🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 7th April 2020 🔮
Apr 07, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 7th April 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Healing With The Angels Oracle ❤️
If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you.
30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Balance. ‘Has your schedule been lopsided lately? Be sure to balance your time between work, play, spirituality, exercise and relationships.’
All I heard and saw when I saw this card for you is ‘space’ - space, space, space - do you have space in your schedule? Or are you full, full, full and super full/exhausted/had enough/feeling confused and as the card says, lopsided? If there was one thing you needed to add or take away from your current schedule - what is that? What is the one thing you ‘just wish you had more time for’? Or are wanting to add something new in, but can’t seem to find the time or - are wondering how you can with more space now and maybe in lockdown are wondering how that is even possible? Creation, manifestation and super intentional creation right now. I am sensing there is some correlation for you to Past Lives right now about this current issue that you are experiencing. Have you been drawn to the Past Life Meditation? Have you been watching shows that you feel have deep past life resonance? Do you feel ‘trapped/bound’ in time right now - that you feel has deep past life history repeating itself in a way? I am getting the message about the Witch Hunts like - have you been able to escape - or do you feel ‘locked in a dungeon’? Do you have more fear on board about current world events that you would like to? You do you best to stay positive but the waves that dip into the terror it feels like for you - are quite - almost - irrelevant in a way - or what is the word, out of proportion (I can’t think of the right word) - to the current situation. If you are feeling this - this deeply drops into the Past Life stuff. If you work with my Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation and do this three times over the space of a week or a month, you can heal this terror that you are carrying in your Soul DNA memory to be able to clear this out of your system - which is going to enable you to be free energetically from the current world events that are triggering this for you. What part of the world do you live in? Do you resonate with the Witch Hunts and have a deep feeling about places like the UK and Stonehenge? If you do, whether you currently live near there today or not and are feeling this fear/terror - that no matter ‘how positive’ you stay about current world events, the fear and feelings just floor you too much - then please work with this (strong message for you!). When you shift this fear out of your DNA Soul memory (because you were witch hunted in the past) - you can have a clear Soul body right now - to be able to know what steps to take - without the fear driving you ‘into the ground’ right now. The other message of this card I am getting for you is about ‘Time’ - do you feel like you have enough time, that ‘space’ message at the start - or do you feel like you never have enough time for anything let alone you? If you are burnt out and exhausted and feel like something is ‘wrong with your body’ - what is actually happening is this ‘outflow’ ‘giving too much’ ‘doing too much’ that is not supportive of your inflow/refuelling your cup. I am getting the sense though, with this card/message - that you are deeply aware of this and actually there has been more space than usual in your routine, however - the focus of your energies - have you been avoiding distractions and actually just honing in on what you are being guided to do? Not checking emails or notifications 10 times a day, but allowing more ‘space’ in your day and letting the world ‘wait on you’? I feel like you are coming into a deep balance within yourself and learning to be okay with this - but it is a challenge at times right? Remember - when we dip in and out of something, we eventually come to realise - what feels good and what doesn’t feel good. We might ‘repeat’ patterns - but each time we do, we pull ourselves out of the situation quicker than we have before. Until eventually the situation will come along again and we choose - actually no, not going there, not letting myself get hurt again, KNOW that is not what I want or right for me and I am not doing it this time! No matter how hard it is and gosh the first time you say no and not enter in/engage it is HARD! But… we feel better in the long run AND - you’ve just engaged your confidence in self muscle that gets stronger and stronger from here on in. Keep going beautiful one - this SPACE you are creating in your life by staying strong in your boundaries and what you REALLY want not a 99% of what you want, but 100% - is creating this internal balance… that… brings you people and situations that are also reflective of this internal balance and that - is a whole new reality - one, that you’ve been working to birth all along. Welcome to your new world precious Soul - enjoy it, it is the time for new beginnings and the way of the Light, through the Age of Aquarius after all. Love xxx If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you. 30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #2: Signs. ‘Pay careful attention to the messages the angels give you now. You have asked for a sign and they deliver it. Notice and trust these signs!’
Hmmm, have you been feeling and sensing a particular spirit guide/being/angel around you lately? They have been quiet strong this past 4-5 days right? It is so strong at times, it makes you cry with the deep, loving presence you feel from them by your side guiding you at this time right? I am getting the message to pay deep attention to any signs, any thoughts, any feelings anything that is ‘constantly in your face’ about your next steps and direction to take about something. I am getting the message that this isn’t just about ‘what to do right now’ - although it is - that may sound contradictory - but this decision/choice/this thing on your mind - is something that will help you in the right now yes - but also this is going to set you up for many months - even years to come. You might be thinking, well how is this thing going to do that, set me up for years - however, this message, this piece that you are being guided to do - with how uncertain the world is right now, the way to tap into certainty and a feeling of safety and security - is to TRUST this message that you are receiving from your beloved Spirit Guide right now - of the thing you are being guided to do right now - for this - taps you into the flow of certainty. It is this certainty you just need to trust and follow that will help keep you in the flow or certainty of all the world changes. Do not doubt these messages right now. Even if you don’t know how to make it happen, take the first step - enquire, make the phone call, find out about it, ask more questions - and that will lead you to ‘making it happen’ - somehow - because there is always a way. The basis of trusting your intuition - is taking action on your intuition, before you are shown the bigger picture, before you are shown what the reason is to trust your intuition - and when you do - it is like you step into this river of clarity flow in your life. You can literally imagine it like a river of water - crystal clear - but if you step outside that river onto the river bank - you’ve stepped out of the flow of your intuition as an analogy. You might not know where this river is taking you - but your intuition made up of this Divine Water - sure knows where it came from and where it is going. The other message from your Divine Being that is with you right now and has been strongly making their presence known to you - either through them turning up in Spirit and you sensing their presence with utmost clarity, or through coins, feathers and other physical signs that turn up for you - is that they are strongly supporting your relationships right now. Have you been having some issues with someone in particular? Has something ‘rocked you’ in your own home? The past 6 days has been a bit turbulent energetically collectively - however, it has stirred up the old patterns in relationships that are being cleared out - and shifting to new heights. Remember - as the world is shifting into new structures and dynamics physically - so too, are our relationships in our life. Many of us have been ‘forced’ into new systems and ways of being, that we, even as a family, are not used to - and so, with anything new, of course the old comes up - why? Because energetically it is not a match - so it is shifting out of your energy field as this old is ‘taking up space’. As your vibration shifts, the old shakes, rattles, rolls and rises and whilst it can be mighty uncomfortable to ‘walk through’ this old surfacing, know, that it is clearing out old patterns and stuck, stagnant energy in your body system - to allow the new to be embedded in your system instead. Your Spirit Guide/Being - that is so strong for you - is safely guiding you through this passage. Do you need to make conscious time to connect with this Being? Do you need to meditate on what they are showing you/guiding you through to consciously receive messages? What else are they guiding you to do/show you and create in your life? Have you, taken time to connect with them? Take this as your ‘sign’ to do so today, as I feel there is some other strong message they are awaiting your conscious connection time to give for you. Love xxx If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you. 30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #3: Friendship. ‘Changes in your friendships are occurring. Be lovingly honest with yourself and your friends right now and appreciate the healing benefits of a true friend.’
Hmmm, is there a friendship or friends that you need to ‘cut cords’ with? Has there been someone physically in your life that you feel drained around? To they enrich your life - or do you feel drained spending time with them? Do they lift you up? Or do they question everything that you are doing and tell you why you shouldn’t be doing it or that you ‘need to prove it to them’ for them to believe you? I will tell you right now - walk the f*&k away from them! Soooo draining! Or is this a complete system you are trying to break into to shift? 99% of the time it is more draining trying to shift and old system - when that breaks all by itself eventually. How? The people do it. What do I mean? You’ve heard the saying, Kingdom come and Kingdom go? Kingdoms rise and fall - The magic through Atlantis and Egypt fell. Every Kingdom has it’s day - yes, of course trust if you are called to do something - as I always say, trust yourself over what I say (or anyone says) - but also - does it drain you - or lift you up? Do the people you hang out with - give you more energy and inspire you to shift and rise into the Queendom and Kingdom that you are in your life? Or do you feel like you need to sleep for 3 days after you’ve spent time with them? What happens when you do the work and shift in your life is that everyone in your life either shifts and rises with you - or they stay where they are. Now - you either spend less and less time with those that drain you - or you leave them in your past completely. That can also be a process meaning, sometimes it doesn’t feel right to just ‘cut friendships’ and is a gradual process of just spending less and less time with them. Sometimes you never leave them completely - but just limit the time you spend with them. The other piece to this is that you CAN choose to still have these people in your life/energy field and you CAN ‘adjust’ and ‘master’ being around such people. However, it CAN be draining and pull you down more than it lifts you up - but you have to ask yourself - ‘Am I being guided to master this energy? To not let it affect me and master how we deal with ‘everyday people’ like this in my awareness and energy field?’ This is a choice, a question and only you and your Soul know the answer to this one. And of course Trust yourself with this. You might be like, yes, I need to Master this energy and continue the friendships… and then after a time you’re like, argh, actually no. And time will show you… and your intuition already knows of course, so deeply trust this yes? The reality of life is that relationships are constantly shifting and changing, and whilst some people have friendships that last a lifetime, most ‘successful’ people have a very small limited circle of friends who lift them up, encourage and inspire them. There are many successful people who have no or 1 friend… and that is because they choose to be super mindful of the people in their energy field, including family. Please know that to walk away from all friendships and relationships as you walk this ‘spiritual’ path is NORMAL and HEALTHY. Holding onto relationships that drain and deplete you - are not supportive to your Soul work. They are distractions and depletions of precious time that you can been choosing to focus on your Soul work - that - gives you energy, not drains you. I guess it just depends what you want to continue choosing? Are you truly ready, to own your Light? To truly own and experience the love, wealth, energy and abundance? Or are you choosing to ‘sabotage it’ by focusing on and spend time on what drains you instead? Love xxx If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you. 30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #4: Spiritual Growth. ‘You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process!’
Ah - I don’t think you needed to be told about that right? You feel it? You feel like you’ve become more sensitive recently? Like you have been doing this spiritual work for a time, but recently, it has become really strong for you - that you have shifted through soooo much in the past few weeks at rapid speed? That what has been stuck for what seems like years has just ‘let go’ or you are still untangling from it energetically - but shifting through such huge rapid changes like ‘out of the blue’? Your Soul - has been ready for this for a long time, even though it might not feel like it, but you are definitely ready. The ‘lost’ feeling will be gone shortly and this new ‘beacon of light’ - will be like a new lease of light that you haven’t experienced before. It will feel like something you’ve been waiting for a long time without even realise it is THIS that you have been waiting for. The clarity is about to ‘rock up on your doorstep’ - even though it doesn’t make sense at the start - it is gaining more and more clarity. I am also getting the message - have you been making time for meditation? I feel there are messages that want to pour through you? I am also sensing a huge, huge pile of gratitude for your life right now - what you have been through, the person you have become, what you have opened and walked through, what you have faced ‘in the face of adversity’ and come out the other side to be here now and with this gaining momentum you are experiencing now. I am feeling like you are in a state of expansion and really working with this energy, even though it isn’t 100% clear - you are feeling more and more clarity everyday this last few days yes? I am feeling for you that there is more ‘grounding’ of this expansion - what has changed in your physical reality recently? I know many are on lockdown! BUT - something significant has changed in your physical reality recently that is supporting these changes right? Living situation, home life, relationships - physical things - and I am getting the message that there is more physical changes about to come through for you too, that are going to ‘stretch’ you and expand you more than you expected in different ways - positive ways, but different to what you expect. I see a lot of upcoming joy coming through - maybe this is the gratitude for your life, already pouring through for you perhaps. I feel that something you let go of in your long lost past, will come back - again, in a different way than what you expect, but in deep, deep expansion. You let go back then, made a choice….with the deep freedom and trust this was the correct choice for you - even though everyone around you told you not to - you trusted, you. And I feel what is coming up for you over this next few months is - almost a reward in a way - for trusting yourself with deep, deep clarity back then - your Spiritual Growth is paying off beautiful Soul - continue to trust yourself, you are becoming the Warrior of Light you were always born to be. Also - have Eagles/Hawks - been present for you this last week/month? I feel that they are your Sign from Spirit in a big way of this expansion going on right now for you. Direct communication from Spirit with your deep, spiritual growth - continue you on, dear Warrior of Light. Love xxx If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you. 30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #5: Support. ‘God, the Angels and the Ascended Master who love, protect and guide you are watching over you right now. You are not alone! You are safe!’
Have you felt scared of the Spirits that are encompassing our Earth right now? Have you felt a presence in your home that you’ve been scared of? You tell yourself you are not frightened and choosing not to be - but they startle and scare you at times? I am getting the message that right now - they are here to support you in the ascension process. If you have been wondering what on Earth is going on and how to stop it, or how and why are they even harming us and feeling powerless to stop it - if you have sensed a presence in your house recently that you know hasn’t been to harm you, but you felt a teeny bit scared and then didn’t I am getting the strong message that you are now reading this right now - to assure you that this Being/Spirit that turned up is there to guide you to the next level of dimension shifting - that we are ALL going through right now. The sense that I am getting is - be grateful they showed up - when the Earth is going through turmoil, and people are dying and chaos everywhere, there are also a group, a select piece of humans who are rising to the next dimension. So, if you have noticed this spirit with you this past few days - you are ‘one of the chosen ones’. I know that sounds silly - but does it makes sense what I am saying with this message? Tricky to convey in words. The other piece to this is - not to be scared of these Beings of Light. As I always teach, you can ask ‘Is this Being, are you, of 100% Light?’. You can always ask Archangel Michael of 100% Light to be the mediator between you and this Being for extra assurance and confirmation for you - to trust these messages. If they are not of 100% Light - they don’t usually stick around, because you’ve seen who they really are so they have no purpose to hang around - you see the truth. So, don’t be scared, be open to owning your power and the truth of who you are, dear powerful Lightworker! Get more training in your psychic skills if you need to get clear and be around those that already do this work - learn from the best. As the sense I am getting here with this card for you is that you are a powerful Lightworker and if you feel like you have never had a purpose in the world, or nothing has stuck or worked for you - but you sense energy lie this? At this time of our World Awakening? Spirit, your Guides - are urging you to ‘Get to Work Lightworker!’ Stop delaying your Soul’s Mission any longer. Set up a room, set up a space - stuff wants too channel through you! Whether that is writing a book or a course or serving clients in a big way - Honey, no need to wait any longer! This is your sign - do not delay gaining more skills to hone your psychic abilities and why you even sense spirits in the first place or serve clients like you’ve been getting the tap on the shoulder to do so - this Support card? Yes, you are the chosen one ascending to higher dimensions - BUT - you have to choose to step through the doorway/portal that has opened for you - so, are you going to? Love xxx If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you. 30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
Card #6: Study. ‘You are engaged in learning and study right now. Your Angels guide you to take time to read, listen and grow.’
Hmmm, have you signed up for a course recently and haven’t started it - or you have started it, but it has been stop/start? This is your sign - to not put off making conscious time each week or each day to work on this. Each week, might not seem like much - but when you look back over a month - well there is a month of time that you have spent learning this new knowledge that is the next level skill set for your Life Purpose that is the reason you began this in the first place right? This isn’t, ‘You’ve been bad because you haven’t done it yet.’ - No! Not at all! The sense I am getting for you, is that this is COMPLETE DIVINE timing - things have purposefully blocked you from starting it when you originally signed up because there were other things that had to happen and fall into place before you even could start this. You were right on point with signing up - and have you felt frustrated because you ‘couldn’t start it’? It’s okay beautiful! I trust you let it go, well I am sensing you did and ‘trusted the timing’ - yet, it has been on your mind again this past few days right? Have you had ‘dawning moments’ through this the past few days, even ‘now’ - about why it didn’t work previous to ‘now’ and are seeing a way bigger picture about all the pieces of why and how etc of why this course even called to you (besides the fact it brought you alive and you knew you HAD to do it!?) I am getting the message - of course, to trust the timing and make a commitment to taking time each week or day to spend time learning it and implementing the course as this is the perfect timing for this new venture - the ‘stars are lining up’ so to speak! I am also getting the message about a book - have you been reading a book, or drawn to reading a certain book? Or is this carving out time to write/finish/complete your book? I am sensing that the course AND the book you are reading, or drawn to read - are deeply important for your Soul’s - not just learning - but the embodying shifts that you will have committing to this right now. It is like the timing is right, the energy alignment for you to absorb this in a way that makes the shifts happen. I feel it is information you ‘know’ in a way - but the way it is presented, allows you ‘get’ it on the embodiment level AND the rapid shifts in your body/life physical manifestations are going to SKY ROCKET you into the future - you have always been dreaming of. This is your time to RISE beautiful one and the alignment of what has been spoken about in this card for you - is your ‘how’. SO, what are you waiting for beautiful one? Exciting times ahead for you - follow that ALIVENESS!! Your Soul is READY!! It’s your time to SHINE AND RISE!! YEW!!! CELEBRATING this with you!!! LOVE xxx If you are READY to take your next level with all deep seriousness (of light-hearted JOY!) to actually RISE instead of just talking about it and need that guidance, intuitive support and someone who has walked it, so you can fast track what you need to do next, instead of spending time on things that make you go around in circles, the 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is for you. 30 Days of deep unlimited 1:1 intuitive support from myself, plus 2 x 45min Deep Dive Phone Call Psychic Readings, deeply intuitively guided by Spirit to really clear out the muck and get the clarity you are seeking plus the confidence and courage to really rise into the YOU, you are born to be ESPECIALLY during this time of Ascension and Rapid Awakening on our planet, click here for all the details, this 30 Day Reality Shifter is only being offered for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program