🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th July 2021
Jul 27, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th July 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Divine Animals Oracle 🐅🐘
Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose.
Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Red Fox - Strategy.
Something new has come to your mind, come into your awareness. An opportunity that you had let go of, forgotten about - or made yourself forget about because you just - let it go. Didn’t think it was possible at this time, thought you would do something else first - however, did you receive a sign yesterday or the last few days that - actually this door is open again? Did it make you feel excited, bring a new lease of life back to your heart, and remember what you REALLY want? Perhaps you never let go fully of what you REALLY want, you just… knew there were other steps that had to be taken first before that thing could happen. Right now - you are in almost a dilemma of how to make the thing happen now right? The opportunity, the offer that was ‘taken off the table’ is now back on for options and you are DEEPLY weighing these options that are very near and dear to your Heart. Red Fox - Strategy - kind of says it all right?! Your answer lays in a well planned out strategy. There is all well and good in wishing and hoping and dreaming… this is important to have and hold a vision of your life. However, those visions are only achieved and ‘made real’ - from a well thought out, strategy. A plan of action. And most importantly you implementing that strategy every single day. So are you? Or are you still dreaming away? It feels like you need to follow your Heart, but be smart about it. The time for wishing things away on the wind and throwing responsibility away to be replaced with faith - whilst that has merit at some points and stages of manifestation and creating your reality - I feel right now, Fox is calling you forth to create, implement and stay dedicatedly committed and focused to an well thought out, executed plan that you action daily, if not several times a day. Right now, you are laying groundwork, foundations and I am sensing that as this is ‘Red Fox’ - there is success on the horizon - but you must be doing the work - which, I also feel you are. I feel there is a windfall, promotion or raise of some sort coming in for you that is going to support this ‘groundwork’ you have been doing and this will help propel you forward to be able to implement this strategy - that is intuitive, but deeply embedded into reality. Don’t let anything waver you from your dreams/strategy at this time. Don’t get distracted and stay focused - you will make your mark. Focus. You know this right? Love xxx Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose. Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Card #2: Goat - Reliability.
Ah, this is a nice follow on from Card #1! Reliability. A few things here…. Do you feel that the only person you have to rely on, is yourself? Hmmm, it feels like you are and have been feeling quite empowered recently? Like you are finally coming into your own, remembering who you are, perhaps you have separated yourself from a situation that was killing your Soul and now you are free to be you. You are stronger, healthier in all ways and deeply have been feeling it recently. On the other hand I am sensing there are some of you reading this, that you feel you have been let down by others in the past a lot? That it seems to be one thing after another and you are feeling quite… depressed by it or something? That you HAVE to do it on your own you have no other choice and that has been somewhat exhausting - like you have been hitting a stuck point lately about that. Know that - you are breaking through an old cycle, breaking through a wall - to let yourself out of the ‘do it all on my own cage’. Whilst that is supportive or sometimes we just HAVE to do that to survive - there is a difference - a very different FEELING - between - being empowered and doing it on your own, feeling strong and healthy, not burnt out, empty and hollow and doing it on your own - two very different feelings, but ultimately the ‘on your own part’ is the same. If you are coming out of the burnt out alone feeling, or still feeling that way - have you felt like you feel old lately too? When we first start breaking down that bubble, that shell - we actually look and feel sooo old! It is a thing! That is the shell starting to disintegrate, to dissolve. Its okay, you WILL get your spark and your youthful look back again. You may feel like everything including yourself is coming to a standstill - know you are stepping into deep up-level and recalibration right now - this space is safe as the old hard empty shell casing dissolves away. Have you been calling in more lately? More love? More abundance? Wanting more from life? Feeling like you know you have to get out of this space and yet, haven’t known how? It’s happening - it is dissolving - it has already begun. Make sure you are gentle and super supportive of yourself at this time as you go through this dissolving process. For those that are feeling in the next phase of empowerment I am sensing that you are coming into your own and I also feel that something about a ‘routine’ is going to support you to ‘make your dreams happen.’ It feels like the Goat - reliable yes - but so is routine. We know it is there, present, and ‘reliable’ and I am getting the sense that this routine for you at this time is going to stabilise a lot more energetically - so if you haven’t already, committing to some sort of routine is going to be super supportive for you at this time. Keep going - you’re doing amazing, dissolving the old ‘empty’ structure and creating an empowering, solidifying ‘reliable’ you - attracting all the things that match that :) Love xxx Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose. Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Card #3: Beaver - Work.
Okay - enough sabotaging!!! Time to knuckle down! I don’t care what excuse you want to use - it’s too cold, I don’t have the resources blah blah blah - that is NOT the excuse - you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to WHENEVER you want. Whether that is implementing a plan to make it happen, whether that is shifting resources around, you literally can make anything happen that you want to. The ONLY reason that you won’t and wouldn’t is because it is not important enough to you at this time. I am wondering and sensing - have you lost something recently? I feel that you may be going through a recalibration as you restart your goals again, heal and release obviously and take your time there of course, however, within this, is a resetting of what you even want to do with your life. I also feel that you actually have a lot of options right now too? That you are somewhat conflicted to what you want to do because it seems like the options are also changing rapidly and flicking back and forth - like you just get settled, then you question everything again or things come in to show you, that you can still do what you originally wanted to do then argh - this back and forth - just be settled already! Damn it! (In a way!). It feels like you go through waves of knowing what you need and want to do - then things come in to show you what more you could have - or your true hearts desires in a way and that throws you from your work. That could be seen as sabotage and distracting you from your TRUE dreams and desires (sabotage is fitting, coming off Base Chakra week!). However, I am curious - are you actually get the work done, that you know you need to get done? The thing that is going to carry you forward, the thing that is actually going to solidify your legacy on this planet? THAT is what you need to be working on as priority. The other message is what else is it that you have been putting off? I feel it is different to the first thing that we were just talking about but it has deep relevance as well? What is that for you? Beaver is also a sign that it is time to take that leap of Faith and start your own business - or, work on it dedicatedly on the side so you can leave your current position. Isn’t it time, that you chose - you? Love xxx Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose. Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Card #4: Happiness - Dolphin.
Number 1 - is the Ocean calling you? Time to step it up to take action to move to the Ocean or spend more time in and at there on a regular basis, or have you just moved there? There is something about the Ocean that is soooo deeply supportive for your Soul and this is a sign to take action deeply in that direction. However, you’ve already been getting the call for the Ocean vibes in some way haven’t you? Dolphins are also very connected to our Heart Chakra and are big Heart Healer’s - just like Horses are. Dolphins heal your Heart, but also remind you where your joy lays - what brings you happiness, let alone what you can. Do to help yourself with healing this current situation and getting back on path to where ‘your heart truly wants you to go’. I am getting the sense that recently you ‘settled’ for second best. Perhaps you thought that was the best option given the circumstances, but you have been shown recently - that ‘you are being given a second chance/option’ here? It feels like something your Heart is and has been longing for - you’ve had a shift realising that you’re the only one that can make that happen and just in the last few days - coming to a deep realisation that ‘it is okay to have what my heart wants’ and almost even sitting with that in deep reverence and acceptance, rather than jumping head first without looking like you used to. In the card image, the lady on the Dolphin is holding her pregnant belly. You have been gestating something, planning something, doing what you can with something, doing what you can with what you have - but I am sensing with this heart healing from Dolphin, the heart awakening calling you ‘back to the sea’ is that you are about to give birth to something. A new reality perhaps? Or have you or someone you know has just had a baby? I keep hearing ‘divine timing’ for you and feel that there is no need to rush, hurry or worry - so take a deep breath, step back into that divine magical flow and let yourself be ‘taken by the current of the Dolphin’. Let the magic of divine timing unfold your destiny that you are and have been so diligently working on take it’s course - because like a baby is born out of ‘no effort at all’ - it grows by the care of divine cosmic universal life force that floods us all - so too, is your project, this next phase of your life, this relationship going to BLOOM. Of course, every garden needs to be tended to, to flourish. But you already do that so. naturally. So breathe, literally take deeper breathes, visit the Ocean or move there, listen to Dolphin and Ocean waves music to activate your Soul and let yourself be guided every step of the way. It is all working out beautifully, let it beautiful. The current, has your back and the Dolphin is leading you to more joy than you’ve ever experienced. Love xxx Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose. Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Card #5: Cycles - Hare.
Ah, the Hare, the Rabbit. Rabbit is deeply connected to the Divine Feminine in The Liquid Crystals and it’s meaning is Silence. There are a few messages streaming through here for you with ‘Cycles’ today. The Cycles themselves are also deeply connected to the Divine Feminine - the ebs and flows of life, the day and night cycle, the in breath and the out breath, all deeply connected to the depth of your Heart. I am getting the message that if you are in a ‘down’ cycle right now, always remember that after the darkest dawns, come the brightest of days. And in the darkest of the nights, are found the deepest depths of Soul that you did not know existed. In the darkest of nights, the greatest gifts can be found. It never feels like it at the time, that is for sure. It feels like a deep empty bottomless pit that there is no endings, no light, no up and out in sight - AT ALL - so don’t even talk to me about what you think you know it is Hannah! I hear you say… I hear you! I get it. I have been there.. more than once. I am getting the message to let you know - you are safe, you are protected and right now, something is germinating out of this space for you. I am also getting the message about your physical body - has it taken a beating lately? Have you not been taking care of it? Or perhaps you have just stepped into a new cycle of looking after yourself in a way that you ‘should’ve done years ago’? Or perhaps you did back then, but you stopped? This - is the Cycles of Life. There is no right or wrong. There is no - back then was better and now is crap. (Even though - again, it may feel that way this moment and it is okay to feel that way!) The only thing - is that everything Cycles, your emotions cycle, your body cycles, life cycles, day and night cycles = everything has an inflow and an outflow. I am also getting the message to sure, ‘play over in your mind what you wish you had changed’ - however, don’t get stuck there. There is an entire life out there waiting for you to live it. I am also hearing you are being given a second chance right now. Get support and help if you need it at this time - no - go and do that, because we aren’t meant to go through dark nights of the Soul’s on our own and there IS support out there if you would only ask the right people. There are many blessings coming - the Hare, the cycle of inflow, is about to flood right back in. Keep going, hang in there, reach out for support and I believe in you - to go the ENTIRE way. Love xxx Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose. Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Card #6: Moderation - Rhinoceros.
Moderation. Slowing down - but - don’t rest on your laurels I am hearing for you. Sure, find balance, take your time, allowing yourself breathing space - DEFINITELY - however, I am also getting the message for you that it is extremely important right now to continue to ‘chip away’ and whatever it is you are working towards. Now is not the time to stop or slow down. About your - thing you’re working on. However, you can take time through out working on it - to take time of course. It is almost a contradictory meaning for this card today - moderation, slowing down - but don’t rest on you laurels. I am getting the sense that you have built something ‘worth continuing’ - perhaps it ticks over of it’s own accord. However, the sense here is that your recalibration ‘is over’. You are super clear on what needs to happen, on what is to be done, you understand it now - however, this do not rest on your laurels piece is coming in from now that your ‘recalibration is over’ - now is the time for pure expansion. There are things you can do now, that you couldn’t do six months ago, let alone six years ago. Now is the time to remember why you originally began and work on the structures and foundations that are going to carry you forward to the next phase and stage of your life and your project. The ‘Moderation’ message coming in now here too - is - time to play. So yes, work - I think you’re good at this ;) but the play - to incorporate the play - to remember to live your life as well as ‘work’ and do your thing. But the entire reason you began it all in the first place IS to have more freedom right? So, this is your sign, this, Moderation - to plod along like the Rhinoceros walks with it’s big heavy feet and charge ahead at times when needed. The balance - the moderation - is your timing, your moderation, your balance. If that means ‘living a normal life’ and then ‘charging ahead’ eg locking yourself a way and not coming out until a particular project is done - then that is what you do. The Rhinoceros on the photo has a huge horn and the fire on the card - it feels like a passionate fire is coming back, your spark of life is coming back and I am sensing that there are new opportunities and endeavours on the horizon for you at this time. Keep ‘plodding’ along… charging when you need to and allow your fiery passion guide you…… as it always has. You just… went out for a time.. that’s all. But…. You’re back now right? And so to, is your creative spark. Plod. Charge. Plod. Plod. Plod. Charge. GO for it baby! Love xxx Oooh, Celebrations abound as 5 Years of Reality Awareness Online takes for huge changes that are setting the tone for some solid foundations and I deeply drop into my Purpose to guide, support and carry you forward - into YOUR Life Purpose. Celebrating 5 dedicated years - with 30min Psychic Readings for July, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah