🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th March 2021
Mar 16, 2021🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th March 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Archangels today.
This is the Final Week for Trust Your Intuition until the doors close!
To amplify, hone and fine tune your intuition, to decipher what your intuition is guiding you to do, rather than what your ego is guiding you to do - wait, how do you tell the difference? All of that, is not only covered, but LIVED through Trust Your Intuition.
You are an Empath, You are super sensitive, You feel everything, you’re very in tune and change the energy of a room when you walk in it, you’ve been through a lot and you are still here PLUS you know you are here for something big, for something that has to help the world and humanity in some way shape or form, but you haven’t quite figured out how or why just yet…
Trust Your Intuition allows you to navigate all of this, through Trusting Your Intuition and returning Home. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Archangel Azrael. Comfort. ‘I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.’
HUGS beautiful one! Have you been grieving? Have you lost a loved one? Is it the anniversary of someone you know who has passed? Archangel Azrael is by your side, helping you with this strong transition that you are going through, helping your heart to feel and heal when you just.. don’t want to do anything right now. Grief is one of the hardest things in the world to face, but once faced and through this powerful portal, gives you such a depth of understanding into something that you never knew before. Archangel Azrael specifically helps with grief, with healing your heart with tears through this sorrowful time and helps the Souls transition to the Other Side. I am getting the message that this period for you is not only helping you to grieve the loss of someone you love, but also to recalibrate and reschedule, what seems like your entire life. Understanding the stages of grief and deeply allowing yourself to trust the time with this space - it can take up to 18months to grieve deeply the loss of a loved one. That is many, many days/nights of laying on the kitchen floor in the foetus position feeling like you can never move or get up again and it is so important to allow yourself - ESPECIALLY at the start of losing someone you love, to allow the time to grieve, that deep, howling belly grief that you feel you can’t take another breath - the grief that I call ‘piercing the veils grief’ is one that not many travel to the depths with, but is so important if our World is going to return to Peace. If you need support, please reach out. I hold Mediumship sessions for many clients. I am also getting the message that you have been talking to them through the ethers already? And feeling like you get no response? Sometimes a Soul is ‘busy’ on the other side, sometimes they are disorientated and need just as much healing and grieving as the people who are still alive, especially if it was a death they didn’t see coming or suicide - sometimes they think they will be better on the other side, but they realise they had more here than what they do over there and that is where the depths of Mediumship skills come in, to support the Soul who left as well. I am getting the message for you that Archangel Azrael is by your side, letting you know that your words to them, do not go unheard. I wonder if you have been receiving signs they are near, but brushing them off? Please don’t doubt any intuitive messages you receive as you are 100% correct. Trust yourself right now… and be okay with starting to feel good after you have cried and then huge surges that could see you crying for another 3 days solid - is VERY normal - for an 18month period right now. Be gentle. You’re safe as you navigate this super hard passage. Love xxx Final week for Trust Your Intuition! To navigate to deeply trusting your intuition - yes! We work through Grief in there, because if you can’t navigate your own emotional world with conscious understanding of what is going on in the first place, or where you are at, or how to travel it, then how are you supposed to be there for others in the world, let alone… yourself? If you don’t have a deep understanding of what this even means then how on Earth are you supposed to know your own intuition over something that is coming from an internal reaction from grief for example? Trust Your Intuition is the place where we deeply navigate these paths, let alone the tools to amplify your psychic and intuitive abilities, honing your natural skills that you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t have them. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #2: You Are Safe. Archangel Michael. ‘I am protecting you against lower energies and guarding you, your loved ones and home.’
Have you stepped into fear and anxiety? Or even just meh? Are you going through a major transition right now that is requiring a HUGE amount of faith and trust that is stretching you to no end? I am hearing ‘stretching’ but also - this is the expansion. Right now you may feel mighty uncomfortable - but you are EXPANDING beyond anything you’ve ever done before. This may feel uncomfortable or that you are doubting everything you are doing or that you are just not sure what you are meant to be doing anymore and why is it even something that you are meant to do anymore. I feel you are questioning everything right now and the distractions are at an all time high at what you are supposed to be doing too. And you know this and this is somewhat frustrating you? However, right now, the strong message I am getting from Archangel Michael for you right now, is that You Are Safe as you walk this passage. It feels like your life is going through a COMPLETE transformation and that - is scary for you? I am getting the strong message for you - don’t change anything. Just… do what you do - but with this upgraded version of you. You already know what to do, don’t change the system, you are just upgrading and unleveling your life. Don’t lose sight of your home, your plans, your dreams, your visions - you don’t need to change what you already do - who are you are is being upgraded and that, is somewhat scary, like you are grasping on in a way that you are not sure what to even do anymore, and yet, this loop back around - it is okay. You are okay, you are safe and protected and everything you are doing is right on track - just… take the next most aligned step - what is that? What is the next most important thing you need to do right now? Do that. And keep asking and following that next thing. That is all you need to do right now and is so important to just stick to when you have a lot to do and it almost stops you in your tracks because you don’t know where to start. Start there. And then the next thing will be shown to you. You are safe as you move into this next phase of your life. Honour the changes you are going through with gentle self talk, lots of exercise and movement to counter the shifting energies as you embed and download a whole new experience for yourself, for this is what you’ve been asking for after all this time. Allow the crumbling of the old, as you step into the new ways of doing things. It is bringing you your wishes and your Heart’s desires after all. I am also getting the message, that I just mentioned too, about the self talk. That I feel is super important right now. As you’re shifting from your old life to your new - the mindset and self talk is more important than ever to anchor in your new reality. Do you have a journalling practise that can support your transition to your new life? Mindset, positive affirmations and getting support through this time, is deeply required for you to stabilise this new found doorway that is allowing you this safe passage to the freedom your Soul has been demanding, requiring and deeply desiring for all this time. Trust this change. Trust this transition. You Are Safe. Love xxx This is the Final Week for Trust Your Intuition until the doors close! To amplify, hone and fine tune your intuition, to decipher what your intuition is guiding you to do, rather than what your ego is guiding you to do - wait, how do you tell the difference? All of that, is not only covered, but LIVED through Trust Your Intuition. You are an Empath, You are super sensitive, You feel everything, you’re very in tune and change the energy of a room when you walk in it, you’ve been through a lot and you are still here PLUS you know you are here for something big, for something that has to help the world and humanity in some way shape or form, but you haven’t quite figured out how or why just yet… Trust Your Intuition allows you to navigate all of this, through Trusting Your Intuition and returning Home. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #3: Claircognisense. Archangel Uriel. ‘Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.’
Ah - what were you just thinking about just now? Or earlier today? When you were driving perhaps? Or, that has just been on your mind? I am sensing that some of the uneasiness is that because you are just not sure ‘how’ right now. And yet, I am getting the message as Archangel Uriel is giving you clear, accurate guidance - it is important to trust these ideas. Your Claircognisense is one of your Spiritual Organs that enables you to receive the wisdom of your intuition. A bit like your lungs enable you to receive air/oxygen that then gets transmuted to your blood and body to function, your Claircognisense is one of your Spiritual Organs, that enables your intuition to function. It is those gentle repetitive thoughts, the out of the blue thoughts, the thing you can’t stop thinking about - not obsessive, but the thing that your mind always wanders back to you doing in your life. I am also wondering if you have just shifted something huge in these last few months and the ‘out of the blue’ thinking is coming from an obsessive place - like you HAVE to do it? There is a slight difference here in doing something that is intuition and doing something that is coming from a place of fear and anxiety because you are unsure how things are going to work out and running at affect of the anxiety - which is a ‘fear of the future’. When you can remember the huge transition that you’ve just gone through and then remember WHY you made that change in the first place and then come back to your original plan - it is sooo important to stick to this right now. The sense here is that the obsessive thoughts and that happen all of a sudden, I don’t feel are missed opportunities in this instance. Sometimes that is the case - that you need to act right away, but what I am sensing for you is that what is coming is way better if you just wait. It feels as though you’ve broken through something and yet the ‘new’ isn’t here yet, but right now it is so important to not go back to the old! Hang in there, hold that faith, ‘hold the line’ as they say as you’re about to break through beautiful one. Don’t drop it now. I am wondering if you are needing to cry about where you’re at too? Or, as part of the process of letting go of your old life AND part into the space of trusting even though you know it is all right, how scary it is right now in the not knowing and deeply surrendering into more and more trust? Are there more tears that need to come out for you there? Change takes time and it is important to honour the process of what you are going through right now. If you’re struggling to focus, perhaps a cry is needing to come out and/or exercise to move the energy in your body, so you can come back into your body. This enables those highly claircognisent ideas to deeply embed into your body, stabilising your life, that you have wanted to do for some time. This change, is part of the process of allowing you to have the freedom that you want - that has come directly from your Soul and intuition - through your Claircognisent thoughts. It is okay to trust these, but know they are subtle, amazing, deeply grounded ideas, that leave you feeling peaceful and stable not fragile and unsure. Trust, hold the line, you’ve got this. Love xxx This is the Final Week for Trust Your Intuition until the doors close! To amplify, hone and fine tune your intuition, to decipher what your intuition is guiding you to do, rather than what your ego is guiding you to do - wait, how do you tell the difference? All of that, is not only covered, but LIVED through Trust Your Intuition. You are an Empath, You are super sensitive, You feel everything, you’re very in tune and change the energy of a room when you walk in it, you’ve been through a lot and you are still here PLUS you know you are here for something big, for something that has to help the world and humanity in some way shape or form, but you haven’t quite figured out how or why just yet… Trust Your Intuition allows you to navigate all of this, through Trusting Your Intuition and returning Home. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #4: Moon Cycles. Archangel Haniel. ‘Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalise on these cycles.’
The Moon Goddess. The Moon. Deeply connected to our emotions - but we don’t have to run with the Moon emotions. This isn’t ‘blaming the moon for your mood’ - however, this is having an acute awareness of what is going on with the Moon and Her cycles and deeply coming into rhythm, flow and alignment with your life, by having this deep connection and awareness to the Moon. If you are female, it is super important to track your moon flow and how that connects to which part of the Moon cycle. Yes there are certain phases of the Moon that are ‘supposed’ to connect to certain times in the Moon cycle, however it is not always by the book and that is why it is important to track your cycle, your rhythms, your flow. Even if you are a man, you have a deep connection to the Moon and Her rhythms - your emotions, your heart - do you allow yourself to feel the depths of your Heart? Not bottle them up? The Moon Cycles… what was coming up for you from April last year? That is when the big Eclipse season was upon us that catapulted us to now, this last 3 months has been the tail end of what begun back then. You may still feel in big transition from then, but I feel that something that begun then, is just starting to filter out, to finish, to complete and begin a whole new cycle from then. I am sensing June/July will be the final of that energy and will commence a whole new life for you, not just a new door way. This feels like such a big space for you right now - you are literally moving from your old life to the new right now. I am also sensing that a big change coming for you next week will bring to light a lot of waiting and wondering how things will turn out - to completion as you start to see the benefits, the fruits of your rewards if you may, start to deeply come into reality as well. I am also getting the message that there is something that wants to come into your everyday reality right now - what is that? Is there something that has been on your mind to do everyday? Or several times a week? Have you started that yet? It feels like that is going to help alter your life? And with that, is there a bigger project that has been on your mind, but you keep putting off for the perfect time to start? You know there is no better time than now right? And yet, what Archangel Haniel has come to you today to remind you of is to work all of these projects/ideas in with the Moon Cycles. Work with the cycles, to amplify how you work with your projects, to enable you the space to actually complete things. If you feel like you have an overwhelming list, begin to make a list and then, make it one project, one task at a time, working in with the Moon Cycles, to accomplish them. It may seem like you don’t have enough time and yet, the reality is that you have all the time in the world. You’re the only one that creates this schedule of your life and you also - have the rest of your life to accomplish these things. You also, only have one life to live and it is meant to be LIVED. Also, have you put stricter boundaries on your time lately? Perhaps that ties into the feeling like these projects - waiting for the perfect time? You create the time precious one and Archangel Haniel has come to you today to give you the solution to work with each Moon Cycle each month and you can LIVE your life, whilst getting all that your Life Purpose calls you to get done, done. Love xxx This is the Final Week for Trust Your Intuition until the doors close! To amplify, hone and fine tune your intuition, to decipher what your intuition is guiding you to do, rather than what your ego is guiding you to do - wait, how do you tell the difference? All of that, is not only covered, but LIVED through Trust Your Intuition. You are an Empath, You are super sensitive, You feel everything, you’re very in tune and change the energy of a room when you walk in it, you’ve been through a lot and you are still here PLUS you know you are here for something big, for something that has to help the world and humanity in some way shape or form, but you haven’t quite figured out how or why just yet… Trust Your Intuition allows you to navigate all of this, through Trusting Your Intuition and returning Home. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #5: Archangel Chamuel. Peace. ‘Peace comes from remembering that only love is real.’
Hmmm, have you been questioning - everything recently? They say that Peace, comes from remembering that only Love is real. They also say that the more Peace you feel, the more on Purpose you are. I am getting the message that you have been living a shadow of yourself, not your true self, but a conjured up version of yourself. Recently this shattered and you’ve undergone almost psychic shock. Have you felt like your intuitive abilities, your intuition, your psychic senses, have been blocked? Even for several months? It is almost like, errr, they are just not there anymore? I am getting the message that you are SUPER intuitive, HIGHLY psychic and usually FULL of creative ideas and just this last few months errrr zilch. WHAT THE?! It is a scary feeling right? Makes you question everything and what you’re even supposed to do anymore, let alone what is wrong with me, what is ACTUALLy going on here?!? And yet - I am sensing that this portal for you right now is you coming into the FULL version of you - not a watered down, shadow version - that FELT like you and it was - but now? What is going on is that who you used to be is being upgraded, you are still that amazing intuitive that you are, it’s just that right now, everything is being restructured and changed into a more solidified version of you, that I feel is going to help expand your life in ways you haven’t even imagined yet. Even amongst all the chaos, even amongst all the change - I am sensing though, that you do feel this underlying Peace, that you know all this is meant to be happening the way it is, even though tricky at times right? That Peace - you’re on the right path. That Peace - even if things are crumbling down around you, you’re on the right path. That Love, is real, is the key that leads you back to you. If you were in complete love and joy in your life - what would you be doing in your everyday life? What would you be doing that made you FEEL that love and joy in your life (outside of a relationship)? That level of Love, that level of Peace - IS what connects you back to you. It is, where you find you back in you and that - ALWAYS makes you come Home, to the Peace, that resides within. The love that you seek is inside of you - through your hobbies, through doing what you love, just, are you? That is the fastest way back to your Peace, back to your Love. Do you, trust the Love that you have for yourself? That your Soul has for you? And are you available to receive that every single day, by, doing what you LOVE? Love xxx This is the Final Week for Trust Your Intuition until the doors close! To amplify, hone and fine tune your intuition, to decipher what your intuition is guiding you to do, rather than what your ego is guiding you to do - wait, how do you tell the difference? All of that, is not only covered, but LIVED through Trust Your Intuition. You are an Empath, You are super sensitive, You feel everything, you’re very in tune and change the energy of a room when you walk in it, you’ve been through a lot and you are still here PLUS you know you are here for something big, for something that has to help the world and humanity in some way shape or form, but you haven’t quite figured out how or why just yet… Trust Your Intuition allows you to navigate all of this, through Trusting Your Intuition and returning Home. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #6: Archangel Ariel. Courage. ‘Be courageous, and stand up for your beliefs.’
What dropped in right away with this card of Archangel Ariel, is ‘What do you need to defend with your life?’ What have you given up on that I feel this card is a strong message to remind you of YOU not giving up on it! NO! Defend it with your life! I feel that you are almost through one of the hardest portals of your life - but now you are faced with another challenge and right now it is NOT the time to doubt yourself or give up. It might feel like you are moving ten huge things at once in your life, however you will get through this. It is also definitely not the time to stop - as I feel you’ve almost ‘given up on it’ or something? Feels like ‘well what is t he point’ in a way - but please don’t! You’re sooo close to getting this happening now is not the time to procrastinate or doubt yourself, please keep going. There is ‘more on the table’ than you realise right now and Archangel Ariel has arrived to give you the strength, the courage and the complete focus to accomplish this. It feels like you’ve shifted from ;look at me. I did it’ to, now coming into a different focus in your life and this is good! And so now you and continue your goals - because they are the ones that carry you forward in the long term yes? Did you just set something new recently? Honey, don’t change it! Such a STRONG message from Archangel Ariel right now for you! I feel that Ariel/April - there are some big things on the horizon for you, whether a huge increase in your income and moving to your next level or a huge Adventure on the horizon that is going to change your life in ways you couldn’t even consider right now (good things!) Or whether a shift in your life as one major piece parts ways that gives you the freedom you’ve been seeking for a long time. Whatever it is - STAY YOUR COURSE right now. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN! You may be doubting what you believe in - no! Now is the time to remember what you believe in and don’t let lack of likes stop you from courageously moving forward with your plans - Archangel Ariel is right by your side, call upon Her for Strength and Courage, simply by. Saying, Archangel Ariel please help me with fill in the blank’ and let in the support, the ideas, the energy, the love, the courage, the strength to stand up for what you believe in and back it the entire way! You haven’t received this card for no reason - what you have in your heart, is needed in this world, let alone, worthy of the world receiving your gifts, desires and hearts calling. It is there for a reason. Time to have the courage to stand up and shout it from the roof tops, sharing it from your Heart, for the world to FEEL. Love xxx This is the Final Week for Trust Your Intuition until the doors close! To amplify, hone and fine tune your intuition, to decipher what your intuition is guiding you to do, rather than what your ego is guiding you to do - wait, how do you tell the difference? All of that, is not only covered, but LIVED through Trust Your Intuition. You are an Empath, You are super sensitive, You feel everything, you’re very in tune and change the energy of a room when you walk in it, you’ve been through a lot and you are still here PLUS you know you are here for something big, for something that has to help the world and humanity in some way shape or form, but you haven’t quite figured out how or why just yet… Trust Your Intuition allows you to navigate all of this, through Trusting Your Intuition and returning Home. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition closes next week: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition