🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 1st October 2019 🔮
Oct 01, 2019🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 1st October 2019 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message came through for you today from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you today dear one ❤️
Ready to activate and sharpen your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level?
Mystic Mastery is OPEN until Saturday Midnight 6 months deep 1:1 mentoring, to allow your innate gifts to activate moving you to the next level of your business and life that you have felt yourself being pulled into.
Consciously hone your gift and let your light take your life, to the next level.
Click here for all the details before this closes on Saturday Midnight AEST ❤️
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Kali Endings and Beginnings. ’The old must be released so that the new can enter.’
Ah, whilst this card is very much about letting go - I feel like the deep message here is that you are definitely in the middle, right in the middle of walking through things, that - if things feel like the darkest time you’ve ever experienced right now? It is because you are right in the middle of it clearing, shifting, moving through you. ‘The only way is THROUGH it’ - that which you are doing beautiful one. So if it feels like there is no light of day, if it feels like it is relentless, if it feels like it won’t let up, that there is no relief no matter what you do, that you can’t stop crying, that you can’t stop feeling wiped out - beautiful Soul, please know I have been there and it DOES pass, but it doesn’t feel good right now for you - I KNOW! I won’t lie either, it does take time and that is why it is soooo important to have a mentor/support person - as many people around you to SUPPORT you as possible through this time. There is no way I would’ve got through the darkest times without the support that I had at the time, in person mentor, online mentor and close friends (only the ones who really got it). I am also getting the message to remind you of the 9month and 18 month healing cycles. Think back - what were you doing, where were 9 months ago? 18 months ago? At 9 months ago, is when you ‘start’ something new (was it when you began following me? Or a significant event happened in your life?). 6 months later, you get a ‘reality burst’ (meaning it surfaces again/hits reality) of what originally happened at the beginning of that 6 months - then on the 9 month point of what happened it will surface again for ‘final clearing’ - you are birthing reality. Whilst birthing CAN be blissful and joyful - it requires a certain amount of focus, awareness and dedication for the birthing to be such. If you are not conscious of choosing this and the depths this entails - birthing can be painful, scary for some and damn right hard work. Keep this in mind right now beautiful one, Kali is here, helping you to shift through the darkest portal of your life, to allow you the lightest portal of your life. I feel like this IS the darkest space you’ve ever been in to date - well, pretty close to it - yet, I feel like you are facing the truth of it for the first time ever - dealing wth reality instead of avoiding it and this beautiful one, is the highest path you can ever take. Know that you’re shifting THROUGH this right now, hence these feelings. They will pass. Reach out for help, know you ARE moving through it and that you are on the right path, even though it feels like you’re so lost, like it is never ending and you’re doubting everything. Don’t. You’re right where you’re meant to be, so you can live the highest light and life your Soul has been calling forth within you. Love xxx Ready to activate your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level? Mystic Mastery is OPEN, 6 months high level mentoring deeply honing your gift, discovering your dormant Psychic Gifts that are ready to open to support your next level in your business and life, this is the program for those ready to shift to the next level and are ready for accelerated shifts with the 1:1 VIP Immersion Day, this is only for the ones ready to take massive action and move rapidly into their next level. Click here for all the details as this is only open until this Saturday Midnight AEST: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #2: Mawu. Mother Earth. ‘You are called upon to help with environmentalism’
For many years, I thought this card only had one meaning - exactly that - to help Mother Earth with activism in saving our environment, our dear Mother Earth, our awareness of helping to reduce our own personal carbon emissions, to reduce our impact in our environment - and whilst this is still true for this card - when this card comes up, I also feel another deep meaning with this card. When this card appears for you, it is a cue - to notice your environment - who and what is in your energy environment that is causing energetic discord? Who is clouding your energy? Do you need to clear your energy? Now, some people get stuck and keep tripping themselves up on ‘But I don’t know who it is, I can’t place it.’ And that is where they stay stuck. The key is not to worry so much about that. Yes, in my course, Trust Your Intuition I teach you deeply how to fine tune your skills so you can do just that of sense who exactly it is, but the key is not to stay stuck in your head in figuring it out! Intuition doesn’t work like that! Intuition is not analytical 😉 Trying to figure it out is an aspect of control that keeps you stuck. Of course, ask the question, ‘Who is it, who am I feeling, what is going on here’ - of course, but don’t expect, nor wait around, nor stay stuck in your head awaiting for an answer. That is just you showing the Universe, you don’t trust Her to provide the answers to you. You might get the answer right away, you might get it next week and you may NEVER know who it was - yet, that isn’t the point. The point in being super clear about who is in your energy field, isn’t so much that. The point about being clear about who is in your energy field is more about you being conscious about your energy field! 💥 The point, the KEY - is about you even being aware you have an energy field, what that feels like, what that looks like, what you know is in your Aura/energy field and that you stay conscious to THAT. Why? Because that is the very first step in then becoming conscious about who it is in your Aura. So, are you even aware of your own energy field? How do you even do that? You start with my free Internal Compass Chakra Clearing Meditation (which can be found in the Essentials Meditation pack here: https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack) Dear Mawu’s message for you here, is about what is in your energetic environment and physical environment that needs changing, clearing, cleaning, upgrading, shifting, rearranging right now? If you’re feel low or agitated, who is in your energy field, who is ‘under your skin’ - who have you been thinking about/feeling/hearing about? What memories have been surfacing for you? And if nothing comes to mind, remember, it isn’t about trying to figure that out. Move something - move your body, exercise, clean something, clean your house, rearrange something, shift the energy and things will become clear again. If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious clear your energy pronto. If you are feeling pressure, you are trying to go in too many directions and accomplish too many things at once, do one thing at a time to completion, then move onto the next thing and get them done. Clear your energy and focus and the answers will become clear. Stop trying to figure it out and move your body and move the things in your home/clean. Then, reassess the situation and you might find, you won’t even need to, because things will already begin shifting as if by magic. Love xxx Ready to activate your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level? Mystic Mastery is OPEN, 6 months high level mentoring deeply honing your gift, discovering your dormant Psychic Gifts that are ready to open to support your next level in your business and life, this is the program for those ready to shift to the next level and are ready for accelerated shifts with the 1:1 VIP Immersion Day, this is only for the ones ready to take massive action and move rapidly into their next level. Click here for all the details as this is only open until this Saturday Midnight AEST: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #3: Ixchel. Medicine Woman. ‘You are a channel for Divine healing power.’
Ah, this card says it all! You are a Healer, a Medicine Woman/Man, a Seer, a Psychic, a Medium - all of the above and more! Yet - you already know this right? You know that you can shift people, by saying a few words, you know that your vibration is powerful and you heal people just by your presence. You have this drive to save/help Humanity, you have an awareness that people just come to you and start telling you all their problems that they then turn around and share that they’ve never told anyone that before in their lives. You have this affect on people right? Of course you do. People feel better around you. Yet - I wonder how you feel? Do you feel like you are where you are supposed to be? Do you feel like you could be doing more? That you know there is something else you ‘should’ be doing, but you are not sure of what exactly just yet? Maybe you are super clear, yet, you know that you are waiting for the right sign to move ahead? Are you waiting for the clear path, or the big YES for that person/path to support your vision? I feel like you are already taking steps towards that - yet, I am wondering if there is something else calling you as well? Is there something you ‘have your eye on’? And, I am also getting the message to ask you about your dreams, your sleep dreams - have you been dreaming more again recently? Crystal clear dreams, but they aren’t all making total sense right now? I am sensing that you are coming into a lot of power within yourself that needs to be honoured right now and I am also hearing - channeling in the right way - moreso - the correct way for you and your purpose. Is that writing a book? Taking a course that enhances your skills? Is there a new path opening up for you? Something has been on your mind recently and you’ve noticed an increase in your sensitivity, your psychic awareness, your intuitive gifts PLUS the signs/what has been on your mind and I am getting the message to bring deep awareness to this, that this is showing you another avenue on your current path. Whether or not you ‘come out to the world’ about your gift and increased sensitivity to energy, is not the point. The point is how do you amplify and use that in your daily life to enhance what you already do. The most in tune and ‘successful’ people use this gift, but you wouldn’t even know it - you don’t have to tell the world you are a Healer to heal. You don’t have to tell the world you are a Psychic to use your gift to amplify your current work/home/relationships around you. You can just use this to your advantage by staying deeply connected to self, on point with intuition and what you are being called to do in everyday life. So the question is - are you? Or are you scared of your gift and your power? Every single person on this planet has abused their power, whether in this lifetime or another at some point and clearing this thread about your fear of your power is important in moving forward. The thing to remember is that - you are ‘conscious’ now and you, are using/wanting to use your power for the good of humanity right? Of course you are… so no need to fear 😘 If you are, it is just old stuff surfacing for clearing - because that old stuff, isn’t the new you and it is to be shifted out so you can… be the Healer that you are beautiful one. You are a channel for Divine Healing power after all 😘. Follow your calling, you know the way, the signs are clear and true, trust them. It’s time to become the you, you were born to be. Love xxx Ready to activate your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level? Mystic Mastery is OPEN, 6 months high level mentoring deeply honing your gift, discovering your dormant Psychic Gifts that are ready to open to support your next level in your business and life, this is the program for those ready to shift to the next level and are ready for accelerated shifts with the 1:1 VIP Immersion Day, this is only for the ones ready to take massive action and move rapidly into their next level. Click here for all the details as this is only open until this Saturday Midnight AEST: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #4: Damara. Guiding Children. ‘You are good at helping, counselling and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.’
Okay, this card always has a few meanings too - of course, children that are yours, children around you, are needing more help and support right now from you. Of course, this also means Inner Child for yourself too. And - I am also getting the message about a niece for you? Do you have a niece in your life? If you don’t have a niece, it may be one of the already mentioned options - or someone who is like a niece? What comes to mind about a niece when you read this? What is the first ‘port of call’ that they need help with for/from you? Can you trust this and reach out to them? If it is not possible to reach out to them - maybe you are being called to energetically connect with them - you can ask you talk to them in your dreams, you can write a Soul letter and not send it, you can talk to them in your mind and trust they hear you, that their Soul hears you, just like when you talk to God/your Angels - same thing. I am also getting about Inner Child, your inner child - have you, when was the last time you spoke to him/her? I am also getting the message about when you were 7 years old, that there is a significant factor going on in your life right now - that has correlations to this age - 7-9 years I am getting the message here. What was going on at this age? Any significant big life changes? Did someone pass away? Were your parents together or separated? Did you move house? Was a sibling born? These are big life changes for a young child and they can have a severe impact on a little Soul who is still trying to comprehend/understand the world. Also - the sense I am getting is that back then - you made some kind of vow/commitment to yourself, to your life, that you vowed as a young child you would never do in your life - or something along these lines. You may have to do a little digging, or it may just come to you now. Trust - don’t try and figure it out, just let it unfold/sink into the field. I am also getting the message that if not inner child or niece - is there a child around you today, that is 7-9 years old? I am getting the message that they are needing more support, feeling left out, something happening at school that they are somewhat burying inside them? Forcing it out of them, doesn’t work, but connecting with them so they feel safe to open is the best way. Special/Present time, creating fun and things that you can do together to open them, is most important now. Asking them, how you can spend more time to connect with them, so their heart feels loved and full by you is the only thing you need to focus on right now - let the rest come out naturally when they feel safe to open to you. Because we all - need that avenue of safety to open up, to feel connected to someone? That is all it takes. Focus on connection, nothing more, nothing less - that includes with yourself, and watch your world change around you to match… that feeling of connection. It takes time, don’t expect it overnight, but start now. Connection, dedication, commitment, gentleness and love. Love xxx Ready to activate your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level? Mystic Mastery is OPEN, 6 months high level mentoring deeply honing your gift, discovering your dormant Psychic Gifts that are ready to open to support your next level in your business and life, this is the program for those ready to shift to the next level and are ready for accelerated shifts with the 1:1 VIP Immersion Day, this is only for the ones ready to take massive action and move rapidly into their next level. Click here for all the details as this is only open until this Saturday Midnight AEST: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #5: Maat. Fairness. ‘This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.’
Hmmm, ‘Karma’ is what I am getting the sense of with this card here for you today and not in a sense of ‘this is your bad karma’ - yet the sense that, everything is created by a series of actions and non actions. That everything in life is created by something you choose to do today. Tomorrow is not set in stone, the only thing that is set in stone, is the action you choose to take that changes your future tomorrow. That? That is the only thing you can count on. The message I am getting here for you today beautiful Soul, is that this issue that is on your mind - is already resolved. Meaning, I don’t feel you need to push, strain or do anything ‘out of your norm’ to resolve this. I feel you have done so much coming into alignment that anything you do now, is just maintaining that alignment, but the key/core thing I am getting here, is that those in your past, that have judged you, put you down, shamed you - ‘their karma is coming’ and that ‘karma’? (Wait on, let me explain my terminology of karma, is that, of the actions that someone has done to you or you to them, comes back at you/them, that is all, the action thing, the choices thing). That ‘karma’ that is coming to them? All that is - is they are awakening to the truth of the situation - just by you continuing to do you, be you and continue on the path you are being guided to take and are on and have been on the entire time. They see you now, they are starting to wake up now, they are realising the truth of the situation and what ‘they did you to you - more so - what they judged in you and that harsh wake up call is all the karmic threshold of change that they need. And here is the best part! You don’t need to do a thing, other than what you already are, because it is this, that is causing their wake up calls in the first place. When you stay true to you, when you don’t budge off your path because of words or slanders they throw at you, when you hold tight to the calling of your Soul and what you are being called to do, regardless of the world crumbling down around you - you will find that the ones that see you - are the ones who knew your heart all along and the ones who fell off the shelf will eventually see you and… feel remorse, realise the depth of their hurtful slander and change their actions in an instant in a way to ‘cover up’ the core of it. Yet, you can see and watch the entire show unfold before your eyes… and keep going with what you were doing the entire time. Some will apologise, some will run the other way and you’ll never hear from them again, some will continue to do what they do and try and be better than you. And still, you potter along doing your thing, not phased by them, but watching the show play out, as you continue to call in the depths of your Soul and move forward in what you were being called to do in the first place - that you - haven’t stopped. This, ‘This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.’ - I feel is your sign to continue you on beautiful Soul, you know what you are doing, you are in integrity with your choices, your actions, your Heart. Let them play along the side lines, let them degrade you - because they are not on your path anyway. God/Universe will make them see one day and it is with this, that you will smile with the depth of your Heart, with deep gratitude you continued on your path, no matter what. Your Soul smiles upon you, continue to trust in this, for you are on the right path. The rest, is being taken care of, so keep doing you, and keep discerning who stays close to you and not. You’ve got it correct so far, continue to trust in this. Your heart knows. Love xxx Ready to activate your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level? Mystic Mastery is OPEN, 6 months high level mentoring deeply honing your gift, discovering your dormant Psychic Gifts that are ready to open to support your next level in your business and life, this is the program for those ready to shift to the next level and are ready for accelerated shifts with the 1:1 VIP Immersion Day, this is only for the ones ready to take massive action and move rapidly into their next level. Click here for all the details as this is only open until this Saturday Midnight AEST: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #6: Green Tara. Start Delegating. ‘Ask others (including me) to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself.’
Well, this card speaks for itself! Hmmm, have you a list to do? How can you release doing some of that list? What can you hand over, ask for help with and deeply drop into trust that you can do everything and guess what - you can do MORE when you have help? When you ASK for help? When you - let yourself be supported? I am wondering if you are trying to create something, ‘bring something in’ - especially this week? Now more than ever then, is your main task this week to hand over as many tasks as you can. Get them off your list - divide your list up into two parts - jobs that you can hand over/jobs to ask for help with and jobs that you do. Start with the things you don’t like doing, start with the things you don’t know how to do and hand those over first. Unless you are being called to learn an entire new system and that brings your heart and soul alive because it is leading you somewhere, then hand it over. When you run your eyes over your list, what feels heavy and burdensome and what feels light and fun? Trust what you feel about this - as this gives you a clear indication about where to ‘start’ on your list. It could be hiring more help, letting your heart be freer so you can do the things that bring you alive, that bring you more passion and joy. Because we all know what more passion and joy do for our energy let alone our health right? Brings in more FLOW and it is THAT - that is your key to success, key to your freedom, key to your wealth, health and joyful heart that you’ve been seeking again. Because recently that has been key for you right? Where has your joy gone? What even makes you happy, because you don’t even know anymore? (well, haven’t recently, but I feel you’ve been getting ideas about what DOES bring you alive?) I feel like ideas have been dropping in - making you remember who you are. And - I am getting the message to ask you/drop here in the space - ‘Who doesn’t know who you are?’ ‘Who doesn’t see you for who you really are?’ ‘Who doesn’t even see your heart and what you stand for, who you know yourself to be?’ I am getting the message that these may even be questions/statements you’ve been saying to yourself lately yes? And so I ask you, if they were to really see you - see you for who you are, what you stand for and what you believe in - what is that? What hobbies would you be participating in? What would you be doing on the weekends? What lifestyle would you be living? What would you be dressing like? What would you be eating? What fitness level would you be at? What words would be coming out of your mouth? What would you be eating? If you are - not living into these things now, the answers to those questions - these are key places to start, to change your behaviour now, to match these now. Not wait any longer for these to occur, but to make these happen now. If it is a ‘big out there thing/dream’ - what baby steps can you be taking to make this happen now? What can you plan, between now and Christmas, to make - your dreams come true - now? This, is the sense that I am getting for you dear precious Soul - your tomorrows are created by the choices and actions you take today. Success comes from dedication, discipline and precision planning with your time and energy. Christmas isn’t far away, neither is the New Year - how do you want to be spending the last months of 2019, walking into 2020 like? I am feeling this planning and creating your life NOW - will give you the lift, energy and ‘new life’ you are looking for - now. The joy - now. The love - now. Yes? 😘 Love xxx Ready to activate your Psychic Gifts to take your business to the next level? Mystic Mastery is OPEN, 6 months high level mentoring deeply honing your gift, discovering your dormant Psychic Gifts that are ready to open to support your next level in your business and life, this is the program for those ready to shift to the next level and are ready for accelerated shifts with the 1:1 VIP Immersion Day, this is only for the ones ready to take massive action and move rapidly into their next level. Click here for all the details as this is only open until this Saturday Midnight AEST: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery