🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For February 26th 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 26, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For February 26th 2019 🔮  

Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddesses for you ❤️  

FINAL WEEK FOR LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR - where all your dreams come true! Deep alignment to your Life Purpose and the reason you are BORN on this planet beautiful one! For a deep, deep reason, click here for all the details before this closes at the end of this week.

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Yemanya. Golden Opportunity. ‘Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them.’

Ah, this message is clear right?! I am getting such a sense for you to trust the opportunity and the doors that have opened up for you. I feel like it is such and important time to release yourself from your current situation and say yes to what has presented itself to you right now. This past week has brought about big changes and life direction for you yes? It feels like you are opening up important, not only doors - but huge life direction changes have been presented to you and I am sensing this is such a recalibration to your Life Purpose right now. I am feeling like there is so much that has been offered to you - that it is important to say yes to the ones that are easily opening and deeply walk away from any others that have shut on you! TRUST is the biggest message I am hearing about this situation for you right now. If the opportunity, hasn’t yet turned up, I am sensing you are in a big argh space like just wtf almost and this card has come to you to let you know that it is ALMOST here, you are ALMOST free - keep trusting and moving forward - because the wave on this picture is representative of what is about to come, freedom, relief, a sense of here we go now! I feel like you have made a lot of sacrifices to get to where you are now and where you are going and this opportunity has been almost self created, you know what you want in life and you have continually turned up in the direction you want to go - and this, is the ‘ripple affect’ the cause of all you have created until this point - don’t stop now, this opportunity takes you to your wildest dreams come true. I am getting the message to keep your eye on the prize, keep your eye on the big picture of what is going on for you and allow your ‘hard days’ to be fuelled with this vision that keeps you going. Rome wasn’t built in a day, yet, your Rome is here and awaiting you to walk through these doors that have presented themselves. I feel like there is such a space of relief going on for you - or about to, or you have just felt the release - know that joy is just around the corner for you dear one - the Dolphin jumping out o the water on this card, is the JOY and Emerald in the Li quid Crystals which is Spiritual Healing. I am sensing that you have walked through fire to get to where you are now, you have dove in deep to the depths of grief, faced some things, that people don’t even go there in their mind to face and you are rising like a Phoenix. I am sensing that by this time next month, you will feel even more relief and more on path - that what is going on now, is the start phase in a way and this time next month will be close to the end phase of what has begun now and you can start to truly ease into the opportunity you are walking into if that makes sense? I am also hearing ‘prepare, prepare, prepare’ - what do you need to prepare for, for this opportunity? Is it rest/sleep? Or are there physical steps you need to start preparing for? If you can feel it coming, or the signs are there that it has arrived, what else do you need to prepare for it? Get ready, the opportunity for huge life direction, huge life change release is on your doorstep beautiful Soul, trust this change, it is what your Soul’s Life Purpose has called forth into your reality after all. Let it IN. Love xxx Final week for application for Life Purpose Accelerator dear one! For deep supportive growth, rapid changes and acceleration into your Life Purpose, if you’ve ever felt called to be your own boss, step into your and own your spiritual gifts, know that you have something inside you that NEEDS to come out, but want a supportive environment to do just that, let alone deeply align to the reason you’re on this planet, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here to apply, applications close at the end of this week.   


Card #2: Athena. Inner Wisdom. ‘You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom, and take appropriate action without delay.’

Ah, this card? Trust yourself! Why are you doubting your dear self?! Well, there are lots of reasons we doubt our intuition! Yet - when you have already made a decision - doubt always comes up - always! So, if you’ve already made a decision and doubt is surfacing about the choices you’ve made, know you’ve made the right choice. I am also getting the message that if you are receiving intuitive information right now and are receiving different answers from the people around you or when you approach them, but your intuition is showing you something different - to TRUST YOURSELF over them! I am sensing this is so important, crucial and critical for you right now. If something is ‘off’ - trust it. If something seems out of alignment, or there is a mis-match between someone’s words and their actions and even when you mention it to them, they are telling you otherwise, listen to yourself over them. As Athena says, ‘You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action without delay.’ You don’t need to wait for confirmation for what your intuition is already telling you. Trust it and take the necessary action you need to do to trust yourself and listen within. Even if that means taking time out and away from people so you can get clear on what it is you are receiving and stop doubting yourself one moment more. I am also getting the sense for you that something is deeply off - and perhaps you are not sure entirely what that ‘off’ feeling is, you can’t put your finger on it, but something is off - this is all you need to know dear one. Trust your intuition without delay and do what you need to do, to remove yourself from the situation, place, person or vicinity, perhaps that is even online interactions with them. I am getting a sense that this is crucial right now with where you are headed in your life. I am sensing a huge opportunity is about to drop into your lap and will be super important that what is ‘off’ right now, is cleared up and out of your energetic field and life - pronto. The Owl on this card is also standing out to me, and this relates to Iolite in The Liquid Crystals. Very connected to the Third Eye and all about seeing the truth in relationships - and we are in relationship to everything, including the relationship we have with our own intuition. Now is the time to trust yourself and your intuition dear one - you have pulled this card for a reason today, to trust yourself over what anyone is saying to you - you already know the answer. Trust that by taking action in alignment with your Life Purpose and what your intuition is showing you to, what you are feeling to do - right now, will seek immediate changes in energy frequency for you and your life right away. Trust. You already know what to do. Love xxx If you are ready to strip your life of anything that is getting in the way of not only you trusting your intuition, but aligning to your Life Purpose, the Life Purpose Accelerator is where you will find all the deep support, tools and next level frequency alignments to propel you into deep support and love for your Life and Life Purpose, to find that joy again - and do what you were born to do, even after all the hurt, all the pain, all the loss - it is your time to shine dear one, isn’t it? Click here for all the details to apply before this closes this week.


Card #3: Guinevere. True Love. ‘The Romantic stirrings in your heart, have propelled the Universe to deliver great love to you.’

Ah - has an old flame come back into your life recently? Or - and both - you are feeling more love for yourself? It feels like you have stood your ground recently and have really stepped up into feeling a whole new sense of self, you have deeply, internally changed deep within your heart and soul, body and mind, and this is having a deep ripple affect in your life dear one! I feel like you’ve come into a whole new way of being in your life, like you’ve shed old layers of skin and are deeply coming into alignment with who you really are - this is a celebration dear one! I am sensing that a new love is around you, or a rekindled old love has turned back up in this space, but this is because of not only shifts within yourself, but with them too. Yes, you can do internal work and shift the reality around you, yet, it does take two to work a relationship and the willingness to both do the work to turn up to it. Yet, there are changes within you both hey? I am sensing that you’ve also let go of thinking that it needs to be a certain way and are dropping into more acceptance of how it actually is and what is reality, rather than constantly being unsatisfied and wanting more of ‘not this’, you’ve been working hard to change your circumstances with huge positive ripple affects and this has actually been changing the way you have and are feeling in relationship with this person yes? I am also sensing that you have come into a deeper level of understanding of yourself and what needs you are needing to change in your life, what deeper care you need to take for yourself and give yourself constantly on a daily basis, not just once off here and there, this is now non-negotiable in your life and I am deeply celebrating you for this! This is a huge shift, just in positive mental work, physical self care and emotional support, let alone your energetic spiritual boundaries - you are truly birthing into a new person and… you like it yes? It feels like you have come into such a love for yourself and the Universe is radiating that back to you dear one - absorb it - let it in. Whether that be the people turning up in your life, ready to receive the love you have, or you realising how much love you have to give and walking away from those that cannot receive such depth of love that you have/are and standing your ground of your worth and never dropping it again - for when you hold this strong boundary of self worth, self respect and self love in your life - you send a very powerful signal to the Universe that allows the Universe to reflect that back in kind. I am also getting the message for you about anchoring this in, anchoring this new vibration of LOVE in - this is now your new normal, your new standard of being - are you ready to receive it in it’s fullest? Ask yourself, how can I let more in? And then, notice the intuition, the nudges and the doors that fling wide open and show you how. You are so worth it and I am deeply celebrating these positive shifts you’ve had in your life - onwards and upwards from here baby! Love xxx If you’re ready to propel these great stirrings, shifts and changes and deep love you are now feeling, into your work and help shift and change, not only the people around you, have a drive for changing the world and fixing all the wrong you see in the world, know you are here for larger than large things, then the Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. This is the final week taking applications as this is a deep Soul calling that only pulls certain people, you will feel it in your heart and Soul and know that you are here to spread love in a deep, grounded and powerful way that affects not only your life - but every single person you come into contact with, shifting them rapidly and accelerating your Life Purpose into gear. Click here for all the details and send me a message to apply before this closes at the end of this week.


Card #4: Ixchel. Medicine Woman. ‘You are a channel for Divine Healing power.’

Ah, this card is self explanatory! You are a Healer! And the message that I am getting specifically about this card is - have you been denying your healing abilities? In a sense that, what is it you have been getting the message about that will enable you to deeply step into alignment and flourish the path of your Life Purpose as a Healer that you are ignoring, denying, or just not sure if you can do it? I am hearing that ‘all your needs are provided for’ when you follow the call of your Soul - yet the other space I am getting the message about is about using your healing powers, your healing gifts, to amplify your manifestation abilities - have you been doing this? If so, this is confirmation for you that you are deeply listening to your intuition and putting your guidance into action, regardless of whether you think it will work or not - you are just trusting and this is such a deep amplification of your healing abilities - trust and faith are the precursors of miracles. Where can you direct your healing abilities to your own life right now? Is a strong message I am getting for you. If someone is bothering you, use your skills to change it. If you are wanting to amplify something, use your skills to do so. If you are wanting to amplify your gifts - what action are you taking to support this calling? I am getting the deep sense for this card, that if you’ve been wondering whether you can make a successful career out of being a Healer - the answer is deeply YES! This card has come to you as confirmation of what you have already been feeling inside as a yes and it is time to heed that call. What is it calling you to do? To step up and out in a big way, that will completely transform your life, but also the lives of millions on the planet? One person at a time? I am getting the message that your Claircognisense has been rampant with ideas lately - the lightning bolts on this card, deeply jumping out at me, and that is Archangel Uriel, who is who helps your Claircognisense receive ideas, information and intuition about your Life Purpose and well, anything at all, via your intuition. What ideas keep coming to your mind? Repetitive ideas, are signs of your intuition - not obsessive, but gentle, keep thinking about it ideas - this is your Claircognisense in action. Have you been seeing yellow around you recently? Yellow flowers, yellow flickers of light, yellow shirts, yellow? Archangel Uriel is associated with the colour yellow and I am getting the strong message for you, that he is making his presence known for you right now and confirming it here - the divine ideas you have been receiving are correct, true and are to be acted upon dear one! You are Healer and the world needs you! Your Life Purpose needs you!! What ideas do you need to act upon dear one? Heed your call. Love xxx Final week before applications close for the Life Purpose Accelerator - the perfect place for all your tools, resources, support and divine guidance, direction and alignment to your calling as a Healer. This IS the place to be for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - the Inner Circle, where you receive the deep 1:1 support to guide you, plus all the tools that enable you to leave your 9-5 and start your healing career, the Soul’s calling you so deeply feel in your heart. Click here for all the details and to apply before this closes at the end of this week.


Card #5: Aeracura. Blossoming. ‘You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.’

You might feel like giving up right now, or that it doesn’t ‘look like’ you are making any progress, yet the message I am getting right now for you, is that you actually are making great strides and progress and to not doubt how far you have actually come! The hardest part is to keep going when it seems like there is no signs showing you to keep going, yet when you know deep down in your heart that you are supposed to do this thing, then keep going beautiful one! I am sensing that it has felt like a hard slog for you lately and like you want to throw in the towel, or how can they treat you like this, or you are feeling betrayed by what certain people have done to you when you gave them so much trust and non-judgement and they go and do this to you right? Yet, this card is coming to you today, to show you your boundaries, self worth, self esteem and self love. Sounds silly, with a card like this yes? However, this ‘Blossoming’ - is just that - you are blooming into more of who you are and your internal power, however, we usually can’t until we are shown what we don’t want in our lives, so we can be clear about what we do want. Do you know I am also getting such a strong sense for you too, that something deep inside is awakening for you out of this situation - it is like the cattapillar about to come out of the cocoon, you are being squeezed right now, things may be happening to you that feel like your world is falling apart and you have no control over any of the outcomes right now - but what this has done has lit a fire within you and your Soul has come alive, that if this didn’t happen - would not have been lit like this yes? A powerful forest is reborn from the fire and right now, you are being stripped bare - to stand true to what you know deep down in your heart is right fo ryou and your family and you are doing everything in your power to BLOOM into this strong person you are. ‘Do not give up’ as Aeracura has said to you right now, something HUGE is coming out of this situation for you - do you trust it? Do you trust that everything in your life is happening for that very reason that it is okay to deeply and fully drop into every single breath and step right now, that it is all working out in your favour? Do you trust that, the Universe has your back and that this wouldn’t be occurring if you and everyone involved weren’t ready for it? I am also getting the sense that Spirit has also said ‘enough is enough’ and is time to do something about this - enough waiting around for things to happen, you have been somewhat ‘forced’ into things happening and that is what happens when we are not listening to the ‘gentle’ nudges of our intuition, is that it will be something big that happens for us to wake up and ‘have’ to do the changes. Wouldn’t you rather make them, when you are ‘gently’ receiving the intuition for the changes your Soul and Life Purpose are calling you to make? What are those? It might feel like you’re walking through mud right now, but know that this is all meant to be happening right now and all you can keep doing is keep turning up, knowing that you are being supported, every single step of the way. Trust. Do not give up. Keep going. Love xxx Final week for applications for Life Purpose Accelerator where you are deeply supported and accelerated into your next level of your life, aligning to your Soul’s Mission, your Life Purpose and beyond, this is your power key to living the life you really want, not the rubbish that keeps turning up right? You know you are born for more, deserve more and are here to do more - the question is, are you willing to step up and claim it? Click here for all the details to apply before this closes at the end of this week.


Card #6: Maeve. Cycles and Rhythms. ‘Honour the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.’

Ah, I am sensing that you do, do a lot of this honouring the rhythms of your body, cycles and life - however, the sense of the message for this card for you today, is that I feel you are going through a huge life change, in the cycle of your life, let alone monthly or weekly cycles. It feels almost like you are coming out of the winter of your life and coming into Spring, where the flowers are starting to bloom, the bees are able to tend to the flowers and share their Gold with the tribe. This feels super symbolic for you right now in this sense of the ‘season of your life’ for you. Something huge has changed recently for you and you are coming into a space of more ease, flow and awareness of what is actually going on in your reality, rather than being floored, knocked over and somewhat trampled on in your life. It feels like a huge calling to shift your life, but you deeply have been, for - quite some time now and your life, what you have been working on, the sense you are in, has its own momentum in a way that is deeply allowing you to rest after the push so to speak and still get your work done at the same time. It feels like you have let so much go, continue to you and are willing to. It feels like you have released so much fear, so much hatred not only to the world, but to yourself and to your own life. You have had many, MANY realisations and aha moments this past few months, that have shifted you like nothing else and I am sensing a deep space of gratitude for where you are in your life right now, what you see and feel coming and just, utter gratitude. It feels like you still have a lot to do and you are aware of this, but the pressure of getting it done, the stress and the fear of… whatever the fear was, just isn’t there anymore. You have come into deep acceptance of yourself, your life, your own rhythms and flows and are deeply aligning, loving and trusting each and every wave that comes, even when it is super hard to do so, you still do, knowing what is at the other side of this, at the other end, there is a deep centred space of peace about you now, unlike anything you’ve felt before in your life, you have deeply shifted and phew for that right!? I am also getting the sense for you about ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’, even though you are coming out of the ‘winter’ of your life, there is still a lot of work to do in a way, even though things are becoming easier for you, there is still more to do. I am also getting that by the end of March, you will be feeling such a sense of release, renewal and whole new life will start for you is the sense I am getting about that - what does the end of March mean to you? It will be like a new lease on life, something deeply coming in, the wave of light, deeply flourishing in your life like never before and a whole new experience will come knocking on your doorstep, expected but unexpected at the same time and a deep gratitude for what is and will become - a new path that you have been working for this entire time, is about to flourish into your open arms. Breathe easy babe, its coming. Love xxx Final week for application for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you want to be deeply supported, understood in your crazy out there ideas to change the world, make a huge impact, support the Earth and all Her inhabitants, including you and your own life, then the Inner Circle is calling you! The place to be and the fastest growing online community that is here to make a huge impact on this planet is awaiting you to join this powerful Inner Circle, in the Life Purpose Accelerator. Click here to apply and for al the details before this closes this week!