🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 18th August 2020 🔮
Aug 18, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 18th August 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to find what messages are awaiting you from the Past Life Oracle there for you ❤️
Words are not enough!
We must take action, we must UNITE!!
Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right?
It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Atlantis.
Ah, how pertinent to the times of today right?! There are a few messages streaming through when I saw this card for you. First one is, do you feel that you life is or has been just one thing after the next? Like those days when all the things happen and you are like, WHAT is going on today?! **insert image of a woman/man ripping their hair out at their last tether** However, your entire life has been like that, that you have seemed to have reached a point where, this is just normal? BUT it is so frustrating at times when you just want to sit down and do the thing, and there is just interruption after interruption - but they are also important things that you have to tend to, so they aren’t really interruptions, but gosh, they are at the same time?! I am wondering if this still goes on for you today, or whether you feel that is how your life USED to be? With the Atlantis card coming through for you today and this message strongly pouring through, I am sensing that this life pattern stems from Atlantis and you might ask, but how? I am sensing this comes into the ‘slavery’ almost pattern and this constantly putting everyone first before you - has been a life long, eon ago way of survival that is how you ‘survived’ through those times before Atlantis disappeared of the face of everyday reality. I am wondering if the Ocean has been extremely healing for you lately? Or Dolphins or Ocean Life in general? Atlantis also represents the misuse of your/power and ‘taking your power back’ - I am sensing this last 8-12 months especially has been pertinent for you to be taking your power back, and it feels like you’ve shifted more in these past few months, than you have in YEARS in your life, it is almost like everything you’ve been holding onto SINCE Atlantean times has been released and fairly rapidly too yes? The stripping away, the baring all, the layer, after layer, after layer, has been shed and shed time and time again. And now, you are ‘coming up for air’ in a way. Actually, in a big way. No more are things buried in your subconscious, you are lighter than you have been in YEARS - centuries even, and you are literally floating in life now compared to what you used to. However at times, it can still feel relentless, but you’re realising, that this is LIFE. And you are shifting the relationship you have with life, the relationship you have with the things that just need to be done. And you are taking your power back, by setting strong healthy boundaries with yourself and your life and realising that you are the one that has power over you and only you alone. And that, is where the magic of your Ancient Ancestry is coming alive for you, especially in this past month. You have stepped into magical space, a different space, even with the word in chaos, you are in your magic bubble and doing Life. Just as you always have done. Just.. with more grounded, solid, internal magical power. Love xxx Words are not enough! We must take action, we must UNITE!! Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right? It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation
Card #2: Authority Figures.
Gosh, talk about a reflection of what is going on in the world right? There are a few messages with this one, and this one might seem ‘odd’ in relation to the card, but do you feel that you are not loved enough? Do you feel that no one is there for you it is all just ‘telling you what to do’ and ‘deal with it’ kind of energy around you? That people are there, but their hearts are definitely not open to you? That it feels like - you shut that down and justify it, your mind kicks in and is, ‘Oh, I know I have people around me, they love me, it’s okay.’ And then deny what your heart is really feeling - deeply shut down, shut out and like you are all alone and have no one in this world? And yet, this ‘Authority Figures’ card, has come to you today, to share with you that the core of where this stems from is either childhood or past life of the way you have been raised - and let’s face it, our society has been brought up in this way, has created these feelings. This isn’t about blame. But it is about acknowledgement of the process that indeed, you haven’t received the love you’ve needed when you were younger, nor in the way you needed it - nope - don’t let your mind tell me how, ‘It’s okay Hannah, they did the best they could. I am at Peace with it.’ - Are you? Is that why you still drop down in the deep dark hole that makes you not want to be here anymore in waves that seem to come out of the blue? These ‘drop downs’ show, that indeed no, you have not dealt with the repercussions of being raised by an authoritarian parent or care giver growing up. It could’ve been an impact from schooling or some other incidents that have created this trauma that is still sitting in your energy field and body, which is what sends you into these spirals, no matter how much you ‘try and forgive’ there is a deep emptiness that comes in waves over you. I am wondering, if recently, this last week or month or so, has been issues with women more so than not? If so, this would be confirming this core wounding traumatic response here for you, that Spirit has led you here today to… show you, it’s okay, you’re not alone and you can heal at the CORE from this. Please send me a message if you need help with this. The other message I am getting here with the Authority Figures card, is that if what is going on in the world is highly triggering you - yes, stand up, use your voice and do what you’re guided to do YES 100%! BUT - ALSO be working on the traumatic response that you are holding in your body that is being deeply triggered by these events which can cause us to feel angry and powerless about what is taking place, because of the body muscle memory that is stored in your body from when you were traumatised as a kid. Whats that? You had a good loving upbringing with a loving supportive family life? Oh, what’s that, you were NEVER bullied at school or teased either? Never tickled against your will? The teeniest teasing or ‘overpowering' can cause a trauma response in the body, that sits there, until healed and we call life normal carrying that. This Authority Figures card, has come to you today, to remind you to look deep within to clear and heal, so you can stand tall and use your voice, scream and shout - from a grounded, clear energy space, that IS the key to transforming the reality around you - you’ve got to be clear on the inside yes? #saidwithlove Send me a message if you need help with this. Love xxx Words are not enough! We must take action, we must UNITE!! Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right? It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation
Card #3: Lessons and Blessings.
Ah, the first message that is coming through for you today, is almost a reminder - you can change things you need to you know this right? If something is feeling ‘off’ or out of alignment or just not right but can’t place your finger on it, you can just change it right? Did you, forget this? Sometimes we have commitments and pressures and we feel that we can’t say no, or have to stick to it, this isn’t always the case! Sometimes it is a case that we struggle with the confidence to speak up for our own needs and make decisions or change plans to better support alignment and what feels good in our life. This ‘Lessons and Blessings’ card is, I am also sensing for you, that you indeed have been feeling quite grateful in your life recently, that a lot of things have manifested and things are starting to finally work now, even though still challenging times or the final details are being worked out right now, you are moving into a place where you are grateful for what you have now, as… it has finally happened. I am also sensing, that of course this card is from the Past Life deck and in relation to this message for you today, I am sensing that you are ‘receiving the fruits of your labour from all your past lives’ in a way. It is like you have shifted some deep karma this lifetime, and now you can ‘be rewarded’ almost. I am sensing that the karmic cycles you have worked through and shifted this lifetime are ‘the final time you’ll ever go through this’. Lifetimes have been broken in a sense, that you don’t need to keep repeating these cycles anymore. These are finito! And, from this - the Lessons and Blessings - well, that is all that is left after the karmic cycles have been broken right? Only the love remains, which is the thread that binds us all, not even the dark can deny that. We are all born of the same Light. I am curious, if you have done Past Life work specifically to retrieve your GIFTS from your past life? Sometimes we can do past Life work to break cycles, patterns and vows. But when we do Past Life Guided Meditations or Soul Retrieval Processes with the intention to specifically retrieve our Gifts that we had in that lifetime and integrate the lessons, we can solidify our intuitive gifts, strengthen our confidence and deeply shift into the highest version of ourselves. Have you, retrieved the ‘good’ parts of your past, integrated them and allowed more of the good to come in this way? When we are constantly focusing on the bad that happened, yes we need to heal it, but we forget, to integrate the good too. And it here, that is called, integrating our Light Shadow, our Light Side. So, do you embrace, the Light side of you? Are you truly ready to receive the Lessons and Blessings that come from, Living in the Light? Love xxx Words are not enough! We must take action, we must UNITE!! Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right? It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation
Card #4: Karmic Relationship.
Ah, this card is quite self explanatory right? I am wondering, hmm, this card can be interpreted in many ways and the two obvious interpretations coming through are that - the relationship you are enquiring about is a karmic cyclic relationship that has continued over eons of time - that, intuitively I feel you are breaking patterns IN the relationship dynamic as you are working through the issues you face right now today - together. Whether that is physically together or that is ethnically across the ethers. Who comes to mind when you read that? Or perhaps someone was already on your mind reading that. I am getting the message that this karmic relationship isn’t finished. Now whether that is about getting back together (which I don’t feel it is) I do feel there is an energetic clean up that is required. What happened in that relationship? What was the core ‘hurt’ or such that came up for you that you remember like it was yesterday? That. That feeling, that experience needs to be cleansed from your system is the message that I am getting. It feels like that energetic memory/trauma in particular, is having an impact on other areas of your life, including financial impact and I am sensing that clearing this out is going to shift you in your life. It feels like that core issue, has been a repeating theme over the years and, clearing this one? Hello new experiences of life! The other message with this card is that this I am sensing, for two different people reading this message today, you could relate more to - the person that comes to mind, is a great support, healing centre and, is someone you consider a Soulmate. I am sensing that this is being pointed out to you right now, to drop into deep gratitude and notice and to continue creating so much support in your life. Perhaps you have gone through a period where you haven’t had anybody so to speak, and now, after the work you’ve done, you’re in a space of so much gratitude for the highly supportive relationships you DO have in your life. I feel this is an important shift for you to recognise (which I sense you are), but is a deep reflection and acknowledgement to how much internal work you have done and created in your life. These supportive karmic relationships, I feel are becoming more frequent in your life, gone are the days where you attract ‘bad’ relationships anymore. And hang on, reframe - not that you don’t attract them in a sense (but maybe you don’t anymore too - not like you used to!) But your self worth and self confidence boundaries have increased ten fold that those people are not allowed to and don’t enter your field anymore because you have allowed yourself to deeply come into alignment with your highest version of you, deeply respect and love yourself and well, you’re reaping the rewards of that - of actually feeling the high frequencies that are being gifts into and onto our planet right now. Receive, receive, receive, amplify beautiful one. The karmic cycles are complete, you’re free to choose and receive the beautiful friendships and environment that you deserve. You just have to choose it. (Which I know many of you reading this, have done so). Love xxx Words are not enough! We must take action, we must UNITE!! Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right? It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation
Card #5: Trees
Now, I probably don’t need to ask you if you feel deeply connected to Trees and the Earth Realm, with deep resonance right? I would imagine your answer is ‘Yes Hannah, of course.’ There are several messages here - one is, Ayahuasca - what does that mean to you? The other is - spend more time in Nature. The other is, you are known as the ‘Tree People’ as is mentioned in the book, and then there is the ‘trees are your friends’ message as well. I know some may roll their eyes at that last statement - but they are VERY much alive, which I know - you know! I am also getting the message about ‘The Light’ and also - plant based diet. Maybe you already do this, however, this card is confirmation about the messages you have been receiving - because you have already been feeling to clean up your diet and cut out animal products right? Yet, you’ve been teetering on the edge perhaps? Not knowing how or where to start, or the right time? Perhaps you are already well down the plant based line of living - are you teaching this to others? Have you, spent time around trees? Have you allowed the Trees to hold you, heal you and speak to you? I am sensing the Trees want to speak to you, if you send time around trees, better off sitting in a big one, or leaning the back of your heart against one (watching for bugs/ants of course) or simply placing your left hand (or both) on the Tree and allow yourself to receive the healing energy that is trying to come through to and for you. I am getting the message that the Trees are super supportive to your health and resetting your energy field right now, so heed this calling of the Trees and spending more time in Nature on a regular basis. Back to the message about the ‘Tree People’ - Trees, are also deeply connected to the Druid and Ancient Celtic Traditions. There are even Liquid Trees, from the Liquid Crystal range as well. I am feeling that, part of this ‘There is a message that the Trees want to convey to you, is part of you receiving your Past Life Healing Gifts from this Ancient time when you walked the Earth as one of them. I am sensing that you have already been sensing your intuitive gifts increasing quite rapidly recently and already have been receiving messages from the Earth, Plant Medicine and also are aware of this deep connection you have, but it is like you have been honouring it more, learning it more, knowing it more? I feel there is more wanting to come out of you, surface through you - the Trees are in your blood, your veins, you are the Trees. Connect with them. They have Ancient Gifts to bestow and activate within you. You are them. They are you. Nature is here to heal you. Love xxx Words are not enough! We must take action, we must UNITE!! Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right? It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation
Card #6: Communal Living
Argh, as soon as I saw this card, it was like wanting to run - run away! Move, get me out of here! It was almost like a sense of entrapment/loss of freedom or just - needing my own damn space already feeling! I am wondering too, it feels like there is a part of you that - something in your recent past, felt like a heavy burden, a weight that you still, to this day haven’t been able to shift, but have shifted out of an environment that has somewhat kept you trapped for quite some time and then you shifted out of it, and the ‘Communal Living’ feels like a relief, but that is only temporal. You can feel the underlying pressure mount up in a way and I am sensing you are starting to feel underlying, underneath uncomfortability. I am also hearing, ‘New Systems’ and I am sensing that a part of the ‘pressure’ you’re feeling is this new adjustment to new systems. I am not just talking about what is going on in the world right now (which is part of it), but this has got to do with the structural change in your life right now. Are you going through huge life changes OR - know that, very soon, there is a big life change coming up and you’ve not wanted to face it, or are avoiding it, or perhaps you are looking at this card you have pulled today with a blank screwed up face, nope, not resonating Hannah! That would be because, the big change coming up for you? Is about to bubble up through your subconscious and into your conscious mind/reality very soon. I know September is supposed to be a big change for us all, however, I am sensing that this is when it will start to surface for you. Nothing to worry about but - have you been getting the message to ‘be prepared, get organised, finalise the final details’ - something along those messages? Do you feel that there is something big coming? This is the feeling, already starting to surface. Again, nothing to fear, but if you’ve been getting the message to be prepared, this is your confirmation and sign for that. I am also hearing ‘courage’ - do you have the courage to - what? Do you have the courage to make the changes you know you need to make? Are your living situations less than satisfactory? Is there something about an upcoming relocation or house move that you have been wanting for or are wanting confirmation on? When we have the feelings to move - it is wise to listen. Your Soul knows. Or you wouldn’t be considering it, you would be grounded and settled in your Home. If there is a window of opportunity coming up, I am getting the sense that it would be wise to jump on it. I am getting the message you will know when this is too, just like the feelings of being grounded and solid, or that sense that it’s time to make changes. Know that you’re 100% correct and to reach out for support if you are ‘stuck’ in a situation where you are not wanting to make the changes but know you need to, or if you are contemplating moving - know that, your Soul is speaking and your Home, is calling you. Trust. Listen. Act. Love xxx Words are not enough! We must take action, we must UNITE!! Click here for all the deets on our new Free Weekly Global Live Healing, Meditation and Activations to support Humanity to shift frequency, you are coming along to this right? To the next Ascension plane of existence that is right? It’s time to RISE - UNITED WE STAND: https://www.realityawareness.com/free-weekly-global-live-meditation