🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 8th December 2020
Dec 08, 2020🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 8th December 2020
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Goddesses today.
Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers.
When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you…
Life Purpose Accelerator is for you 🦁
Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Past Life. ‘This situation involves your past-life memories.’
I am getting the strong message for you beautiful one, what does your heart truly desire? What is it, that you have been crying about recently that you really want.. or that you ‘can’t believe this is how your life is’ - what from that - is what you are actually wanting? ‘Go after your Heart’s desires’ - is a strong message coming through from this and I know that sounds super cliche, but the piece here is that you are able to have what you want - all of it - if you believe so… AND - with this card coming up? What you are seeking, is seeking you.. however, there are past life memories/traumas that are ‘blocking your way’. I don’t like using the word blocking you - because it isn’t ultimately the ‘problem’ - however it is sitting there in your field from the issue that happened in the past - is playing out again, the hurt, grief, trauma from that experience in your past, is coming up and out to be released from your system, from your body/muscle/soul memory so that you can move forward once again. I am getting the sense that the person you are ‘in dilemma about’ or lack of them or lack of the thing - is deeply embedded in this past life memory release and that, it is almost like, they feel it too and are waiting for you to clear this ‘block’. I feel like you have done A LOT of work and I feel that this ‘last clear out’ so to speak, or this particular piece around this issue - is ‘going to change the world for you’ it feels like! You can find my Past Life Meditation on my website to help support you with this, or you can simply ask Spirit to show you what is going on for you in regards to this and let your intuition guide you over the coming days to lead you to certain pieces. There is also the huge portal and collective consciousness shift on the 25th December, where Saturn and Jupiter align creating, what looks like a huge star in the sky, on the horizon for days from the 21st-25th of December. Apparently this didn’t occur since 1226 - that is quite some time ago! I am sensing that this year, or particularly around then - 1226, was very significant for your Soul and has affected you ever since. I am sensing that this upcoming realignment - pulls together for you - whatever pulled you apart back then, that you have ‘been separate since’. Whether that is a Soul Lover, or your Career Destiny - after this re-alignment, it is like YOU come back into deep Soul alignment for what will feel like the longest time ever. Get ready to open your Heart again, get ready to love again, get ready to love life again - because your time has come, to come ALIVE again. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you… Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Diana. Focused Intention. “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.”
Focus, focus, focus! I think you know this message already! However, what I am sensing is that you have A LOT to do right now and what seems like sooo much on your plate - and yet, what I am getting the message for you is to focus on one thing right now. Which sounds like a no brainer - however, it is more that you - have many things to do and you CAN do them all - however, the ‘focus on one thing’ - is that, make this your priority every single day, even just committing to 30mins a day for this one particular focus, because life is busy and we have lots to do - especially around this time of year! However, the 30mins day minimum will keep you motivated, feeling good and energised, because you are doing the thing you know you need to do. All the other things? You can ALSO spend time on those IF you have the flow in your day to do so and feel good about this too - because you’ve done your 30 mins on the most important task. I am also getting the message for you about next year… to FOCUS on one main huge goal (may be the same as what is on your mind about this message already) and to really discipline your time and make your dreams reality for next year. There is lots of time to get super clear on your 2021, set a time schedule, have a rough idea of what months you’re going to do what, structure your time and get solidified in what you are being called to do in your heart. I am sensing that 2021 will be a tumultuous but free flowing year, and you’ll feel grounded because you are - grounding your gifts! Aka, what your Heart is calling you to do. So, do you have a structure and schedule? You don’t have to daily set out each day for the entire year, but you can for the first 3 months and then have a rough plan for the rest and close to the end of each of those 3 months, plan out the upcoming 3. I am getting the sense this is going to change how you feel about yourself, more confident, more alive - because again - you are tending to the delicate needs of your Heart’s desires - and that… is where dreams are made into reality. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you… Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Sulis. Bodies of Water. “Spend time near water, such as a lake, river or ocean, to recharge your batteries.”
Ah - have you been drawn to the ocean, lake, river or just to be near or hear water recently? I am wondering if you have been paying more attention to water and blessing it with all of your love? Care for it, appreciation for it, knowing how powerful it is to be pouring your love into this water and bathing in it, drinking it, loving it? And how much you can feel that love supporting, holding, nurturing and loving back on you? I am also getting the message too, abut the salt water, the ocean - have you been drawn to this more so lately? Salt water is super revitalising for your aura, and deeply repairs the holes and fray ends of your aura, resealing and supporting you back together. I am sensing that you need this more so than not recently and has been a deep nourishment for your Soul. I am also getting the message that this is holding you a lot lately and also - is where you not only feel nourished again, but also to receive information about your next steps and/or what you are healing about and through. I am also getting the message about your emotions - water is deeply connected to your emotions and wondering if you have been like a tap non-stop crying or whether you have been reassessing what it is you are here for, as everything feels like it is falling by the way side and so much to do and not enough time to get it all done and.. and… and… phew! Breathe beautiful one! The energies are strong and intense right now - soo many things are happening, energetically, physically, emotionally and you are being guided every step of the way through this. Let the water calm and revitalise you, soothe your emotional heart and let your emotions and tears flow free. It feels like you are ‘pouring your heart out’ right now, in ways you have never done before - whilst also - getting SUPER clear on your boundaries and what you will and won’t tolerate anymore. It feels like from these emotional floods so to speak - is showing you sooo much about yourself, your life, what needs to shift and change and allow you to have the life you know in your dear emotional heart you desire and choose to live into now - with these solid boundaries. It feels as though you are clear on your emotions and what they are showing you… to deeply align your heart in the way, your heart only knows how. It is like you are allowing your heart to guide you now, opening, softening, returning to the powerful, open hearted being that you are… where your power is. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you… Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Damara. Guiding Children. “You are good at helping, counselling and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.”
“The magic of Christmas” I am hearing.. I am also hearing that you need more help and support in ‘tending to the needs of your Inner Child’ - but the desires of your Inner Child. The Magic of Christmas Message, I am wondering if you are feeling excited by Christmas this year - or deflated by Christmas this year? I am sensing that if you have children, or have children around you - that they are counting on you, to make this year special for some reason. I know that sounds like a no brainer and that ‘every year should be special’ - but for some reason, getting this message about this for you? Wondering what that means to you? Maybe because of the crazy unexpected year we’ve had or whether it is something to do with a family member? Is it your Inner Child that needs tending to, or your child? Or someone like a child? I am also getting the message that ‘Christmas will be different this year’ and I wonder if that is because of the same message/topic/situation that I was just speaking of for you? I am also deeply curious about where your heart is at? Do you feel excited by Christmas or upset by it? I am wondering if this is because indeed, ‘reality will never be the same’ and there is grief to heal about that? (Which is perfectly normal about this!). With the ‘tending to your needs of your Inner Child’ message - is yes, on the ‘doing the Inner Child meditation/ritual’ to be able to connect with, ‘make friends with’ and support your Inner Child aka emotional health! However, I am also getting the message that this is about what - in your current reality, in your everyday life - is deeply connected to your Inner Child? What, in your current reality, you have because your Inner Child loves it, it brings your Heart alive and you cherish it, because it is near and dear to your Heart and Home? However, is.. and can be a lot of work? It is this - that you need help with. To support you in your every day tasks and heart centred desires - where do you need to ask for more help? It may be that you never had that level of support as a child, and so struggle to have/ask for that help now? Tending to and supporting your inner child, doing the inner work, yes, is and can give you valuable guidance and deep energetic support - however, I am also sensing that you need to ask and organise support and help for your everyday home life with such - what comes to mind as you read this about this situation? Can you, implement that now? This will ‘change your internal feelings’ and deeply support this energetic manifestation, because you are supporting the internal and external of your heart centred desires. And that, is what you’ve been wanting all along right? It almost feels like this is the missing piece to ‘dreams becoming reality’. So, action time beautiful Soul. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you… Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Aeracura. Blossoming. “You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.”
I know this card says, ‘You’re just getting started’ - however, I feel this card has come to you moreso, because.. you’re almost there! Now is not the time to drop the ball beautiful one! I feel you are sooo close and it is time to really come into a space of ‘pushing through the last haul’ - not in a burn out way, but in a motivated aligned way of - you’re nearly there! I feel like you’re ‘about to cross the finish line’ - with something you’ve been working on for some time, so to allow yourself this grace and space to really honour how far you’ve come and although it might seem like you still have sooo far to go, you’re soo close to seeing this through. And what a birthing release that will feel for you right?! I feel you are - sensing how close this is and remember - we always want to give up when we are about to break through and is where and why so many people ‘fail’ because they give up right before the miracle occurs, right before they are about to breakthrough. So if you feel at your end - keep going! And… the other part to this, is two things - if you feel like you’ve got ten other ideas coming through at the same time, whilst you’re trying to finish this thing - this is also normal! Catch those ideas and put them on the table, but just finish this thing first… all those other things can be implemented at the same time, but continue to work on this task as well. They all contribute to the greater purpose of why you are doing the thing, they are all part of it - but finish the thing at the same time. The other piece is that it can feel tiring when we are about to break through to the next level, yes, rest as much as possible, but know that once you birth through - your time, energy and a different sense of elation is going to carry you through to the next level. So trust this ‘birthing space’ right now - you’re about to make your mark, just… keep going. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you… Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Maeve. Cycles and Rhythms. ‘Honour the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.’
I am getting the sense for you that you have been conscious of the cycles and rhythms of your body, of the Earth, of all the pieces, that attune your sensitivity and ‘affect’ you. However, I am sensing with this card, that this is a strong message for you, that in 2021, it is sooo important you are super aware of this - but implementing your super awareness of this even more so. So, track the cycles, track your emotions on a calendar, track your menstrual cycles, track the moon cycles, track the weather, track everything AND most importantly, plan your life around this! I know it might sound silly, but I feel this message is coming through so strongly about something because you already know but also because of something you just went through in the past couple of days? It is like something really rattled you, or you have just had enough of living a certain way and ‘just like that’ are doing something about changing it. It feels like a lot of new ‘rhythms and flows’ are being put in place, so that you can get to work on what it is your heart and Soul is calling forth to you. I am also getting the message that - have you been melancholy lately? It feels like you are shifting a lot of old deep buried hurt in your heart from past lovers, that ‘meant a lot to your heart’ and is deeply coming into a space of shifting this out - that, you didn’t really know was buried there? (in a way!) It feels like you’ve been working on it, but it has deeply surfaced this past two weeks especially and even just the last few days… the melancholy will pass, but I also feel you are shining a light on what has been ‘blocking’ you in a way. I am also getting the message about ‘going back to your natural ways’. This.. buried pain your heart that has surfaced… was there elements to that - that ‘you lost yourself in that situation’ and have ‘forgotten who you are’ in a way? That.. you shut down parts of yourself to please them so to speak and it isn’t that you have forgotten them so much, as that you have had trouble bringing that part of you back into the ‘light’? I feel that this tracking of cycles and rhythms and really working with that next year - is going to propel you back to the person that you are deep inside before you shut any of yourself down and bring her/him to the forefront. Get ready to embrace the core powerful being that you are and LIVE that into your realty, because that, is what 2021 is all about for you and why right now feels like a big bit of melancholy and turmoil combined because you are… not only remembering who you are, but everything is re-structuring in your reality to support you in that. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN beautiful Souls! The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers. When you are so deep and intuitive connected, that people wonder how on Earth you know things or you feel like a chaotic mess most of the time, you know you are here for something more, and feel like no normal job does it for you anymore, that you simply don’t fit in, that you have a gift, but you don’t even know how to understand it, let alone let it support you not floor you… Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator