🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th October 2022
Oct 04, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th October 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Oracle of the Mermaid Cards for you! 🧜♂️🧜♀️
I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course.
I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them.
I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111
Love Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Resilience. “There is no need to rush or push. This is a time to take things as they come. You have the determination and patience to handle this.”
You. Will. Get. Through. This. I will say it again: You. Will. Get. Through. This. There is something that has been weighing heavily on your mind - not mind, SOUL. Something has been weighing heavily on your Soul and I am here to tell you that you have nothing to worry about and you WILL get through this. Ha. Worry? My middle name right now Hannah!’ I hear you say. And even if this isn’t a conscious worry I feel that something is/has weighed your Soul down and I am getting such a strong message for you that you were only doing the best you could at the time and do you know ultimately what you were trying to do?? You weren’t only just doing the best you can with what you had, with what you knew how to do at the time, but honey? You were trying to HEAL. THAT is what you were doing. And looking back? You did a damn fine job of it. Sure, something things you wish you could change but ultimately? You wouldn’t be where you are today without it and that… is something to be grateful for. I am getting the message - as this card says, There is no need to rush or push. And although you want everything done yesterday, you want this healing to be done already, this work to be done already or to be further ahead than what you are, the reality is? The world aint ready for you yet and I am also getting on a deep Soul level with the Turtle jumping so strongly off this card right now as I say this, there is such a divine synchronicity lining up right now behind the scenes in the deep underwater current - meaning, in the divine timing of life itself. You are connected to such a huge picture and those big visions that you have had for a long time - don’t let anyone tell you you can’t or that you should’ve stepped up and done it by now. There is huge divine timing at play with your Life Purpose and I want to say to you - move through the grief and… learn to have fun again in life along the way. You WILL get there and you WILL get through this. You can do this, just today, then the next day, then the next day - one day at a time - you can. I believe in you. Love xxx I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course. I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them. I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111
Card #2: Polite Declaration. “You can move in whatever direction you need to accomplish your goals. It is time for you to get out there, claim what is yours and stay in your power.”
Honey, you KNOW what to do! The only issue is you not doing it because you keep putting it off another damn day and waiting for…. For what exactly?! No more of that! I am getting the message for you to commit to the next - what, how many months? And stay on track with this of - your goals! Nothing comes between you and your goals right now. It is almost 2023 - are you wanting to watch another year go by and what - be in the same position? I am hearing the message for you to enjoy where you are at? Are you needing to say put and stick to what you know you need to do in front of you? Sure, continue to follow your life long dreams but… right now I am sensing, like the hermit crab on this card, this is a time for you to recluse (in a way) and focus on - what is on your mind! Today, creates tomorrow and I am hearing to get super clear on your reality right now. Clean up your body, your mind, your life, your SOUL and get your life sorted. Some grounding where you are and truly - be okay with saying no to others so you can just do your thing for this time. Reality is - you’re going to need to be sorted for the life you truly want to live and create and so commit to a period of whatever time frame works for you. You know what you have to do, so claim it! Stay in your power it says on this card and I am wondering what that means for you? Is that to be surrounded by others who are creating, living and who GET you? Sometimes it is hard (very hard actually!) To physically be in an environment where you do not have anyone around you that sees you or understands ‘this’ world we live in. That is where mentors and like-minded tribe come into play as they can support you to step up, claim what is yours, rise into your power because they have big visions like you! Hmmm, I am also wondering if you are needing to stop watching things that are pulling your Soul down at this time? Do you find you watch something and it brings your feelings down? I am getting the message to be mindful of this too and watch how your body/mind/soul responds to things like this for you too, maybe a detox from watching things like this and some more meditating is in call? For… how many months? It is time to get super clear on your boundaries, watch what and who you’re feeding your Soul with and come back to you…. As that - is where your power is and that, is what fuels your entire life. Love xxx I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course. I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them. I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111
Card #3: Break Through to New Dimensions. “A new endeavour is on the horizon. Innovative energy wants to burst forth into your consciousness.”
Ah - why are you holding back honey?! Why are you not out there doing your thing? Why aren’t you out there showing the world who you are and most of all, why are you not just trusting yourself and doing whatever the fuck you want to do?! Ah - the trusting yourself part - the trusting yourself AND I am hearing - trusting your PATH. You are unique. You are different. That is why you do what you do anyway AND some and I feel that you are being called to OWN IT. You are VERY good at what you do - this is a classic, get out of your head and into your heart and do what the fuck you WANT to do. If you’ve got a zillion ideas - do it! If you need to hire a mentor to guide you with your zillion ideas and to expand that ten million again then do it! What are you holding back for seems like a very strong theme with this card for you today. It’s called LIVING it is called it gives you energy when you follow your heart when it makes NO LOGICAL SENSE WHATSOEVER! That is where life begins babe! THAT is all you should follow at this point as that is the ‘breakthrough’ that is going to get you out of this stuck, stagnant and held back point that you have been wondering how you are going to bust out of this - well, it’s that illogical heart following that is going to do it for you. Feel the fear and do it anyway as they say. I am also getting the message that this card has come up for you to ‘push you out of your comfort zone’ and say yes, do it now, follow your Soul and give yourself energy via this means - why? Because - “A new endeavour is on the horizon” and you’re going to be glad you ‘prepared’ for this - by doing this break through now! What came first, the chicken or the egg? What came first, you breaking through and following illogical heart and Soul and then the ‘new endeavour on the horizon’ appeared because you said yes to Soul first? Or… was it already in the plan? Who knows, but all I know, is there is a TONNE (Whale tonne!) Of MAGIC around you right now, wanting you to say YES bust through into this new reality you have been manifesting for… what seems like aaagggeessss - the time is right, your Soul is right there, waiting for you to follow it and there is MAGIC around you - drink it in - but you have to let it in first… so… Heart and Soul over logic it is right? Love xxx I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course. I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them. I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111
Card #4: Disengage from Outcomes. “Let go so you can open yourself to the highest love that you deserve. Find ways to release worry or any unresolved lack of forgiveness you might be holding onto.”
Hmmm, is there something you are needing to walk away from? Is there something you are needing to remind yourself of? I feel like there is something deep down you know, but are not ready to admit it to yourself yet, because well, that reality is pretty scary because it is… well… huge change… I feel like you needed to give it ‘one last go’ or something similar to that and well, your answer came in thick fast and pretty damn fucking clear. And… now you have to find alternative ways to heal, alternative ways to live and I feel that that clarity has already begun to come in thick, fast and clear for you too. It is just… scary. And also - so damn fucking liberating it is like you have been born again! Not Christian, not born again Christian, (nothing against that - just rolled off my tongue) I just mean, born again - like liberated from the chains that have been holding you back to date, the lock and key has been found and has set you free. You are free from the burdens and binds of your past and fuck that was a hard portal of generational trauma you just shifted out but FUCK you did that with grace honey! Yes, a lot of swearing in Card #4 for you today, because THAT is the strength and depth of what you have been wading through and now you are out of the fucking mud baby! But….. you’re still washing yourself off, cleaning your wounds and just… a bit fucking raw still. But liberated none the less. And… maybe a little bit on edge of trepidation, but I want to say, no… you don’t need to be. You are just free now and the only unsettledness is a body muscle memory pattern that you need to work on rewiring - that is all. Liberation is such a strong word here for you today and I feel that you need to anchor this one in, this Liberation now becomes your rock, because this is the freedom you can call Home now. Let’s be real, you’re good at this Liberation gig and walking a life and path of freedom it is just… now… you’re doing it without the generational hooks weighing you down and that…. Allows for a life of not only true freedom, but pure YOU creation and gosh… what a life THAT is to live. Ah… breathe a sigh of relief and breath 50 more… because life is GOOD. Love xxx I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course. I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them. I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111
Card #5: Leaping Through the Air. “A plan you have made is on track. If you are waiting for something, get to work and stop putting off ideas or projects you are considering.”
Ah - I wonder if you pulled two cards today and pulled number 3 as well?! Very similar messages but this card - is blatantly clear about just doing the thing!!! It is like you are putting off what you already know you have to do! You don’t need no mentor to make you do the work - you need to just DO IT! A mentor accelerates you and is doing their own thing - and being surrounded by those who are doing what lights up their life, brings hopes, desires, and consciousness to the world, let alone loving the fuck out of what they do is POWERFUL and POTENT energy to be in THAT is for sure! THAT moves you just in and of itself! ALWAYS. And yet - no one can do the work for you!!! I am sensing that this listening to the new dimensions you’re Soul is breaking you through to (that is card #3 coming through!) But also - the pink on this card is Ear Chakra Consciousness and that is all about busting through into a whole new dimension of your life and that is… I am hearing - ‘wonderful’. I am also hearing, take all the time you need to heal right now…. Take time to absorb your surroundings - but - get the work done at the same time. You can definitely still enjoy the journey and I feel this ‘new dimension’ break through is that instead of pushing - you are learning to enjoy your life again along the way. You have already ‘arrived’ and now you are living your life, according to the way you want to - so you have ‘relaxed’ into journeying with it - this energy is hard/tricky to describe. And yet, the work! I am hearing the work - what project, what idea do you need to ground into reality and stop wasting anymore precious time but not working on this anymore? It feels like it SHOULD be a priority through majority of your day and it is essential that you do this as that is what is going to give you wings (no, no red bull here - unless you like the stuff! I prefer long black coffee with honey, but anyway!) - give you the wings to success and help you FLY to your next level. But.. you have to do the work. So…. Are you? Message is pretty clear here! Also, a little tip, when you sit down to do the thing it can take around 10 mins of distractions, irritations, forgetting to put the dog out and all kinds of distractions. It doesn’t mean you are not supposed to do it - set a timer for 30 mins and know the first 10 mins can feel agitating as it all drops in. Stick with it… and make it happen. You CAN. Love xxx I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course. I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them. I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111
Card #6: Enjoy the Journey. “Stay present and flexible. Many changes are going on for you and around you. These changes are not only good, but necessary. Bring your awareness into the now, rather than focusing on the past or the future.”
Abraham Hicks says, “I enjoy the journey because the destination is certain!” I LOVE this because I ALWAYS say - it is inevitable! When you tune into your highest visions for your life, it is not just a dream, it is a pathway, a reality and even though you don’t know how it is going to happen, you also do know because you’re damn well creating it - every single day AND you know your Soul is destine for this path and it is inevitable baby! And it this, that Abraham speaks of too - it is certain. Certain and inevitable are outcomes they ARE happening and that is why you can relax, enjoy the now, enjoy the journey as the destination is certain. That does mean that you put strong boundaries in place and pick and choose who, where and what you spend your time doing and working on. It does mean that you say no to some things and deeply say yes to to that path that… you KNOW is your journey, is your destination and that is the train you are getting on right now and not getting off this baby ever again honey! THAT ONE! I am also getting the message to bring this focus to now - you know it is the outcome - your destination - so you can truly allow yourself to - BE HERE. You don’t have to go anywhere do anything or be ready to leave - to go where?! If that ever comes up, know you have a deep remembrance of past trauma surfacing and you can train your body/muscle/soul memory to relax (essential to btw) and know that you are here, the designation is inevitable and you can… choose to be happy now, because that also is a choice and what is there to not be happy about when… the destination is inevitable? Embrace your life now, be present and ground in… life is about to become amazing precious one. Love xxx I am excited to announce my 5 Week Live Psychic Protection 111 Course. I have had too many people tell me lately that their Psychic Protection tools don’t work or the energy clearing just doesn’t seem to shift things anymore for them. I’ve been downloading some pretty potent tools with my clients in our 1:1 sessions and it is here, I am excited to bring all of this together in 5 Weeks of Live Psychic Protection 111 with me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-protection-111