🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 18th June 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 18, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 18th June 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot deck for you today 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

🔮Unlimited Psychic Readings, Questions & Support🔮   To DEEPLY CELEBRATE the release of my newly designed website 😍 I have been guided to offer the 21 Day Shifter Program at $197! Usually $499, the 21 Day Shifter Program is $197 for 10 Days ONLY to DEEPLY CELEBRATE!  Click here for all the details and to book.

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: XIII Union. Wholeness, Marriage, Unity, Connection, Integration, Harmony, Alignment, Peace.

Ah, talk about a Divine Balance hey? Mmmm, I feel like you might have separated from something recently, yet - it has brought you into more wholeness? You know that saying, you can be in relationship and still feel very lonely? I wonder if this is what you have been feeling, or just knowing that it hasn’t been right for you and almost waiting for the right time to leave? I am hearing ‘unsupported’ and I am wondering if you feel unsupported lately at all? I am sensing - ‘the grass is greener on the other side’ and for this instance - I feel for you - it quite possibly is. YET - that is checking in, WITHIN first. You can feel lonely IN relationship and lonely OUT of relationship - because NO ONE can fill the gap of what your Soul is craving. And what your Soul is craving? IS YOU! This UNION card - is both sides coming together,  both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine coming together within you. If you have been feeling angry and resentful at the Masculine - the Masculine is about support, feeling supported, by the Universe, feeling held, feeling like your reality is okay and most of all - that you feel safe. I ask you - do you feel safe around men? Do you feel like they are safe place to fall? Do you feel that you can approach men? How open, are you with a man? Whether you are male or female reading this, same still applies. And yes, being the Union card - this is about both the Masculine and Feminine, yet, I feel that today, it is deeply about the Masculine more so. I am wondering too, boundaries is coming to mind, also self worth and TRUSTING yourself. I am wondering, if there is an opportunity that has been presented to you, that seems tempting, but something is holding you back - like the grass is greener, but this feels separate to that. And this, kind of all sounds confusing in a way right? Fragmented selves - you can be feeling torn apart, or deeply confused and in a pile of great mess in a way and I want you to take a deep breath in and exhale strongly through your mouth and inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling strongly through your mouth and last one, inhaling deeply  and exhaling strongly through your mouth. Now, the only reason you will be confused is if you have taken on someone’s energy. This could be ‘I just started feeling confused when it happened’ then, you’ve taken on that person’s energy. Yet, if you are just feeling lost, confused and somewhat in a daze and have been for some time, I am sensing something deeper is rising for you right now. Your Inner Child you, can be carrying a pile of energetic burden from your childhood - and hence this ‘dazed and confused’ state is a deep inside space that needs cleaning out. How do you do that? Yes, you can work with the Inner Child over a consistent period of time, to ‘clean out’ the energetics of what you are and have been carrying for quite some time since your childhood and is something I would deeply recommend. Within this space - will come into either a thread of resentment towards the Masculine or the Feminine. Usually (not always), there is an anger at the Mother for not ‘being the Mother you needed at the time’ - and therefore you had to step into the Masculine role early on - and have been carrying this role ever since right? THAT is exhausting. Putting yourself before everyone else, only feeling loved and accepted if you are taking care of others BEFORE your needs and feel sooo guilty if you do otherwise, even though you know you should. I am wondering if you have started working on this, starting to put YOU first, starting to heal this resentment, that might seem like it is towards the Masculine, because yes, you are in a very Masculine role of having to do everything in a way, hold space for others, be there for them - but when you need someone to do something for you, or be there for you, or even just listen to the words you say for goodness sake, just something seemingly sooo little right? They are no where to be found. Or perhaps they are still right in front of you, but just not listening… at all. And THAT makes for some darn loneliness and wtf’s at times right? To be heard, omg, is THE most healing thing on the planet. So, if you’re feeling unsupported, or not heard, or feeling exhausted from giving to everyone else but yourself, the deep inner child healing towards the Mother and that acute time, you had to step into taking care of yourself and stepping into an adult role, much younger than children are supposed to. If you have already been working on this, you may still feel deep grief and the pang, of having to have held it together for sooo long, but you will also start to feel great relief, that you are doing something about it, know what is really going on and start to notice the shift in your physical environment. Financial improvements, stability and deep internal peace, that sense of wholeness, of the Divine Balance, of the Divine Mother & the Divine Father that internal caring for you, caring for yourself, becoming the Mother and the Father, you never had. Breathe easy beautiful one, I feel like you are well on your way with releasing this now. Coming deep into balance, coming deep into yourself - with this sense of healing of the Divine - within you. You are held, you are safe, you are nurtured. You are, deeply loved, even if you don’t feel like it at times - you, have got you. Your Angels, have got you. And I, have got you 💜 Love xxx In DEEP CELEBRATION of my newly designed website with a plethora of healing tools, support and guidance to deeply awaken your consciousness that is all organised and easy to find, to support you in Awakening Your Consciousness and therefore your Life Purpose - I have been guided to release my powerful 21 Day Shifter Program for $197 for 10 DAYS ONLY!! This is usually $499 for deep support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings and deep support for 21 days straight, let alone being in my energy field that deeply shifts you itself, for 10 DAYS ONLY is $197, click here for the full details and to book whilst this deep celebratory offer of deep support, nurturing and psychic development is at your fingertips.


Card #2: Five of Air. Illusion, Reality, Separation, Self-Sabotage, Self-Deception, Criticism, Conditioning, Healing

Hmmm, what is coming to mind is February - something ‘hit’ you in February, a decision was made, something made you ‘flick’, something deeply shifted - perhaps some masks were left behind or they were picked up and put on your face. Why does this happen? Why do we wear masks? Something will usually trigger us and to hide our pain, shame or insecurities, we can put on masks. Whether that is role we play in relationship, whether it is ‘switching’ roles in a relationship or whether that steps from being quiet and reserved into being over inflated. Yet - they all stem from a part of you not feeling good enough deep down. I am also getting the message that someone in front of you is wearing a mask - yet, I am sensing you feel quite clear about this too and I wonder if you have set boundaries in place with the interactions you have with them about it? I am also getting the message about coming into reality about something - or perhaps you just have come into reality about something? Some realisation has ‘hit’ you that has deeply dropped you into reality? Sometimes that isn’t a nice feeling! Well, most of the time when ‘reality hits’ it isn’t a nice feeling wake up call - well, they can be, but has it been? I do feel though, that it has almost been stabilising for you in a way? The long term benefits of this wake up call for you, yet, the ‘getting there’ might not feel so good, or be easy. So, I am sensing two messages here for you. One is that someone in your reality is wearing a mask that you are very aware of, and two - what mask is it that you are wearing? I am also getting the message to be okay with masks! Sounds conflicting right? In a sense that, everyone is only doing the best they know how with the conscious awareness of themselves and their reality that they have at the time. I wonder too, what the connection with February is for you and the ‘what you are needing to come into reality about?’ Or is it that - what shifted and ‘flicked’ for you in February, is starting to ‘come to reality’ ‘to manifest’ now? I am wondering if a sense of grounding is happening that is making you more conscious of your reality? Sorting out your reality perhaps? You can ask yourself/your Soul the question, ‘What part of my life, am I still wearing a mask? What part of my reality do I need to become more conscious of?’. I am also feeling there is another message here… Illusion - hmm, the dreamer in you - is there something you are not grounding into your reality - what are you not aware of? What is it, that is a dream and/or that you have a judgment about another persons reality - that ‘isn’t in reality’? Are you expecting too much of a person, when their consciousness isn’t able to support the depth of the conscious awareness that you are  needing to be understood and held at? The woman on the card, even though she has taken off the mask, still has a blindfold on and I wonder what part of your reality ‘has blinkers on’? Are you needing to STOP so you can reassess from a still standpoint, rather than rushing ahead and leaving the gate open behind you (dropping your boundaries along the way)? The Dragon Fly (on this card), is the Animal Totem in the Liquid Crystals for Green Calcite which is all about letting go. Is there an aspect of your consciousness, that even though you have removed the mask, you haven’t totally dropped down into the depths of letting go? It is still surface stuff? (blindfold) - what are you needing to look deeper into? Where are you needing to come off the high horse so to speak, and ground your spirituality into reality? OR where are you judging another from this place about this exact same thing? Remember, when we are pointing the fingers at someone, we have 3 fingers pointing back at ourselves. Whatever mask you are seeing in another, is within you - so are you, looking deeper within yourself, at what - the Universe has put right in front of your face as a mask wearer in your reality? Simply ask your consciousness, ask your intuition, ask your Soul, where do I need to see myself, deeper than what I’ve ever seen before? And let the Universe show you over the next 3 days, what surfaces for you to shift, to integrate, to grow, to become the mask, not wear it, to reclaim a part of who you are that you’ve been rejecting. Because that is all, masks are. Time for you, to reclaim, every single aspect of you beautiful one, that is all. Love xxx In DEEP CELEBRATION of my newly designed website with a plethora of healing tools, support and guidance to deeply awaken your consciousness that is all organised and easy to find, to support you in Awakening Your Consciousness and therefore your Life Purpose - I have been guided to release my powerful 21 Day Shifter Program for $197 for 10 DAYS ONLY!! This is usually $499 for deep support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings and deep support for 21 days straight, let alone being in my energy field that deeply shifts you itself, for 10 DAYS ONLY is $197, click here for the full details and to book whilst this deep celebratory offer of deep support, nurturing and psychic development is at your fingertips.


Card #3: Six of Earth. Family, Community, Providence, Protection, Dependability, Responsibility, Duty, Service, Self-Sacrifice, Martyrdom.

Do you feel like you are in chains? Or about to breakthrough something? Do you feel tied down, or that feeling of being tied down - is coming to an end? It is like something has shifted deep within you, to embody more of who you are. He is holding a bowl of fruit and I am wondering, if - you felt chained down, but now, you ‘want’ to stay in the place you previously felt chained, because now you are seeing the bigger picture, now you are receiving the ‘fruit’ so to speak? I am hearing that the message - ‘This is an element about trusting yourself, about trusting your intuition, about trusting your heart, about - you wear the key that opens the padlock you placed on yourself’ - which, he is wearing a padlock AND a key around his neck. Did you pick 2 cards today? I am wondering, with this shift you’ve had, that you are/have been coming out of/into reality that what you have released from your life, is actually your own self doubts, your own limitations, your own strains and struggles within yourself? That you’ve come back into your own power, you’ve released yourself from your own negative spiral and are deeply coming into your self worth, your self esteem is improving and a deep sense of ‘Okay, I have got this now’. I am hearing ‘balance’ as well and I am wondering if you are still feeling there is more, there is something else, or you are very clear, there is something else that still needs to be taken care of, worked on, shifted and that you need to ask for help for? I wonder if you have not taken action on it yet in a way, because you are needing more information about it to help you through it/with the situation? That almost, there is a part of you that has done all you can do in that area and yes, it is time to call in help with that next bit? This card also represents family and home environment, caring for our loved ones and putting them first. Have you been doing this - too much? Or not enough? Are you needing to spend more time with those you love, or are you needing more solitude to find your balance, so you can give your best to them again? I am hearing ‘stability’ and I feel that you are creating a solid stable home/space for them, for you or are in the plans of making one and I am getting the message that these ideas are correct, right on the mark and true for you - no matter how long it takes, keep moving forward. Yet, I feel that by the end of this week, you will also have a deep clarity about your next directions, your next steps forward to be able to do this as well, it will ‘all become clear’ by the end of the week. Friday, I keep hearing Friday, July and September too. Big pivotal shifts, deep clarity and intuition right on the mark. I am deeply celebrating how much you have unlocked your own padlocks and deeply released into trust of your own abilities, your own sense of self worth and belief in yourself. I feel this card is a deep confirmation of the shifts within yourself and realising just how much fruit you actually have in the bowl in front of you! And ‘why’ the Universe has kept you in this place until now. You are deeply coming into amazing awareness of yourself, your life and your Life Purpose. Don’t think you aren’t on path - because you deeply ARE. Love xxx In DEEP CELEBRATION of my newly designed website with a plethora of healing tools, support and guidance to deeply awaken your consciousness that is all organised and easy to find, to support you in Awakening Your Consciousness and therefore your Life Purpose - I have been guided to release my powerful 21 Day Shifter Program for $197 for 10 DAYS ONLY!! This is usually $499 for deep support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings and deep support for 21 days straight, let alone being in my energy field that deeply shifts you itself, for 10 DAYS ONLY is $197, click here for the full details and to book whilst this deep celebratory offer of deep support, nurturing and psychic development is at your fingertips.


Card#4: VII. Spirituality, Religion, Politics, Personal, Dogma, Atheism, Fundamentalism, Indoctrination, Kindness.

Hmmm, this card is similar to Card #2 in here today. He is pointing, holding up a mala of some sort. I am wondering about what is making you ‘stiff and rigid’? Is there something you feel trapped in - or perhaps you are not even aware at how this rigidity of thinking, is keeping you trapped? I am also wondering where you need to ‘let go’ - which is the same thing really isn’t it? Letting go, becoming more flexible and allowing yourself to come more into yourself and your body - hmmm, literally becoming more flexible - have you been thinking about yoga classes recently? Or more/new exercise regime of some sort? To strengthen, to grow your body, to shape your body in some way? To get healthy? This involves letting go of patterns, of ways of being, of thinking, of old ways of communicating, of old ways of releasing what no longer serves you. I wonder if your draw to physical exercise - is going to help shift the mould, the pattern, the ‘holding pattern’ in the way you have been? I am sensing this last 18 months for you, has almost felt like a holding pattern in a way and now - something has shifted for you, and you have this desire to stretch - your body is craving it? Getting lots of messages about your body, coming into your body, grounding into your body - which, is also the ‘how’ you take spirituality, how you take the ‘personal development’ you have been doing and how you start to embody it, rather than just know it, it is something that you LIVE rather than you just know it. I am also wondering if there are ideas that have you stuck - I am wondering if there are patterns for you of ‘When this happens, then I can’ - you know and remember, that when you are waiting around for the thing, it doesn’t happen? You have to do the thing first, be the thing first, live the thing first for it to come in? I am wondering what belief systems need a shake up/rewriting/rewiring for you? Is this what is ‘rigid’ for you? Have you been working on changing your mindset? Journalling? Starting to create your reality and have hit a wall perhaps that ‘it doesn’t work’? Remember, when it feels like it isn’t working and it is all building up - you are just about to breakthrough beautiful one! The hardest part is right at the end remember? I feel that this is also a message for you if you are feeling that way right now - you’re just about to shift into a whole new reality - have you just birthed something recently? And that is why this agitation almost, of wanting to move your body, ground your new reality in, live a different/certain way - the stretching into the new reality, the ‘I’ve been journalling so much yet, it is still not here’ space - is - you’re just about to breakthrough - don’t get disheartened just now - this ist he time to pick up the pace even more so in a way, because ‘the hardest part is right at the end’ - is a strong message for you here, so keep going beautiful Soul. Reach out to those that can encourage you right through the breakthrough and stay away from those that will only tear you down or tell you to take a break - nope, not just yet - you’re almost there and you know this in your Soul, you can feel it in your bones. Sleep if you need to - but keep going. It’s all about to come home. The rigid reality is about to burst open - the cocoon is about to break open, the flower petals are about to unfold - don’t give up right before the miracle occurs. Look for signs that it is close - Spirit will show you just how close you are. Trust. Love xxx  In DEEP CELEBRATION of my newly designed website with a plethora of healing tools, support and guidance to deeply awaken your consciousness that is all organised and easy to find, to support you in Awakening Your Consciousness and therefore your Life Purpose - I have been guided to release my powerful 21 Day Shifter Program for $197 for 10 DAYS ONLY!! This is usually $499 for deep support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings and deep support for 21 days straight, let alone being in my energy field that deeply shifts you itself, for 10 DAYS ONLY is $197, click here for the full details and to book whilst this deep celebratory offer of deep support, nurturing and psychic development is at your fingertips.


Card #5: Two of Fire. Power Sharing, Mentorship, Partnerships, Equality, Teamwork, Mutual Interests, Ambition, Control.

Hmmm, have you been struggling to give up control? Or feeling like you are doing it all on your own? I am also wondering if you have been feeling like - you have just stepped into a divine partnership - with the Universe? I am wondering if you have had a ‘let go’ in one area of your life, but it has enabled you full freedom to be yourself in another area of your life? I am wondering if this ‘team partnership’ is a deeper closeness and understanding with your own Soul, with your own being, with your own intuition, with God/Source/Universe/Spirit? I am wondering if some deep healing has just taken place within you - that you feel more whole? I am also wondering if you are  needing to call in more support ie a team, or that you have just done so and are feeling very backed, supported, and like your ‘team has your back’ the entire way? Even if that is in the Spirit world? I am wondering too - if you have been feeling like you need new ideas, or more ideas, or that you’ve been looking for mentoring support from someone? Are you needing that greater in depth intuitive perspective or insight? Are you feeling like, yes, I know what to do, but there is something calling you to have more, or go deeper, or understand more, or you just know your Soul is calling you to receive some sort of support, to go further, but you are not sure how? Trust what signs and support you are feeling called to get help with, go deeper, courses to take, places to travel to - for your Soul is already guiding you to the correct support system to take your Soul’s growth to the next level. What has Spirit been ‘putting in your face’ recently? I wonder if you have been upset with people around you, or know you need to dive deeper into shadow work, but don’t know how, or think you’ve got it - hmmm, are you ready to receive the help that Spirit is putting in front of you? Are you scared to take the leap of faith to receive the help you need? What is holding you back? This card is deeply in the space of ‘Teamwork’ ‘Two heads are better than one’ ‘many hands make light work’ - are you ready to merge with another to receive the help you need, that is going to take you to the next space in your life with greater ease and flow? What has been in your awareness to receive help and support and in what sort of way? Do you trust, that your Soul is guiding you in the correct way for you? That, that thing has been on your mind and keeps turning up in your reality for a reason? Your Soul and Intuition are guiding you - are you listening? Love xxx  In DEEP CELEBRATION of my newly designed website with a plethora of healing tools, support and guidance to deeply awaken your consciousness that is all organised and easy to find, to support you in Awakening Your Consciousness and therefore your Life Purpose - I have been guided to release my powerful 21 Day Shifter Program for $197 for 10 DAYS ONLY!! This is usually $499 for deep support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings and deep support for 21 days straight, let alone being in my energy field that deeply shifts you itself, for 10 DAYS ONLY is $197, click here for the full details and to book whilst this deep celebratory offer of deep support, nurturing and psychic development is at your fingertips.


Card #6: Nine of Water. Illumination, Acceptance, Openess, Emotional Enlightenment, Strength, Courage, Fear, Ignorance.

Hmmm, deep heart pain I felt when I saw this card! I wonder if - this is a two-fold, almost torn feeling going on here for you? It feels deeply like, something really positive and shifting you forward in a positive way in your life, big breakthroughs are occurring and have been for the past 6 months or so - yet at the same time, there has been almost equal amount of ‘loss’ and change for you? And even again, in the past 48 hours for you? I am sensing, the more you rise, the more you let go of, and this torn feelings is that you are rising, you are coming into deep, deep emotional ‘enlightenment’ as the card says, but a deep, deep emotional intelligence is being born from and within you right now, yet this rapid acceleration of your growth, feels like it is coming from this space where are, it is almost like you have become very apt at letting go, you are getting more and more used to it in a way, more at peace with the change process, you have learnt to howl your eyes out and move through it and fast, so you can continue this rapid expansion into he light of your emotional consciousness - this image - she is coming out of the depths of darkness, she is still deeply there, it is like she knows how to navigate these spaces with grace and ease now and yet, the Light is shining there the entire time, she is looking up to the light, deeply aware of the Light and it feels like you have this sense of connection, your connection is growing stronger and stronger each and every day, every breath, every moment, you let go, you feel more and more what is coming INto your being, your space, your life. you are seeing the leaps and bounds that come from learning to let go with ease and you choose this… over any holding on more than anything these days. Doesn’t mean things don’t hurt you. Quite the opposite - you feel ever more deeply than you ever have - you’ve just come into deep awareness of your gift of feeling and how to use your gift, rather than your deeply feeling aspect of WHO YOU ARE to override you - you and your gift have come into synchronistic symbiosis of each other. Like the divine balance = you are the divine balance in a way, the masculine and feminine, deeply holing each other - travelling the depths fo your darkness, deeply connected to the Light at the same time, is where, you are most at Home. And it is from here, the deeply grounded ‘Emotional Enlightenment’ is steaming through on this card for you today. I wonder if there is something that has ‘stung’ your heart just recently? A couple of things even? I am sensing that with this current powerful Galactic Full Moon Energy and Solstice coming up this weekend - it is the perfect time for deep ritual and releasing - so perhaps a releasing ritual is in call for this recent ‘sting’ so you can clear your emotional heart space with a powerful ceremony, to allow the slate to be cleared for… the love that your Soul is calling to you right now? That, has been on your mind recently too hasn’t it? Relationship? Love/Intimate Relationship? It is almost time isn’t it beautiful one? The… grounded, deep love? You already know this don’t you? That is why, this energy, this ‘stings’ of your heart recently have been in your face to release? Use these powerful portals of time - they are greatly calling you - or you wouldn’t be reading this now. I am sensing so much King/Queen energy for you - you have deeply come into your power, your ‘greatness’ - owning who you are, so these final little clear outs, are enabling you to rise, to hone, to allow your match, to be magnetised to you - it is already happening, so these powerful portal energies only amplify that with deep clarity - that deep depth of darkness, that deep ocean of gold that is your Heart. Let it be free, let it open, let your Soul’s song be heard, the Universe is listening, to every, single, breath. Love xxx  In DEEP CELEBRATION of my newly designed website with a plethora of healing tools, support and guidance to deeply awaken your consciousness that is all organised and easy to find, to support you in Awakening Your Consciousness and therefore your Life Purpose - I have been guided to release my powerful 21 Day Shifter Program for $197 for 10 DAYS ONLY!! This is usually $499 for deep support, unlimited questions, unlimited psychic readings and deep support for 21 days straight, let alone being in my energy field that deeply shifts you itself, for 10 DAYS ONLY is $197, click here for the full details and to book whilst this deep celebratory offer of deep support, nurturing and psychic development is at your fingertips.