🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 5th July 2022 🔮
Jul 05, 2022
🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 5th July 2022 🔮
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose today.
I have been guided to open up my 1:1 Psychic Readings through July.
I have been getting asked lots in the last few months if I still do them 1:1. When you’ve reached the place of not even advertising and you’re sort after, you’re doing something right
So, with this, through July, my 1:1 Psychic Readings are available with an ‘Upgrade’ and ‘Deluxe’ option. ‘Upgrade’ is for those who want Intuitive Healing and are in a place where nothing they have done has shifted what is going on for them to date.
We hold this over zoom and go deeper in a way you haven’t done before with anyone. ‘Deluxe’ is for those that want to Activate their Psychic Skills and accelerate into their Life Purpose. We have 3 Zoom calls and telegram support in between.
Click here for all the details, these will only be available in July only: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
I am so excited to share the powerful messages from the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards for you later today 🌟🤴
Reading results will be posted at 3pm AEST/6am BST/10pm PDT 🌏🌍🌎
Create a magic day, afternoon or evening, where ever you are in the world ❤️
See you at 3pm AEST!
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑