🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th October 2021
Oct 05, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th October 2021
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle 🔮🕊
Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years.
If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you.
I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: New Partner. ‘A chance meeting is no mistake. It is Divinely orchestrated as a catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the fruition of your prayers. Pay careful attention to new people we send into your life. You will recognise them by your sense of familiarity, comfort and safety.’
Hmmm, someone sparking your interest? Are you single and looking for love - or finally ready to step out again now? Who is on your mind? Are you communicating with them? Making moves? If you are not single, is your relationship moving to new heights? Has a stronger sense of direction started to drop in for you? This card can also signify change in the way you do things in the world or in your relationships. This can also signify the relationship with yourself going deeper, more intimate, more loving of self. I am also wondering if you feel like you’ve turned a corner, or that with this new sense of direction - you feel free and light and like you didn’t know that you were so weighted down before? I am also getting the sense that this new energy in your life, represented by this ‘New Partner’ is very significant for you. It feels like what you have been waiting for and the last few years have felt like a prison (maybe definitely if you’re in lockdown) but also energetically and this ‘New Partner’ is like a breath of fresh air - energetically you are starting to feel VERY different and like you WANT to take better care of yourself, like you WANT to do the things that have been on your mind. Freedom is definitely the strong energy here. I am also sensing a lot of attention on yourself too - whether that is yourself taking extra care of yourself, or you receiving a lot of attention and I feel that this is to be practised opening to receive this. It feels like you’ve definitely stepped into a new ‘portal’ or ‘chapter’ of your life, something has shifted, dropped out and this new attention is to be welcomed. I almost want to say - ‘Welcome back to LIFE honey, you belong here and we love having you here, enjoy it, you’re loved. What they did to you was not okay and we are so glad that you chose to step into your new level, claim your LIFE back - we got things to experience baby!’ New Partner - you may have already met someone OR someone is about to walk into your life. Regardless the best relationship you can ever have? Is the one with yourself and whichever this is for you, someone new, someone on the horizon or a deeper relationship with yourself or current lover, I feel that this is a sign that this new experience, person or relationship can be trusted, should be nurtured, honoured, cherished, adored and I am getting the message that it is safe to invest time and energy into this right now. Magic is in the air - especially when Pegasus is around and the lightest, platinum light, that elevates you and your life - to be embraced when a divine counterpart match is here for you now. Let yourself receive, you are worth it, this space can be trusted and I feel this is important for you to receive, accept and trust this energy right now. Your new life has begun. Love xxx Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years. If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you. I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion
Card #2: Wedding. “Marriage is the union of two Souls joined in love, mutual respect and commitment. It signifies a desire to deepen love over time. Your wedding day is a testament to your well-founded faith in love’s power. Continually breathe life into that faith and love, Dearest One.”
This is an interesting card, straight after the ‘New Partner’ Card as #1 today. However, the very first message that dropped in when I saw this card for you today - is about releasing old marriage/wedding vows, either from this lifetime or previous lifetime. Both are important and imperative to release especially if you are looking for love, or detangling form a past relationship of any sort. This card with this message can also signify past life contract vows - and this lifetime contract vows, which I feel are also important to release and a deep sense of this card coming up for you. Whilst yes, of course this card can also mean a deeper sense of relationship commitment via wedding or something similar to a wedding for sure - with long lasting commitment I feel, is deeply valid and solid if you have just got married or are deepening your vows and commitment to each other. I am also getting the message that - honey, you’re pure. You’re delicate, you’re special, you’re worthy of love. Open your arms to receive what is in front of you and do not push this away. It feels like the message of purity is very strong here - the white of course, but ‘you’re innocent’ ‘you’ve done nothing wrong’ - shake off anything that you’re carrying that is not yours. Open your arms to receive what is right in front of you - you are ‘marrying yourself’ right now, reclaiming your magic and finding who you are again. There is a deep bond that you have - with yourself, with your creator and I feel that right now - to get through whatever it is that you are needing and wanting to get through in life - right now, I am also sensing - is there something you keep putting off doing? Or are you in the midst of making a big life decision/change right now? I almost want to say to you - is it necessary? Right now? Is it something you can plan for? Is it something you can work towards? I almost feel like taking action right now will see you missing an opportunity coming up very soon. Can you set a deadline to wait on this decision and just allow more information to come to you? And - if you were truly honest with yourself, what is it that has been on your mind to ‘finish’? Because I feel that your decision is weighed in this. Not that you have to stick to or finish something that doesn’t feel aligned anymore, no, what I am talking about here is yes, a fine line - but it also feels like something needs completing, this part of your life, this chapter, to close this book, to finish this thing feels like it would this - to then - give space to the more information about to come in. It feels like there is an opportunity about to drop in, ‘land on your doorstep’ even and I am getting the sense that it will be powerful for you to be able to truly ignite your Soul within and this? This feeling, I feel is you coming into deep alignment with your purpose beautiful one. Hang in there things are going to get easier. Just keep trusting what truly feels right for you. Love xxx Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years. If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you. I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion
Card #3: Creative Project. ‘Your Soul longs to express itself in creative ways. We’re guiding you to infuse artistry and creativity into your life. Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited and reignites passion towards your life.’
Hmmm, what did you start recently that you… ‘should’ be practicing but you haven’t even practised again since? This - when you did it originally lit you up and Soul on fire right? It gave you LIFE right? Sooo… what is that thing? That creative project? The one that lights your SOUL on fire? The one that have gives you LIFE? The book writing, the Soul fire knowingness of the channeling of your creative magic? The setting up your business, the musical instrument, the food preparation that fuels your Soul, the… what is it?? THAT one. That is what this is calling you to do, take action on and live into. EVERYDAY. It feels like this needs to be a priority in your day. I feel like there is magic trying to come through you. Have you been feeling extra tired lately? It feels like there are pieces in your Soul that are coming together, like you’re coming back together after so long of being distorted through trying to live someone else’s life - have you just let go of something major recently? It feels like NOW all of your magic can come through you and it is to be channeled through your Creative Projects. If you’re feeling tired - do your Creative Projects and watch your energy rise. If you’re feeling anxious - do your Creative Projects and watch your energy come back to centre. I am also getting the message that you focusing on these as priority is what is going to bring you the information you’re seeking about the problem you keep rounding abuotting in your head over and over that is exhausting you to say the least. And yet - your answer lays INSIDE this tunnel, inside your Creative Vortex. On the picture, there is a vortex of energy coming down through her Crown and body int the music she is playing… you are literally channeling the energy as you do this… and through that energy, through that vortex - IS the answers you been seeking - they exist no where outside of you - but in your own Creative Cave, but no where but in your Creative Vortex. Go in there… go into your Creative Vortex. Block out all distractions. Do what lights up your Heart and Soul - because in your Creative Channeling of your SOUL - She/He speaks and… you are given the road map to YOUR Life Purpose - no one else can find that for you - EXCEPT YOU. Love xxx Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years. If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you. I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion
Card #4: Child. ‘You care deeply about children, and they readily respond to your love. All children, including your own inner child, require love, affection and attention. We can clear and open your heart and scheduled so that you can give more time and energy to the children who need you.’
I am sensing right now, it is time to focus on your Child. If you are struggling to make a decision - listen to your Heart about what it calls you to do with Children. Make your Children’s choices a priority and ‘let them make the decision for you’. Now, this can be a contradictory statement because well, yes, you need to make decisions based not on children etc but I feel at this time, there is something about the Children helping you to make a decision type thing, it feels they can influence your decision right now and in this time and space, it is important to listen deeply to their needs to help make your decision about where to next etc. It feels like they should become a priority for a while/moment. Again, this is not advice for you if you are devoting all time to them and neglecting your needs - no. Definitely not. However I feel this specific message for today, is about this in some form - about letting them make the choice for you/influence your decision. There is something about world stuff coming into this and children are highly switched on/sensitive/tuned in and how they can influence your decision I feel is a direct message from Spirit (in a way) of where to be, what to do next, what you’re being guided to do etc, and I feel trusting this, is like trusting your own inner child. As long as it feels aligned - OF COURSE. Because of course, some things that children want, are not in alignment for what you want, however, it does feel like at this time, it is time to listen to them. Of course, this is also about Inner Child work and I feel that if you’ve been feeling a lot of fear or have been feeling super ungrounded or just not sure, that it is important to do consistent inner child work - not just once or twice, but consistent at this time. This is going to help ground you and alleviate fear as you go through this huge transition in your life right now. Also - what is that you need to do to move your body in supportive ways that are also going to keep you grounded? Are you looking too far out there, when you need to be looking right under your nose? That, I feel is the most important thing for you to ‘worry’ about right now. Right now - not in the future, but right now - what needs to be tended to? This, is like Mothering of your Inner Child that is also needed at this time. You - tending to what is right under your nose, is going to support you to feel loved, cared for and like.. your life, comes to life - for what may feel like the first time ever. Love xxx Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years. If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you. I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion
Card #5: Opportunity to Forgive. ‘This situation brings you the opportunity to heal, grow and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person’s inner Divine light and goodness. We will help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings and energies and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion.’
I feel this is about releasing yourself from the constraints of being so darn hard on yourself like ALL THE TIME - give yourself some flack! Stop whipping yourself for your past mistakes that are not even that because you have arrived where you are now, learning what you are now, I feel the strong message coming in for you as to go so far and say ‘You are exactly where you are meant to be, you are learning exactly what you need to learn and you wouldn’t be where you are now if you had made other choices. Stop beating yourself up. You are here now, because there is a divine and exponential opportunity about to come forth for you and you wouldn’t be able to receive this opportunity if you had chosen another path, taken another route, accepted other opportunities. You ‘nos’ that you keep receiving are because you’re being divinely guided right now and things are about to get extremely clear for you, so hang in there. I am also sensing that made a clear cut decision not too long ago, that you didn’t want to hold onto this unforgiveness and resentment anymore. And.. from this - this huge pile of changes and somewhat anger is busting forth from your system - all of a sudden things have changed, opened up, you’ve let go of shit you’ve held onto for years and this - is because you said you wanted change on some level, you said you were ready and willing on some level. I am also sensing that this Forgiveness is of course for other people - but 2 or 3 in particular… of course, more if they come to mind, but who are these main ones that pop into your head? Ceremony ritual release, Soul letters speaking your heart’s truth and safely burning them and other release techniques that you know of feels imperative to clear your energy at this time. Are you ready for the true energetic freedom this gives you? It’s on your doorstep and it is waiting for you to step into beautiful one. Let your heart be open again, let your heart be safe again, let yourself be free - like the Soul you’re meant to be. Love xxx Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years. If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you. I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion
Card #6: Relationship. “Your primary relationship is with yourself, God and every other relationship follows from there. To attract, heal or balance a relationship, then snuggle more closely with your loving Creator. As you feel safe and loved within, so shall your other relationships bloom and prosper.”
Whilst this card can pertain to a particular relationship it does state about the relationship with yourself and God/Universe is priority. I feel that this has been a big shift for you recently - feeling disconnected from self, wondering how you go this way or allowed yourself to be in this space and yet, right now is the big turning point - you’re slowly turning around, turning back to YOU, coming back to what your Heart wants. Right now it is sooo easy to get caught up in the world stuff, in what is best for everyone else - but yourself. And this focus I feel is about blocking out all outside forces and coming back to what you WANT, what nourishes your Soul, what is going to fulfil you, make it feel like ‘you’ve come home’ make it feel like you matter, make you feel connected to YOU? Do you even know what that is? I am also sensing adventure, movement, and heart fulfilment. I feel you have been tired - but you’ve also been resting and time to just get on with it now because.. well it is time. There is also another piece here around - you do know what you want, you’ve been clear on what that is for quite some time. It also feels like stop making lists and just get the shit done at the same time, because similar message to the Creative Project card - the way into getting it done is to do it - no more lists, just the next step instead. I am also sensing the relationship around your sleep patterns - where do you need to set a strong boundary around that for yourself? What do you know makes you on fire in regards to taking care of yourself and where do you need to be strict around making sure this gets done? It feels likes a disciplined routine is going to be super supportive for you in truly coming into your worth right now - because, that is what the underlying issue has been about for you for a while right? That you’re tackling head on right now yes? So, you have the answer how to fully own this right? Love xxx Healing work is important, but so is mindset! I would not be where I am today on healing work alone. I would not have the amazing tribe in my business and life had I not been journalling this into existence for the last 5 years. If you’ve been wondering how to create more everything in your life in a particular area or all areas, if you’ve been wondering why some affirmations work and some don’t or wondering if you’ve been doing the journalling correctly because it may not seem to work or perhaps you gave up because you didn’t see results - Mindset Reset - Illuminate Your Mind, Illuminate Your Life is for you. I am soooo looking forward to sharing all the GOLD with you live on this! Click here for all the details, we start next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/mindset-reset-14-day-immersion