🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 30th July 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 30, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 30th July 2024 

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Angel Therapy Oracle for you 🕊️💎

Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind.

If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Sacral Chakra. "You are highly sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods and energies right now. Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh items, situations and relationships.”

Something is out of alignment for you. There are two paths in life - the soul driven path and the human unconscious path. When you’re conscious of something and you continually ignore it, you will become agitated, sick and tired. If you’re conscious, your Soul is needing you to wake up. Your Soul is speaking to you about this thing. As soon as you start taking action on it - you’ll instantly feel better. Following soul - never makes logical sense, but always makes Soul sense. It also keeps you in alignment - which is what manifests your dreams and it also gives you the most energy, because your Soul is the basis of your Life Force energy. When you ignore and go unconscious to your Soul, you lose the Life Force energy out of your body and disconnect from the flow of life. I am also getting the message for you that a lot of the stress you're experiencing is actually coming from the environmental influences and foods and substances you’re ingesting. Taking things for your health is a good thing and yet, sometimes our body needs a rest. Regenerating itself with it’s own energy sources is not only possible, but required at times - cultivating and generating from the inside out, rather than outside in. This is also a sign for you that it is time to devote time to YOU. Your Sacral is your Soul essence - it is where we first incarnate when we come to this realm, as we come through the umbilical cord entry point and this can carry a lot of generational imprinting. You may be being called to clear out generational wounding or even sexual partners as this is all stored in the Sacral Chakra (womb space). This Sacral Chakra Womb space is where you CREATE - it is a gestation portal for your Purpose and manifestation gateway. If anything is blocking you, it can be found here. If you’ve done all the spiritual work you think you can for now - go deeper - the physical is needing a clean out - hence the environmental and ingesting of substances - even foods that are ‘good’ for us, can have a huge effect on you. For example, I ran out of skin moisturiser one time (and organic clean one) and went without it for a bit and when I got it again I instantly had a reaction to it and all this time using it, I didn’t notice because I was used to the way it made me feel, in fact it was so subtle (it wasn’t like a rash, but an internal feeling in my organs that I felt after it went on my skin) that I was shocked - and it was a ‘natural organic’ brand! Yes, I know there are different ‘layers’ of organic and you have to source for pure, because anyone can whack an ‘organic’ label on things these days, but it is a widely known and found in organic health stores brand. Point is - that even the good things we think we are using may actually not be good for us. The thing is - if you can’t live without it and MUST have it - you are usually addicted to it and that can be emotional addiction, but an allergic reaction can show up as an addiction to it because of the chemicals it releases in our brain with our body functions and what it ‘switches’ on in us. If you can’t go without it for a month, you are addicted to the way it makes you feel. Take note, stop, observe and see what comes up. Then reassess and decide. We can become addicted to people, places and substances, because there is a deeper hole it is covering up. This card, has come to you - because it is time to tend to what that is. Your Soul is the ONLY thing that can fill this ‘hole’. And you're being asked to look deep inside of yourself for this recalibration to higher frequencies now. What truly does, nourish your Soul? It’s time to honour… what is calling you forth to your Destiny because your Soul - knows the way. Love xxx Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind. If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #2: If You Get Nervous, Focus On Service. “Put your entire intention on answering the question, ‘How can I make the world a better place?’ And the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs."

If you’re not sure what to do, to post, to say, to speak, step into, ‘How can I best help people today? What does my tribe need to hear today?’ I am also getting the strong message for you about your Soul’s requirements for even being in a position to be of service to others. No, this doesn’t mean you need to be fully healed to heal others, however, it does require your constant diligence to your own personal development in the field you choose to be in. Sure, you can train in something, but to be the best, you will want to keep accelerating in your chosen career path. This, feels like a strong message of this card for you today - where do you need to accelerate/train and study in skills that are calling your attention to be the best in your field? Where is your Soul calling you? What has caught your attention lately? What has Spirit shown you lately as a sign showing up in your reality that is something you let go of and lost belief it was possible for you - that, just recently something has opened for you again because of this sign? It feels like this is such a CRUCIAL element to your ‘question’ and why this card has come up for you in answer to ‘what to do in your work’ - your next step is taking heed of your Soul calling - if you were in service to your Soul, first, what would you be actioning right now? This, is your next step and this information feels crucial, pure and when you follow this pure alignment - everything is going to be shown to you about your work, because lately you’ve felt a bit blocked with it right? And what is ‘actually’  blocked is the connection to your Soul and your Soul’s work. There is everyday running of a business (or household) and working, and then there is everyday tending to the larger vision of your true, unique Life Purpose as priority before anything else. This - is what your Soul is calling back your attention to now. So, if that is the case - what is that for you? And there you have your entire business plan in a nanosecond. You’re welcome. Love xxx Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind. If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #3: Archangel Raphael. “The healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work.”

There is nothing to worry about, as it is all working out for your highest good. There is something you’ve been questioning and even worried about - perhaps you’ve been feeling like it’s coming at you from all angles and look - I wrote angels instead of angles and went back and  corrected it and realised - the Angels have your back on this one. Remember, God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle, the Universe loves clarity and money needs a purpose. You’re in complete alignment for the full manifestation of your dreams and you’re right on track - or this wouldn’t be happening to you (yes, I said to you, because for you is a spiritual by-pass and unkind to someone who is in the thick of it. It’s like saying to a hospitalised patient, oh, you created this, you’ll be right’ - no. For you, is for someone who has come through the other side - if they do. Not for you to voice to them). We are not tested in life for no reason, however, the ones who give up are the ones who can’t hold their ground, walk through the fire and rise from the ashes. If you give up, you do not pass the initiation and you will regret and wonder what could’ve been your entire life, feeling like you missed the opportunity of a lifetime. People only fail - BECAUSE they give up. Is that you? No…. Didn’t think so. Soooo, with that in mind, you’re  going to muster up all the strength, courage, you’re going to recuperate, you’re going to pick yourself back up off the floor, straighten your mofo crown and get the fuck back on with it. With confidence. With belief, with poise. With remembering who the fuck you are. Cause you’re born for this. This is who you are. Besides, what else would you do? You’ve faced some pretty hard initiations in the last few months and you’re a different person for it compared to not even 3 months ago - AND your life is 180 degrees - want to say full circle different - and kinda is - you’ve come full circle - on the upper leg of the spiral - on a different timeline and you those that weren’t on the same path as you - no matter how close they were to you - are gone. Completely gone. Cut off. This time, for good. That timeline has truly finished and you can feel it now. There might be deep soul grief, but that is part of the letting go process. You held onto them/that because it was ‘close’ to what you wanted, but not 100% aligned - or it simply would be with you now. The other part of this message here is that what ‘did’ come with you in this new timeline, might be ‘hanging by a thread’ or could possibly go either way or you are fighting for it or it has been returned to you ‘like brand new again’ and this - is what you’ve chosen to upgrade with you - that IS aligned with your Soul’s new timeline path. Because recently in the collective there has been a very distinct timeline shift and you’re reading this, experiencing what you are because you chose your Souls timeline and this has accelerated to a new higher frequency, because of the collective shift going on at the same time as this. So know, that the spiritual cliche saying, ‘Whatever will be will be.’ Holds more weight at this time. Not by you throwing responsibility to the wind (although sometimes we need to surrender it all until we are shown the new path - because the old ways do not function, nor work in the new ways and sometimes that requires us surrendering everything so we have space to be shown/see the new way) and although you're turning up to the next thing that you are being called to do, as you are, you are also very much in ‘God is in charge’ mode and this - is how the healing Angel Raphael (and all other Spirit Guides/Archangels) including God, help you. Breathe. Everything always works out for me. All is well. All is well. All is well. Love xxx Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind. If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #4: Listen To Your Intuitive Feelings. “Your body is receiving accurate messages from the divine.”

Trust Your Intuition! You’ve been receiving ideas lately that you’ve been scared to implement or they have you slightly in fear - but it is not the bad fear - this is the feel the exhilarating FUCKING YESSSSSS OMG fears and do it anyway! The joyful unknown path that you know your Soul  is calling you to commit to - just like you used to! You used to be fearless, then life kinda battered you down and the real important piece here is that you are currently healing and/or healed. I am getting such a strong message for you that your body might be showing signs and speaking to you in ways that have been quite confronting to face lately - and yet, you are actively working with your body, taking action, listening, noticing and then doing what you need to do to support yourself in this ‘healing/healed/healer’ part (another card from another deck here pouring through) - meaning, you’re being guided to share this healing journey that you are going through right now. It is almost like 'part of your healing’ is to share this in a way that calls your Soul. It could be writing a book or creating music or something else that resonates with your Soul. Regardless, your intuition is speaking to you. I also feel that this ‘wound that just healed’ - has been OLD. Like ancient burial ground depth old. Like, this wound has played out for eons of time and you’ve just put this to bed finally - and it has created a massive timeline shift for you and is why you’re feeling pulled in all directions at once, because you’ve ‘lifted’ into a higher dimension and now that old wounding doesn’t have any pull, threads or effect on you and so all these ‘new frequencies are rushing in’ and there is an adjustment phase coming through for you here with this. Know that the ideas that you’re having now are sooo in alignment with your Destiny, because this healed space of your life now? Is birthing the place where dreams come true. Keep listening and following your intuition, because it is right on point. Love xxx Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind. If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #5: Law of Attraction. “Relationships and activities that you once enjoyed are now changing as you become more sensitive and aware of energies.”

The manifestations that you are working on - are working on you! However, what is required here of you is not just a mindset switch (although that is important!) but abundance as your sate of being is required here. The Law of Attraction works on a vibrational essence, not on just thought alone, although you may be experiencing a faster rate of materialisation of manifestations recently, it is more so because you’ve been very detached from the outcome of your manifestation efforts. Almost like ‘yes, but I also don’t care too much anymore about it’ type attitude/feeling. Not in a bad way, but something has shifted for you with this. You’re in alignment with what you’re here to do, you feel this so deeply. You listen to your intuition, you listen to God, you are taking daily aligned action, it is what you do, and the message coming through here is something about your health - this is the next phase of 'your purpose’ if you may, in taking it to the next level. Cleaning out your body, mind and soul is going to raise your frequency and this is being called forth from your Soul to rapidly attract your desires at a much - not just faster rate - but the ‘higher frequency’ rate is being pointed out here. It feels like this has been on your mind for a while, this next level, but your health - whether that is your physical or psychic development health, is where this next ‘portal/opening’ to alignment of your soul’s purpose is calling forth here. Perhaps you just begun this or thought about it - regardless, this is the message here and I feel like I am not telling you anything you don’t know. I am also getting the message for you that whatever you’ve been holding your ground on is important for this next level of where your Purpose is taking you. I feel that via the Law of Attraction - your Life Purpose and the alignment you bring forth for this on, what was pre-destined and what you ‘signed up for’ is greater than you can comprehend right now, even though you’ve felt it in your bones from day dot, is a significant part of this preparation/clean out and the ‘training’ you've been undergoing lately. This card is a strong message that you’re in alignment for what you’re here to truly do in the world - don’t deny your heart in anyway, for that is what has guided you from the start and is… guiding you now for the fulfilment of this. Life is about to get wild and incredible… ready, set GOOOOO! Love xxx Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind. If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #6: Have You Asked Your Angels For Help With This? “Your Angels want to help you with this situation, however, they require your permission before they can intervene in your freewill choices.”

I think you’ve been in such a chaotic ungrounded state recently that you’ve forgotten to not just ask your Angels for help - but you’ve lost who you are. It’s like I am seeing you in a big black empty hole - or in a portal or world ‘where you don’t belong’ - and this can signify you feeling ‘out of place/out of alignment’ out of sync with who you think you’re supposed to be or where you’re supposed to be. This can come from a break away from family system or a relationship break up that you’re exhausted from because you tried all avenues to ‘get through to them’ but it was hopeless. Good. I am glad you tried all avenues, so now you can walk away with no regrets. Grief yes - because this is a natural part of letting go, but you’ll know you did/tried everything you could. Along with all of this, I am getting the message you need to clear your energy from this. You need to do a big energetic cleanse, yes, clear and cleanse your space with sage and all those things, but your energetic body needs a big clean out. The clearing every sexual partner ritual that I have (just comment ritual below if you don’t have this) and then the deeper aspects of your energy/psyche and heart are required here. My Life Purpose Activation Kit has all these essentials because this walking away from what is not aligned and into what is aligned - is part of your Purpose Awakening and this piece - amongst all your grief, whether a relationship or a traumatic wound you’re healing right now, is exactly why this is all happening at this time in your life - because your Purpose has been the catalyst to all of this. It feels important to remind yourself of this through your healing phase. Not that it makes it easier, but does give an undercurrent tone of ‘why’ and can somehow, get through each day, each moment... with this sense of direction, even though you probably have no idea what that is right now - your Purpose is taking you… let it. Love xxx Dreams do come true. And they come from being on complete alignment of your Purpose. They come from following your Destiny and leaving the generational and societal imprinting behind. If you know you're someone who has always been born for more, if you're someone who knows they're here to make a big impact in the world, if you're someone who knows they are meant to live in the spotlight and lead the world to greater, more positive things, then Life Purpose Activation Kit is for you, click herehttps://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit