🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th November 2020
Nov 17, 2020
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th November 2020
Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you today, to see what messages the Goddess Guidance Oracle has for you today 🔮
If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side.
Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do?
And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away....
It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more.
Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: White Tara, Sensitivity, “You are becoming increasingly sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations and chemicals.”
Right now, you are extremely sensitive. One little word or sentence from someone can totally rock your world and floor you for an hour.. or days or weeks! You are increasingly sensitive right now and that is not a bad thing. Sensitivity is a Gift. The ‘problem’ is who you are hanging around. I am getting the message that for this card - is there a relationship around you that has reached it’s expiry date? That is past it’s used by date? I know you know exactly who I am talking about when I write this to you. Said with love, but you keep going back don’t you? You keep giving second, third - heck - 50th chance right? Honey, it ain’t going to change, or it would’ve right now. The most important piece here is if you don’t want to leave - well, you may as well become a mute (said with love) and not say a word, completely accept the person in front of you and be happy for the rest of your life. Because if you are not doing that - well it is clear as day, that the relationship you are in - is not supportive of you being in your fullest, most happiest self. Disagreements happen - but if they are the same, continual put downs, emotional turmoil about the same issues that never shift, that make you start to think it is all you and so you do the inner work and then again.. it happens and you question and think it’s all you and so you do the inner work and stay again and then it happens again and I’m not writing it again - because you KNOW this is the cycle… and.. are you happy in that cycle? Is it supportive? What is it costing you? Does it make you, your life and your business flourish? Or does it pull you down and batter your dear Sensitive Heart that is a Gift to the world, and instead ultimately lead you to doubt yourself, think it is all you and so you shrink back, do the work, only for it to happen time and time again? Honey, there comes a time where we wake up and KNOW we have to do the inner work, because we know we are contributing to a relationship - and yet - beautiful one - you HAVE been doing the inner work to clear out the crap of your contribution to the unhealthy relationship. I am getting the message to remind you that it takes TWO to make a relationship work - not just one. It must be reciprocal for it to work work, and grow with love. If you are with someone that is not seeing who you really are, seeing what you have been doing to shift and contribute to the relationship - I feel like you’re at snapping point -meaning - you’re reaching a point where you’re not tolerating this crap anymore. You have given, and given and given and given and nothing is noticed, nor appreciated and you keep getting met with all the things wrong with you when you HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING WRONG BTW! Yes, relationship dynamics change when you do the work. But if you are not supported and loved through your growth and your changes - just like you do for them - then, it is not a supportive relationship and I think that.. when you imagine your dream life.. the one that makes you flutter with excitement and makes you happy that you are creating for yourself - does it include a partner who constantly puts you down? No. I didn’t think so. Your Sensitivity is a Gift to us all beautiful one. You are not too emotional. There is nothing wrong with you. You are just surrounded by people who are not supportive of your powerful nature. Is that, the way you really want to keep living? Love xxx If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side. Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do? And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away.... It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more. Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #2: Vesta. Home. “Your household situation is improving, either through a move or a healthy change in the occupants.”
Okay, so a few messages streaming through for this Card, when I saw it for you beautiful one - one is that I feel what you have been longing for about your Home is on the precipices - at your fingertips, it is on the way so hang in there - it feels like it is ‘sooo close’ for you right now. Keep doing what you are doing and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, deter you from what you are doing, or tell you that you need to do it a different way. The other message I am getting about the Home card for you is - are you grateful for what you have with your current Home? Perhaps you are reclaiming your Home right now, coming back into deep acceptance and gratitude for your Home and actually receiving this for yourself, grounding in what you currently have - even if you’re working on manifesting something better or something else - this being grateful - like deeply grounding into what you currently have IS how you show the Universe you are truly grateful for your New Home. The other message is - are the occupants in your Home - are they supporting this same vibe? Or are they putting it down, not respecting it and trashing it? If that was a complete stranger in your Home - would you allow it? So… why are you allowing it with those closest to you? Not acceptable to not be respecting the environment in which you are living… they may as well be trashing your body. I could go on. You get the point. ‘Your household situation is improving.’ Vesta says - sometimes we need to make those changes ourselves and that can involve telling people to get out… It also means coming back into deep, deep gratitude and actually enjoying where you are, so to bring more of that to you. If you aren’t receiving what you currently have, then two main messages I am getting here is how can you expect to receive more and also - what is it, that is inside of you that is currently pushing away and blocking, sabotaging even - what it is that is… right in front of you? Overall, this card is super positive and what you have been dreaming about with your Home life is about to come true - continue to hold that faith and continue doing what you are doing beautiful one - life is wonderful and you’re anchoring that in, by completely accepting your Home right now (and defending it and telling people to leave if need be! - Even energetically! The fierce Mother protecting her cubs!). Owning your Home, your space, your Life - starts with you, in your own Home environment. Love xxx If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side. Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do? And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away.... It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more. Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #3: Dana. High Priestess. “You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teaching.”
Well, if this isn’t a sign that you are a Healer/Spiritual Teacher/Someone who connects people back to the truth of who they are then I don’t know what is! If you were considering or wondering or trying to figure out but how do you put your spiritual gifts out in service in the world without burning out and being able to support and THRIVE with yourself and your family (I have been working behind the scenes to release to you something that shows you exactly how I have done it, so keep your eyes out for that this week)… beautiful One, if you have drawn this card - you already know that you have the Gift. You feel different to most, you don’t fit in to ‘normal’ jobs, you feel like you’ve lost your old life but haven’t quite found your new one yet, you feel alone most of the time. I am getting the strong message from Dana with this High Priestess card for you that it is time to stop hiding in the woods and come out and SHINE your light on the world as the powerful Priestess that you ARE. Have you been seeing Avalon, King Arthur stuff recently? Even Red Roses, or Golden Hearts and Butterflies lately? You are being spoken to beautiful one - the Priestesses from the Past are calling you to remember who you are, stop hiding and shrinking back down because people around you have judgements about you (they are probably who burnt you at the stake back when, time to walk away precious one) and come out with your Gifts to the World. If you’re wondering why it isn’t working - because something in your environment is dragging you down that is making you hide away. There is no reason to stay in this toxic environment one moment longer. The signs have been there for you - you know what you have to do and I guarantee it won’t be easy but EVERYTHING will open up and fall into place easier than you think. It is just the emotional turmoil that you are not wanting to face right now and that will get easier over time and with big wailing howling grief cries. It’s okay.. you’re stronger than you think you are, you have got this and the powerful Priestess within you is busting to come out and is why you have been feeling like you have lately - because you’re not allowing yourself to be the true full expression of who you are. This card has come to you.. because you already know this and it’s time to take action, to bring your Heart back into the alive, fun, full of life energy and joy, smiles and synchronicities that your life flows life magic everyday - like you used to. She’s in there - bring Her out. Now. Love xxx If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side. Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do? And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away.... It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more. Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #4: Aeracura. Blossoming. “You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.”
Oh honey - don’t give up! You’re JSUT getting started! Even though it might feel like you’ve. Been doing this for YYYYEEEEAAAAARRRRRRSSSSS!!!! And you’re wondering ‘when’ it is going to happen - the strong message I am getting here for you - is actually look at where you are compared to 5-10 years ago even… yes? You’re not who you used to be and you have come a long, long way. I am getting the strong message with this card for you to truly look at this, of how far you have come of actually what you HAVE manifested in your life, look how much stronger you are compared to back then - look at the WISDOM you have in your life compared to then. I am also getting the message that if you’re not feeling this just yet - but also if you’re wondering where the ‘block’ is, the issue stemming from to uncover - is from when you were 14 - 13 even, but more 14ish….what was going on in your life then? Was it a hard time? Did you feel like no one understood you? No one was there for you? Or that you were the one taking on adult responsibilities when that was NOT your job then! Now, two things here is that one, this is where the block/issue stems in/from and then two - this point is your turning point. You are about to break through in a big way - so… ‘Do not give up.’ - Aeracura is sharing with you for a reason. I feel there is something in this next week that is going to take a lot of pressure off your shoulders - you are almost there with this big breakthrough - so don’t let anyone distract you or tell you otherwise FOCUS is your priority right now - everything else is a distraction. You know in your Heart what you need to do - it always leads the way. Work on shifting what was going on when you were 14 (or maybe you just have!) and… watch yourself blossom into the person, you have been dreaming of. It’s coming. Don’t stop. No matter what. Love xxx If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side. Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do? And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away.... It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more. Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #5: Ixchel. Medicine Woman. "You are a channel for Divine Healing power.”
Ah, this is so interesting. High Priestess and Medicine Woman have both come out in this reading today - did you pick two cards today I wonder?! This message here with the Medicine Woman - I feel you have deep Shamanic, deep Healer abilities. You are a channel for Divine Healing power - you have a Gift, that is so deep it scares people ‘across the world’ - because you know things they have no idea how you could possibly know things. You feel the volcano in the neighbouring country - you have this innate knowing when things are going to happen, you see visions during the day and when you’re falling asleep - you are so strong and powerful, you even scare yourself… and yet the message I am getting here for you is that, there is nothing to be scared of - there is only fine tuning to do. Ixchel has come to you today, is that anything that is not fine tuning your spiritual gifts right now needs to go. It feels like you have been putting your spirituality on the back burner and letting your everyday reality take you by the hand and lead you instead. Ixchel has come to you today to remind you to put spirituality at the forefront of your daily activities and not let it get pushed to the back of the pile to never get done. Finish that course, listen to that audio, meditate, read that spiritual book, finish that creative project and make it happen. Everything else can wait. The dishes can wait, the washing can wait - an extra hour, because if you make your spiritual project - just give it minimum 1 hour a day - and first thing in the morning after your essential chores like say dropping the kids to school and breakfast for example - no, the house work can wait an extra hour - because if you set a timer and do the thing - you’re going to have more energy throughout your day AND feel happy in your Heart, because you are doing the thing you know your Soul is calling you to… and that Ixchel has come to remind you right now. You don’t need to wait for a clear schedule to do the thing, because we all know that never happens. You must create the time. Schedule it in - I am also getting this relates to self care and fun and joy too - we must create it, cause we all know the world is easily in chaos and that happiness and joy - come from the inside out. Put these in your schedule and make them happen - it is going to give you your life force back, make you stronger and smile again and that is - what you’re craving after all right? Just an hour a day. Set a timer. And do it - first, because then it it done. Love xxx If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side. Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do? And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away.... It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more. Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
Card #6: Aphrodite. Inner Goddess. “Awaken the Goddess within you through dance, self-care and appreciating your divinity.”
I am getting the message that your Self Care routine needs tending to. Maybe it needs one even to begin with! However, what I am sensing about this card is the way you have been doing Self Care in the past - actually is yep, it’s good - but it doesn’t BRING YOU ALIVE and make you ULTRA joyous and put you back in full flow right?! And so the message of this card is that it needs a shake up - your Self Care routine needs a shake up and change of scenery so to speak. Maybe you need to do different things that aren’t usually considered Self Care - but for your Heart and Soul they deeply are. For example Self Care is considered, perhaps getting a facial, a pedicure, a manicure etc. However, maybe this is Self Care for you yes - but something still feels missing… the LIFE feels missing or something. For example - when is the last time you laughed? Rode around on a skate board just for the fun of it? When is the last time you just sat in a park with a picnic or ice cream just because you can? When is the last time you went shopping for the thing you really want, rather than just food and bills all the time? What is the thing that comes to mind that you keep putting off, because you think you need to do this and this and this first? When we tune into where the ‘gaps’ are - the thing that we are waiting on doing because, well these things have to be done first - no. Do the thing that you are waiting on - now, because that is going to bring you the JOY that the feeling of being loved, supported and cared for is. Maybe it is facials and pedicures and such… but if that feels boring or has lost it’s spark, it isn’t that it has to be stopped, but rather, just something else to be done instead, this week, this month AS WELL as - or alternate it with. It’s very easy to get stuck in routine and a training and discipline to pull yourself out and get the ‘gaps’ filled in - so your Heart stays full and happy, rather than depressed and depleted. You’re the only one that can fill your Heart up and you’re the only one that knows what your Heart is calling you to do. So, what are those gaps? And what plan can you put in place to make them a priority this week? And continuing this month? Self Care is ALL the things in your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental reality - tend to all of them and get out of the ruts and routines that get you bogged down. What makes you giddy with excitement that you’re finally going to get to go and do? That - go and do that, now. Love xxx If you're tired of wandering around aimlessly, knowing you should be doing something - knowing that there is SOMETHING there that you have to be doing, but every time you start to do it, it goes out the window, or something else comes up and then you get confused because you swear your intuition is guiding you to do the thing.. however, it all goes to the way side. Time after time, you can't sleep, feel restless and full of anxiety, because you KNOW there is something you are meant to do - but, how can I? What will everyone think of me? Is this really what I am supposed to do? And yet again, time after time, ALL the signs are there for you, time after time it just won't go away.... It's time to own the powerful Healer that you are, it is time to finally Trust Your Intuition and stop second guessing yourself and letting it all go by the way side one moment more. Early Bird Closes tonight! Click here for all the details to join us before it does: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition