitive Channel (on telegram) Clients is that if we were dimensions within one sphere - there is a collective on a specific frequency and we've all 100th Monkey reached a capacity that this particular sphere web can no longer stay in connection/vicinity to the 'lower' frequency sphere - they cannot stay together - and so they are separating, hence why the timelines feel split/weird/different/collapsing then reappearing - as this shift and meld out of one another - the spheres of consciousness dimensional frequency are separating.
Which one are you choosing?
You may be having the nostalgic thoughts, feelings or foods! As this separation happens and the lower frequencies/metals and memories are releasing from your cellular body/muscles/memories they literally are a frequency that simply cannot vibrate/come into this higher frequency sphere - that... you have chosen via all the personal development work and healing you've been doing all these last years.
Phew 🤯🥵
Have you been feeling it? Let me know 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Our Full Moon Ceremony in a few hours is going to be next level with these energies! Click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
Trust Your Intuition doors close next week.. if you want to learn to navigate this level of consciousness, energetics, dimensional realms and uncover your unique Life Purpose that works in this divine symbiotic flow as Humanity awakens and want to understand where you fit into it all - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑