🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th September 2021
Sep 28, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th September 2021
There is a lot of Gabriel and Orange on and through these readings today. Lots of Sacral Chakra, rekindling your connection to the divine, rekindling your fire, birthing new realities, healing ancestral patterns, breaking lineage chains that have bound you for all of time, it is a time of healing, a time of great change and overall it feels like you’re coming back into your power after being knocked from your centre, you are rising from the mists of all that you have become. You’re remembering the truth of who you are.
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Archangel Power Tarot 🔮🕊
There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation.
To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code.
Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Eight of Gabriel. ‘A great deal of activity. Sudden and immediate results. Important communication.’
Ah do you feel like you’ve just changed paths all of a sudden and you ‘didn’t see that one coming!’? I feel like you’ve just gone through a big life direction change and/or there are a lot of things happening all at once. I am wondering if your brain/mind has been wandering at a zillion paces as well? I want to say that this change feels positive, even pattern breaking - things you’ve been trying to change for a long time - and all of a sudden it is here and you are free - however, it may be bringing up past pain/trauma too? With any pattern shift/break or change, the old threads will surface, as new energy, the new energy imprint if you may, is coming into effect. Meaning, I always say, that there is only so much inner work one can do before the external changes need to be made. When these external changes are made - that is when the real shifts occur. Some say that inner work isn’t needed when we can just ‘charge through’ and do the external. Whilst this can and could be true, if you struggle with that, internal work is where we start. Back to the external patterning shifts. I feel you have actioned things in a conscious way, I feel you have changed the way you do things. I feel you are walking forward with every step consciously taking action, into careful consideration realising the impact your power, energy, and being has on everything around you. It is like you are honouring yourself more. There are many birds in flight on this card and birds are deeply connected to the Heart. I feel with the amount of inner work you have done and are consciously walking forward in changing external reality to match this new found change in your heart that you have, your Heart, is healing, your heart is opening and you are feeling safer and safer and safer in the world, regardless of the crumbling and destruction of the world that is going on around us right now. It is like you are mastering that being the eye of the hurricane right now - and feeling safe in the process. Feeling safe - it feels like such a strong message for you. You have been feeling this right? And noticing when you don’t feel safe - but are so conscious it is because of something you have just watched, or read or heard.. and leading with your heart, taking extra care of yourself knowing this - which is a huge leap from where you used to be in supporting yourself right?! This ‘Important Communication’ - are you needing to have an important or ‘hard’ conversation with someone that you need to speak your truth to? I feel this is soooo important right now - the birds - to keep your heart open in this relationship that you are dealing with. If you are scared, triggered or not sure - know that speaking your truth IS the way to heal this ‘pattern’ - this is the external actions in this instance, if you haven’t already spoken your truth, this is what… heals. Love xxx There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation. To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code. Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #2: Four of Gabriel. ‘Time for Celebration! Abundant rewards for hard work. Release yourself from burdensome situations.’
Hmmm, the first thing that comes to mind is have you asked for more help? Yes for Celebrations abound and - actually have you even celebrated this yet?!!? I also get the sense that it is onwards and upwards from here. It feels like you have walked through and worked through the hardest part. I am sensing more change on the horizon for you but good change, even though may feel like an upheaval - but.. that is what change it - it changes things, so is an upheaval of sorts. It takes you out of your normal routine and things… change. This… Celebration feeling I am sensing such a sense of butterflies in your stomach type feeling. It feels like something you thought was long lost and forgotten, something you DID forget about even, is coming back to light, coming back into awareness and it is almost like rekindling with a long lost friend. I wonder if you feel like you wonder how you even forgotten this ‘long lost friend’ and the Celebration comes with.. wow, what doors is THIS going to open. I feel this is a deep seated part of your energy, your life blood force if you may that is literally going to change your energetic frequency. It is like this got stripped away from you, taken away or maybe you locked it away for fear of rejection - again. Was this from a harsh abusive relationship in the past? And you tucked away pieces of your Soul, that made you you, to protect yourself and now… this ‘Celebration’ - is these pieces coming out into the light again. I feel the ‘Celebration’ is a very real physical celebration of sorts of a shift you have had that has come into your life too, something you have achieved, or created or moved in your life and yet, the deepest part of this message is, is that ‘you can shift now’. It feels like the last part of this huge healing of this major issue for you, that started in August 2020, reared it’s head deeply in October 2020 and is now, at the tail end of your healing. THIS is a case for Celebration beautiful one! So I trust you a re taking the message seriously and Celebrating yourself in some way shape or form. The ‘Release yourself from burdensome situations’ - is also part of the ‘tail end of this healing’ message that I am getting for you. That.. in everything that you’ve shifted through and celebrating - is, the release of this stagnation, of the burdensome situation. Life is changing for you, embrace it, you don’t need to carry around their crap anymore. Your life is for celebrating YOU. Starting… now. Love xxx There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation. To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code. Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #3: Knight of Gabriel. Confident. Enthusiastic. Courageous. Charismatic. ‘Time to take action! Great passion for a cause. Instinctively knowing just what to do.’
Stop sitting around! What are you waiting for?! A green light?! You just got one! From Archangel Gabriel! Archangel Gabriel, is deeply connected to Sacral Chakra - birthing new realities. Birthing a baby, birthing a new paradigm. Birthing - your Life Purpose. It’s not that you don’t have time, it’s that you’re choosing to place your time and energy everywhere else than where exactly is calling you! Enough of that! Although - I feel you have just started to kick your own butt so to speak and actually take massive action - so this is confirmation for you that you are doing the right thing! Have no doubt, although doubt is usually what comes up right? As I teach in Trust Your Intuition, doubt ALWAYS surfaces once you have made a decision. It means you have made the right decision and it is right for you to move forward now. ‘Instinctively just knowing what to do’ I feel for you at this time, to ‘not think too far ahead’ - meaning, I feel you have plans, you have a goal, you are very clear in them, you almost always have been. And yet, the sense I am getting for you is that right now? All you need to do is focus on right now. You know where you are heading, you know what to do - but stop being so out there in the future and take the next steps now (which you’ve just started to do massively) and that, is enabling you to come into the now, to birth… your future. This, ‘instinctively knowing just what to do’ is that - the now - gives you this power to remember your instincts if you may, and come into a place where you are able to take action - instinctively because you are so connected to the now. Look at animals - so connected to the now, so in tune, this.. is where you take back your power and reconnect, so strongly to your intuition. I am also getting the message to not doubt ANY choices you make from here on in. Know that everything you choose (and have chosen) has always come from this innate wisdom held place where you’ve always been following your Soul, your intuition, even when I t hasn’t felt like it. Your intuition has always guided you - trust, that every choice you make moving forward now, is also because of this. I also feel you have felt like the wheels have been stuck and stagnant because you have been holding back on something that you knew was true for you… but you let everyone else’s opinion hold you back - I don’t even think you realised you were doing it most of the time it was so subconscious, so subtle. But now, it feels like things are moving forward and the more you take action, the more y you feel this momentum - stay here with this :) Also, side note - are you planning to move house? I feel that the ideas, thoughts, ACTION ;) you have about moving are right on the money. Move forward with your plans. Love xxx There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation. To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code. Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #4: Two of Ariel. ‘It’s important to have balance!
Hmmm, all is not lost - but you need to let go of something. Which is almost a contradictory statement - but I think you know exactly what this is about. You know you have to let go of something… and I am getting that saying - ‘But what if I fall? Oh, but honey, what if you FLY?’ I feel that the thing you are letting go of - is OLD and it has been deeply supportive for you over the years, but it is time to say goodbye and I feel that this is scary to you. But who am I without this thing? I think the most scary part of it is not knowing what we are stepping into. Change in reality is a bit like moving house - without a house to move into! We are scared - how will I survive?! But ultimately if you think deeply about that question, you know it is a no brainer how to ‘survive’. It is just that when we step away from something we have been doing and is all we know how and what we have done for all of time, we are scared - our inner child is scared (work with her/him through big changes and feel your power come back) - and our ego is scared because there is nothing to grip onto! It’s almost like you’re encouraging a child to ride a bike for the first time, it is scary, you don’t know how to do it or where you are going and then, you start riding and realise how freeing and fun it is! But - it was a change from not knowing how to do it, or where or anything to being a pro and laughing as the wind rushes through your hair with your heart happy and joyous as you ride anywhere you choose! You’re working through massive change right now, stay centred knowing you’re being guided by your Soul as this path doesn’t serve you anymore. You may have no idea where you are going just yet, however, your Soul does, so does your Life Purpose path - this unspoken, unseen thread, that allows your body to live, to take a breath in… and out, without you even thinking about it… that - is guiding you and always has been. Trust in these changes, for this unseen, unspoken essence that lives in side of you - is right there by your side, right there for you always has been, always will be (yes I s aid it twice, do you feel it yet?) Will continue to guide you through these changes. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. You are safe, guided and protected the entire way. Love xxx There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation. To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code. Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #5: Five of Gabriel. ‘A challenge you can resolve. Withdraw from the drama from others. Have patience with yourself and don’t give up in the process.’
Hmmm, I feel you’ve reached your limit, your tolerance and have put some strong boundaries in place for yourself - which is fairly new to you, but you are taking the action necessary to change your life and I am Celebrating You for this! It takes courage to ‘shake in your boots’ whilst speaking your truth whilst getting a bit floored by their overly reactive reaction that…. Proves that your boundary was needed so they stop draining your energy one moment more - because this, is what you have reached your tolerance about. Perhaps you walked away from a situation, perhaps they showed you their true colours, all that matters now is that you continue to hold your ground. It feels like there is a strong foundation being laid and set by you right now that is coming into a place of an entirely new reality of what you are shifting out of - being trodden on, taken for granted and are stepping into a phase of honouring your worth, standing up for your needs and not allowing shit to happen to you again - because you’re saying NO now. I am wondering though - are you feeling melancholy and torn at the same time? Whatever it is you are walking away from - is hard, simply because it is familiar. I am sensing that this change is also leading you into you becoming more of who you are - without that spider web of reality, that cloak, clouding who you are. You are becoming a more stable, grounded and stronger part of yourself is emerging right now. However, this is also a time for reaching out for support from those that you know can help you and that you see can be the guiding light through this monstrous change for you too. I am sensing that this, is also teaching you to let yourself receive help from expected and unexpected sources throughout this change, throughout this new found sense of you that is emerging from the depths of darkness so to speak. Everything is working out - because you are approaching things differently. I want to say - you’ve got this and everything is working in your favour. Hold your ground, speak your truth and be yourself, this is what you’ve been waiting for, this is what you’ve been training for, this is what you’ve gone through everything in your life for… this moment, that changes your life from this day forth. Love xxx There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation. To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code. Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #6: Five of Raphael. ‘Everything happens for a reason. Release regret, and embrace the opportunities for happiness. Search for the silver lining.’
This card rings deeply on - it never worked out with anyone else in the past, because you were meant to find this path, this person, this place, this space. You are being guided right now. To places, people and things you did not know would be in your plan or path not even 6 months ago. And although it feels like a mission to change what you thought you would be doing again - it is also the right thing for you to do at this time. It feels like there is ‘something in the air’ that you are sensing big change coming up and you are right to feel this at this time. Your Soul is guiding you places you didn’t think were possible, although dreamed of, these huge life changes - are leading you to the answer to your prayers. What is that? What is the answer to your prayers? It could be this material thing, this item, this experience - at the end of the day - what is it that you are wanting to FEEL? Satisfied? Fulfilled? Loved? Appreciated? Cared for? Like you matter? I feel like this is leading you to your prayers - not just.. what you want - but the deepest heartfelt desires that are so core and deep and real, that you almost don’t realise what it is you are seeking (in a way). You are clear, but there is a deeper meaning. I want to say - stop looking back, you’re not going that way. What is forward? What is, right in front of you? ‘Search for the silver lining’ - it feels like even though things may be collapsing around you, I feel like you are finally starting to find your feet, starting to find your ground, even though that ground is rapidly changing, you’re feeling solid in the change. The silver lining for you, I feel has been a deep internal recalibration. You are not the person you were 6-12 months ago… but you are also rapidly, continually changing, ever so presently just moving. The silver lining, is that you have had the SPACE to go through this change. You have been given the gift of time. And yet, that, is also rapidly changing. Archangel Raphael is the Healer Archangel. He is strongly associated with health and your Heart Chakra. Where and what is your Heart calling from and for you? Where is your Heart healing and anchoring into greater love? Home is where the Heart is, where is your Home? Where is your Heart? What, makes you happy? Are you doing that? That’s where, your Heart heals, that is where, your Health heals - when you follow and do what makes you happy. You may be feeling melancholy and that Heart joys only last… a moment. However, I am sensing that with Archangel Raphael for you today, that, is all about to change - for the better, for the best. You are being guided, your Heart is healing, continue to follow what feels right, for Archangel Raphael is guiding you through these changes. Travel, is also here with this card for you. Have you just travelled somewhere? Or are you being called to travel somewhere? Love xxx There's a feeling in the energetic air... there is a feeling in the elusive light.... there is a feeling that is so tangible that is deliciously available to all that are ready to be in the space of the divine, holding the light, showering the way - being the light bearer, the way bringer, the Lightworker, the Ancient Blooded Healers rising to Unite - to guide Humanity at this time of potent transformation. To support you to thrive, to take you into advanced consciousness, psychic and intuitive development trainings to Awaken Your True Source Code. Transcendence Reality Society, the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, where you can get access to the ALL the things ALL the time as priority, including any new course releases, advanced Chakra Consciousness Trainings, Full Moon Ceremony's, Hot Seat Intuitive Mentoring and so much more. The Transcendence Vibes that change our entire reality, setting you free and Awakening Your Life Purpose. Doors are OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society