🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th November 2020
Nov 10, 2020
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th November 2020
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the loving Rumi Oracle 🔮
Have you listened to the Archangel's messages?
Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now.
Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: The All Encompassing Hand.
This card comes to you - to HOLD YOU! I GOT YOU! She says… (basically!) Have you been feeling sad, let down, disheartened, or like people have trodden on your heart recently? Perhaps you are feeling powerlessness and don’t know your next step after all the world changes have shaken things up and made people reassess their path - AGAIN - last thing we needed this year right?! The big message I am getting here is that it isn’t too late, and there is ALWAYS a way. NO matter if some person outside of yourself, not matter how much power and authority that they say they have or you think they have there are ALWAYS loop holes in ANY system, you just have to keep researching, finding seeking UNTIL you find it - yes, did you hear that - UNTIL! That doesn’t meant you don’t break down in the process and think about giving up 50 thousand times in the process. And want to leave the planet at the same time! I know! Trust me, I have been there and it isn’t nice! AND I want to say that it took me about 2-3 years online (I have been online just over 4 years) before the negative feed back or the ‘stop doing this psychic shit’ stopped. From friends, family, from those closest to me! It happens! However, the ones who you see are successful, have learnt to grow thick skin - through many times of thinking about giving it all in, giving up and breaking down in tears on the kitchen floor in howling grief more times than you would ever dream of. Except the only difference is - they got back up again and kept going because they knew they had ‘no other choice’. Well, of course, you can give up - but you would never be happy right?! It would ALWAYS be on the back of your mind and like you missed something or never fulfilled with anything… ever! And so - you have no choice right 😉 So, surround yourself with people who have walked the path you want to go, before you and absorb all of their content, better still work with them to fast track your situation, so you can know you are on the path of empowerment instead of disempowerment. So, fall apart, bawl your eyes out.. for days even, over waves of months at a time… but carry on at the same time. The way through the despair is knowing the life you are creating for. There is nothing you can’t do, you just have to not give up UNTIL it happens, no matter how long it takes. As they say, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ - but you do need to be around people with the same vision as you, who have, already accomplished what you are wanting to achieve. Learn from them, absorb them… you’re not stuck and it’s not that it’s not working, you’re just ready to be supported by those who have already done it. You’re ready for your next level of expansion of your Heart and Soul’s calling aka your Life Purpose. If they have done it, know that you can too.. even if everyone else walks away. Trust me, they won’t be complaining when you’re paying for dinner.. or providing the food for them to eat. But they won’t see your vision in the beginning. Carry on anyway. You can do it. It wouldn’t be in your Heart if you weren’t meant to. Don’t give up. Just do it anyway. Love xxx Have you listened to the Archangel's messages? Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now. Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels
Card #2: She Offers The Sacred Wine, So Drink!
Without looking at this card meaning yet, I am wondering if you are being offered a valuable opportunity, a gift right now, but you haven’t accepted it? Or perhaps something has just come to you and you are sooo grateful for this opportunity? I am sensing with all the chaos in the world, you are in a lot of Peace actually! There is an underlying sense of abundance, but you are looking to tap into that at deeper levels to receive more and be able to expand in many ways. No one can help others if they don’t have the resources to do so themselves - or if they do help others without having the full capacity of taking care of all their needs, they do burn out. I am wondering if you have been super busy and are stressed out because there is sooo much and well, yes, Hannah fun days are coming.. no - you have to remember that fun means now… if you are ‘waiting until’ then you are missing the point in a way. If you are continually pushing and yes we all do need to at times, but if you are busy for the sake of avoidance and not letting in the joy and fun NOW - then you are avoiding something deep down.. what, are you not worthy of fun? You have to do all these things BEFORE you can have fun?! Yes, we need to push at times to get through some things, like moving house or finishing a project - but then, where is your fun at? Your self care at? Your time off at? This is a balance, yes, perhaps everyday balance would be amazing, but for example for myself I will work for a chunk of time, then have a play time scheduled in and this is important - play time, fun time, chill time, must be scheduled in, created by you - fun just doesn’t happen, you must create it right?! You may be thinking, ‘Well, Hannah aint you seeing what is going on in the world gurl! How can I have fun when people are freaking out and miserable?!’ And I say, ain’t negative that is going to change the world baby! But smiles, fun and freedom are… and that is something we must create. At this point in time in Humanity we are programmed for negative destruction. Creating the opposite, means re-writing and re-coding yourself for such. So don’t think it ain’t take work.. but hey, you’re good at keeping busy with work right? So, it may as well be productive work right?! Rather than busy, for busy sake? The other piece here is that when you plan in fun, mini adventures, self care days (this can be at home too remember!), is that it gives us something to look forward to, rather than just sinking into a sink hole of exhaustion, depression and all sorts of things that happens in those spaces - because you are ‘holding yourself up’ with self care/fun days/times. So - is it that you need to plan more of this FUN in? Or is, it that you are needing to stop the distracting activities that are taking time away from the projects you know you need to get done for long term freedom? Let go of what isn’t important (even dishes!) And do that thing that is going to get you where you always want to go - with FUN in the mix. Because if we are living the rainbow, what is the point of life? Create it baby. Love xxx Have you listened to the Archangel's messages? Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now. Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels
Card #3: Sacred Convergence.
The Sacred message in this card is about “The coming together of Souls in alignment with a greater cause.” I am wondering if you are needing to reach out to not be so along with what you are creating in the world? Or know you have SOMETHING to do, but you are not sure what or you keep getting blocked or knocked back and so wondering well am I really supposed to be doing this anyway?! I feel that this card is your signal to know there ARE others out there with the same vision, same goals as you - you are not alone, but you are also the one that has to reach out and create such a connection. If you don’t ask, you don’t receive. I am also getting the message with this card, that perhaps you have just come to this place of realising that actually you have created a space where you ARE surrounded by people who share the same vision as you and how amazing life is right now! Of course there are things to always do and improve, but ultimately, it is amazing right?! This deep connection you feel with like minded Souls is our LIFE LINE in these trying times on the planet that is only increasing through the next few years of this Great Awakening so they call it. If you are around people who drain your vibe, it is time to walk away from them.. if you haven’t found those that lift you up and you feel nourished by - now is the time to walk through this big YES phase and say YES to you, by saying no to what is no longer aligned - no matter how many frowns you get along the way. You know what nourishes you and what doesn’t so focus on what does. Sometimes there is ‘space’ between walking away from someone/thing/group of people who no longer align. Be okay with this space - for it is bringing in Souls that are more deeply aligned to your mission, your Heart, and your life that you are aligning to. Learn to open your heart to these people and stop opening your heart (so to speak) to those that only rip it out, trample it in the dirt and then step on it some more. It is time to be nourished by life, not drained and drowned in the trauma and pain of it. That means unfollowing, unsubscribing to not just practical emails, but from the engaging of their life - stop engaging with it all together and get back in your lane and follow it whole heartedly, that you know you are so good at doing. When we are about to have a breakthrough into a new realm of relationships, into a new realm of life - distractions are very common. Don’t let them be that. Just… refocus. Turn towards the nourishment, because ultimately, that is all that you are doing. You aren’t leaving anything, you aren’t losing anything, but you are.. nourishing yourself in the direction your Heart calls you - that deep, seated grounded contentment feeling. Trust. Love xxx Have you listened to the Archangel's messages? Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now. Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels
Card #4: The Right Choice.
Ah, this one is pretty straight forward - you’ve made the right choice! However, I feel that this is a deep seated - you’ve done the right thing. Sometimes, in our life right now - something can appear to be going wrong, or triggering us in some sort of emotional response and yet - it isn’t even about the current issue. It is about the old, old, buried pain of that little girl or boy in front of you, that THINKS they have done something wrong because of what occurred to us when we were little by our care giver. It doesn’t matter the incident sooo much - what it’s cause here so to speak, is that you have been carrying that ever since and also buried the pain deep inside you. This current ‘trigger’ in your current reality, is bringing to the surface all of this buried pain - from when you were little. You may not know the specific incident but just know this card has come to you to let you know that #1 - you have NEVER done anything wrong and you might be turning around to me saying, I know Hannah I haven’t and I had a good upbringing and have good memories from my childhood - great! However I guarantee - that what is surfacing now - there are memories that you also buried deep down in there. Did you, previously in your life - reflected in your relationships, always feel like you were doing something wrong or if you didn’t conform to their controlling ways - they would leave you? So you engaged in behaviours with them, that you wouldn’t usually do and felt like even more shit for it afterwards because it just isn’t what you would do but you did it for/with them because you were afraid of repercussions if they didn’t? These patterns within you -d no’t come from a ‘rosy’c childhood beautiful one #saidwithlove. Sure, there were some good times, but even the ‘picture perfect on the outside’ family house hold… has controlling ways buried behind closed doors. ‘Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about’ ‘Sit there until all your dinner has been eaten, don’t waste it’ ‘Do what I said’ and the list could go on… we think this is normal… until we are triggered and realise there are some unhealthy patterning that we have picked up along the way. Everyone has. If you have pulled this card today, be kind and gentle wth yourself. There is A LOT of trauma being released out of the body right now and this is causing all sorts of emotional breakdowns, no matter where the trigger is coming from - it could be a beautiful bundle of joy trigger - and what it has brought up within you, is clearing out the old, heavy stuck trauma so you can embody more light, that is all. You’ve never done anything wrong - even with a current choice - because what you did - has ALWAYS come from within your Heart. It’s not like you were like, ‘Oh, yeah, this feels wrong, I am going to choose this one.’ - no, of course you didn’t - so let it go and know that as you move forward, we learn from choices we ‘regret’ - not to stay stuck there, but to know we ain’t going down that road again in the future! I choose the light please! Love xxx Have you listened to the Archangel's messages? Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now. Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels
Card #5: Beyond Death, Life.
Ah - has there been a lot of Spirit’s around you lately - or that you have been noticing more so? There has been a dark, strong heavy energy on the planet that a lot felt during the main lock down this year and with our Blue Full Moon on Halloween just passed - it has been intense right?! Those energies - are continuing at the moment and are only set to increase leading past, well into the end of January, if not through to March. I am sensing that if you are sensing these presence’s there are a few things. Obviously #1 - always call in 100% Light Beings to support you in clearing and shifting out the space - these ‘strangers/visitors’ - have no right to be in your home unless you consent to them being there. So - you wouldn’t let a random human stranger walk around in your house - you’d probably call the police, so the same goes for when you sense Spirit’s ‘wandering around in your home’ - or seeing them. You can also imagine your entire home full of White Light, pushing out anyone that is not meant to be there and voicing - “It’s time for you to leave now GO!” And shoo them on alongside the Light Beings of 100% Light. The other message I am getting is if this has been happening to you or if you have been sensing dark entities on a person near you around you or that you can sense in your field - there are a couple of things here. Number 1 - you’re being called to step up your Healer abilities. Maybe that is starting to work in this field and get paid for it now. I would only recommend doing 3 unpaid sessions max before charging for your services. So if you have already passed that quota, well, you know what your next steps are. Maybe it is expanding your business to the next level. Maybe it is blinkers on and getting your course or book finished. Maybe it is expanding into Mediumship specifically. Number 2 is that when entities or dark spirits are around it is because you are about to shift to the next level. They are next level distractions holding you back so to speak, because you’re about to break through to the next level - stay focused and break through anyway. Interesting isn’t it, when we think about the amount of darkness ‘clinging on’ to the world right now.. gosh they must be onto something 😉 We’re about to break through baby! 🔥 The other final piece here is that if you are sensing them - there is a situation in your life that you are not paying attention to. That you are.. ignoring your intuition about leaving an unhealthy relationship, a situation that is constantly pulling you down, negating you and making you fall in a heap. You will probably find that your whole life and everything you’ve built is crumbling around you at the same time! 😳 Don’t despair - when you are ‘losing everything you’ve ever built’ - why? Because the FASTEST way to reclaim everything - is to deal with the draining relationship in front of your face that you ignoring because it isn’t about the entity at all… it is actually that you are not listening to your intuition about this situation - that you deeply, deeply know. The faster you act on your intuition the faster, EVERYTHING will spring back up to where it was, if not beyond. Love xxx Have you listened to the Archangel's messages? Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now. Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels
Card #6: Passion for Purpose.
Ah, if there was ever a Life Purpose card, ah - hello :) What a divine embodiment of such a Sacred Honour of a mission you have been given. And I feel that you are… really coming into a space of receiving something you have been working for YEARS for. It feels like it is near and dear to your heart it, feels like it is shifting your heart - it feels like it is re aligning your heart back to the purpose, passion and joy that a heart feels, rather than the trauma and pain caused by living with a closed heart. It feels like you are pushing through barriers, limitations, you are shifting sooooo much right now and ‘everything is becoming clear’ - even when it’s not fully clear just this moment, but you are seeing things - more than you ever have before. Seeing - yes, Third Eye - it seems that a lot of relationship dynamics have been, becoming clearer and clearer for you recently and wondering if your Third Eye has been throbbing or hurting or anything else? Headaches, pains, shifts in perspective, aha moments, lots of divine revelations coming in, even spending more time ‘upside down’ seeing life from a different perspective. Something has awoken you, you have shifted, you have allowed yourself to receive in a way you have never done before, you are.. opening to your path of Divine Service. Open your arms and let yourself receive. It is a time for deep alignment, deep passion, deep joy and all the amazing things that come with aligning to your true path of Divine Service beautiful one. You have done a tonne of work - be okay with feeling joy - you’ve done the hard yards, and whilst I know you know the work doesn’t stop because that is just who you are, let yourself receive this joyful space that is the light that shines on the darkness, because this light frequency, and the level of uncovering you have done to become that person - is here and embodied, it is who you are - nothing can shake that vortex that you are. Give yourself permission to feel the joy of feeling the joy, of being happy - this fuels your passion IS your passion and your passion is you. Let it be all that you are. Allow you, to be you, allow your heart and Soul to… flourish in this Divine Service of Passionate Joy that is the reason you are here. Follow the Joy they say, Follow the Bliss they say.. IS true - when you have done the work, the TRUE deep work, and The Universe knows how much you have - revel in it, it’s your time beautiful Soul. Love xxx Have you listened to the Archangel's messages? Not long ago, the Archangels tapped me on the shoulder and told me they had messages to share to support people with our current world transitions that we are going through right now. Let the 16 Archangels soothe your Soul with their healing and empowering messages for you, all for free, by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/conversation-with-the-archangels