free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 01, 2019
I trust you had/are having a magical New Years, bringing in 2019 in a way that called YOUR SOUL and you deeply honoured your Heart in this, whatever that looks like for you ❤️❤️❤️
Strong clearing and deep magical activating Atlantean energy through the Oracle of the Mermaids Oracle Deck by Lucy Cavendish today for you on this 1st January 2019. What a way to start 2019, being deeply guided by this powerful energy. 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️
Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier today and see what messages the Mermaids have for you to start your 2019.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Honour The Masculine. ‘Respecting men, embracing the masculine divine.”
Ah, as soon as I saw this card, all I heard was ‘boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.’ and I am wondering where your boundaries are? Are you clear in what you say yes to and what you say no to? Or are you just pulled along by what everyone else wants to do and - do you even know what YOU want to do? Or are you just there for everyone else and not you? If you had no responsibilities - do you even know what you would do with your time? It feels like this is your year and drawing this card is your sign that it is time to take charge of your life and not let others continually take up your time. That isn’t their fault, but a strength within yourself to say no, I need to do this for me today and say and do so without guilt. The other strong message I am getting here for this Honour the Masculine card today - is where are you angry at men? If you are a man, where are you angry at the Masculine - or at, yourself? I am sensing to release any hatred you have towards a man, or maybe you are also carrying the collective energy. Release the hurt, the betrayal, the lack of support, the denial of who you really are, the deep seated belief that you aren’t good enough, can’t do enough, or don’t know what else you can do. Release the hatred and anger you feel towards the Masculine for how much you ‘just actually want a soft place to fall into the arms of one’ - feeling SAFE is a big deal when we are dealing with the Masculine. To feel safe in the Masculine, is to release control, to release a sense of ‘not doing enough’ and knowing that the grounded presence of the Masculine is all the ‘doing’ that needs to be ‘done’ when sensing and dropping into a deep reverence for the Masculine. Women, I am also getting the sense of ‘where are you needing to stop nagging’? Now, that might sound negative, yet, Men are built differently to women. Find your women tribe and friends to blah to and be that divine place of LOVE that your man is looking for. Release your dominant energy of the Masculine and train yourself to BE in your Feminine energy. This IS your divine KEY to ‘having the man you want’ in your life and transforming current energy dynamics in your relationships PLUS allowing yourself to receive at greater abundant levels. Release your need to control and drop into TRUST of the Divine Masculine that is all around you to support you. Yes, it can be tricky as a go getter woman to even know where to start when you are so used to ‘doing it all yourself’ and more - yet, with practise and a simply starting with ‘telling your body to drop into your Feminine Energy’ is the most perfect place to start. Men, if you know deep down you have regret, remorse or feelings of ‘not being enough’, release this as you step into 2019 with a solid grounding ritual, to BE the man you know you are and same, ‘tell your body to BE that powerful presence’ your grounded Masculine present self, is just what the world needs. Love xxx Start 2019 off right with my newly released Clearing Negative Energy eBook available right now with instant access so you can clear your slate, cleanse your energy from all the holiday fiascos and interactions with people, let alone from 2018, cleanse yourself from places and things, reset your energy field and take your awareness deeper in 2019 so you can have accurate clear intuition without carrying other people’s energy anymore! Click here for all the details to grab this powerful eBook for only $7 (limited time!) and start your 2019 off with a clean and clear energetic slate:
Card #2: Time and Tide. ‘Oceanic spells and rituals’
One of the most powerful rituals you can do to release or to manifest what you want, is to check the tide times in your local area and whether it is the ocean or a tidal river/creek, go there as the tide is coming into peak high tide, to allow the divine ocean, to fill and cover you with Her cleansing water. As the tide starts to turn, She takes away what no longer serves you and leaves clean space for you to fill your energy with your Heart’s desires, and/or get comfortable in this space for the Divine Universe to bring you what you desire. If you cannot physically get to a body of water that runs with the tides, you can check the tide times still, of the closest body of water to you and imagine yourself standing on the shore and visualise that process, so you may like to read it again and visualise that. A powerful cleansing ritual to start 2019 for you. I am getting the message for you with this card, that 2019 is the time for you to truly honour your intuitive gift. You have a power that most people don’t and if you have drawn this card today I am getting the message that you have a specific unique gift, I am hearing the message that you are a ‘direct descendant from those in Atlantis’ and this is your year to truly re-activate those gifts that ‘were taken away from you’ back then. I am sensing you may have a spell or such cast on you from this time and it is harbouring the fears of truly stepping into and owning your gifts in this lifetime. (Yes, I do spell clearings!) I am getting the message that the most powerful thing you can do throughout 2019 is spend conscious time with water, whether fresh or salt and connect with it. Learn more about water in whatever ways your intuition calls you. From what you drink, to what you bath in, to what you swim in, to what you cook with, to what you ‘do spells with’. You can use water as an oracle, just like you can read tea leaves or coffee cups, you can also use water in this way. I am sensing that your intuition has been extremely heightened this past 4-6 days in particular and you are noticing this more than ever before. You know what someone is going to say before they say it, you are dreaming about people, places and things so clearly like never before, you are hearing and sensing what is ‘around the corner’ but no one else knew that before you. I am getting the message to not fear this, you are just coming into your power and when you are ‘awakened’, well there is no going back to sleep, so best fine tune your skills to do just that. And why would you? So that your gifts don’t ‘overtake you’ instead, you are able to use them for your highest path and alignment and know what to do when you receive information, energy and not be overwhelmed by it. Trust where your intuition calls you to train, teach and put into practise your skills. Atlantean Energy has awakened this past week and your skills are activating simply from this awakening, because you are kin to Atlantis. Trust your feelings, trust your heart and most importantly, trust where they lead you, even to overseas far away lands. Trust your callings. Love xxx Start 2019 off right with my newly released Clearing Negative Energy eBook available right now with instant access so you can clear your slate, cleanse your energy from all the holiday fiascos and interactions with people, let alone from 2018, cleanse yourself from places and things, reset your energy field and take your awareness deeper in 2019 so you can have accurate clear intuition without carrying other people’s energy anymore! Click here for all the details to grab this powerful eBook for only $7 (limited time!) and start your 2019 off with a clean and clear energetic slate:
Card #3: The Crane Bag. ‘Sacred ocean medicine, clutter, de-clutter, choice.”
Ah, so many messages streaming through when I saw this card for you! First of all, did you pick two cards today as Card #2, feels similar with it’s ‘Sacred Ocean Medicine’ - yet, what also streamed through is about yes, clutter and de-cluttering, but it also feels like a move of home or overseas travel, I am sensing this really strongly in your energy field, are you thinking of moving? I am hearing February, do you have plans for February, travelling, or moving? Or will you be settled and done by then? Something significant for you about cleaning out in a big, big way right now/this month, and feels like a big clearing of the slate for you. Letting go of the old, energetically, physically and emotionally - you are doing some big cleaning out!! I am also sensing that some rituals to help release will be very powerful for you. For example, when decluttering, ask yourself if the item you have, you want to hold onto that energy anymore in your life. Anything that hasn’t been used in the past 12 months, ask yourself why are you holding onto it? Anything like that, is energetic clutter and when you release those physical items that ‘maybe one day you will get to’ - gives you energetic space and freedom and you won’t feel so overwhelmed with all those things to do because you have space in your energy field. Look around your home, what goes, what stays? It feels like a big energetic clearing ritual for yourself is just what your Soul is calling forth right now. The Crane Bag - what sacred medicine can you use to enhance your intuition, amplify your manifestation abilities and bring into your life? I am sensing some sacred rituals to connect deeply back into who you are, recalling your energy, asking your Soul - what is the main priority for me in 2019? What is the main focus and priority and goal for me in 2020? It feels like you are a bit torn right now too, something feels ‘off’ for you and you can’t seem to place it? It is like you were feeling really good and then it is like someone or something walked into your energy field so to speak and ‘interrupted’ your flow in a way. Who is it, that comes to mind when you read that? I am getting the message that there is a Sacred Gift in here - something in your Crane Bag (medicine bag) that you haven’t yet explored, nor dare to ask about because of pride or a sense of better than, yet if you have drawn this card, your Sacred Crane Bag, your Medicine Bag, is calling you forth to expand your skills in exponential ways in 2019. You have sensed that ‘off feeling’ but haven’t been able to place it. Do you trust the interrupted space that seems to have thrown your field off? It is calling forth your attention, are you heeding the deeper reason it is there? Love xxx Start 2019 off right with my newly released Clearing Negative Energy eBook available right now with instant access so you can clear your slate, cleanse your energy from all the holiday fiascos and interactions with people, let alone from 2018, cleanse yourself from places and things, reset your energy field and take your awareness deeper in 2019 so you can have accurate clear intuition without carrying other people’s energy anymore! Click here for all the details to grab this powerful eBook for only $7 (limited time!) and start your 2019 off with a clean and clear energetic slate:
Card #4: Adrift. ‘Letting go, allowing a higher force to take charge for a time.’
Ah, many messages as well streaming through seeing this card for you - yet, the main one here is - has it felt like you haven’t been receiving any intuition/messages/direction lately? It is like you are so clear usually, so #onpoint, so driven, motivated and know exactly just what your next step is, hear your angels, guides and intuition so acutely - but lately there is like - nothing - zilch - silence = like they’ve all abandoned you right? Kinda scary feeling isn’t it? To not know your next step, not know what it is you need to do, not know what your connection is to Spirit/Angels and more when it was just so clear and strong before and now it seems there is just nothing there at all right? It is the most painful experience I know! Abandonment kicks in - when the one most support has been there, when everyone else wasn’t - Spirit also goes! Argh! Not cool right? This card - Adrift - allowing a higher force to take charge for a time - it is also that you have turned to Spirit/Universe/Energy when you have needed it most and it seems like there is nothing there right? No answer, just nothing. WTF right? The sense I am getting here for you is two main things. One, is that you are part of a group of us, that is on a certain web of collective energy/consciousness and these webs have recently separated, probably around 3-5 weeks ago now you would’ve started feeling the main effects of this shift. Due to this shift in webs and leaving one web to another, there is a ‘gap’ a bit like a ‘black hole’ if you may, where the cogs of one layer of consciousness (or machine) have come apart and are moving to another space where the cog will be put back into place and it will be all go again. I am hearing April for ‘full steam ahead’ - not sure what this means, yet it feels like things will feel like they are on solid ground again from April. Within this shift, this is why it feels like your Spirit Guides/Universe/Angels that you usually have a strong connection with ‘are not there’ because these frequencies of beings are also changing. You have been doing massive amounts of consciousness work, even just learning about it, let alone doing the deep internal work and you are shifting fast along with the collective contribution that you are supporting and changing. This doesn’t mean your Spirit Guides ‘are not there’ or ‘won’t come back when you ask for their help’. What it does mean, is that you are tuning into higher frequencies as we all shift on this web together. The imagery of this card - Adrift in the ocean current, is very apt for this - letting go, let the ocean current take you - listen to your intuition with utmost importance and don’t discount the feelings and messages you are receiving - from your intuition. Receiving messages from Angels/Guides and from your intuition, 2 very distinctive different things and when you can harness the power of your own intuition - you’ve just gained a powerful place of mastery dear Soul. Do you - trust your intuition? The other part here is that when it seems like your guides and angels have ‘gone’ - what this is doing - is ‘making’ you tap into and harness your intuition. YOU are the power. YOU are the Intuition. Do you, trust YOU? I am also sensing a part of you has given up, let go and stopped trying to force things to happen. Handing it all over to a Higher Power, letting God help you, Universe Support you and take your on your intuitive path, instead of fighting it and thinking you need to do it all - this ‘giving up’ - but not giving up - this ‘letting go of control’ - is also a very powerful place to be in. It might seem like nothing is there, you’ve lost your drive and your umph for life - but beautiful Soul - this is just the transition from your old life to your new. Allow this space, use it for recovery time - because soon, that gusto will come back in a whole new way, level and energy and you will be grateful, you took this space for this gift that it is. Love xxx Ready to amplify those clearing techniques whilst you have time? Love xxx Start 2019 off right with my newly released Clearing Negative Energy eBook available right now with instant access so you can clear your slate, cleanse your energy from all the holiday fiascos and interactions with people, let alone from 2018, cleanse yourself from places and things, reset your energy field and take your awareness deeper in 2019 so you can have accurate clear intuition without carrying other people’s energy anymore! Click here for all the details to grab this powerful eBook for only $7 (limited time!) and start your 2019 off with a clean and clear energetic slate:
Card #5: Endurance. ‘Keep going!’
Ah, this card says it all - need I say anymore?! I am getting the sense that you have had enough, it seems like you just were able to rest and get clear, but then all of a sudden it has hit you with how much more you STILL have to do? I am sensing that this Endurance card is coming to tell you you DO have the capacity and endurance to keep going right now, but I am also sensing that there is a big windfall just around the corner for you that you MUST keep the faith and endurance going right now. I know dear Soul, you are tired, exhausted and at your end, your tears are streaming and falling and you don’t know if they will ever stop either. It feels like it has been super hard for you over this holiday time too and you are just….. ready to walk the fuck away! Yet - this card has come as your sign that you already know deep down, you just need to push through and past this bit and you know what is waiting for you on the other side of this, the freedom and life you’ve been dreaming into existence for quite some time. And there is your key - you, what you have been going through? Is the physical action required to bring your dreams to fruition honey. Please trust this. I just got the message to open to a ‘random’ page in A Course In Miracles and you won’t believe the Lesson/Chapter I opened to. Lesson 166, page 315: “I am entrusted with the gifts of God. 1. All things given are given to you. Gods trust in you is limitless.” - need I say anymore. You know the old saying, ‘You are not given anything you cannot handle.’ Even though you want to give up right now and walk the fuck away you also know that you can’t - well, of course you can, but you don’t want to. You know at your core this is what you have asked for, wanted and worked diligently towards. ‘God’s trust in you is limitless.’ This is a powerful statement to write down or put as a reminder in your phone. You are a limitless being and God knows this. He doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle and your Soul knows exactly what to do - even though it feels like you are going through a zillion consciousness snake skin sheds right now, YOU DO HAVE THIS IN THE BAG so to speak (The Crane Bag perhaps?! Did you pull two cards?!). Don’t give up now, this is your sign, that you can feel - is just around the corner - IS. You have the power, the magic, the limitless energy to tap into, draw on and pull into you right now. Choose it. Because YOU CAN. Love xxx Start 2019 off right with my newly released Clearing Negative Energy eBook available right now with instant access so you can clear your slate, cleanse your energy from all the holiday fiascos and interactions with people, let alone from 2018, cleanse yourself from places and things, reset your energy field and take your awareness deeper in 2019 so you can have accurate clear intuition without carrying other people’s energy anymore! Click here for all the details to grab this powerful eBook for only $7 (limited time!) and start your 2019 off with a clean and clear energetic slate:
Card #6: Sacrifice. ‘There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.’
Ah, this card is so strong and clear - ENOUGH on the sacrifices! Whilst this card as the two ends of the spectrum here, yes, there are times you need to make sacrifices and get ahead in life and then there are times when the sacrifices are at the detriment to your Soul - it feels like the main message of this card here for you today is ENOUGH OF THE SACRIFICES!! Yet, it feels like - “Yep, I already know Hannah.” You’ve done the hard yards, you’ve put in the time, energy, money, you have sacrificed soooo much that people wouldn’t even know of or imagine they ever would think is a sacrifice - yet, you’ve done it. I am sensing that yes, you’ve done it, but that is also enough now. You have built a very, very solid ground and there is no need to sacrifice anymore - yet, again, I am not telling you anything you don’t already know! I am also getting the message that just recently you are learning the power of your ‘no’ and saying no to demands on your time and energy, which, for a bit there, people were starting to ‘pull’ on you right? Well, it felt like it yes? I am getting the strong message that you are here at this point in time to realise what you have deeply sacrificed and now it is time to PROTECT what you have not only built, created and are now stepping into, but to put solid boundaries in place, so no one can knock you again. What are those things you need to tend to? I am hearing ‘organisation, organisation, organisation’. Are you organised for this coming year? I am hearing ‘6 months’ and I am sensing that there is a part of you that knows you can deeply organise yourself for the next 6 months, like get minutely detailed and be super diligent for this next 10-14 days of putting all the structures in place to support this 6 month plan. I am sensing you have already begun this process and this is your sign that you are indeed on the right path (yet, again, you already know this!) I am also getting the message for you that these sacrifices you have made over this past 1-2 years, even 3 years I am getting the message of, it feels like, these sacrifices have now become super near and dear to your heart, like these are what you now protect with a fierce roar that no one can pull you aside from time and energy into what you are now protecting. You have done this for a reason, your SOUL has known all along and you have deeply trusted your Soul, even though somewhat blindfolded to an extent, yet everything you have done has been Soul led, intuitive alignment for the fruition of your Life Purpose (again, nothing I am telling you that you don’t already know!). I am also sensing that there is something significantly huge and supportive just around the corner. Keep going beautiful Soul and fiercely continue to trust your intuition especially when those around you don’t get it, your Soul does your sacrifices have now become your dearest heart led spaces for your new life paradigm you have just entered into. Continue to walk forward with dedicated undertone intuitive silent action. Trust. You’ve known all along. Love xxx Start 2019 off right with my newly released Clearing Negative Energy eBook available right now with instant access so you can clear your slate, cleanse your energy from all the holiday fiascos and interactions with people, let alone from 2018, cleanse yourself from places and things, reset your energy field and take your awareness deeper in 2019 so you can have accurate clear intuition without carrying other people’s energy anymore! Click here for all the details to grab this powerful eBook for only $7 (limited time!) and start your 2019 off with a clean and clear energetic slate: