READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 20th November 2018 🔮
Nov 20, 2018READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 20th November 2018 🔮
Mmmm, the Divinely Powerful Liquid Crystals are here to support you today. They are strong, feel their healing power as you read the words and see the images of them. These cards alone are powerful healing tools, let alone the actual Crystals themselves when you take them. This deck is The Liquid Crystals, by Justin Moikeha Asar.
Scroll down to find which number you chose earlier today and see what Liquid Crystal came to you today.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Dioptase. The Healing Heart.
I received the message yesterday in the Weekly Intuitive Energy Forecast, that this week was a big Heart Chakra week. Allowing your Heart to mend and heal. Yet, the message I am getting here with Dioptase, is there is something or someone ‘in your heart’ that may be - hmmm, what is the word, it feels like you are entangled in some way shape or form, or have taken on their heart’s pain and are mistaking it for your own. Is there something or someone in the last 6-8 months that you have been with, had a relationship with, or been close to, that you have taken on their pain/hurt/trauma - into your own heart? Usually we do this because we feel guilty or don’t want them to feel the pain they have been through in their life and so we take on their energetic pain and carry it to ‘fix’ them. But of course, this doesn’t really ‘fix’ them and we end up feeling drained, tired and exhausted ourselves, let alone having a heart full of everyone else’s stuff instead of your own. So, how do you get it out? You make a choice not to ‘fix’ everyone you decide clearly in deep trust that everyone has the resources to fix themselves. You ask Archangel Michael of 100% light to remove it from your Heart, you check in with the part of yourself that needs to fix everyone to feel worthy and good enough, and you consciously commit to mindset work and deep inner work to catch the other bits that rise because you have shifted that part of you - what is underneath that? Where did that layer come from to begin with? Dioptase comes in to heal your broken heart - is it a recent broken heart? Or is there something sitting there from a while ago, that you haven’t looked at since? I am getting the message of June - is there something that surfaced in June, that needs tending to/clearing out, to be able to move forward with a clear slate? What was going on in eclipse season that brought up the past and deep clearing of karmic slates to be able to birth your Life Purpose? As although this seems like relationships, break ups, heart healings, going deeper in your current relationship - what this is really about? Is allowing your Heart to be in it’s fullest capacity so that you can birth your Life Purpose. Your Heart is, after all - your Life Purpose right? Your Heart is the core of who you are, it is all of your Heart and Soul, your guiding light - and with Dioptase, comes the death and rebirth cycle - something needs to be let go of, whether a physical situation, whether pain your heart from a past relationship that needs grieving and healing, whether it is about trusting and moving forward to the light in the direction of your dreams - Dioptase comes to help you release this, so you can open your Heart wider than ever before and deeply move forward. It is time to RISE. Decide what it is that is in your Heart and Soul’s calling - what does your future life look like, your dream life, look like - and let go NOW, of anything that is not that. Dioptase has come to help you, will you let it? Love xxx Not long now before applications close for me to come to your private residence for 6 months of the year as Your Personal Intuitive Healer. Your own spiritual advisor, to help you heal from any situation going on in your life, receive in person activations, upgrades and divinely guided messages to activate your Life Purpose and bring the light back into your life after all you’ve been through. Due to the depth of support and nature of this divinely guided service, this is by application only and applications are closing soon. Click here for all the details to apply:
Card #2: Malachite. Clearing.
Hmmmm, the first thing that comes to mind is your home - have you been half heartedly energetically clearing your home lately? I am getting the strong sense that it is time for a big deep energetic clean out in your home. A spring clean, but a deep energetic clean. Whether you are in spring, or preparing to hibernate for winter, it is time to deeply and with a deep focus energetically clean and clear your home. Every wall, every crevice, every boundary fence, every cupboard. What cupboard first comes to mind? Start there. There is some energy around you that needs to be cleared out. This will start to shift the energy around you in your physical life and support the changes you are trying to manifest. I am hearing April - and I am wondering whether it is this April that has just gone, or whether it is the upcoming April, that has something significant to do with your home. Malachite says: “Malachite asks you to trust your instincts, keep your heart open and have courage.” (from The Liquid Crystals, pg 187) and I am getting the strong sense, that deep down you know what you have to do and Malachite has come to you to deeply ‘test’ almost, your trust and faith in self - I am hearing ‘conviction’ - what is the deep Soul conviction that you know your Soul is destined to live? What type of life do you know you are meant to live? If you have high aspirations, high dreams, living life very out of the norm to most people and feel like you’re never satisfied, I ask you, what are you doing EVERYDAY to make that happen? I am also getting the message that you are confused in some way about the decision you need to make. I am sensing that actually, deep down, that Soul knowing - you know what to do, but you are scared to for some reason, shape or form. When we are confused, we are usually fused and have taken on somebody’s energy. So, this energetic cleaning, not only applies to your physical home, but your physical body home too - the one your Soul resides in. Regular Chakra Clearing, regularly cleaning your physical body and when I say regular chakra clearing - like daily. You should be clearing your chakras and aura, as often as you shower. If you don’t have my free chakra clearing meditation, you can grab it here (along with other free meditations in this Essentials Pack): I am also sensing there is a clearing out going on in your mind - it feels like you have been starting work strongly on mindset? Are you catching your thoughts, are you deeply dropping into what it is you are here to do, are you aligning your highest vision - have you started mindset work recently? It feels like a total Soul cleansing, a total life makeover is going on for you right now, you are completely reinventing yourself and Malachite has come to pin point and confirm that you are completely on the right track. It may feel ‘quiet’ and lonely for quite some time coming up, these next few months may feel ‘internally quiet’ - yet you are preparing for something right now, clearing the slate, preparing the foundations, and soon, what you have cleared the slate for will arrive and you will be glad you ‘enjoyed’ this quiet time, for this upcoming months soon, this is now your preparation. Love xxx Not long now before applications close for me to come to your private residence for 6 months of the year as Your Personal Intuitive Healer. Your own spiritual advisor, to help you heal from any situation going on in your life, receive in person activations, upgrades and divinely guided messages to activate your Life Purpose and bring the light back into your life after all you’ve been through. Due to the depth of support and nature of this divinely guided service, this is by application only and applications are closing soon. Click here for all the details to apply:
Card #3: Turquoise. Spirit Of The Earth.
GET GROUNDED! This is the first message that came beaming through as soon as I saw Turquoise for you today. Get outside in nature, use grounding oils, crystals, healing remedies, EXERCISE, do yoga, breathe deeper, wear red socks, paint your nails, give yourself foot massages, move your body. Ground, ground ground! Now, there is usually a reason you don’t want to get in your body. Because there is some sort of intuition that you are not wanting to face, some truth you are not wanting to swallow, even though you know… you have to. You can seem unfocused and ‘cloudy’ and not sure what your life purpose is, which way you are going or what you are even here for anymore. And the message I am hearing is that if you make your only focus and priority to stay grounded deep in your body, you WILL become clear by osmosis. You won’t have to ‘try’ to work it out - which is how we get stuck in our head to begin with, overanalysing a situation and coming in at every which angle to figure something out and never clear and feeling stressed out and exhausted trying to figure it out. Yet, when you can focus on YOU, bring yourself back to you, exercise and get deep in your body, not just once - but every single day, you will find you won’t even have to search for answers. They will turn up in front of you. People will turn up in front of you out of no where. Ideas will drop in whilst you’re moving your body that you never thought of before, or thought possible before. It will just HAPPEN. Why? Because when you move your body in different ways and get grounded - you are moving the energy in your body, and when you move energy? It creates energy and also brings in new energy - you move energy, it creates a new energy and therefore attracts and creates a new vibration that you are ‘emitting’ and brings new situations to your life. And that is = what you have been wanting and asking for right? Have you been asking for something new, different, a boost, some help, something that is not yet here? Your answer today is move your body - every single day and bring that new vibration into your life now by doing this - starting today. Even if it is night time where you are reading this, you can always stretch and do you yoga before you sleep! Turquoise is also deeply connected to the Throat Chakra and this is about grounding your truth on the Earth. I am wondering if something has come in recently and ‘side swiped’ you a bit? What has thrown you off kilter? I am getting the message that as you ground your truth, live your truth, you will have all sorts of challenges come up and it is like a ‘test’ (even though I don’t like that word!) of - do you really want this? Do you really want the thing/goal/project/situation that you have been working towards? Are you going to let things that come in and sway you from your path - continue to? What is your truth in this situation? If you are clouded - get your body moving, every single day to get clear. You already know your truth deep down - what is it you are needing to voice? Turquoise, being deeply connected to the Throat is about speaking your truth - but LIVING it, every single day. Maybe some shadow work is in call, to get clear on all the different parts of you that are needing a voice right now too, guiding you deep within. Listen within, move your body and act on your deepest truth. You know what your Soul calls you to do. It depends if you - trust your own truth? Love xxx Not long now before applications close for me to come to your private residence for 6 months of the year as Your Personal Intuitive Healer. Your own spiritual advisor, to help you heal from any situation going on in your life, receive in person activations, upgrades and divinely guided messages to activate your Life Purpose and bring the light back into your life after all you’ve been through. Due to the depth of support and nature of this divinely guided service, this is by application only and applications are closing soon. Click here for all the details to apply:
Card #4: Kunzite. Heart Activation.
Well, I was told yesterday on the Weekly Intuitive Energy Forecast that it is a Heart Chakra week and look at the cards that have come through for our Tuesday Tarot! Another one for the Heart Chakra. You can’t get much more Heart than Kunzite! Macaw/Parrot is the Animal Totem for Kunzite and I am also getting the message of birds and rainbows for some reason too. If you have been seeing these lately, Kunzite has been calling your attention. This is deep Heart Activation. If your Heart has been closed for too long, its time to open it and not let the pain of the past keep you captive. I am wondering if a situation has come through you lately and almost - not been able to stop you from feeling? In a sense that, maybe you were going along pretty well and good and then a situation has happened that has almost floored you in a way and MADE YOU FEEL. I am sensing this has ‘cracked you open’ in a way - are you ready to receive the new level of love and light that comes in once you have been cracked open in this way? I am also getting the message for you that more information will be revealed this week to you about the situation that you’ve just been in and the clarity will come streaming through. We have just stepped into the 3 day window of the peak Full Moon time - so many things are going to continue to come to light. I am also sensing that Kunzite has come to you, to get you to feel, rather than speak. Keep your mouth closed just for now and just feel everything that is going on within and around you. Become the still quiet observer in your awareness of your feelings and let them go as they come. Be gentle as you walk forward over these coming days, emotions will be high, just feel them without labelling them. Yes it takes practise, but when you can practise mastering feeling without judging, you step into a whole new vibrational way of being, one that is a powerhouse of deep grounded awareness in who you really are, what is going on around you, within you and through many aspects of your being and dimensions all at the same time. Are you ready to receive the next level layer of who you are? Are you ready to let the next level of light and higher vibration IN? It is, what you have been asking for after all? Love xxx Not long now before applications close for me to come to your private residence for 6 months of the year as Your Personal Intuitive Healer. Your own spiritual advisor, to help you heal from any situation going on in your life, receive in person activations, upgrades and divinely guided messages to activate your Life Purpose and bring the light back into your life after all you’ve been through. Due to the depth of support and nature of this divinely guided service, this is by application only and applications are closing soon. Click here for all the details to apply:
Card #5: Elestial Quartz. Angelic Truth.
Mmmmm, Angelic Truth. What truth is right in front of you that you are not wanting to face or see? Are you seeing the truth of this situation? If Angelic Truth has come to you today I am sensing there is more going on than meets the eye and you are being guided to pay attention to that right now. Elestial Quartz is showing you that when you are not listening to your intuition, things go off kilter and out of balance and you give your power away to people, places and situations and you step into victimhood waiting for someone to come and save you. The fastest way to come back into alignment with self and your intuition? Self care, self care, self care AND - where did you stop listening to your intuition and instead listen to someone else? I am sensing that there is a part of you wondering what just happened but also deeply quiet that you deeply know deep down, where it should’ve stopped, but you didn’t listen. Why? Maybe you thought it was different this time, maybe you thought it was right - and you know what? It was right at that moment in time wasn’t it? Because nothing is right or wrong. Everything is right until it isn’t anymore and only you know when that is. I am also getting the message about your body too, what is going on in your body? Is there something you have been working on in your body? New work out routine? Have you hurt yourself recently? Do you have an ailment or illness that has got you ‘stuck’ in some way? It feels like this is a message here for you to take your power back around your body too in some way. Every ailment has a metaphysical/emotional understanding and you can decipher what is going on with delving into the meanings here about it to guide your healing and take your power back so you can get back on path asap. What messages are tap, tap, tapping you or coming straight into your mind, life or ‘stopping you in your tracks’ to make you wake up and see where you are giving your power away? Are you ready to reclaim your power? How do you know how or where to do this? What issues are going on in your life making you irritated or that you can’t stop thinking about - where are you in your head constantly trying to figure it out? And then what have you re-arranged/changed in your life recently - that may need reassessing again? Maybe, it isn’t the best path for you? Or needs adjustment? Forgiveness is also coming to mind - where do you need to forgive yourself for thinking you have made a wrong choice recently? Because you haven’t? You have just made choices that have awakened you to - where you are right now? And you can always, make another choice right now. That is where you reclaim your power back. Every single time. With your choices in the now. Love xxx Not long now before applications close for me to come to your private residence for 6 months of the year as Your Personal Intuitive Healer. Your own spiritual advisor, to help you heal from any situation going on in your life, receive in person activations, upgrades and divinely guided messages to activate your Life Purpose and bring the light back into your life after all you’ve been through. Due to the depth of support and nature of this divinely guided service, this is by application only and applications are closing soon. Click here for all the details to apply:
Card #6: Blue Lace Agate. Calm Expression.
Have you been feeling angry lately? Blue Lace Agate usually comes at a time when you are starting to FEEL. Under all anger is sadness and if you have stepped onto the healing path recently and are feeling angry - its okay!! Yet, sometimes this anger is misdirected and poured into people, places and situations that…. makes the situation worse? I am wondering if you have felt angry and had outbursts that haven’t allowed you see the situation clearly? Usually we do in hindsight and then feel remorseful for what unfolded during the anger and pain. I am also getting the message - yes under all anger is sadness - but what anger also teaches us is our boundaries - what is important to you. And when someone isn’t respecting your boundaries or you feel let down and you get angry or sad about something this is an important awakening for you - because you are becoming clear about what is important to you - waking up to what you value. This is a good thing! Even though it might feel blah in that moment, what you are becoming aware of is an aspect of your Life Purpose, your Life Path, you are being shown your direction, you are stepping more and more onto your path, aligning to where you are really meant to be going. What comes to mind is, out of the book, Spiritual Growth, by Sanaya Roman, “All negative emotions show you where you are not aligned with the vision of your Higher Self.” What are you continually trying to ‘fight’ that is just not - aligned with you anymore? What are you holding onto that you know you need to let go of, but just… can’t? Ask yourself, what is it that I am afraid of, by letting go of this? Is it a fear of the unknown? There are parts of us that want to hold onto the familiar because it is just that… familiar. Yet, in the unfamiliar, lay all the possibilities, rather than just 1 thing that we can hold onto. Blue Lace Agate has come to you today, to show you what is important to you and to drop into the deep knowingness of your Heart, allowing all the parts of you to have a voice, to express your feelings - when you can hear each of them (Shadow work/throat chakra) and drop into the safety, that your intuition, your voice, knows all along, the right way to go - it is just, do you listen to your own voice? Or continue to ‘fight’ with those, that don’t understand anyway? Blue Lace Agate, shows you ‘Action or Reaction’ and allowing you to drop into the depths of taking a breath and being with what is, choosing between - either Action or Reaction. And that comes from deep down knowing the different parts of you that are being reflected in your current reality, so you can integrate, shift and rise up with the solid knowingness of living your truth - like you were always meant to right from the start. What parts of you, are calling forth your attention, what parts of you, are needing to be voiced - to yourself, to show you, where you are really meant to go? Love xxx Not long now before applications close for me to come to your private residence for 6 months of the year as Your Personal Intuitive Healer. Your own spiritual advisor, to help you heal from any situation going on in your life, receive in person activations, upgrades and divinely guided messages to activate your Life Purpose and bring the light back into your life after all you’ve been through. Due to the depth of support and nature of this divinely guided service, this is by application only and applications are closing soon. Click here for all the details to apply: