🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 16th November 2021 🔮
Nov 16, 2021
🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 16th November 2021 🔮
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose today.
You sense things. You know things. You feel things. You hear things. You... get confused easily because the wisdom that comes out of your mouth makes people question you... simply because... you're highly tapped in, you're super intuitive, you - have a gift.
ADHD - Attention Dialled Into A Higher Dimension.
You can feel you're here for big things, better things and to guide and lead people in some way shape or form - you, already do, whether you already get paid for it or not.
You absorb things like a sponge, you are deeply aware of all that goes on, you just... sometimes keep super quiet about things now, so you don't look weird, because 99% of people - don't get you, understand you and..... you're also at a point where you're tired of hiding your true self.
You know, it is time to stop hiding, to take it to another level and.... bring out all that you know is busting to come out of you.... to step into - the true you, that you know you are. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
The White Light Oracle was calling for you today, I am looking forward to sharing the messages that come streaming through for you 🤍
Reading results will be posted at 3pm AEST/5am GMT/9pm PST 🌏🌍🌎
Create a magic day, afternoon or evening, where ever you are in the world ❤️
See you at 3pm AEST!
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑