Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd November 2020

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 03, 2020

Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd November 2020

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are there from the Flower Therapy Oracle today for you 🌺🔮🌺


My most popular program - I keep getting asked about this. PLUS - WhatsApp Support also back by popular demand!

Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November).

With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer.

Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details:

And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that:

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: New Idea. Crab Apple. ‘Your new idea is divinely guided and is meant to be shared with others. Continue to work on it, as you are on the right path.’

Okay, so a few messages coming through here with this New Idea card here today. Obviously - the idea you’ve been thinking of is correct, so don’t doubt it, just take action. However, there is a part of this message here that the decision you are about to make, or know you have to make or has been put on the back burner to make is… a hard one! Well, it isn’t actually hard in a way, it is just a big, life changing decision AND just huge. You know internally you can’t stay in the position/situation you are in any longer and you HAVE to shift to this next space - but gosh, it is…. Scary to say the least! Just in a ‘feel the fear and do it anyway scary’ - but HUGE for you at the same time. I am getting the message too, about this ‘been on the back burner idea’ - is something you knew about 3-4 years ago, but didn’t really do anything about back then, well you did and didn’t in a way. And now, it is time. It is blatantly obvious that it is time now. Remember a big part of feeling scared about such a HUGE life change, is that we simply don’t know what is going to happen. We are stepping into the unknown. Without routines, without knowing where income is going to come from, without knowing how life will be - plain and simply, you are stepping away from your safety and support mechanisms aka your current routine of life. You get up, you have your structure of reality going on in your day to day life. The piece about this ‘New Idea’ - is that you are changing the structure of your reality - dismantling the old and replacing it with something new that you just have no idea how it is going to work yet. This place here - in the unknown, may be scary - AT FIRST. But then when you realise.. that in the unknown - actually - every single possibility exists. Anything and everything that you want and desire and need - is in this unknown, limitless, endless field of possibilities. EVERYTHING. You’re not limited in your day to day structure of what you know reality to be - when you step into the unknown, you have the capability of receiving everything your Heart so desires! So, in this process of change of the idea and decision you know, technically you’ve already made, it is just the physical dismantling of current reality right now, is to train yourself to be comfortable in the unknown. Not easy at first, but when you adjust to it? Liberating to say the least! Especially when you know that when you walk in your everyday reality with the unknown beneath your feet - you are walking in a space where your desires can manifest under foot… just by the incredible amount of trust, faith and doing it anyway, because you knew, you had no other choice in Soul reality anyway. Love xxx My most popular program - is back by popular demand! Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November). With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer. Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details: And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that:


Card #2: Laughter. ‘Uplift yourself and those around you through loving laughter.’

Ah - I am wondering if you have been feeling happy lately? I am sensing that you’ve been through the wringer - but… almost not for a longish while… it feels like you are anchoring in more joy - knowing that things are still a teeny bit tricky right now - but ultimately - what has occurred recently - is all good news! Just almost ‘teething problems’ if you may. I feel like the big message for this card for you is that you are COMMITTING to Joy in everything that you do. Choosing to focus on the positive - not denying or avoiding bad feelings, but committing to choosing the Joy. If it ain’t going to bring me sustained Joy in the long run - I ain’t interested.’ Is almost the slogan you have committed to (in a way!). There are things you know you need to do that aren’t so ‘joyous’ in the moment, perhaps learning a new system or leaving a situation that is less than joyous right now - however, you know that in the long run and the long term commitment you are making for yourself is that of Joy - a happy contented life, that is why you are doing what you do in the first place right? The Wattle - on this card, is all Yellow, and Yellow deeply relates to the Solar Plexus Chakra - have you been working on taking your power back? Standing your ground? Saying no to what is not in alignment anymore? Increasing your Self Worth (or know you need to?!). All these things - in the long run, bring more joy into your life. And that, is the reason why you are making the changes you are in the midst of making or have decided to make right? To bring more Joy into your life, because what was going on/is going on - doesn’t make you happy anymore right? You know happiness is an inside job, of course, but you are also clear that now you’ve done this deep inner work, what is happening on the outside, is definitely not contributing to the joy you know you deserve and can create in your life. You’ve changed and shifted and that is okay. Let Joy lead the way. Love xxx My most popular program - is back by popular demand! Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November). With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer. Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details: And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that:


Card #3: Stand By Your Commitment. ‘You’re strong enough to keep the promise that you have made. Dont back out now - your Angels believe in you!’

Hmmm, what have you backed out of? What did you have full enthusiasm about and now you’ve.. given up? Or are second guessing yourself? But I feel you actually are sticking to this… because you know you feel shit if you don’t, because you know it is something you HAVE to do. I am also hearing priorities and also organisation. What is the one thing you know you have to get done but keep putting it off for whatever reason? Overwhelm comes in when we are not organised nor, do we have a plan how we are going to execute what we need to get done. When we have a clear dedicated precise plan about what needs to get done and we lock in a plan to do that and not let anything else fill up our schedule - nor pull us off track on that day, we indeed get it all done. However, if there is no clear plan and you just know you have to get a lot done, hello overwhelm! Overwhelm can also kick in when we are learning something new or are about to walk into a new realm that we haven’t been in before. It can be super intense, frustrating, irritating - but when we understand, we are just walking into new territory, it can ‘ease’ those feelings and… just like card #1 today - get comfortable in the unknown. Stand By Your Commitment - I am also getting the message for you with this card that - it is okay to change your mind. It is okay to grow and then realise that something isn’t in alignment anymore, or that feels different to what you felt at the beginning - when you were a different person back then. This is going to sound contradictory - but just because you made a commitment to a marriage, to a pathway, to a career, to a choice, doesn’t mean that you have to keep it! Again, when we grow, we change, and that means that we outgrow things we once committed to. I feel that the only thing you need to stay steadfastly committed to - is your intuition and if that is telling you to change certain things in your current reality - then that, is what you must listen to, nothing else. Commit to yourself and watch the Universe commit to you back and always… have your back - BECAUSE - you are listening to your intuition! Love xxx My most popular program - is back by popular demand! Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November). With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer. Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details: And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that:


Card #4: Patience. ‘Your prayers have been heard and they are being answered.’

Is there something that you are frustrated about because it hasn’t happened yet?? I want to say Patience, but I feel that the more appropriate word in this instance is dedicated consistency. Okay, that was two words! However, don’t give up is the main theme of this card, but I also feel that there is an aspect of divine timing with this as well - however, this is about you STEPPING into Divine timing, instead of pushing forward like you always used to. I feel there has been some incidents in this past 24-48 hours - even the past 5 days even, that has made you reassess A LOT of things in your life, that you are really considering making massive changes so you can shift your life in the way you WANT it to go right? It is like you have had enough of being ‘swept along’ or ‘things being pulled out from underneath you’ and this isn’t about ‘being in control’ but is more about being ‘on top of your game’ - so that you can turn up to life as the empowered Soul that you are, not like feeling like everything is always behind or falling by the way side. You want to be better, do better and turn up to life empowered right? With this, Patience Card, I also getting the message about a project you’ve been working on, is nearing completion and time to move onto the next thing - or you’re about to start your next thing - and Patience, is that it is okay, it is going to get done, just breathe, it IS happening, just, one day at a time right now. I know that the Flower Therapy Oracle called today, so they are all Flowers, however, I am wondering if Flowers have been more in your awareness the last 3-4 weeks, more than ever before? Flowers, are about opening, they are about blooming, they are about opening, like the Divine Feminine, opening to receive, whatever it is you are asking for. Flowers aren’t ‘forced’ to open, they don’t hurry, they KNOW they will open, and they follow Divine time, they follow synchronistic flow. I wonder if this card, is a sign for you to step back, slow down, TRUST and step back into synchronistic flow? Have you become so busy, you have forgotten what it is like to be in synchronistic free flow, like you always used to be? When you had not many cares or worries and simply, weren’t as busy as you are today? What would it take for you to return to this state of bliss - this, divine synchronistic flow? Just, like the Flowers grow? Open, in full bloom, in all their glory and bliss, in their own divine timing? Returning to your natural state, enabling you to receive, all that you are asking for? Patience. Stop. Return to divine synchronistic flow. It’s okay xxx Love xxx My most popular program - is back by popular demand! Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November). With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer. Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details: And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that:


Card #5: Emotional Healing. ‘It’s safe for you to let go of old emotional pain. By doing so, you allow your heart to mend.’

Some deep, deep buried, tucked away pain has surfaced this last week or so right? Something that perhaps you knew was in there, but not to the extent that surfaced, but also to a depth that - you KNOW you have hit core and have shifted something MASSIVE. On the contrary, this card may be coming to you in response to your question of what is blocking you, why hasn’t the work worked for you? Your answer? You haven’t gone deep enough. It is all well and good to do a lot of personal development work, however, if you aren’t with the correct Healer for YOU - with the level you are trying to get to, then it will never work. I am also sensing there is a part of you resisting it too. In a sense that you want the freedom and all the things that come from releasing this deep buried block, however, you just simply haven’t been ready to receive that which you are asking for. You may say ‘Hogswash Hannah! I have tired so many things I am willing god damn it! I’ll tell you that!’ And yet, what you are experiencing is quite the opposite. The other key here is work with someone and work with them over a long period of time. Don’t keep chopping and changing who you are working with. Consistency pays, consistency builds anything, business, success, long term relationships - you know this right? Working with the same Healer over a long period of time, ALSO creates consistent healing. Too often that not, we shift Healers/practitioners, right before we are about to have a break through to the other side that we have been asking, praying and waiting for all this time, but that deep, buried subconscious piece - knows what is coming, knows ‘it is going to die/cease to exist’ and so - you go and change practitioners, right before the break through. That is how we stay stuck in our patterns, that is how we get defensive, blaming them for not having the break through ‘they say they could help you with’ and round and round the merry go round you go. #saidwithlove. What you’re asking for is buried deep - and I mean DEEP in the subconscious . If a Healer/practitioner you are working with, hasn’t dealt with their own deep buried subconscious stuff, and key - knows how to piece it all together for you to consciously understand what is actually going on for you, then of course it isn’t going to work. Sure, it will shift some stuff, some surface stuff, but not the core deep buried, long held trauma that has created your life to date. I am also getting the message - it’s okay to cry! I know I say this all the time, however, this is so important not to be overlooked. Tears release the stress hormone cortisol from your body - you know that feeling after a big cry, you’re exhausted, but feel - calmer? That is because the cortisol has been released. So, allow the tears and it doesn’t matter what you are crying about in essence, because if you’ll only allow it, you could be healing lifetimes of trauma through your tears. Be gentle with yourself, drop that defensive wall and let yourself be held by the Grace of God/Universe that is awaiting you to let them in. Love xxx My most popular program - is back by popular demand! Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November). With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer. Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details: And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that:


Card #6: Chakra Clearing. Lotus. ‘By Clearing your chakras, you open yourself up to profound wisdom.’

Well, this card speaks for itself! When was the last time you cleared your energy? Do you have a go to Chakra Clearing/Energy Clearing Meditation? If you haven’t got my free Chakra Clearing Meditation, that is found in the Essentials Meditation Pack - you can get it for free by clicking here: I feel at the moment, you need this on repeat in a way - with my Chakra Clearing Meditation, you can listen to it on repeat, multi-tasking, doing the dishes, hanging the washing up, you can make it work for you. I am also sensing that some deeper clearing is in order too at the moment for you - maybe you have had a lot surface over this ‘Once in a Blue Moon Full Moon’! Energy that has been HUGE for sooo many people, but I also feel that as you are clearing out this deep layer of stuff that has kept you in a certain vibration for a long, long time, that as you’re clearing out or have just done, this deep layer - that to continue to use a Chakra Clearing Meditation or some sort of energy clearing - repeatedly for a few days to a week or so - if not longer - whilst you recalibrate into this higher frequency. I feel this is an important, deep and powerful shift that you are going through right now and the clearing needs to continue - in a sense of - you’ve just done major surgery - be easy on yourself, be gentle on yourself, stay quiet, keep low, get lots of sleep, continue to ‘clean the wound’ so to speak ie - clear your energy - a lot. More than what you usually would, just for now through this phase. With this big, deep clearing, you have now risen in frequency, but also become more sensitive to energy. I am also getting the message about spending more time outdoors. I am feeling like you ‘have been indoors too long’ - and need more sunlight, more nature time to revive, revitalise and rejuvenate yourself through this time. I am sensing that just being in nature will clear your energy - without you even doing anything as such, so make it a priority to spend more regular time outside. The other message I am getting there is - what do you need a break from? Has this been in your mind? That you need a break? A change of scenery? It only need be for one night in a different location that can bring fresh energy to your Soul/your Human self - YOU - to give a fresh perspective of what you’re in on a daily basis. New ideas can flow in, your entire outlook on life can change, when we step away and go and have fun for a night or three. Maybe you are already doing this?! Regardless, taking a break - IS an energy cleansing for your Soul too. When you are feeling confused, you are ‘fused’ with someone’s energy, so clearing your energy is the very first step you tend to when you are feeling that way, or feeling off, or just not feeling yourself. Cleanse your energy, self care to the max and always using this protocol first, to then reassess whatever it is that you are tending to in your life. A break always works! Breathe beautiful one, it’s not all you. So, cleansing your energy, spending more time in nature AND - taking a break, getting away for a night or three and trusting that you can do all of the above, you will get through this… and create a new reality in the process. So, time to get outside? Love xxx My most popular program - is back by popular demand! Due to being almost fully booked out for 1:1 45min Psychic Reading Phone Calls for November, the way you can receive support NOW, like TODAY - IS via my most popular Program, the 21 Day Shifter Program. (Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks to talk to me via phone). That means, we can communicate via voice message and text message - today, now - as soon as you book, rather than waiting 3-4 weeks of my current call schedule for a 45min Phone Call Psychic Reading (that is almost fully booked for November). With the 21 Day Shifter Program, you can receive the support, answers and intuitive divine guidance, now, today, so you don't have to wait around in pain any longer. Due to popular demand - there are two levels of support available now - the Gold Level or the Accelerator Level. Click here for all the details: And if you want more Hannah Time than 21 Days - I have opened back up, my 6 Months WhatsApp Support - which is just like the 21 Day Shifter, but for longer. Click here for all the details for that: