🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 5th March 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 05, 2019
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 5th March 2019 🔮
It's been a interesting few days of energy and the upswings and down swings are strong, fast, deep and wide. Can you choose to stay centred and know this is a training, a choosing and also, your natural state - to stay centred in the eye of the storm?
Ready to shift your Money Reality and RISE as the Empowered Lightworker that you are? The 21 Day Money Shifter has arrived 🔥💸🔥 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter
Find your number that you chose earlier today to see what messages came through from the Soul's Journey cards for you today.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Pride. I love myself and see myself in everyone.
Ah, the first thing I am getting about this card for you is ‘drop the judgements’, is all I am strongly hearing for you right now. I feel like you’ve shifted into a big space recently, moved away and out of things, places, energies and activities that once served you, but no longer do. And the strong message I am getting is to not judge those that are where you used to be, or think/feel like you’re better than them, because, well you don’t do that anymore and ‘I’m good now’ type thing. I am also hearing ‘compassion’ and getting the message for you to ‘not bite’ at the ‘bait’ they are putting on the table. If you must communicate with them, do so without emotion, just while you move through this period and that’s all for now. Focus, focus, focus, and yes you are in a more positive space right now, or there has been a big ‘drop’ in what was holding you back and now you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want so to speak, but I am also getting the message that this chunk of time is going to be a bit tough and tricky for you even though ‘free/dom’, any change doesn’t come without the grief cycle and that includes anger too. Be okay with whatever you’re feeling, no matter what emotion, but get support too, especially through huge life changing events. Compassion - for yourself and for them, I am also sensing some sadness for you that is in a huge space of ‘why can’t they too’ - wanting it to be them in a way, but it isn’t and the grief that sits there because of that - allow that too, but the ‘Pride’ is in dropping the judgments towards them, towards yourself for even how you used to be in that situation or ‘how long it’s taken you’ - just drop all that. Be with what is and where you’re headed, not where you e been. There is another part to this card, in a sense that if you’re in a good place right now, to look at people with compassion, not judgment, and also, if you’re feeling envious or resentment about someone in your life right now, that this is a beacon, a calling card a red flag even waking you the f&$k up saying - “Hey! 👋 over here!! Don’t you know this is a life you can be living too?” Envy and resentment are strong calling cards waking you up to the fact that you are living a life that is not in 100% alignment - yet, I always say that we are never off path, so what this is actually showing you is a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ a, ‘crack in the doorway’ a, ‘are you ready to walk into the light and out of the darkness of your life’? These emotions are showing you something your Soul is desiring - ask that envy, ask that resentment - “What is it about that person, that life they are living, that, thing I am pissed off about - they have, and I don’t? What is it? Freedom? Relationship? Career? Money? Health? Family? What is it exactly?” When you can tap into that, you are starting to walk forward through that crack the doorway, you are pushing that doorway open and walking in a direction thy your Soul is deeply calling your attention to. It is showing you a path, you CAN have, if you CHOOSE, because at the end of the day, it is all a choice about how much you want to do the thing, it the work in and change your life. Yes it can be ease and flow, but it does take action, nothing just ‘comes’ to you, you need to move forward in the direction first, then, the energy is focused in that space so you can move forward and all the energy turns up because that is the direction you are meant to go and then it does become ease and flow. But you have to take the first step. If you don’t know what that first step is but you’re already aware of those other emotions sitting there, ask those questions, then state “Show me the way, please Universe.” You can say this over and over like a mantra if need be to get you into an ‘open’ space of receiving ideas, information and signs to indeed, show you the way. Pay attention this next few days, you are deeply guided, do you trust the messages you are receiving, even when they don’t make logical sense? Love xxx OMG I am deeply excited and also nervous sharing this with you!! Yet, it has deeply called from within my SOUL to share this with you! I held this for my private students ONLY in my Trust Your Intuition group, that completely flowed out of me intuitively and provides deep support in shifting your Money Reality from the powerful tools, awareness, activations, recoding and rewiring your Money Vows, Consciousness and energy field so you can indeed shift your Money Reality and fast! The 21 Day Money Shifter, releases your spiritual poverty vows to shift you into prosperity so you can be the Empowered Lightworker that you are - the world needs you to RISE!! 🔥 💸 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter
Card #2: Trust. I accept that my inner voice will always guide me correctly.
Are you doubting your decision you just made dear one? This card has come to you to show you - don’t!! Don’t doubt yourself! Don’t go back on your decisions, ideas and INTUITION that is ALWAYS guiding you, even when it doesn’t seem like it! Doubt ALWAYS comes up when you make a decision, the key is to just walk right on through the doubt and keep going. It’s actually a good sign that it’s coming up! Showing you that you’ve made the right choice!! The key is to not get stuck in it or that is where the turmoil leads. I am getting the message to for this card, something about your home, moving, the occupants or travelling overseas. What is that for you? Or is it someone overseas 🤔 It feels like you have a decision to make about this, or have made a decision about it and the key message I am getting about this is your Heart. What does your heart say about the situation before your mind kicks in with all the reasons why you shouldn’t? Listen to your Heart and only your Heart. It feels like there is a move coming, or the land, something to do with the land too. I am also hearing ‘activations’ - have you had a healing recently? Received activations, upgrades or discovered a deeper layer of your gift? It feels like you are being called to use them, be aware of them, and tune into what they are sharing with you about this decision/move/overseas energy that’s in your field right now. I am also wondering if where you are being called to, will activate another layer of your being? It feels that wherever you are now, isn’t serving you anymore. It did, but it’s time to go now, and this new space, will energetically upgrade you and move you by osmosis to your next level of Life Purpose alignment - without you having to ‘do’ anything, because your DOING, has come in you TRUSTING your decision that has called you to this card today that is wanting you to know you’ve made the right decision are making the right decision and all you have to do continue to trust each step, trust where your Heart is calling you - because your Inner Wisdom is guiding you every single step of the way. Your ‘doing’ of your Life Purpose comes in you taking the action of your intuition, every single step, every single breath, every single moment you tune in, listen and act from that place of divine connection with your Soul, you’ve deeply ‘arrived’ dear one. Continue to Trust, you’re so on the right path. Love xxx OMG I am deeply excited and also nervous sharing this with you!! Yet, it has deeply called from within my SOUL to share this with you! I held this for my private students ONLY in my Trust Your Intuition group, that completely flowed out of me intuitively and provides deep support in shifting your Money Reality from the powerful tools, awareness, activations, recoding and rewiring your Money Vows, Consciousness and energy field so you can indeed shift your Money Reality and fast! The 21 Day Money Shifter, releases your spiritual poverty vows to shift you into prosperity so you can be the Empowered Lightworker that you are - the world needs you to RISE!! 🔥 💸 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter
Card #3: Self Esteem. I possess the gifts of the soul that benefit me and others.
Ah, such a strong powerful message coming through here for you today! I am deeply feeling the need for you to speak your truth, use your voice - the world NEEDS to hear what you have to say! Whether it is to one individual or a group of people, you are needing voice your deepest truths. You might shake when you speak, and this is normal when you are in a confronting situation, when you need to use your voice for standing up for yourself for something that has been a long time coming, that has been something you’ve worked on for ages, something your SOUL has guided you to do, say, change your life in whatever way shape or form and you may need to stand up for you for a change, instead of everyone else. You do know and understand that when you do what is right for you - what you are really doing? You are deeply tuning into and connecting with YOUR INTUITION and do you realise what you do when you do this? Your Intuition - is connected to infinite source, infinite Universe, whatever label you put on that - your Soul is connected to this and your intuition is how your Soul ‘speaks’ to you - so when you heed the guidance of your Soul - it is coming from this infinite place that is connected to this - and what do you think, everyone else in this Universe is connected to? Yep, you guessed it. The same darn place. So when you stand up for your intuition, for your life and step out of the way of what your logical mind is telling all the stories that stop you from speaking your truth - what you actually do, is you release yourself from your intuition, from your Soul, from…. flow, from the ultimate source of life - the Universe (or whatever label you put on it). Now, I don’t think that that is what you want right? That would make you feel agitated, depressed, lethargic and sad right? Yep. So when you think you hold guilt for changing a behaviour, a pattern or some other major thing that makes you shake to your core to change your life in some way and speak to someone about these changes that your Soul is deeply encouraging you to do and you JUST KNOW you have to speak to them about this - know that by you - following through with what you need to do, that is right for you in your life, even if it ‘disrupts everyone around you’ that you THINK, is what happens. But what this ‘disruption’ actually is - is an ‘interrupt’ into the pattern of unconsciousness and it actually wakes everyone up to the connection that is themselves. Now, not everyone will LIKE that interrupt so to speak, but that is only because you are finally connecting to your intuition and following through - meaning you are connected to your Source, the true, source, instead of other people around you and this interrupt - is causing them to rapidly search for their own connection to source to - to their own intuition. Not everyone finds that - well, it is more of a trust issue at it’s core ultimately, but what you are doing, is releasing yourself and them, from a web of unconsciousness and giving them the gift of the choice of waking up, of connecting to their own Souls - for you are role modelling this to them. Not only does that create healthy relationships around you - but it is also connects people to their own intuition and everyone’s intuition/Soul is deeply connected to the infinite universe (again, whatever label you use) - and that? That Infinite Universe has a grand divine plan, one of deep compassion, trust, unity and ultimate flow for our Planet Earth and all Her inhabitants - just like Nature - it all works in symbiotic, synergistic flow - simply because it is connected to the life force that is readily available - which is for us too. We just need to choose it. So - are you willing to stand up for your truth, have the courage to speak what needs to be said, even if it makes you shake, knowing that by doing so, naturally, as a by-product your Self-Esteem increases, simply because - gosh, well, when you connect to your intuition and speak the truth it is calling you to speak - well, you have that entire infinite Universe supporting your back hey? (instead of shutting yourself down and wonder why others around you do too) The Universe really does have your back. Do you see why and the depth of power of ‘how’ now? Love xxx OMG I am deeply excited and also nervous sharing this with you!! Yet, it has deeply called from within my SOUL to share this with you! I held this for my private students ONLY in my Trust Your Intuition group, that completely flowed out of me intuitively and provides deep support in shifting your Money Reality from the powerful tools, awareness, activations, recoding and rewiring your Money Vows, Consciousness and energy field so you can indeed shift your Money Reality and fast! The 21 Day Money Shifter, releases your spiritual poverty vows to shift you into prosperity so you can be the Empowered Lightworker that you are - the world needs you to RISE!! 🔥 💸 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter
Card #4: Judgement. I understand that everyone has their own unique path and challenges.
Judgement separates. Compassion unites. There is a path in this world that every single unique person walks. You have no idea what that person’s Soul is guiding them to do. They may not even be conscious of their Soul - but I guarantee you, that their Soul is doing everything - guiding that person, exactly as they need, that give them opportunities to wake up. And that? Waking them up? By telling them what their story, life, like, feelings, perception of reality - should be? Is NOT your job. I imagine that you know, that telling someone something, they won’t hear it from you - but they will hear it from someone else and it will be right for them, or they still will continue to not hear it. When they wake up, if they wake up - is not your job, nor responsibility and can be tiring, exhausting and Soul depleting. Better off turning towards your own path and continuing on where your Soul is guiding you to go. I am also getting the message here for you - this Judgement card - has a lot of black on it. Wondering if you even chose two cards today too? It feels like this black, is representative of ‘black thoughts’ ‘dark thoughts’ - as much as the Solar Flares came through and somewhat floored us but I am also feeling that as much as there is a ‘lift’ in consciousness and new awakenings, I am sensing that there is a wave of people in a ‘dark’ state, in a space of emotions that are flooring them and they can’t seem to shift in a way. Yet - the most powerful thing that shifts them? Is supporting them to understand that these dark feelings are just energy and the fastest way to shift them, is to reconnect to what their Soul is guiding them to do - is it speak their truth - or is this about you? Are you needing to speak your truth, live your truth, make changes you have been ignoring? You will be more ‘floored’ with the dark stuff, when you are not listening to your intuition of what changes you know you need to make - so what is that for you? Did you know, that this black on the card, representative of dark thoughts and feelings - that ‘Judgement’ separates. Judgement comes from a space that something is wrong and that you aren’t good enough or that the other person is doing it wrong and you are right. This is the energy on the planet that causes wars. Do you have a war going on in your own mind? Are you in your mind about all these wrong things and bad things, that the only war is that you are not listening to your Heart, have cut off from your Heart and are ‘stumbling/stuck’ on what your mind is telling you? If you could allow your Heart to speak - what would it say? What is the most compassionate thing that you need to do - for yourself, to reconnect back to your Heart? It could even be reaching out to someone who can help you reconnect to your Heart if you are unsure how or where to even start with that. Have you moved your body? Drunk enough water? Spent time outside? Cleared your energy? What is your Heart saying? What changes do you need to make, that have been long put off by you because ____________ fill in the blank… even one tiny step in the direction your Heart is calling you to go, will bring you alive, bring your Heart alive and start giving you the energy you need, to make the rest of the changes, your Heart is so calling you to do. What is it, that you are judging in others? You do know, that is your calling card, your beacon, to know that whatever is possible for them, is possible for you too? That you do know, that whatever you are judging in them, is a sign for you - to see what fingers you are pointing at them, that you actually have 3 fingers pointing at you? What is it then, that your Soul is trying to get your attention of? Love xxx OMG I am deeply excited and also nervous sharing this with you!! Yet, it has deeply called from within my SOUL to share this with you! I held this for my private students ONLY in my Trust Your Intuition group, that completely flowed out of me intuitively and provides deep support in shifting your Money Reality from the powerful tools, awareness, activations, recoding and rewiring your Money Vows, Consciousness and energy field so you can indeed shift your Money Reality and fast! The 21 Day Money Shifter, releases your spiritual poverty vows to shift you into prosperity so you can be the Empowered Lightworker that you are - the world needs you to RISE!! 🔥 💸 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter
Card #5: Grief. I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it.
Gosh, this card is very self explanatory but I am also getting the message that you could be feeling grief right now about coming into deep realisations of your purpose on this Earth and the depth of what that entails. You know you will achieve it, impact billions, leave and incredible legacy - are here to change the systems on this Earth, including human consciousness and that in itself is a system - yet, this grief is one of not ‘how can I do this’ but more of a humbledness that you just know, that by you following your intuition every single step of the way, you are already on path, one breath at a time, one moment at a time, it is already happening. I am wondering if someone has challenged you on your truth, and its made you shake a little, anger a little (or a lot) or you’ve just dropped straight into the grief of what you KNOW you are here to do and have just allowed the impact of their words to flow right on through you, knowing that they are not even conscious of the damaging energy behind their words and how that has impacted you, let alone every other part of the Earth they are walking on and touching right now, so you deeply drop into the grief of this, not out of hurt, but just allowing all to flow, and healing the hurt of everyone that has ever felt that way on the planet before - because as a deep, deep, powerful Healer that you are, you know the depth of the truth of what you do to heal humanity by doing this. I am getting the message too - that this is so normal for you, there is a part of you, that doesn’t even realise that this isn’t normal for most people and the wake up call is to how powerful and deeply special your gift is in this world, that, I am also getting the message that it is time, if not almost time, for you to start sharing your gifts with a wider audience in the world. I am also getting the message that there is no need to force or hurry with this, however, you might also be feeling a sense of urgency to move things along, to do what you are being called to do - and it is important to heed this guidance, this is coming from your Soul and the more you honour the next step and the next step and the next step, you will stay in ultimate alignment for the birthing of your new reality that is about to burst wide open for you. It feels like the Universe is lining up for you, simply because you are staying in integrity and truth to what is right for you, allowing your feelings as they come (grief) which deeply keeps you connected to your Heart, and your Heart is always guiding you in every moment and as you allow them to flow - you are staying in deep alignment. You feel it, and you also feel when something is ‘off’ around you too. The fastest way to stay true, is to follow what is right for you, no matter what someone says - you are here to do huge things in the world and so most people probably won’t understand you. And this is your golden key to do and follow only what your Soul is guiding you to do - put your purpose in action, not just talk about it. You will feel if you are doing this, you will feel an underlying Peace that you are on the right path, no matter what ‘jumps up to stop you’ in a way, because, nothing will, will it? When you are disrupting systems, to make deep changes in the systems, there is always a way, you just have to find it and you deeply know to just keep focused on what you are doing and by doing so, you will be shown every step of the way, you are here, to change the world aren’t you? Love xxx OMG I am deeply excited and also nervous sharing this with you!! Yet, it has deeply called from within my SOUL to share this with you! I held this for my private students ONLY in my Trust Your Intuition group, that completely flowed out of me intuitively and provides deep support in shifting your Money Reality from the powerful tools, awareness, activations, recoding and rewiring your Money Vows, Consciousness and energy field so you can indeed shift your Money Reality and fast! The 21 Day Money Shifter, releases your spiritual poverty vows to shift you into prosperity so you can be the Empowered Lightworker that you are - the world needs you to RISE!! 🔥 💸 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter
Card #6: Change. I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement.
This card is self-explanatory, yet, I am also getting two strong messages for this card and #1 is that I am sensing that something needs to change and shift in your life and NOW. If you have been contemplating changing something, your go ahead is yes - your intuition is correct and the big part of this bit is trust WHEN. Forcing yourself to do something when you are not ready, is different to disciplining and pushing through when you know it is in your highest good. If it is coming from a deep internal place you will feel the pull and the deep internal knowing to do it and when. Trust this. Doing it because someone told you to or is what you ‘think’ you should do because you are ‘doing the right thing’ is not the energy you want to tap into you and will find yourself deeply confused by taking in too much of others opinions. This card is deeply connected to the Sacral Chakra, with it’s deep Orange, the same colour as the Sacral. Have you been doing Sacral work lately? Changing patterns, habits, dietary, lifestyle, home and more lately? I am getting the message of confirmation for you with this, that you are on the right path - but you already know this right? As you are feeling better than before, even though it is still early days? That you are shifting things every day, and feeling better and better each day? If you haven’t been feeling better, this is your sign and your card today for you to not delay these changes any more it is like death to your Soul and that is what it feels like right? When you are not listening to your intuition? I am also getting that this Womb/Sacral healing you are doing right now, is deeply tapping you into your purpose, it is clearing your womb, whether you are male or female you have Womb - it is your Sacral, and all that is connected to this, is deeply feminine. Yes, chakras have both male and female, yet, the Sacral is deeply feminine. It holds things, it grows things, it nourishes us to our core, to our Soul. It is our HOME to our Soul - we ‘anchor’ here. Are you feeling nourished? Or are you feeling a bit run down? I am also getting the message something about a trip, travel, whether, local, interstate, overseas - something is coming up for you at the end of the month? This moving into message #2 of this card - whether it is actually moving house, it feels more like travel or a trip/holiday or business trip. Overseas is moreso coming to mind, yet don’t let that limit you for local travel either. The sense I am getting for this is that this month, is going to be one of the biggest, life changing and extremely positive (even though it might not seem like it on the surface or in the moment at times), leading you to a huge new direction that you know is right, but you may not have ‘seen in the plan’ so to speak. It feels like it is going to ‘shake your world’ for a bit, but hold your ground and know that by you doing so, is standing in your integrity and truth to what is right for you in your life and when we do that, we are changing the systems, structures and the key reason you are here, is for this. I am also sensing that ‘it isn’t as bad as it seems’, that the feelings may arise, but the situation actually resolves itself faster and in ways that are ‘out of the blue’ so continue to hold your ground, no matter how much they try to shake you — that this trip/travel at the end of the month, is actually a celebration, relief and relax of years and years of work and preparation that lead to this moment in time, that your entire reality shifts. And ultimately? That is what happens when we work on our Sacral - we are birthing a WHOLE NEW REALITY. And that dear Soul, is exactly what the end of this month will be for you. A Whole new reality. Enjoy dear one, you’ve worked hard for this! Love xxx OMG I am deeply excited and also nervous sharing this with you!! Yet, it has deeply called from within my SOUL to share this with you! I held this for my private students ONLY in my Trust Your Intuition group, that completely flowed out of me intuitively and provides deep support in shifting your Money Reality from the powerful tools, awareness, activations, recoding and rewiring your Money Vows, Consciousness and energy field so you can indeed shift your Money Reality and fast! The 21 Day Money Shifter, releases your spiritual poverty vows to shift you into prosperity so you can be the Empowered Lightworker that you are - the world needs you to RISE!! 🔥 💸 https://realityawareness.mykajabi.com/21-day-money-shifter