🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 30th April 2019 🔮
Apr 30, 2019🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 30th April 2019 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today, to see what messages are awaiting you there today on this Beltane Portal of Light day for you.💫
FINAL HOURS before Trust Your Intuition Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Inner Temple. Devotion. Tune into the portal of your heart.
Mmmm, this one ‘feels’ yummy this card. You are seeking answers? You are asking every person what’s going on but yourself right? Perhaps you, know the answers and what is the real question here? Do you trust yourself? We will look outside of ourselves and ask everyone the question - the question that we already know the answer to. I am getting the message here, that you already know the answer dear one - I am curious what is stopping you from acting on what you already know to be true? There can be many factors that contribute to not trusting yourself - the key here is to trust anyway - do you trust the Universe will catch you? Do you trust the Universe ALWAYS has your back? I am sensing there is a big question/decision going on here for you that will be very life changing, it will take you to the next level of your entire life and being who you are and I am sensing that you already know the depth of change, the next level you that this is going to take you into being, let alone the work required, however, you also already know that… it is something you MUST do too right? I am getting the message for you it actually won’t be as hard or huge as you feel/think it to be right now, however I am getting the message that this change is going to rapidly accelerate you and fast. It is also a Soul calling for you - this thing, this, question that you already know the answer to - the answer that is laying in your Heart right now. It’s already sitting there, right there, right, here. Right - take a deep breath in, and exhale. Another deep breath in, slowing it down as you exhale and another deep breath in, and exhale slowly. Place your left hand on your Heart - that answer - is already there. What is it that you are not wanting to face? Are you afraid of what others will think? Why do they even need to know? There are things you can just do and not tell anyone and then just BE the production of the change you know is about to rapidly shift your life. I am also getting the message for you about slowing down, stillness, quietness - have you been pushing yourself lately? Even, berating yourself for feeling a certain way? I feel like you are on the tail end of ‘the worst is almost over’ and there is a time for contemplation, stillness and more gentleness in your life. I am sensing this, space of ease coming up for you, however, this calling to connect with the longing of your Heart - can you make more time to meditate OR - do that thing that connects you back to your Heart, to your presence, to your stillness? Life will always be chaotic, it makes a conscious choice to put you first and start shifting the dynamics of energy that you are feeding your life. You are the one in control of your destiny, no one else. Isn’t it time to take back your power, reconnect back to YOU and follow the callings of that inner temple space that, already has the answers you seek? Love xxx FINAL HOURS before Trust Your Intuition Super Early Bird Investment Increases! Where you can feel safe, in trusting your intuition, where you can truly drop into the depths of your own intuition and know you are receiving the correct answers, of deeply trusting what messages are coming through, of deciphering this thing between ego, human self and intuition - how do you even tell the difference? How do you even know what spirt is what in the spirit world, because you sense them right? How do you even know what is what, who is who and, how does that differentiate between them and your intuition? Gosh, it can get confusing right? Trust Your Intuition releases your confusion forever more, so you stop looking outside of yourself, and do, what you were born to do, let alone make the ‘simple’ decisions in your every day life. Click here for all the details before this investment increases in 24 hours.
Card #2: The Great Gathering. ‘It’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.’
You can feel it in your Soul, you can feel it in your body, you know it in your mind and you can feel it in the winds - you have changed, times have changed - you are not the same person you were 6 weeks ago, let alone 6 months ago. You don’t take crap anymore, you won’t allow people to cross your boundaries, something has DEEPLY shifted inside of you, something has changed, you have ARRIVED and now, you are moving everything to come into the deep alignment, that you cannot not be and live. “It’s all coming together” - all I can hear is ‘Move Mountains’ - right now, there is a HUGE wave about to come in for you - there is something rapidly shifting you and you are moving WITH it, you are no longer waiting around, you are no longer seeing if they will change, you are MOVING ON and literally moving mountains around you as you move forward - it is like; Mother Earth has heard your call and She is MOVING MOUNTAINS for you - it is like, Mountains are moving out of their way for, the path is clear, energy is aligned, things are moving FORWARD and FAST. I feel like you have SO much support in the Spirit world right now, gathering around you and you can feel that right? It is almost like, everything you tried to do before, it can happen now, everything you tried to move forward on and kept getting blocked, you can move forward on now. Unexpected opportunities, connections and support come in from all different avenues for you and in the next 6 months you can expect an increased flow that ever before. I feel like you are also moving towards a ‘portal’ almost energy, in a sense that the momentum you have been working to create, now carries you. You have created your own vortex and now can let Mother take you the rest of the way - the Mountains moving out of your way - your path is clear, you are aligned, you have dug deep and anchored in new realities and foundations and they are bearing your fruit, whilst clearing the path ahead. I feel like for you, what is about to come up on your path, is a big life change, yet, you are well equipped for this, and, it won’t be as hard as it used to be. You’ve shifted and so has the world around you - ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’ is a big part of this, you have deeply come into your own and ‘The Great Gathering’ has heard your call - you have, created the call. Your intuition is #onpoint, you deeply know, you deeply see, you deeply hear, you deeply feel and that, is only increasing, because you are on path more than you have ever felt in your life - your intuition increases, the more you are on path of your Life Purpose. ‘Easier, easier, easier’ are the words coming through - you can breathe again now and that, is only increasing too. I feel fast paced rapid movement in this next 3-4 weeks, that will see your reality shift again, into ‘being able to live the vision’ you’ve held for so long. ‘It’s all coming together’ - this card couldn’t be anymore on point for you right now. You’ve created this, now, time to soak in it and allow yourself to receive - even more. I also feel that this card is a message for you to Trust Your Intuition - if you’ve been looking for your sign that your intuition is correct - this is your confirmation for you on this right now. ‘Intuitive hits’ - you’re right on point, don’t doubt that one moment more. Leap. The Universe WILL catch you. Love xxx Fine tuning, rapidly increasing, ten-fold expansion and deeply enhancing your intuition, if you’ve ever wondered how to acutely distinguish and fine tune your intuition, Trust Your Intuition does exactly this. Learn how to decipher depths of your intuition and the Spirit world, more than you’ve ever done before - Trust Your Intuition is your COMPLETE guide on how to Trust Your Intuition without being confused or torn down by those around you for your crazy out there ideas anymore. Amplify, enhance and completely move Mountains with the tiniest alignment piece you have been waiting for, Trust Your Intuition is here. Click here for all the details before this investment increases in 24 hours.
Card #3: Imrama. Where are you being called to journey to?
“Follow the lands across the sea, and you will find where you are meant to be. Take a risk, take a leap and you will be in the deepest of what can be. Trust and faith, move those mountains you seek, you hear the call, what is it you seek? Liberation and fantasy are the destined lands that will set you free, for you hear what has already been spoken, the call comes from those with the token.” - Confirmation enough for you? Mother’s call has been spoken! Message for you! Did you FEEL it in your Soul? Have you been seeking the confirmation to your answer, because that just flowed through me for you! I am sensing these ‘seas’ - are physical seas and oceans of this planet, yes - what oceans must you cross for your liberation to take place? Yes, we can ‘liberate ourselves’ wherever we are, free ourselves from our self-restricted cages and stakes in the ground we planted long ago, yet, I feel this card - is calling you to journey, journey to a new land, a new place, a new space. You already know what this card is about for you don’t you? I am also getting the message that this ‘new land’, actually isn’t new to you - you have had a deep connection to this part of the world, of this land that is calling you and I feel that whatever this space is calling you for, will be deeply healing of your passion, your purpose, your long overdue ‘recall’ abilities. There is something that will amplify in this space, something that will shift your vibration and awaken latent talents that are the key pivotal turning point for your Life Purpose, beyond what you can currently comprehend right now. I feel you will be transformed and amplified in this space, it feels like, it has actually been calling you for some time? ‘Liberation and Fantasy’ - people say to me, ‘Oh, it’s just my imagination,’ and I say, ‘NO! Your imagination IS the seed of your intuition! Do not doubt this! Do not shut this down!’ - where are your day dreams taking you, where is your fantasy taking you? Fantasy land - what is coming to mind, is that pristine environment, with similar colours to what is on this card here and the Unicorns around you - deeply enhancing your magic, your playfulness, creativity and the depth of your intuition unlocks in this space. Where is it, you are being called to journey to? This is a power place, a portal for you to deeply enhance and activate different energetic codes, frequencies and uncover what it is, you already are. The question is - are you ready to unveil the truth of who you are? And live, your Life Purpose, being unapologetically you? To sheath the veils forever more? Connect with Unicorn Spirit Guide now, to help bring these steps to life, this is, what your Heart, has already called you to anyway right? Love xxx If you are continuing to doubt yourself, listening to life around you, feeling every particle around you and not knowing the difference between who you are and who someone else is, let alone the energetics underlying what is going on with people in their subconscious, let alone yours! Trust Your Intuition is your golden key, compass and toolkit that for the rest of your life, you will live in freedom, understanding and deep knowing, living the life of your destiny without the constant confusion, turmoil and humiliation - free yourself, your life is awaiting you. Click here for all the details before Trust Your Intuition investment increases.
Card #4: No. Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say No.
Ah, well, this card - is quite clear, is it not? What are you doubting yourself for? I am also getting the strong message this is about saying NO to someone in particular - what boundary have you put in place - or need to? Where do you need to say no, instead of yes? I am also getting the message that if you have a business or something to do with your career - where are you needing to delegate tasks, instead of carrying the load all yourself? Even in your personal life? What part of your life, makes you drained, tired and not wanting to really do it? Even if it is something that is ‘supposed’ to light you up, or used to in the past? I am sensing this is about stronger boundaries in your work/home/career/life balance space - because this ‘drain’ or exhaustion you are feeling, is because you are ready to EXPAND and grow, but you are not putting into place the structures that support that expansion - feels a bit like groundhog day in this moment does it? What is coming to mind as you read this? About structures and routines and delegating tasks that are long overdue to be handed over already? If you are emotional lately, tired, exhausted or just wtf is actually going on - where do you need to say no - to YOURSELF, to implement the changes that have been on your mind so you can say YES to YOURSELF and your life, to give you the freedom, the feeling of relief, joy and LIFE again for yourself? I am sensing this No, is yes, about putting boundaries in place, sticking to them and saying no to ANYTHING that drains your energy, even in the slightest. What is calling your Heart ALIVE? Why are you denying that? Because - oh, well, I have this and this to do and this is coming up so I need to do this also - NO! Stop right there! Enough already right?! You wonder why you are exhausted?! This card - has as staircase, a path - to the LIGHTNING! Lightning, is DEEPLY connected to Archangel Uriel and your Claircognisence - it is almost like, follow the ideas, listen, act and make them happen to ‘step into the Lightning’ that steps you into your Crown Chakra, your Claircognisence, which is where you receive those out of the blue, lightning bolt ideas from Archangel Uriel, your intuition and your Claircognisence, and then you will start to move forward in your entire life - because these ‘storm clouds of your life’ right now, represented in this picture, is all the cloudiness, brain fog and ‘stuckness’ feeling you are feeling, that - these lightning bolts, if you walk in the direction of your dreams by saying no to ANYTHING that drains you, your heart, your emotions, your energy one moment more, you are moving to and into those lightning bolts aka your intuition pouring into your Crown Chakra and you will become clearer, everything will become lighter and you will start to shift the storms, the brain fog, the drains, because the storm around you isn’t clouding you anymore so to speak, you are enabling your intuition aka those lightning bolt ideas to stream through you instead of you holding back and watching them and the storm and not acting on those ideas, you are stepping into the flow of where those ideas and lightning bolt ideas are directing you and your life. I am sensing - you already know what to do and what action to take, you are just still ‘watching it’ so to speak, instead of walking those stairs and path, that step you into the lightning/light and onto and into path again, into flow - aren’t you ready to SAY NO to what drains you one moment more and step into the LIGHT? Love xxx Ready to Trust Your Intuition and push those storms aside? Ready to leap and walk forward without doubting yourself one moment more? The light is calling you - are you ready to say YES to the Light instead of what is pulling on you, your energy field and Life Purpose - one moment more? Isn’t it time to say YES to YOUR LIFE? Instead of others? Say NO to them, so you can say YES to you. Click here for all the details for Trust Your Intuition, that gives you the strength, courage and tenacity to say YES to your Life Purpose now.
Card #5: Starseed. What lights you up?
Hmmm, have you just had a ‘knock’? Have you been going a long quite well and then something knocked your energy? Or that could’ve bring you down ALL the way if you let it? Did you choose, to pick yourself up quicker than ever before? Did you - choose to step into trust that the Universe has your back and that you know the importance of energy frequency vibrational alignment and that you are now choosing this more as a priority than anything else in your life and so CHOOSE to pick your energy field back up out of that space? If no, this is your answer as first step! Yet, I am also getting the message for you - that whatever you have aligned to, asked for and just - hmmm, what is that thing, in the past, 3-4 weeks, that you have just ‘gotten settled with’? What have you just ‘come to Peace with’? And felt ‘good’ about again? I feel that THIS was/is your golden key to things - about to shift very rapidly for you. You know what they say - when you let go, then it comes in right? Have you lost your mojo? Have you lost hope in a way? Have you been striving and pushing with seemingly no results? I am getting the message for you that this is what you are needing to let go of. Life comes in - on a relaxed energy. Nature, doesn’t hurry or force Her blooms to open, She just does. Yes, we need to do the internal and external work to support manifestation and growth, however, when you are striving and not feeling like you are seeing any results, I am getting the message for you to stop - don’t stop what you are doing, but stop at the same time. Meaning - imagine if the thing you are wanting to manifest, isn’t coming. Imagine that it is not going to come in, that you will not get what you’re asking for. Stay with me for a moment here, I know that sounds like a downer, but stay with me. So, your thing isn’t going to manifest/come in now. Can you find peace, can you be happy with where you are at? Now, you will probably find your mind has already gone and told me the zillion things why you can’t be happy where you are at with people on your back and more. However - if you truly understand what I am teaching you here - can you, find your happiness in where you are at. Make peace with where you are at. Yes, that may mean, crying, tantruming, being angry with where you are at. Then, imagine you had to stay where you are for another 5 years. Would you move furniture around? Change something in your home, eating perhaps? Stay where you are - make peace with where you are at, get comfortable where you are at. Why? Because when you let go of ‘forcing the thing to come in’ - then, you create space for it come in. Let’s put it another way - you are constantly focusing on this thing coming in, this thing in the future, this reaching into the future for something. You would’ve heard in manifesting terms, that you are always focusing on the future right? So, how can it come into the now, if it is always in the future? Okay, so - yes, focus on what you want - THEN LET IT GO. And ALIGN YOUR ENERGY. If your energy is always in the future - how is that aligned to your energy NOW? It’s not is it? Your energy now, is a ‘lacking/empty’ energy because you are missing what is in the NOW - you aren’t ‘here’ = you’re some where in the future, so the Universe is only feeling an empty vessel in the now, so what does the Universe bring you? More emptiness. Right. Now - you want to do your inner and outer work - but then you want to be present with the now. Feel your Heart NOW. Like, I said, the first time you do this, you may feel emotions you have been pushing aside so to speak. So feel them, get them out of your Heart, so you can come back to now and feel present with what you are doing - find the presence of happiness in what you have now. Gratitude for what you do have, gratitude you are still alive, breathing and have a roof over your head. When you are continually working towards what you want, you are already working on manifesting, so no need to be an empty vessel and disappear into the future where the Universe can’t find you and bring you your desires. Grab those feelings of what your desires will make you feel and draw them back into your present reality and look at what is in front of you with the FEELING of what you brought back into your now and completely transform the way you FEEL in the now… for then, the Universe is feeling… your NOW feelings that match your future desires, but because NOW you are full and here again, well, hello… oh, that is how you let go. Not easy and takes practise, but once you get this? Oh, then you FLY!. What lights you up? Bring that into the NOW, find that in your NOW and stay with that - for that is when you can have more of that. Love xxx Are you ready to bring your future self into the now? Of course you are. But what about the truckloads of pain you start feeling as you do that? Ouch right? How do you clear that? Where do you even start? Trust Your Intuition is your step by step guide that guides you and so you can do just that - and have a process, structure, tools and resources, so you are set for life and can deal with whatever comes up in your face and fast. Because you want that good feeling state to stay right? Trust Your Intuition is how. Click here for all the details before this increases.
Card #6: Pleiades. Double Mission. Channeling and uplifting humanity.
Hmmmm, have you felt torn lately? Like you have ‘no choice’ but to do what you are doing right now but you are feeling torn in a sense that you are intuitively being called to do other things as well, Soul calling things, but how on Earth do you fit it all in? I am wondering if you have been feeling slightly depressed recently because you are wondering how you are going to manage to fit it all in, to do it - because you can feel that you are needing to work on this other Soul calling thing AS WELL, but how do you do it all?? Delegate, delegate, delegate yes - did you pick 2 cards today I wonder?! There was another card talking about delegating - but this feels more than this too and I guess it is in alignment with delegating - but I am sensing that you are being called to dedicate time to BOTH - even when you don’t feel like you have time, because time flies whether you are putting energy into it or not and you might as well be right? And you know that you are the creator of your time, no one else. Yet, again, I am sensing there is something deeper than this going on too - it is like this other thing that your Soul is calling you to do, (btw, meant to say, depression comes from ‘pressing down’ our intuition, so listen and act on your intuition and welcome energy and aliveness back into your life) - it feel like, that this other thing that your Soul is calling you to do aka Double Mission, this other thing actually FUELS you current ‘mission’ - what you are already doing that you feel like you don’t have room for anything else, is the first mission you are working on and this Double Mission - is actually the ‘missing key’ even, to supporting the goals of your first mission. So say for example you are currently working in a job, yet your dream is to write a book, well, this ‘one day when I have more time’ - no - get up an hour earlier and write everyday on your ‘work days’. In a month - that is a lot of writing. Or perhaps you are raising a family and this is your primary mission, yet the calling to do healing on the side is there or starting to get so strong you can’t deny it - this same ‘rule’ applies - MAKE time for it 5 days a week, commit to a plan of working on it and the energy and aliveness you feel from dedicating time to something that your Soul is tapping you on the shoulder to, will infiltrate to your children ten-fold. Because your energy shifts, so does theirs… and so does your entire life. Imagine where you will be in 5 years time, if you dedicated 1 hour, 5 days a week to what your Soul is tapping you to on the side? I also feel that your connection to your Star Home is SUPER important right now. The veils are EXTREMELY thin right now, being Beltane, the energies, planets and Star Systems are aligned - call Home and see what your Star Home is wanting to convey to you. I feel like your intuition is heightened at this time. Take massive action on any intuitive ideas that start flooding through to you, because the energy is ripe, fertile and you have stepped into another reality I am getting the message of. Any planetary line ups - actually don’t affect you, because the power of you creating your own reality is stronger than ever before. Yes, good to know what is going on - but don’t rule your life by them. I feel like you have let that go already a fair bit now. Channeling your energy, BECOMING the frequency you desire, choose and ARE aka your Star Light Home Frequency is your Natural and MAIN state of frequency IS YOU. I feel this so strongly with you - and a strong message to deeply connect in with your Star Home - I sense you’ve even been getting messages about your Star Home this past few days to a week even? Your Star Home is calling - will you answer? Meditate, ask for upgrades, ask for the messages, ask for what you are being called to do with the information you receive, channel it, activate it, BE IT. Your New You, has arrived. Double Mission? Activated Baby! Love xxx If you are wanting to fine tune your intuition so that you are completely in alignment and CLEAR about how, what, who and what information is flowing through you from your intuition, Trust Your Intuition IS where you fine tune that. You’ll understand and know what your strengths are and build on them, understand whether it is your intuition or ego or something else and how does it even become so clear - how are they hearing it and you are not? All the fine tuning tools you’ll ever need are found in Trust Your Intuition. Click here for all the details before the investment increases in 24 hours.