🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th May 2021
May 11, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th May 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting for you there today from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle today for you.
These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society.
Investment is increasing AND doors are closing.
This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings.
This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩
Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: The Raven. Magic, Coincidence, Synchronistic Events.
Ravens, Crows - they can be a bad omen for some people - however, I am here to tell you that no, they are not. Ravens, Crows - they hold deep Wisdom. They used to the the messengers and carry the scrolls. Through their bloodline, they have seen ancient times and hold much knowledge. Crows and Ravens are a symbol of Magic, of synchronistic events, a divine unfolding of all that is meant to be. They receive the ‘bad omen’ feeling - because Crows and Ravens are also the symbol of the death and rebirth cycle. Hence, why some people attach a ‘bad connotation’ to them, because they see them, then someone dies or something else happens. And yet, they are a symbol of the death rebirth cycle, so they can be showing you this, yes. However, I find that when I see them, they are showing me I am nearing the end of a cycle in my life, something old is being released, whether a person, a relationship, a paradigm of living, an old reality is dropping away - or NEEDS to drop away. I find that if you are allowing the changes to occur in your life naturally, making the changes and doing the things to support yourself in them then the Crows/Ravens don’t hang around long. But if they are super in your awareness, and just everywhere constantly - are you still holding on? Are you not making the changes you know you need to make? Magic is created and fast - when you take action on your intuition and make things happen in accordance to your intuitive guidance. If you are in a place where you are figuring things out if you’re staying or going for example, be okay with the Crows/Ravens. Know they are deeply connected to Soul led, Ancient Wisdom and that they have seen all of this before. Know that they are with you through this portal of change and that the death rebirth cycle - that is all it is. Change. Change is the only constant thing. You are safe through this portal, through this passage and the Magic is still present.. even when it doesn’t feel like it - because your intuition is magic and you are your intuition. You are magic. And you are worthy of being your full magical self and any environment that doesn’t allow you that, well, Crow and Raven is helping you to remember who you really are. Remember this. Love xxx These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society. Investment is increasing AND doors are closing. This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings. This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩 Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #2: Fear.
Argh hugs honey! Have you been feeling crippled with fear or anxiety? You are going through a major transition right now and maybe - just maybe - you’ve been in this space, this environment, this feeling for quite some time - but now, it is more conscious than ever for you and THAT is the most uncomfortable part about it now (in a way!). I am also getting the strong message for you that what you are going through is a change, is a transition and that causes us to feel scared. My Inner Child Meditation on my website (under Audio Meditation Page) is super helpful when you are going through a major transition, because it enables you to feel safe through the change. When we are scared through a big change - it is your Inner Child who is scared, so tending to your Inner Child daily through the meditation (or other means that works for you) is how you can work through this change on your own. Of course, mentor support helps you to feel supported to make the big, big life changes and definitely something that I recommend of course. There is also the strong message with this card that the fear and anxiety you are feeling has a big step into the current environment you are in - and the proximity to people who are not overly conscious or really get this stuff. That may sound judgemental yes, but trying to explain the energies to you right now. When you are conscious and super sensitive to energy, there is a big stem into being able to ‘hold’ the energetic load of the unconscious people. It isn’t that you are trying to or wanting to - but just being in that environment is a big deal. It takes a lot of energy to hold that and this is super important to be aware of. As the collective to, so if you are surrounded by people who are not aware and then with the collective fear that is going on with the current world situation that I don’t even need to mention for you to know what I am talking about - always remember that this is there ‘weighing you down’ as well (in a way). Energetically it is a lot to be around unconscious people (manageable of course, but takes a lot) and then the world collective fear on top of that and then if you’re going through a major change right now - go easy on yourself! Breathe deeply, support yourself through this, know that gentleness for self talk and doing all the things to support yourself is super important through this time. Speak to your mentor, get a mentor, have the people you speak with daily, the ones who will get you through this, not tear you down. You WILL get through this and you are safe through this change. It is just change. It doesn’t feel easy at times, but you are safe and I, Reality Awareness, we are here for you. #igotyou. Love xxx These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society. Investment is increasing AND doors are closing. This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings. This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩 Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #3: Forgiveness.
Ah, this is in alignment following Card #2! In a sense of be gentle with yourself. I am also wondering if you are around some people - or something has come up - that you actually do need to forgive? I always say f*&k forgiveness. In a sense of - if you are trying to forgive because that is what you are following from being indoctrinated from the religious texts - you may not even follow religion and no, this isn’t a dig at religion - at all - but when you/someone is trying to forgive their abuser or someone else when you are still carrying the hurt, the pain, the trauma, the underlying feelings of all that pain, then you aren’t really forgiving at all - you are going unconscious to that pain, suppressing it and that is what causes cancer amongst other diseases. (Cancer in metaphysical diagnosis is resentment for example). Let alone the energy it takes to hold all of that down - exhausting! And you wonder why you are tired all the time. Who are you resentful too? Who are you subtly angry with? Yes there have been solar flares and much energetic activity recently that also makes us tired as it ‘burns through’ our atmosphere and aura at the same time (through the magnetic field). It is more important to work on releasing the hurt, the pain, the anger, the trauma from the experience you went through than to focus on forgiveness. Focus on forgiveness after you’ve had that huge cry, because if you don’t it will be a ‘fake forgiveness’ - because you’re still seething with resentment underneath. Forgiveness is a by-product of releasing the hurt and pain and trauma. There is no ‘charge’ underneath it when you have that conversation with that person again - you don’t have the same emotional response, you just feel different. I am also getting the message that you are in a hugely transformative phase of your life right now and to be aware of the timeline of this transformative cycle. I always say the 18 months gives that potent healing and reality shifting timeline of change cycle. So, wherever the big wake up call was or perhaps you moved house or shifted something, be conscious, supportive and aware of this time. Allow the time to go through the healing. I am also getting the message to not force anything, just… trust the timing. Keep following your intuition - there is no right or wrong. Maybe you’re like, ‘Nope, Hannah I am good I forgive them and can move on now.’ Then something happens and you’re triggered and an emotional mess again. What is super important here is that it’s not a time to beat yourself up, it is not getting down on yourself that you haven’t worked through it yet, or that it happened again. What is actually going on here is that deeper levels of healing, deeper levels of trauma is being released, deeper levels of forgiveness is happening right now. This is what we call, riding the waves. Forgiveness comes, when we learn to ride the waves. We become unattached at how healing is supposed to be and look like and what structure or timeline it is supposed to come in. Forgiveness comes when we reconnect back to ourselves for releasing the hurt we are carrying from the betrayal, abuse and whatever else has been sitting there… blocking the reconnection back to the truth of who you are.. back to your Soul.. back to your Magic… back to you. Allow. Trust. Go Gently. Love xxx These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society. Investment is increasing AND doors are closing. This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings. This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩 Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #4: The Deer. Gentleness. Diplomacy.
The last few cards I have been talking about gentleness! It must be a theme today and in the collective right now. What I also know about this, is that it is deeply connected to the Goddess energy. The God energy. That deep sense of knowing, that deep trust in yourself and your intuition. That deep alignment to your purpose, that deep sense that everything is going to work out even though you do not know how. There is a strong message here for this card of Deer for you today is - I feel this is a time for you to step into your Leadership role more. Have you begun a new project or business recently? Have you stepped into a new Leadership role? I am also getting the sense for you of a new role again - in a sense of a stronger or higher leadership role. Have you been getting insight and messages into what you WANT to be doing? What comes naturally to you? What brings you alive and is just so…. Who you are you don’t even need to think about it when you do it - it just happens? That… is being asked of you to take it to the next level. With this, the message coming through is what aligned action do you need to take to support this next level shift? Is there some outer action you need to take? Is there a phone call you need to make, or booking that supportive course or mentor that is going to help you get there. What inner work needs to be done - what old paradigms of thinking/feeling and being need to be upgraded to match this new frequency of who you really are? If you were living in complete alignment with that next level, with you being in your full creative flow - what would that look like to you on a day to day basis? What would you be thinking? What clothes would you be wearing? What actions would you be taking on a day to day level? What feelings would you be feeling most of the time? I feel that Deer is coming to you, to take you to the next level in your Life Purpose, in being who you are - in what you do naturally - to bring that to life and LIVE in that flow - ALL THE TIME. You may not think it it is possible - but your Life Purpose calls it to fruition and that….would explain the whirlwind of change you’ve experienced this last 2 or so months. The Goddess is speaking to you through your intuition, I know you are trusting it - because that is who you are. However, this message is to take your Life Purpose to the next level. How do you support your tribe, your life and the world, with your next level, birthing of your Life Purpose? What is the next steps to take? How do you expand into that next level on a day to day basis, with how you are living, breathing, talking and moving into that - to be your normal expanded self? Is there a healing package or client package that you create? What is your next level? Deer is encouraging you, is here… to tell you it is time. You are already qualified. Because you do this normally and naturally. Action time beautiful one. You’re ready. Love xxx These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society. Investment is increasing AND doors are closing. This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings. This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩 Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #5: The Earth Faery. Physical Health. Grounding. Foundations.
Argh, have you moved house? Country? Travelled somewhere new? Have been doing a lot of driving recently? I feel that you have shifted something on a very physical level and one strong message is be gentle on yourself! I think people forget very easily that driving long distances, or driving a lot - changes you. You cross ley lines of the Earth, you shifted energetics on a very grounded base chakra way, you are moving in and out of energy dynamics with family, friends, people, acquaintances, people you don’t know and it is so important to remember the energetic when you are doing a lot of traveling or moving around. Sometimes we are so busy to even process the energetics of it - we are just in it and then when we stop wonder why all this stuff comes up to process emotionally - you just made so many physical changes and even though traveling can be fun - there are a lot of energetics that go alongside that. Especially if you are leaving a loved one or someone you care deeply about or don’t want to travel or are travelling to get away from something - or upgrading your life in some way shape or form. Side note here - if you have’t been moving a lot - this card is a sign to move your body, drive somewhere out of your normal vicinity - shift and travel somewhere. Movement creates movement and when we drive or exercise especially out of our normal routines - it changes the energy and allows fresh energy to come in - it allows your life to manifest the way you want, because you are moving out side the normal energetic lines/containers hence creating new paradigms of life and living yes? The other piece here is that I feel you are releasing old paradigms of your life right now, but it is allowing more light in. If you have been feeling physical aches and pains that you don’t normally get, I am sensing these are the big shifts moving through your body. Have you been knocking yourself more than usual? Grounding.. slow down. Let yourself feel. Trust that you are shifting a lot, but also to take extra care through this time as you shift a lot. Crystals - the Faery is holding a crystal wand here - have you been drawn to use more crystals lately? Have The Liquid Crystals come into your awareness lately? Crystals hold particular healing properties obviously, but there is also the piece around deeply honouring your own Crystalline Structure of your energy field, how that is connected to the ley lines of the life you are living, how that changes and phew! It can feel like a lot at times. When you connect in with your energy, connect in with your crystalline structure and allow your crystalline energy to support you, hold you and upgrade with you/upgrade you. You are holding the capacity of more Light right now… allow this expansion as you shift out your old life, into your new. Love xxx These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society. Investment is increasing AND doors are closing. This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings. This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩 Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #6: Protection.
You are protected honey. Everything that you want, desire and know in your heart to be true. Is true, is who you are, is coming to you, is being you… is… it is already done. If you can dream it, you can achieve it they say. If you can imagine it - it is already there. If you are desiring it - your Soul and Life Purpose know this to be already true, it is part of your Life Purpose - or you wouldn’t be even thinking about it at all. I am wondering if you have been wondering if or HOW it is all going to work out? Does this stress you out? Or make you feel anxious or depressed or tired?! I am sensing that the fastest way back to your highest vibration is to #1 - remember that everything has always worked out in the past. You have always been supported and protected - even at times when you didn’t think you would make it or put food on the table… the abundance has been there and it has always come in. #2 - remember what you LOVE and do more of that. Even when you don’t think you have the time - make the time and make it happen. You can literally make anything happen if you want it to - it just depends if you are going to get up out of bed that hour earlier for example - because there is ALWAYS a way and there is always time… but I feel you do this. Reconnect back to what brings you alive, what makes you happy - what your Soul calls you to do. I am also getting the message about ‘space’ - are you needing to slow down and take some space for yourself? Have you been go go go and not able to stop recently? I am sensing that you need to take some time out to process what has been going on, catch up, recalibrate, recenter for a bit. Have you plans for this catch up/down time? I am also getting the message of water, ocean, rivers, lakes - are super supportive for you right now in enabling you to recalibrate after… it has been a huge 12-18mths of change for you right? Of course change is always going on, but some huge things have rocked your world in this last 12-18 months right? Yes of course covid, but even without that… it has been big right? Make time to slow down, to recalibrate without moving for a moment (in a way)… you are protected, you are safe and it is okay to take time for yourself to process this huge change and take time to listen to your Soul - for the next steps. The inhale.. and the exhale. Both are important. Everything is going to work out better than you expect. Remember this. Remember it always has. Life only gets better from here on out. Love xxx These are the final hours for Transcendence Reality Society. Investment is increasing AND doors are closing. This is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness where you get access to all the content that takes you deep into Advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings. This is where you receive the personal intuitive mentoring from myself plus get access to ALL the courses and meditations and so much more that I release, before any one else - for free! That, is Inner Circle for you aka VIP 🤩 Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society