🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 12th March 2019🔮
Mar 12, 2019🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 12th March 2019🔮
Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier today to see what the Mermaids and Dolphins have for you today with all this Lumerian energy around 🐬🔱🧜🏻♀️💎🧜🏻♂️🔱🐬
GOAL REACHER PROGRAM IS OPEN NOW! I am excited to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program with deep support, 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings and Unlimited in between support - 3 Months you and me beautiful one! Click here for all the information ❤️
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Protection. “You, your loved ones and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!”
If the world feels like it is falling down around you and you have no control over what is going on, what is coming up, what is happening and more, then know you are in the right place. I bet that is NOT what you want to hear from me right now with this card! Yet, this is the Protection card and this feels like everything is dismantling itself around you right now, old structures, old paradigms and old ways of living - GONE. They have moved out of your life and if you’re feeling wtf, worried, anxious, scared and more - the rubber band is about to flick back in and you will be able to breathe again. For now, drop into the deep knowingness that what is happening right now is the final clear out of all that has been blocking you and stopping you like never before. This is a huge time of shifting, changing and moving from your old life to the next. Remember back in April last year? It was a significant time of change and again, very similar - or HUGE shifts were going on, were they not? It feels like that this is the tail end, the final clear out, the shift - the Earthing before the Birthing. A huge rearrange is going on right now, wake up calls left, right and centre and deep realisations like never before. It feels like you are in a deep space and flicking between panic and anxiety to deep grief and then under it all - is a sense of peace and deep, deep knowingness, because you know that it is your old life, completely falling away. It is like you are standing there and everything you’ve ever known is completely crumbling away and you are just standing there, trying to grasp on but know there is no point as well as everything just disintegrates in your hands and blows away like dust on the wind. Welcome to shifting reality dear Soul. It’s intense huh? #gotyou. I am getting the message to ask you - where along the lines did you ask for this? Where did you ask for change? Where did you ask for guidance on the path of your Life Purpose? Where did you ask for clarity? Where did you ask for your next level to be encoded upon your energetic system? Where did you ask for, more? Where did you ask for deeper love, more happiness and more stability? Don’t you remember, that you asked? Where was that? Trace that longing back - where did you begin to ask? Now - remember WHY you asked. WHY did you ask for more of whatever you needed at the time? Remember - your WHY. No, it is not bad! Your WHY is what drives you, gives you motivation, gives you the WILLINGNESS to do whatever it takes to change your life. Babe, there is no life on this planet without death - it IS what Earth Life is all about, Birth, Death, Rebirth - of all things. The seasons do it all the time. There is no night, without day. These are the cycles of life. What was going on for you 6 years ago at this time? I am getting the message that this is/was also a significant driver to your WHY and to your changes that are upon you now and I am sensing this is the tail end of this huge change that is going on. The crumbling is necessary for the birth to occur. Be gentle with yourself, change isn’t easy - here is my Coping With Change livestream on youtube to support you, if you haven’t seen it: https://youtu.be/UmpgJ0W8rLE Breathe. You’ve got this. And so does the Universe, even when it doesn’t seem like it. The support is here, just is the energetic form that is about to birth. It may feel/seem foreign to you, because it is the new support structure coming in, the new, that you have been asking for, calling for and creating. It is here - tune into it, it is right there awaiting you to receive it. Love xxx Goal Reacher is OPEN! I received a lot of guidance on the weekend with that Lumerian wave that took us to new energetic heights and it was so strong to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program! 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers and deep support over 3 powerful life changing months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher is now OPEN.
Card #2: Blessed Change. “A major life change, brings you great blessings.”
Hmmm, the Mermaid on this card is upside down and I am wondering if it feels like things were/are turned upside down for you? I am sensing that you are somewhat quite at peace with it though, and/or something has shifted quite rapidly for you about the situation? You have moved through it rather quickly and have been able to allow yourself the time, support, gentle self care that comes from you choosing to nurture and repair, give yourself time, rather than beat yourself - like you used to? It feels like you have created a lot of change in your life recently and some things have moved faster than you thought they would, yet you are ‘holding on for the ride’ and actually feel good about what has happened, when, why etc, etc. I am wondering too - if there is a part of you that still hasn’t completely grieved? Change, all change, whether positive or negative triggers the grief cycle and I am wondering if you have grieved yet, or for long enough? Sometimes we can ‘kick back into life’ because we think we have to and society doesn’t really accept grief - yet it is such a normal part of life, yet we are denied this and told ‘we have to go to work now.’ And so we bury it and then wonder why we have all these health problems and addictions we can’t seem to eradicate no matter how hard we try. I think we need grief school on this planet! I am getting the message for you to be aware that grief comes in waves, even if that is next month with your menstrual cycle, or men - if you ‘get on with it’ but then something triggers you - be okay to let those emotions out and know that another wave, another layer is releasing. I am also getting the message there is a part of you that is still asking why all that happened, even though you know, there is a part of you that kicks in and asks why on Earth and I am getting the message that these are the releases of let go of little threads that are still hanging that are ready to be released, that is all. So trust when they come. Yet, on the outset, and for the most part, you have greatly shifted in so many areas of your life all at once and are ready to deeply embrace and are already receiving the benefits of completely trusting your intuition, deep diving into deeper trust and following your joy - which is the by-product of trusting your intuition on the deepest level possible. I feel like you feel free, a let go has deeply happened and there has been much grief pain and knowing it wasn’t right for you before this let go even physically happened, so you are already feeling these deep benefits of trusting your intuition and acting on it. I am also sensing that whether or not this thing, person or place (travelling back to/home), comes back into your life - it feels like you would’ve/have shifted so deeply, that it will seem like a whole new reality, something has deeply changed and you feel significantly different about the place, person or thing. It is like, oh, what was that stuff even about before?! ‘A Whole New World’ has begun, and it is because you have trusted your intuition and acted on it - even when it was the hardest thing/or you are still going through the hardest thing you’ve ever done. Know that it was the right choice for you and that, in term, benefits everyone. Love xxx Goal Reacher is OPEN! I received a lot of guidance on the weekend with that Lumerian wave that took us to new energetic heights and it was so strong to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program! 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers and deep support over 3 powerful life changing months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher is now OPEN.
Card #3: Synchronicity. “Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchronistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow.”
Hmmm, I am getting the message of ‘what are you forgetting here?’ What has turned up on your doorstep so to speak, or perhaps quite literally, that you have forgotten about? I am getting the message to remember all the seeds you have planted for this past 6-7 months - of what is about to BLOOM and BIRTH. You can feel it in your energetic self, you have changed, deeply changed, physically, emotionally, mentally, there have been huge shifts and I am sensing that you’re about to tip/shift into a whole new reality. Do you remember, all the things you have deeply planted in the soil, that you have been tending to, nurturing and continually focusing on? I am getting the message that this beautiful - is a dedicated gardener, that even - the roses are about to bloom, more than the seeds about to sprout, it feels like that happened sometime ago, but now these beautiful big Roses are about to open to receive all the blessings that ‘awe, that’s beautiful and smells amazing’ that Roses receive. What blessings are on your doorstep that you haven’t acknowledged, noticed and need to pay more attention to? Sometimes it can feel tricky to remember all the work you’ve done, all the connections you’ve made, all the things you’ve put into place, when you can’t see what is right ahead of you - but that is when you need to take the next step - because it is right there waiting for you - the light turns on when you move - you know, like the sensors, if you stay still and stagnant, nothings shifts and changes, but as soon as you move, the light turns on. Have you been noticing the lights turning on with what is turning up on your doorstep? What has been coming in and you’ve not even noticed it? ‘Notice them in order to increase their flow.’ - is a very clear message here. What is coming in, from what you’ve planted, taken action on, last week, last month, last year? It feels like you’re on the verge of a HUGE breakthrough and now is not the time to stand still! Move, so that light continues to keep turning on, stay on and show you the way - the light way. You can ‘notice them to increase their flow’ by writing minimum 10 gratitude points, no matter how tired you are, before bed to allow them to be noticed, deeply received, honoured, acknowledged and, to give thanks for them coming into your life. What happens when we focus on this? We create more of it of course! I am also sensing that these synchronistic events have you, are leading you to, to something quite significant, something, important - it is almost like a chain, an energetic chain, where all the links are connecting, linking up and it is important for you to ‘make the connection’ for them to form the whole web of the new reality you’ve been asking for. So if you think you are too busy to write a gratitude journal or journal full stop, think again. As they say, if you are too busy to meditate for 20 mins, you need to meditate for 1 hour. This? Is no different. Journalling, writing and creating that connection and connecting the dots, joining the links - are what is going to support your crucial tipping point right now, that will shift you into the reality you have been creating/working towards. I am sensing that you’ve almost forgotten all the work you’ve done - as it seems ‘so far away in the past’, yet this has had such a significant impact on your life, on your world, your energetic and physical world, that it is important to ‘see the signs’, as the Sailor sees signs of life by seeing seagulls or birds, that land is getting closer, these ‘turning up on your doorstep’ are the synchronistic events this card is talking about. You are going to piece it all together, noticing more and more signs continually turning up, to strengthen your faith, increase your knowingness and continue to turn up with confidence, knowing that you have definitely made the right choices. The dusk before the dawn is here beautiful one, now… go and write them down, starting right now. Love xxx Goal Reacher is OPEN! I received a lot of guidance on the weekend with that Lumerian wave that took us to new energetic heights and it was so strong to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program! 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers and deep support over 3 powerful life changing months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher is now OPEN.
Card #4: Let Yourself Receive. “Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies.”
When was the last time you said ‘yes’ to someone’s offer for help? When was the last time you stood outside and actually took in your surroundings and how much nature has available to give to you? I am sensing two messages with this card - one is, are you truly receiving what is already in front of you? Or are you focused on the lack of? I am getting the sense that this is a crucial and pivotal time for you to completely shift your vibration, or that you already are and in the process of huge change right now and this is a crucial message to truly let in what is already in front of you, allow yourself to truly receive it. It feels like the Universe is offering all these opportunities to you, all these small little gifts, like being able to walk for example or take your next breath of air and that I am wondering if you are truly breathing deep enough to let in, the gift of life? The deeper you can breathe, the more life you can let in and let the breath fill you will the life force and oxygen that you need. I am also wondering if you have ‘been knocked’ recently and wondering if you have asked for help with that? Or are you trying to get through it all on your own? Who has been on your mind to ask for help, but you haven’t reached out to do so? I am sensing that they are awaiting you to ask, so they too, can support you? Have you asked for help? Then let yourself receive it? Even, let in compliments when someone gives them to you? The other message here is I am sensing that you have been working with some deep internal energetic upgrades, that are having significant effect on your physical body as well. Have you changed something in your diet/physical body recently? It feels like you are on the way if not already, to upgrading your physical body and this, is allowing yourself to receive more as well. This card has come to you as confirmation of what you are doing so continue to trust in what feels right for you at this time. I am also getting the message that by doing this, you are changing at cellular level right now and that is going to change what you attract into your reality. It might be a little bit uncomfortable right now, but you know deep in your heart this is correct for you right? The other message here about this cellular change, is that you have been doing a lot of internal work, deep, deep core work for quite some time now and you have been shifting out so much, so now, it is your physical bodies time to catch up and this space that you are preparing yourself and tending to yourself in a different way to what you have ever done before, is deeply supporting the energetic work to fully integrate, to fully house into your body. It is like the old you is completely shifting out at cellular level and enabling you deeply ground down your next level reality, because you have work to do dear Lightworker, don’t you? And you need all the support and energetic grounding you can behold right now, for you are about to rise and rise FAST dear one. Keep going - you’re letting yourself receive way more than you realise doing this right now, keep expanding into the expansion your Soul is continually guiding you. #youvegotthis Love xxx Goal Reacher is OPEN! I received a lot of guidance on the weekend with that Lumerian wave that took us to new energetic heights and it was so strong to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program! 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers and deep support over 3 powerful life changing months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher is now OPEN.
Card#5: Playtime! “The Dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation.”
Hmmm, have you been feeling pretty chilled out and mellow? Have you just come out of a heavy time? Or perhaps it was ‘fun’ but there was still heavy things going on around you? I am getting the message that you are needing to book in fun time, play time, for longer than you usually take with playtime. If we don’t book it in, it doesn’t happen. What is happening at the end of the month for you? Are you going away? Have you planned something? Perhaps you need to? Booking in funtime, even just a mini road trip, changes your energetic frequency as you move across ley lines and grid lines on the Earth and I am sensing that your Soul is needing this shift right now, almost like an integration time of this past few months of 2019 and the last month of last year - has been an entire upgrade time, huge letting go, huge shifts in energetic alignments, spider webs changes to your energetic field and many physical changes to go with it, it has almost felt non-stop for you with all these changes, and it is time for STOP time babe! Whether that is planning a weekend at home with NO PLANS or to actually go somewhere to get away, even overnight, I am sensing this ‘Playtime’ is going to shift you, integrate and ‘bring together’ all the past few months of huge deep changes. There is also something about a neighbour, or home, or your street - what is going on with your home - are there shifts there? What has ‘left your home’ that used to be ‘fun’ recently? Big changes yes? Perhaps it is time to consider if you are needing another companion or wanting to change your home in some way to accomodate these new changes. A shift in environment, whether home or travelling somewhere - this ‘Playtime’ is about bringing in the joy, bringing in the lightness after all is said and done and integrating a new way of being into your life. It feels like such a ‘free’ time for you right now, you have moved through some heavy things recently and you are more ‘freer’ than you have ever been, anchoring that in with Playtime - make it a regular thing - this is the life you’ve been dreaming of to create after all isn’t it? Playing and planning in fun, lifts your energy, changes your vibration and gives you something to look forward to. As soon as it is planned/booked, your whole energy changes and gives you the strength, energy and aliveness to keep going through what you are currently going through, because you have that time and space to coming up, to relax, chill and just have some fun for a change. Let alone the fact it shifts your vibration so you can actually manifest what you are already waiting for 😍 Ready to book that Playtime - as a regular event now? Love xxx Goal Reacher is OPEN! I received a lot of guidance on the weekend with that Lumerian wave that took us to new energetic heights and it was so strong to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program! 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers and deep support over 3 powerful life changing months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher is now OPEN.
Card #6: Dream Big. “Let go of small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding.”
Ooooh, have you been limiting yourself recently babe?! I am sensing there is a part of you that has given up, lost hope or are starting to worry about… well what now? Yet, you are VERY clear on your Dreams - remember them? Have you stopped journalling? Time to get that out to start with and your music anchor! Perhaps going back over the work you’ve done, reading what you have written in the past, randomly opening to pages that you have dedicated your heart and soul into journalling them into your reality? Now isn’t the time to stop doing that! I am sensing you have ‘dropped’, yet, this is just ‘it coming into reality’ - your entire paradigm is shifting right now, now is definitely not the time to lose hope, faith or that deep internal knowing that this is where you’ve always meant to go and be yes? That deep knowing, it actually hasn’t gone away right? That deep internal solid knowing is still there - tap into that now. Tune into that now. Now, expand that outwards, make it bigger, so it fills your entire body - because it is - in your body, isn’t it? It isn’t just in your mind anymore - it has moved into your body, because you have become that person a zillion times over in your head, but now it is in your body, in your cells. Your entire reality is probably right now shifting all around you, like you are standing in the middle of a hurricane and everything is changing, but everything is deeply staying the same right? Yet, your cells, are upgrading, absorbing and you ARE that person now, that person you used to journal about. So….. what does that person do now? This is where you journal now - what does this person do now? What is your next drawing into reality? And then, after that? The deeper into the future person you go, the more the reality can catch up to that… that is your key, what is beyond what you are already wanting now? If you have felt blocked, been dropping hope or wondering, well… what now? And starting to freak out a little - journal well beyond now, journal at Christmas time, journal what you will be doing at the start of next year - and what about 2021, where will you be then? I guarantee you it will start shifting for you as soon as you sit down to start bringing your attention here, into the now, with 2021 and beyond. Have you even thought that far ahead? What are all the little details of Christmas 2019, New Years 2020 and into 2021? Are you ready to remove your blocks? GO babe! Move forward now and fast as you shift out the focus from now, because your future self already knows, this has already worked itself out, just, as it always does, always has and always will. Love xxx Goal Reacher is OPEN! I received a lot of guidance on the weekend with that Lumerian wave that took us to new energetic heights and it was so strong to open the doors to the Goal Reacher Program! 6 x Intuitive Coaching Calls, 3 x Distance Healings, 1 x Cracking The Code Session, Unlimited Psychic Readings, Unlimited questions and answers and deep support over 3 powerful life changing months, click here for all the details as Goal Reacher is now OPEN.