READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 18th December 2018 🔮
Dec 18, 2018READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 18th December 2018 🔮
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you from the Soul's Journey Cards today 😍
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Death. ‘I am learning that endings are merely beginnings.’
This card can scare people, yet, the Death card - as it says, endings are merely beginnings. You can even say that the end of this year is a death - for we will never get 2018 back, except for in our minds. Even though this Death card has many meanings, endings, beginnings, Dark Night of the Soul, things that feel like Death, I am getting the message about letting go, letting go of trying to figure things out, letting go of how to make it happen, letting go of control. When you have been fretting and worrying and figuring things out and you are exhausted from trying all avenues and your mind is constantly worrying about things, yes - exhausting! Just like the seasons change from Autumn to Winter and 2018 will change to 2019 - we can’t do anything about it - we just have to ride it, be with it, experience it and let it go, so to with whatever ‘Death’ you are experiencing in your life. I am sensing that you have almost given up with this situation in your life though, it doesn’t feel like it was as intense as it was just not so long ago, but it is also still on your mind a fair bit? And in your energy… do you clear your energy regularly? I am also getting the message about quiet time, at this time you are needing lots of quiet time. Even though it is Christmas and usually it is a busy and hectic time, it feels like you actually have access to a lot of quiet at this time? Take this as a gift as I am getting the message that next year, it won’t be like this. This is your time for rest and recoup and if you don’t have this, it is imperative that you do make time for this. Full Moon is arising and coming up on Sunday (Saturday if you are not in Australian Timezone) and it is an increasing energy of ‘shining the light’ on what you haven’t seen or don’t want to see. And I am sensing that this coming week is a time of fullness of a feeling that has been long forgotten - joy. Whilst there may be tears of release, there is a ‘release of feelings’ from the past that have kept you from feeling this underlying feeling of joy. It feels like a big letting go week for you and a time of just being with what is. Allowing yourself this space and gentleness, this quiet time, this - doing for you what you haven’t been able to do for you for quite some time. This is all about you and it is important you remember this. It isn’t about ‘missing out on what they have and you haven’t’ - this is about restoring and recouping, rejuvenating yourself, because in 2019, you are going to need it! 2019, is going to be a big year for you, and it is going to get better and better as the year goes on - that is why, it feels like so much is ending, collapsing and falling apart right now. Because it has too, to let in what you have been waiting for. Be gentle, rest, restore and spend lots of time in nature to reconnect and amplify your intuitive senses. If you can’t get outside because of the cold, listen frequently to nature sounds through meditative music. Breathe, it your Autumn and Winter, the Spring and Summer of your life, are almost here. Love xxx There are only 10 days left to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings! 13 Audio Psychic Readings having me as your Personal Guide for your 2019, to guide you to best direct your energy flow. It isn’t about predicting your future, but a bit like having an idea what the weather is going to be like, to decide if you are going to go camping or not - yes you can choose to camp in the rain, and Your 2019 Psychic Readings are just like that. Nothing is set in stone, yet Your 2019 Psychic Readings, help you to tap into your intuition, strengthen it and listen to it, guiding you to your highest possible path for 2019 so you can deeply align to your Life Purpose. The Age of Aquarius is drawing near and Lightworkers are arising, are you ready to amplify your intuitive senses throughout 2019? Click here for all the details before this closes:
Card #2: Health. “I will honour the physical vessel that enshrines my Soul.”
The first thing that comes to mind when I saw this card is Kidneys. Kidneys are the vital force that are affected by fear and most of society is driven by fear! Yet - I am also getting the message with this card, that you have had some sort of physical health aliment going on right now for yourself that has knocked you a fair bit? I am sensing that you know what is going on and I am also getting the message with this card that you are on the mend now though. This card is mainly green and with this is the Heart Chakra. What has made your Heart sad in the last 6 months? I am sensing that whatever event that has been the biggest thing in the last 6 months that has made your Heart sad, has had a significant impact on this Health condition you are just starting to recover from. If you are still quite ‘off’ - then have you grieved about what has occurred in the last 6 months? When we are holding onto grief, or any emotion, it creates dis-ease in the body. Where the dis-ease is, shows you what emotions you are holding onto. Release the emotions, release the dis-ease. I am also getting the message mental health and feeling into your Heart rather trying to figure it out with your logical mind. It feels like you have been too up in your head recently and have forgotten in a sense how to ‘be’. Being is a very feminine energy and allows us to feel. It also allows us to receive. If your physical health has been not 100% lately - there is some aspect of you that hasn’t been allowing yourself to receive on some level. What have you felt like you haven’t been receiving? What have you been needing and not giving to yourself, or not letting yourself have? This card of Health has come to you today to let go of control. When you are in your head and trying to figure it all out, you are trying to control something you don’t have control over. We are never in control of anything except - our thoughts. We can always change our thoughts about a situation - some say easier said than done and that is because we are trained and ingrained with a certain way of thinking and it takes discipline and a willingness to change how you think. I am sensing with this Health card - it is time to get back in your body, get back into LIFE again. Get out of your head and into your Heart. This past few months have been rough hey? Because you’ve been in your head and trying to control and make it happen from your head instead of your heart? 😉 Where have you been not taking care of your Heart - including not following it? Love xxx There are only 10 days left to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings! 13 Audio Psychic Readings having me as your Personal Guide for your 2019, to guide you to best direct your energy flow. It isn’t about predicting your future, but a bit like having an idea what the weather is going to be like, to decide if you are going to go camping or not - yes you can choose to camp in the rain, and Your 2019 Psychic Readings are just like that. Nothing is set in stone, yet Your 2019 Psychic Readings, help you to tap into your intuition, strengthen it and listen to it, guiding you to your highest possible path for 2019 so you can deeply align to your Life Purpose. The Age of Aquarius is drawing near and Lightworkers are arising, are you ready to amplify your intuitive senses throughout 2019? Click here for all the details before this closes:
Card #3: Freedom. “I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness.”
Hmmm, what actions are you needing to take to create the freedom you desire? It feels like in the past 1-2 months, some things have been on your mind/taken care of and/or you have finally faced the truth about them and instead of fumbling your way through or just getting by with doing what they say about it so you jump through the hoops with it, it feels like you are actually realising you don’t want to do that anymore, you don’t want to not be in full truth and freedom about the situation and are and have been taking care of things to make it actually in full alignment, truth and freedom? It feels like it has and is taking a lot of energetic weight off your shoulders that have been there for quite some time and you didn’t actually realise how much it was sitting there even? You knew it was there, but it is like you can’t live with that going on anymore and it is time to fully step into that full freedom of truth in every single area of your life and living? It might be a bit of work to untangle yourself from this current situation - but you also know it is worth walking through this and facing this, dealing with this - because you know what is on the other side of it and you have been dreaming about this life, or knowing it is possible, but haven’t actually taken action on it until recently? I am wondering too - is there are part of you a little bit fearful of the ‘new’ you are creating? Or is there a part of you that is also sad about what you are doing? That is totally okay and normal! Yet, also best to face this/these feelings with full compassion, knowing you are moving from one life to the next, an old life to the new and this comes with letting go of what was, letting go of what is happening and fully trusting as you move forward, but also not letting any little bumps in the road stop you, deter you or hinder you. What you are moving forward to create and what you are choosing - IS right for you and you CAN have what you want and create as long as you keep going! The Freedom you crave, know, desire and are now taking action on - is happening for your highest good. You have an important role to play in not only your own life - but what is occurring, is happening, because there is someone that has a huge factor in what you are choosing to do and walk through right now because of it. Who is that? Yes, you are doing it for yourself, but you are also doing it for this person - to create a better life for yourself and those around you. I am getting the strong message to not let ANY little or big things or blocks or obstacles deter from making it happen. There is ALWAYS a way, you just need to find it, trust your Heart’s true calling and following it without letting your mind get in the way. Your Heart has ALWAYS known, continue to trust it - your Freedom and Dream life await you. Love xxx There are only 10 days left to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings! 13 Audio Psychic Readings having me as your Personal Guide for your 2019, to guide you to best direct your energy flow. It isn’t about predicting your future, but a bit like having an idea what the weather is going to be like, to decide if you are going to go camping or not - yes you can choose to camp in the rain, and Your 2019 Psychic Readings are just like that. Nothing is set in stone, yet Your 2019 Psychic Readings, help you to tap into your intuition, strengthen it and listen to it, guiding you to your highest possible path for 2019 so you can deeply align to your Life Purpose. The Age of Aquarius is drawing near and Lightworkers are arising, are you ready to amplify your intuitive senses throughout 2019? Click here for all the details before this closes:
Card #4: Doubt. “I release the need to know all the answers.”
I release the need to know all the answers. Whenever we make a decision? Doubt will ALWAYS come up - it will ALWAYS surface. I am sensing here the that you are confused right now? You are not sure, or, it feels like everything you’ve ever known and thought you were ‘supposed’ to do - has just all of a sudden dropped from underneath you recently? It was like you had direction, purpose and drive and all of a sudden that has gone. And maybe you’ve been a bit distracted to even feel the depth of this lately because you’ve been so busy, but now things are slowing down and you are deeply realising what has actually happened? Maybe you have been distracting yourself recently on purpose, to not feel the pain and the dept of what is and has gone on - but now you kinda have no choice but to face it? And of course doubt is surfacing for you. When we are confused, usually you can say you are ‘fused’ to someone. Who is that? Who have you been interacting with quite consistently even online (energy knows no bounds) in the past 24-48hours quite solidly? As this is who you are ‘fused’ with and it is like they have been your distraction from the pain of the last few weeks recently. Now something has shifted and happened today and you are like um, actually I am deeply saddened by what has happened and I want that back! It is like this interaction this past 24-48hours has been your ‘hole filler’ and now that has gone it is like - geez, actually, my heart still longs for what I had before, because actually how solid and real was that.” - What was that for you? I am getting the message for you to first of all clear your energy, remove yourself from your distractions and energy of others so you can get super clear on what is your stuff and what is someone else’s stuff. It actually feels like you are carrying a lot of people’s energy to be honest and you are deeply clouded and yes, this can make you act out behaviours and more of other people but also hides your deep down self and who you even are as a person. Are you confused about making a decision? Feeling dirty, foggy and cloudy? Clear your energy! Clear your home, get outside in nature and stop interacting with people who are only serving as a distraction from the depth and truth of what is REALLY going on for you. Because you have been avoiding this haven’t you? You’ve been avoiding the depth of your Heart’s true feelings. This card is a deep green, meaning deep Heart healing is going on and/or needed. The Brown representing Earth, grounding and also cloudiness of carrying other people’s feelings, instead of dealing with and being present with your own and the yellow representing your Solar Plexus in taking back your power instead of pulling on other people’s power to soothe your own wounds. Where are you needing to disconnect yourself from other people to get clear in your own self, honesty, reflection and FEEL what is really going on for your own Heart? “I release the need to know all the answers” - get out of your head, remove your distractions and feel what is really happening in your Heart. Your HEART has the answers - it is in how you feel, not how you think. Love xxx There are only 10 days left to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings! 13 Audio Psychic Readings having me as your Personal Guide for your 2019, to guide you to best direct your energy flow. It isn’t about predicting your future, but a bit like having an idea what the weather is going to be like, to decide if you are going to go camping or not - yes you can choose to camp in the rain, and Your 2019 Psychic Readings are just like that. Nothing is set in stone, yet Your 2019 Psychic Readings, help you to tap into your intuition, strengthen it and listen to it, guiding you to your highest possible path for 2019 so you can deeply align to your Life Purpose. The Age of Aquarius is drawing near and Lightworkers are arising, are you ready to amplify your intuitive senses throughout 2019? Click here for all the details before this closes:
Card #5: Growth. “I want to expand my consciousness and my awareness.”
Ah, this card is quite self explanatory - but the first message that came to mind when I saw this card for you is a sense of physical expansion too - are you moving house, about to move house, want to move house or expanding your business? It feels like something 10 fold - something huge, something is wanting to come out of you, expand and evolve. What is wanting expansion? Movement? Coming out of who you’ve always been and moving into something MORE? It also feels very grounding - even though expanding or moving - it also feels like it is more solid YOU. Is it YOU that is grounding? Expanding? You are allowing your Soul to come through and be you and not worry what others think so much anymore? The yellow is deeply representative of your Solar Plexus - your self worth, self esteem, self respect, deeply of who you are, what you feel you are capable of, self belief, trust in self and it feels like you are coming more and more into this - of BEING who you really are. Are you wanting to be near the ocean? Or have been feeling a call away from the ocean? Maybe you are facing the emotional depths of who you are - instead of running from them? And this is giving you the solid grounding of who you are and what you are here to do, feeling more confident in BEING grounded IN you, rather than floating above - you are being all of you. As your Soul grounds and houses into your body, you are able to expand - because you can be present with what is and conscious of what is going on, rather than floating above your body and missing it all and feeling overwhelmed because it is all coming into you - rather than you being in your body, instead of everyone else stuff coming into you. I am also getting the message - who are you needing to be present with? Where have you been distracted and busy this past few months, and you are needing to tend to something or someone in a big way? What is coming to mind as you read this? Where are you needing to take back your power, have strong boundaries in place - so you can be present with_________? I am getting the message that this is a big focus for you in 2019 - so if you can get clear with your expansion and deeply commit to this with strong boundaries, you will continue to feel grounded, strong and your self worth will amplify ten fold. You are clear right now - continue to trust yourself, because this is growing and growing into a big strong Oak Tree. ‘Growth.’ Love xxx There are only 10 days left to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings! 13 Audio Psychic Readings having me as your Personal Guide for your 2019, to guide you to best direct your energy flow. It isn’t about predicting your future, but a bit like having an idea what the weather is going to be like, to decide if you are going to go camping or not - yes you can choose to camp in the rain, and Your 2019 Psychic Readings are just like that. Nothing is set in stone, yet Your 2019 Psychic Readings, help you to tap into your intuition, strengthen it and listen to it, guiding you to your highest possible path for 2019 so you can deeply align to your Life Purpose. The Age of Aquarius is drawing near and Lightworkers are arising, are you ready to amplify your intuitive senses throughout 2019? Click here for all the details before this closes:
Card #6: Honesty. “I can’t always expect the truth from others, but I can expect it from myself.”
As this card says about other people’s honesty - I am getting the message for you to trust yourself and not doubt yourself, because someone is trying to say you can’t do something you know in your heart you can? I am sensing a space of feeling pressured almost, to ‘conform’ to what people are trying to say you ‘have’ to do - but I am also wondering if you picked 2 cards today? As the Freedom card is also coming to mind from today’s reading - yet here at Honesty I am getting the sense of where are you needing to trust yourself over someone else’s words and ‘you have to do it this way’? I am also getting the message here at Honesty - of where are you needing to take radical responsibility for your reality right now? How many things are out of alignment? How many things do you ‘just let slide’ yet, they slowly and deeply chip away at your energy, self worth and sense of who you even are? I bet you don’t even realise it right? Yet, something will shift and you will be like, ‘Wow, how did I not see that before?’. I am also getting the message for you to be super mindful of your thoughts at this time - like you are highly Claircognisent and you are receiving a lot of divine messages right now - are you paying attention to them? What at the first thoughts you had upon waking this morning? These are the ones I am getting the message to pay deep attention to - before you look at your phone, before you open yourself up to the world - what are the divine messages coming through your thoughts in your sleep/wake state? I am sensing you are receiving a lot of messages before falling asleep and upon waking, so take note of what these are and act on them - as they are clear guidance and signs for your next steps to take. I am also hearing ‘preparation’ - what is it you are needing to be prepared for? Are you travelling soon? If you were to travel soon - what needs to be finished, cleaned up, organised and prepared before you go? It actually feels like next year you will be travelling a fair bit, more than what you have done for quite some time - do you have plans to travel yet? Or have you been thinking about it? It feels like this Honesty card is getting you deep into your Heart about what is really important and stop putting off the things that are near and dear to your Heart, because you have let that slide a fair bit recently hey? And you have been feeling quite ‘low’ because of it? “I am responsible for my own happiness” comes to mind - yet, you are already deeply aware of this right? And it feels like enough of waiting around for things to be different - it is time to make them different. It also feels like you have also had to walk through an initiation of sorts recently and that has almost floored you, yet it has DEEPLY awoken you to this radical responsibility, radical honesty and radical action that - enough of this, now time for this? Use your past as your fuel to make the choices in your now, to create the future you want. Enough planning, enough writing lists - the lists are the action taking. But you already know this don’t you? Back to it then! 😉 Love xxx There are only 10 days left to get Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings! 13 Audio Psychic Readings having me as your Personal Guide for your 2019, to guide you to best direct your energy flow. It isn’t about predicting your future, but a bit like having an idea what the weather is going to be like, to decide if you are going to go camping or not - yes you can choose to camp in the rain, and Your 2019 Psychic Readings are just like that. Nothing is set in stone, yet Your 2019 Psychic Readings, help you to tap into your intuition, strengthen it and listen to it, guiding you to your highest possible path for 2019 so you can deeply align to your Life Purpose. The Age of Aquarius is drawing near and Lightworkers are arising, are you ready to amplify your intuitive senses throughout 2019? Click here for all the details before this closes: