🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 14th January 2020 🔮
Jan 14, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 14th January 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Angels today 🕊
Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN, click here for all the details for this high level of support and life changing acceleration of your Life Purpose: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Archangel Mary
Ah, has this Archangel been present with you recently? Have you noticed baby blue and baby pink colours around you or in your reality? That has stood out to you more than before - you actually noticed these colours? Have you been feeling the sense to take it slow, be gentle with yourself, go easy on yourself or these messages have been in your awareness recently? To love yourself more? To walk away from events and situations that are treating you less than lovingly and kindly? These messages, this presence, this awareness - this is Archangel Mary and this card has come to give you the confirmation of the messages you have already been receiving. Working with Archangel Mary is deep heart centred self love activation and can open even the strictest and most locked away hearts - She can crack open the hardest of shells. I am getting the message that if Archangel Mary has come to you today that you have or are in the process of deeply stepping in your Feminine. You are deeply shifting vibrations right now - the internal vibrations of moving in your Heart Chakra are opening you, from the inside out. No need to be hard ass anymore, no need to have the hard shell protecting your heart, no more needing to hide your vulnerability and the depth of your powerful…. heart. No more needing to defend yourself. The presence of Archangel Mary helps to crack open your heart and shift out the old, old pains from the main relationship that has been ‘affecting’ you this entire time. All threads start to unravel when Archangel Mary shows up - but a deep, deep, unending flow of love, to the devotion and connection to your own heart. You may have started to feel more centred, grounded and deeply connected to yourself recently and are coming more and more into this place. I feel like Archangel Mary’s main message to you today is to continue - that you are on the right path and although you may be breaking down in ‘uncontrollable’ cries right now - this is the cracking open and breaking open of your dear heart. Allow it. Soften. Allow yourself to be nurtured by this power Archangel, whom you’ve already been feeling and noticing her around you recently. I am also getting the message that She is deeply helping you with your receptivity and you may be undergoing what seems like a huge decluttering right now - not just your home - but your entire life. Complete life reviews that something was a deep catalyst around June-Aug last year and you’ve been in this deep unfolding of your heart - decluttering your heart if you may, since this time. Know, that she has been by your side the entire time - gently peeling back the layers, so you can love again, be loved and feel love again.. that you are so desiring and craving, even if you haven;’t really admitted that to even yourself yet - as you have just been thinking ‘well this is just the way it is’ - but your ultimate desire - is to feel that deep, deep soul loving connection with someone… your heart… has been opening to the vulnerability of even admitting this to yourself… or others.. and in this process… lets in all the abundance of the universe in the process. Open. Feel safe in vulnerability and forgiveness. Extremely soft and powerful, in this deep, deep feeling of Love. Stay here, with this. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful one and I have barely even advertised it for our January intake and already there are only 2 places left. This is 12 months 1:1, this powerful space for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones who are here to change the world from the inside out, the ones who are here to change the world from the underground, from those, that are in the darkest depths of despair - because it is these, that are so far down, are so ready to rise and it is here that the calling for the Souls from the greatest expansion points in either direction from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light to bring together the space - that words cannot describe - but you feel what I am speaking.. it is you - that is Soul called to this space, dear Rising Lightworker, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - this is a Soul calling and only those heeding that Soul call are invited, click here for all the details as there are only 2 places left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: You Are Special.
AH - have you been feeling like… you don’t belong? That you… don’t deserve to have it all? That feelings of worthlessness have been rising for you? That… ‘What is the point when they actually hate me and how much that breaks my damn heart and what is the point of life if… that is what they actually think about me? how… can they even?!’ Can be full on when these feelings rise right?! Argh and gah and rah and bawling eyes out… all at the same time! HUGS!!!!! This card has come to you today that you are worthy to have every damn thing you ever could want! This card has come to tell you - that you haven’t done ANYTHING wrong - ever! This card has come to you to tell you that honey - you ARE good enough and you don’t need to do more to be enough! HUGS!!!! Just because people say shit things about and to you - doesn’t mean it is true! NOPE! What it does mean is that you are getting ready to leave them behind and start living your life for YOU - because… you are special! 😉 You are worthy as you are and anyone that tells you otherwise, honey it is time to leave! Is there something you have been putting up with for way too long? Is there something or somewhere you need to implement stronger boundaries and put YOU first? Is there people in your life that have triggered you deeply, yet, they are not conscious of what they do - yet this is your golden ticket to diving into what it is that you are needing to step up to the plate with? Stronger boundaries around self care and not letting anything come between you and anyone for this? Stronger mental self talk around being able to catch when you begin putting yourself down because of what they have said and can shift that mental self talk into loving, supporting, encouraging self talk that takes you higher and makes you stronger? I am also getting something about your home - or workplace - what is it that is needing a make over? Or energy reset - have you done this recently? It feels like you are needing to ‘ground’ there or something - have you connected with the land you are on and the house you are in and ‘made it yours’? Or are you still in ‘ready to go mode’ because that is what you have been for quite some time? Your environment is a strong message here for you with this card - who are you hanging around most of the time - are they supportive and uplifting or do they put you down, most of the time? I am hearing the message, ‘This is a time to choose, time to make a decision,’ and no matter which way you choose - the main message here is your take back your power and choose to watch what you voice to others - are you complaining about life and your situation most of the time or are you responding in a positive manner to life? Notice and start catching yourself with how you tell others you are feeling about life to start with then train yourself to be even more mindful of your words to yourself and about your life, because the Universe is listening to every single one. I am sensing that mostly you HAVE made a decision and you ARE moving forward and away with stronger boundaries, it is also just a process of disentangling yourself right now. Keep untangling, no matter how hard and tricky it may be. You’re on the right path - but I know you know this. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful one and I have barely even advertised it for our January intake and already there are only 2 places left. This is 12 months 1:1, this powerful space for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones who are here to change the world from the inside out, the ones who are here to change the world from the underground, from those, that are in the darkest depths of despair - because it is these, that are so far down, are so ready to rise and it is here that the calling for the Souls from the greatest expansion points in either direction from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light to bring together the space - that words cannot describe - but you feel what I am speaking.. it is you - that is Soul called to this space, dear Rising Lightworker, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - this is a Soul calling and only those heeding that Soul call are invited, click here for all the details as there are only 2 places left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Time to Create.
Ah, what are you being called to do beautiful one? Do you feel like you keep getting interrupted, like every time you sit down, there is someone or something else who wants something or pulls at you to do something else? Or all of a sudden you need to go to the toilet or SOMETHING right? When we start doing our Purpose work - it can feel like this!! And…. Over time - we get REALLY good at saying NO! Even if that means locking yourself in a room for a time whilst you just focus on the thing. Setting a timer for 25 min intervals is an awesome tool too. That way, your psyche self, just knows it is 25mins and the timer will go off soon. At the start of sitting down to do anything, even I at times are more distracted than ever and the first 10 mins can be full of distracting or fidgeting or anything else - the ‘trick’ is to just keep going through all of this and eventually the flow kicks in and you’re ‘on a roll’. The other message coming through here is do you feel like you don’t have the time to do what you need to do? Have you looked at where you actually spend your time? Do you do your purpose work before relaxation activities? It becomes a habit to do what you need to do ‘before you relax’ for the day let alone, before you go to sleep at night. For this card too - I am getting such a strong message of about your Womb too - even if you are a man, you still, have a womb - it is your Sacral Chakra. What relationships are you needing to release attachments to about your past, where do you need to forgive, apologise, release pain and deep cries, cut from your world with love? I feel like this Time To Create is a strong message for you to push everything aside and leave everything until last. The house work can wait, meeting people for coffee and dinners can wait. If you are in contact with them everyday, leave it until a week. If you see them every week, cut it back to every month or two months. This is time for you. Most people don’t ‘make it’ because they still put everyone else first, when purpose work, for a time, needs to come first. Some people don’t agree, but ask any successful entrepreneur or entertainer in the world what it took to get where they are and I bet they share how much they sacrificed in the early days to get where they are today. Maybe you don’t want to be that - that is fine, I am not saying you have to - but if you’re complaining about the lack of time you have to get what you need to get done - look at what you are prioritising in your life and then you will start to realise just where you spend your time and energy the most. Write down on paper, what you do everyday, where you spend your time and energy over a week and then decide what can go and what can stay and where you can replace things with your purpose work. It gets to a point that we feel resentful and uneasy about hanging out with people who ‘take up our time’ because we have this urgency to be doing our purpose work - that is a clear sign to listen and take action. Look deep inside of you, of the people pleaser role that puts everything else before your purpose work keeping you stuck and where you are, which gives you ‘reason to complain’ (in a way!). And even becoming aware of it and the first several times we will feel guilt for saying no to others and changing the dynamics of our lives - but once you start doing this, pushing past the initial distractions and actually spending time on your purpose work FIRST before anything else? Oh honey, the sense of freedom, let alone momentum you create and will feel from this - is a feeling that once you have experienced and commit to this is the way your life is now - you will never look back! So, how do you need to rearrange your schedule, to do you first today and all your days from now on in? Even if you don’t know your purpose work ‘yet’ - do you, do self care… and you will start to know the answer to that question. Prioritise you. It all starts with you. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful one and I have barely even advertised it for our January intake and already there are only 2 places left. This is 12 months 1:1, this powerful space for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones who are here to change the world from the inside out, the ones who are here to change the world from the underground, from those, that are in the darkest depths of despair - because it is these, that are so far down, are so ready to rise and it is here that the calling for the Souls from the greatest expansion points in either direction from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light to bring together the space - that words cannot describe - but you feel what I am speaking.. it is you - that is Soul called to this space, dear Rising Lightworker, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - this is a Soul calling and only those heeding that Soul call are invited, click here for all the details as there are only 2 places left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Health.
Ah, this is an obvious one right? Health! Health in all areas too. Are you feeling overwhelmed or wondering how you are getting it all done? Or supposed to get it all done? Do you get to the end of your day and think argh I haven’t done this thing?! Whether that be exercise, or your purpose work or… something else? I am getting the message that this is health in all areas. If you giving your full attention to one thing all day and not allowing yourself time for other things, it can throw you ‘off balance’. Now, on the contrary, it is trick and sometimes not possible to do every little thing everyday! That would be like school! 😣🙄 However, I feel like the ‘balance of health’ message here - is look at how much you spend time on certain activities and what you ‘get to bed thinking gah I didn’t do that thing again’ or you wake up thinking you should do this particular thing, whether it be exercise or something else and you end up doing something else when you know you ‘should’ do that thing. I know I say this all the time, but can you commit to one day a week for the particular exercise for example and then build up from there? When you are starting something new - gradually introduce and increase it otherwise going gung ho for a week or two then totally stopping is like setting a new years resolution and not sticking to it and then feeling worse all year for it and it cycles around next new years! Imagine if you stuck to every Wednesday for the 1 thing every day this year or for 2-3 months how different you would feel than not doing anything of it? I am also getting something with food here too - are you thinking about a diet change? Has there been something on your mind that you’ve been needing to ask someone more information about? Are you struggling with that? Is the - thing you wake up thinking about in the morning and don’t do - how would that support the diet change? And how much - that would change your entire lifestyle…. To the one you’ve been thinking and ‘dreaming’ about anyway? And, what is it that holds you back about this? Habit? Routine? What are you scared of? Having the thing you really want? The life you really want? What is sitting under the surface of that? Are you scared about doing the thing you really want the most? Why is that? Because then everything else comes into that too right? Argh - you mean you actually get to have what you want? Do you feel you DESERVE that beautiful one? ‘Well of course I do Hannah!’ Says your conscious mind… but then your subconscious kicks in and what is the FEELING that comes with having everything you want and desire?? What is that? Sit with that feeling for a minute.. what REALLY comes up when you FEEL into having EVERYTHING you really want… is it disbelief? Do you brush it off and think, ‘Oh, yeah, that’s just a dream, as if that could REALLY happen!’ - and you have your block to why things aren’t happening the way you want them to right now. Drain this, purge this out and every other disbelieving FEELING that comes from REALLY asking yourself this question, then re-write out the good stuff, over and over and start shifting your subconscious self into what it FEELS like to actually have the life you want. This isn’t something that is done once and it is done for life, but this is done over and over - every day - this becomes your normal practise - to catch the feelings that follow what your positive conscious mind is saying. Train yourself in this and you will become a master in manifesting your reality with ease, grace and flow… like it CAN be. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful one and I have barely even advertised it for our January intake and already there are only 2 places left. This is 12 months 1:1, this powerful space for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones who are here to change the world from the inside out, the ones who are here to change the world from the underground, from those, that are in the darkest depths of despair - because it is these, that are so far down, are so ready to rise and it is here that the calling for the Souls from the greatest expansion points in either direction from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light to bring together the space - that words cannot describe - but you feel what I am speaking.. it is you - that is Soul called to this space, dear Rising Lightworker, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - this is a Soul calling and only those heeding that Soul call are invited, click here for all the details as there are only 2 places left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5 Divine Timing.
Ah, I feel with this card… you are in quite a good place! I feel like, even though you see others going through a hard time, right now and for… quite a little bit of time now - you have been feeling in a good place. It is like you have shifted into something better, more… stable, more grounded, just different to how you have ever felt and of course - that has come to you now - because you’ve done a pile of work to get here! I am wondering if there is a part of you that almost feels guilty at times when you are like, what? What is going on in the world that everyone is harping on about?! As you are so focused on the dedicated you and your life that you are, that… you forget about the world almost? Almost, right? I am getting the sense for you to truly be okay that this is where you are at! You have done a lot of work to get here to this space of internal peace and dedicated focus to self and in this space, is a deep power of peace that… IS the vibration the world is so desperately needing you to hold - for you and I both know, that whatever we are internally vibrating at - IS our contribution to the world and ‘how’ we help change the world. I am also getting the sense that you are coming into a space where you respond differently than you ever have before, that you have shifted into a space of divine responsibility and even though you still get triggered with things, you’re definitely not the old you who used to handle things in an ‘out of control/proportion’ manner - yet, you deeply look within and are able to drop to the core of what is going on, quicker than ever. I feel that too, this card has come to you with a message of deep solid grounded energy, that you are in this deep sense of trust with everything that is going on in your world and the world ‘out there’, that your deep sense of trust is what is overlying everything rather than internalised fear filtering into everything. And with this? Hello Divine Timing and Synchronistic flowing life! Welcome to your Life Purpose flow precious Soul! When you listen to your intuition, when you leave and walk away from situations that are no longer Soul aligned - everything feels better. You don’t hold resentment or irritation for ‘what they did you to’ - you are ‘at peace’ with everything and everyone, even though some situations may be more challenging than others, you feel in a grounded sense of safety and unfolding of divine timing and synchronistic flow that you know the only thing you need to do is stay connected to THIS flow! You become less and less affected by everyones actions, choices, words and behaviours when you are in this seamless connection to flow and you’ve made this, your only priority as you know, this is the golden key to the continuation of your Life Purpose. I am also getting the message that something you have been wanting clarity on recently is about to come to light, so stay connected to your peaceful flow, even though the ‘sticky/challenging’ situations - because it is this vibration of peace, that is changing every situation before it even reaches you, beautiful one. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful one and I have barely even advertised it for our January intake and already there are only 2 places left. This is 12 months 1:1, this powerful space for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones who are here to change the world from the inside out, the ones who are here to change the world from the underground, from those, that are in the darkest depths of despair - because it is these, that are so far down, are so ready to rise and it is here that the calling for the Souls from the greatest expansion points in either direction from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light to bring together the space - that words cannot describe - but you feel what I am speaking.. it is you - that is Soul called to this space, dear Rising Lightworker, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - this is a Soul calling and only those heeding that Soul call are invited, click here for all the details as there are only 2 places left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Nature.
This card - direct to Nature right? It has an obvious meaning of spending more time in nature, of deeply being connected to your true nature to who you really are, but are you really? I am getting the message of a few things here with this card for you today and one is - are you connected to your true nature? Maybe you are in private - but, this card, almost wants to show me the image of (well I am seeing another card from another deck) - ‘Come out of the closet’ - are you truly showing the world who you REALLY are? What is the one thing you hold back about yourself that you kinda know you don’t show the world who you really are? If people came to your house, what would be the thing you would hide away in the cupboard, or not want them to find out about you? I am getting the message that this part of you wants to come out - and maybe even not necessarily ‘shouting to the world who you are’ - but…. What are you not even embodying about this aspect of yourself? If you are wanting to hide it away and ‘not tell people the truth about it/you/the situation’ - how does that hiding it away stop you from even living it, completely truly embodying it? If you have been wondering what the block to your Life Purpose is and are trying to figure it out or what your next step is - it is this. So, what are you wanting to hide from others, what don’t you tell them and how does that, stop you from even completely living your life in true alignment with who you really are? I am also getting the message - stop waiting for that date! Have you set a date or you are like, okay, well when I find out if that is happening or not, then I will start doing it Hannah. And I am getting the strong message for you with this card - um NO! Start now, start today and if you can’t start today because your schedule is super full today - what days do you have that start to free up for you? Make THIS thing a priority for yourself because until you stop hiding this thing from YOURSELF - your reality is going to stay the same and the same reality - is not what you’re trying to manifest right?? I am getting the message that the sooner you start doing this, the sooner and faster your manifestations and what you are ‘waiting’ for - will zoom into your reality now - not the date you have set for yourself. I am sensing this so strongly for you - now is the time. The lightning bolt on this card - is purple and purple relates to your Crown Chakra - where your claircognisense knowing - your intuitive knowing - your intuition is. What thoughts have you been repetitively thinking about? Not obsessing about - but it keeps coming back to you that you ‘should’ do this thing right? That it isn’t even a should… it is more a thing that deep down, you know, brings your heart alive when you think about doing it, its s a deep knowing that… you KNOW you have to do this thing. Archangel Uriel - is the Archangel of Divine thoughts, he gives you those ‘out of the blue ideas’ those ‘lightning’ bolt ideas - your intuition is speaking to you - are you listening? Are you paying attention to those things that come to you like a lightning bolt and ignite your whole Soul with…. You KNOW this thing will bring you even more alive right? Well, what are you waiting for! Manifest reality now by heeding the message of this card - ‘Nature’ - your true Nature is instant manifestation, our True Nature - is complete health, alignment to your Soul’s Purpose and ignition of the divine spark within you that is ‘catching’ for others to see you shine, that gives them permission to do the same. Be the leader you are. Act now, not tomorrow beautiful one. The messages in this card, you already know - they have already been coming to your divine claircognisence - as your intuition is always and has always been on point beautiful one. Trust. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful one and I have barely even advertised it for our January intake and already there are only 2 places left. This is 12 months 1:1, this powerful space for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones who are here to change the world from the inside out, the ones who are here to change the world from the underground, from those, that are in the darkest depths of despair - because it is these, that are so far down, are so ready to rise and it is here that the calling for the Souls from the greatest expansion points in either direction from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light to bring together the space - that words cannot describe - but you feel what I am speaking.. it is you - that is Soul called to this space, dear Rising Lightworker, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - this is a Soul calling and only those heeding that Soul call are invited, click here for all the details as there are only 2 places left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator