🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th April 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 06, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th April 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Kuan Yin Oracle today. 

You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different.

You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift.

Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway.

Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight….

You have felt the Platinum Light.

Transcendence Reality society has arrived.

Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are less than days away, before enrolment opens.

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Nectar of the Lotus. 

Abundance, is all around you - are you opening to receive it? Are you… slowing enough to receive it, to.. smell the roses. Hmmm, have you had a deceased loved one making their presence known to you recently? Have you lost a deceased loved one recently and there are signs around you that you have been noticing, but somewhat doubting, or… you’ve felt peace… and waves of grief, as you have recognised their presence, or perhaps questioning their messages to you. I am hearing the message, do not doubt your intuition right now and if you are working towards a goal - I feel they are here by your side, reminding you that your goals - go bigger. Expand further. Do not settle for less than you deserve right now. I am also sensing that you have been ‘playing too small’. There is a reason that it hasn’t happened - because you have not let yourself step into THE most expansive space that is available to you. You have shrunken your desires, because you thought that you had to, to… get there. Maybe everything you’ve done is perfect because you needed to sort out your current situation - however, this card has come to you today - your deceased loved one, has been around you - to remind you that it is time to open yourself back up to your BIG dreams, not the little ones, not the things you have settled for. No. But the entirety of your desires. It feels like you had to put things on hold, or back track, or pivot for a bit, and within that you almost shrunk your desires. This card, Nectar of the Lotus is asking you to remember your big, big dreams, it is time to rediscover them. Time to pull them back out of the bag. This… this energy is the fuel of your desires, this gives you the energy to achieve your hearts calling and is the fuel that feeds the designing light of your Heart. Here. Now. It is time to reconnect to that divine nectar, that golden glow, flowing yumminess in the divine of who you are, to come out from hiding, to show the world who you are. If you have felt blocked in your creativity recently, this is your turning point… you are coming back, your nectar is returning… You.. are returning. Sometimes we have to go back in time and return to who we were… to reclaim that part of ourself, so she/he isn’t left back in the glitch of time, but to reclaim yourself, a return to wholeness, so that the sweet essence of who you are, the innocence of who you are at your core, can bloom in the full blossom, producing the sweetest nectar, producing the truth of who you are - your… Light. Get ready to shine precious one, you have returned Home. Love xxx You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different. You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift. Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway. Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight…. You have felt the Platinum Light. Transcendence Reality society has arrived. Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are less than days away, before enrolment opens.


Card #2: Empress of the Pearl. 

Have you been hiding away in the Shadows? Have you been feeling…. ’Not Enough’ - have you been dropping into old fears? Have you been doing really well and then.. slipping? Have you been slipping into old stories? Honey… your Soul is ready to SHINE. You are done, with the old paradigm, you are DONE with the old - every part of it. You have been pushing forward - but… you haven’t. You have realised that is the old and you have been… getting comfortable with space. Nothing… can stop the Pearl - becoming the Pearl. The ‘darkness’ the ‘shadows’ around you - have you been dimming your Light because of them? Have you - been moving forward, but then, something stops you or… says you can’t? Or - is it, that you are afraid to outgrow them? How did you forget your Wisdom in this moment precious one? How did you forget how magical, amazing and opulent that you are? If your older self would appear to you now, She/He would tell you to release all fears, all doubts, throw that cape to the wind and allow your true self to SHINE because you are wonderful. Those people - will continue to pull you down IF you allow it.. IF you let it stop you. Remember, the bird is the bird and the bee is the bee - you aren’t meant to be like them. All can co-exist, but if it is bringing you down, it is time to leave the dark in the dark and walk towards the Light. Pearl is connected to Innocence. You are pure, you are innocent, you have done nothing wrong and the brightest, whitest Pearls are grown - are ‘irritated’ in the dark to shine brighter than ever. If you are struggling through this passage right now, know that the worst is almost behind you. Another few weeks should have that shiny Pearl all polished and pure. This too, shall pass and you will become the lightest you’ve ever been. Please surround yourself with people who get you. Please listen to the wisdom of your Soul and just… don’t engage with them anymore. Find like-minded Souls that inspire you, uplift you and encourage you to SHINE, not hide away in your cocoon. You are done with that now. Time to own the Empress/Emperor that you are. Your Kingdom will come.. if you would only dare have the courage to walk forward with radical abandon to anything that no longer fuels your Soul and allow your Pearls of Wisdom to lead your Heart to the fulfilment of your Destiny. Love xxx You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different. You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift. Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway. Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight…. You have felt the Platinum Light. Transcendence Reality society has arrived. Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are less than days away, before enrolment opens.


Card #3: The Yin Empress. 

Cold. Dark. Within. Winter. Timid. Kind. Caring. Void. In between Worlds. Right now you are being offered a piece of Wisdom through this passage you are travelling. I am sensing you are receiving many, many lifetimes of Wisdom right now. This last month or so is all starting to make sense all of a sudden and I am sensing that the veils have been super thin for you. You have been receiving deep insight in past life memories, dreams - day time and night time and are strong, even if they don’t make sense, it is almost like in the last 24-48 hours, there has been much insight, much revelation and much realisations around all the pieces of the puzzle that have come together ‘all of a sudden’. It feels like there is a huge doorway of opportunity right now - that lifts you right up out of the doorway, that takes you on adventure into the Light, that enables you to fly with the wings you know you have somewhere deep down in there. “You are lifted into your Soul work now.” - it feels like with all these revelations of late, you have been getting the signs that it is time to actually do this work, that you are being guided to step up, step out and truly come into your power. Your Sacred Soul Work, Your Healing Gifts, The Healer that you are - is calling you forth. The Yin Empress is asking you to own your divine intuitive gifts, your Soul Path that calls you to Heal the World, with your Divine Feminine, your Yin, Healing powers of Wisdom, Love and… Presence. You change the world, by being who you are, you inspire others, by being who you are. You…. Love deeply by being who you are. You… set yourself free, by being who you are. If you have been struggling to find the missing key… it is living who you really are, being who you really are - trusting the divine innate wisdom, that is your intuitive gifts, that lay dormant in your Heart, that are stirring, awakening, re-awakening into birthing - living - you, in your everyday life. About 10-15 years ago, significantly, you shut down a vital piece of who you are… this vital life force, has been stirring you, waking you up this last 18 months and it is here - that She/He, is rising… is busting forth through you. It is safe to be who you really are. It is safe for you to be grounded in your Yin Divine Feminine Acutely Intuitive Self… it is safe to be all of you. I am sensing there is new people around you, awaiting to rise into the full freedom of you… are you ready to take the Golden Flame and truly Align to the callings of your Soul? You are completely supported as you continue to take the aligned steps, your Soul is leading you on right now. Continue to trust your Heart, it always has known the way… and is asking you to trust in Her/Him, once more. It is time dear Soul, it is time. Love xxx You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different. You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift. Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway. Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight…. You have felt the Platinum Light. Transcendence Reality society has arrived. Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are moments away, before enrolment opens.


Card #4: Maiden Magu. 

You are made of Magic. But do you even feel it everyday? That synchronistic flow, that divine magic, the fluttering of the butterfly that flies past… or are you to caught up in the mundane and busyness of life? I am getting the message that there is something super important right in front of you - yet you are looking at what you don’t have… you are looking at the negative - you are nit picking at almost every single comment and action that person is taking. Why - why are you doing that? Why does anyone do that? Usually - because they are full of feelings. There is something that is deeply unsatisfying in your life - are you afraid of missing out? What is it, that you think you are running out of time for? What is it, that at the back of your mind - almost driving all your decisions - is because you feel that you are not going to make it? What is that? And what is that right in front of you that you are too busy to stop and actually appreciate what is right in front of you? I almost want to say to you STOP - STOP being sooo busy right now and just BREATHE for a moment. This moment is going to pass and you won’t be able to get it back - it is okay to pause, it is okay to take a break, it is okay to let the unimportant (even the important things go) for a moment and reconnect, and stop, and breathe, and absorb what is right in front of you. You are made of Magic - but do you even feel it? That sensual magically, divinely yummy synchronistical flow that also CREATES magic in your life? Something, a part of you - is trying to birth out of you right now. A part of your Soul that you shut down, locked away - is bursting to come out. Have you felt depleted, like you have no life anymore, like you have lost a part of you or you just feel… lost? Maiden Magu - is your Divine Magic Self. Is the part of you that brings the life of the party - back to life - that… inspires people - from this Magic part of you. When you stop… what do you - LOVE? What… do you find yourself doing, thinking or that ‘helps get you through’? That… has tones in what you LOVE - for only what you LOVE helps you survive in this ‘mundane’ world, when life became so busy you forgot who you are for a moment. But you can already feel this Magic coming back. Ideas have even been flowing for you, that you need to pick up old hobbies again, or that you are realising something is sooo important to you - that it almost made you cry, remembering this Soul longing, this Soul - calling. Your Magic - is calling. It feels like… what you have been working on recently? Even this last few years? Is seeing yourself. Is realising who you are. Is realising how powerful your presence is. Is understanding your gift and your place in the world with your Gift. I feel like this last few weeks especially - you are starting to truly honour, who you are, the Sacred, most potent Healer that your Gift, enables you to be - just by… Being all of you. Have you taken steps to create a sacred alter or sacred space to connect with the divine specifically? TO connect with you? Or have been thinking about this, your Sacred Space that enables your creativity to flow? Trust this Sacred Space - your Magic is about to birth again - and the World needs your Magic. You are important and so is your Mission. Make time for it. (If you’re not sure, just follow your Heart - literally). Love xxx You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different. You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift. Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway. Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight…. You have felt the Platinum Light. Transcendence Reality society has arrived. Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are moments away, before enrolment opens.


Card #5: Enter The Jade Temple. 

This is card number 11 on the actual deck. And I thought it said 14 - I had to look closely and wondered if it was time warping in front of my eyes. Hmmm, what happened at 14 for you? 14 is a significant age, where the divine masculine and divine feminine truly embodies in our body. I am getting the message so strongly for you that you are an Old Soul (which I know you probably know!) And yet, it feels like back then - at 14 - did you feel understood? Were you seen as the Old Soul that you were? Or were you treated with mis-trust, doubt, disillusion, ‘treated like a child’ - did something significant happen to you at 14, that no one understood and you were all alone in facing it? Did you have more responsibilities lumped on you - than a 14 year old should? If you have been doubting yourself lately - it is coming from deep within you from this place. If you have been questioning why the relationships in your life recently have caused you conflict, or that you are still trying to figure out why they would say or do that to you - this questioning is driving you to insanity (in a way) - honey, it isn’t you. There is nothing wrong with you, you didn’t do anything - you were and have always been you. Entering the Jade Temple I am sensing that this ‘darkness’ will be over soon and that the light at the end the tunnel is brighter than you could have ever imagined. I am getting the message too - have you always felt like, or for a long time, felt like a part of you is missing? Your other half? The, one for you? Even if you are in relationship - are you truly satisfied? Did you really think you would end up ‘here’? With this? It feels like - back then, instead of coming together and truly integrating the masculine and feminine you - you were split… and it is like you have been missing your other half ever since. Even if you weren’t in intimate relationship back then. Have you always had a longing for someone… for… who you thought you would be with by now… or - who you used to dream or were so sure you would become? This other half honey… is You. I am getting such a strong message that as soon as you take corrective action to start reclaiming you (and actually I feel like you have already begun this) - the outside chaos, the outside crumbling, will start to cease to fall… and you, reclaiming you, will begin to rise up - and all that outside chaos, all the people who are not aligned, who have been draining you and dragging you down through your ‘other half missing’ - the more you reclaim your other half - the more all of that chaos naturally drains away and disappears. Entering the Jade Temple, enables you to remember who you are and rise out through this mess, stronger, more determined and with a grace, wisdom and poise, that only comes from truly walking through the flames of eternal youth - your Soul, guiding each step of the way. You are safe beautiful one and all of this hardship will soon be over. Your Heart is healing and will soon be the Light, the Other Half, you’ve known, has lived within you, this entire time. Love xxx You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different. You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift. Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway. Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight…. You have felt the Platinum Light. Transcendence Reality society has arrived. Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are moments away, before enrolment opens.


Card #6: Hear the Yellow Tiger Mother. 

I feel like… recently you have had to ‘let go of the reigns’. You have truly had to surrender and ‘let God take over for a while’ - you HAD to this. You HAD to stop pushing, you HAD to stop trying to force things. It is almost like, God - stopped YOU. And yet, now it is time to move forward again and it feels like you feel like you are being held back.. that you are scared to move forward now - even though this is where you wanted to go, why you did everything in the first place and yet - is there someone (or a few people) that are triggering you? Has something come into your awareness in the last 24-48hours especially that you are wondering what on Earth is going on? But wait. You know what this is. You’ve been through this before. And now, this time? You’re super clear on wtf is actually going on. You know what this trigger is, you know what this feeling is and maybe you… thought it was still okay to stay.. but.. you have realised your original decision way back when - actually is still on point, still what you need to do to move on. No. Just no. And now you are moving in that direction. You’re doing your Shadow Work, you’re doing all your inner work - you’re creating this life - you’ve created this life and you know when you need to trust yourself ten fold and that time is now. The Yellow Tiger Mother is fiercely protective - and this protection is you - honouring you, sticking to your inner truth, trusting your intuition and moving forward in the direction you knew all along. You ‘went back’ - for a moment.. and realise no, just no. Not again. I know this feeling and I ain’t living in this anymore. And you are taking corrective action immediately to change the situation, to support yourself, to remember your truth and why you did it, chose it, in the first place. If the people around you, are not believing in your dreams, shut them out of your world for a time and make your dreams happen. I am sensing too, with the Yellow Tiger Mother present - you are also SO close to your success. There is so much yellow on this card, that looks like GOLD AND - it is the Solar Plexus - your self worth, self esteem, TRUST IN SELF and owning who you are - walking that truth and living it forever more. Now is the time to solidly trust in yourself, now is the time to honour the truth of who you are, now is the time to deeply not be swayed from that, no matter the anxiety, no matter the manipulation tactics of those around you. No. Just no. You hold your ground, you MOVE your ground - your continue to trust yourself, because this is you, owning your POWER - which is your LIGHT and it is time to shine no matter what falls away, no matter who is rocked or rattled from this powerful energy that you are. Stay on path, stay connected to your Heart and follow it - the ENTIRE way. Release focus on them - and pull yourself back to you. You can do this, to it’s fullest completion. You are so close, continue on, with your Light in shining arms. Love xxx You have a dream.. you have a vision.. you have always known deep in your core, you’re… different. You have always felt like you haven’t fit in, that you are… outside of the pack. You’ve thought differently to most, you have felt your Soul, more than once.. you know your Soul has the Gift and that you are to be here, on Earth, with that Gift. Perhaps you have figured out how to do that, perhaps you haven’t yet, but you know you have to, but you are already doing your thing anyway. Whether you’re beginning or already in a career that ignites the full recognition of who you are - your Soul Frequency Gift - is ready to move to the next level and allow the Platinum Light to irradiate the Shadows, bring light to your life and acutely direct your intuition into recognisable sight…. You have felt the Platinum Light. Transcendence Reality society has arrived. Drop a ❤️ below to get on the waiting list….. we are moments away, before enrolment opens.