🔮 PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 18th June 2024 🔮
Jun 18, 2024
🔮 PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 18th June 2024 🔮
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose today.
It is not that your dreams are not real - it is that it hasn't happened YET. The question is, are you someone who gives up when you're about to strike gold? Perhaps letting go of control has been on the menu, but now you're not who you used to be, well, how and where do you go from here?
Master Manifestor starts next week - just days after Solstice - the potent portal that heralds change on a dawning sea of the winds ushering in a new chapter of your life. Are you ready to jump on the Master Manifestor piercing the veils plane to jump start your Manifestations and bring them to life?
To stop wishing, hoping and fuck the waiting game off once and for all and... live your manifestations like they were never once a dream? If you're ready for accelerated change in this 3 Week Vortex, Master Manifestor is for you, click here, we start early next week and pre-work has already dropped: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
I look forward to seeing what channels through from the Sacred Journey into the Animal Realms Oracle for you today ✨
Reading results will be posted at 2pm AEST/5am BST/12midnight EDT 🌎🌍🌏
Create a magic day, afternoon or evening, where ever you are in the world ❤️
See you at 2pm AEST!
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑