🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 8th June 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 08, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 8th June 2021

Scroll down to find what messages are waiting for you from the Oracle of the Mermaids for you today 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️

There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end.

If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here.

This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again.

This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called.

You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Imramma. ‘Wonder voyage, crossing deep waters, pilgrimage, journey of the Soul.’

Ah have you been longing for travel - or for deep change? Or have you been feeling emotions deep within your Soul? I wonder what has been surfacing for you and also has just dropped right out of your reality? I feel like there have been some deep realisations for you, that you just haven’t been able to truly understand just yet - but are you wanting to run away from in a sense? This ‘Pilgrimage - Journey of the Soul’ I feel is important here for you. What do you find yourself/your mind wandering back to time and time again? What have you let go of - what did you put by the way side not long ago… maybe a month or so ago - you… let something go? What is your Soul longing for? It was like you were super clear and then.. let it go. Maybe intentionally to manifest something greater - sure, and yet, it feels like there is a big part of needing to pick back up the focus of that because I am sensing that this ‘Pilgrimage of the Soul’ right now for you, is more of a coming into a deep longing of the Heart, a deep remembrance of who you ARE and the life you’re meant to live - truly live. Not just dream about. I feel that something has just ‘snapped’ you back into reality with this remembrance of what your Soul actually longs for and is time for you to go and grab it, create it, make it happen, own it. Something you are meant to, destined to live - is what this card is about for you today. And the desire in your heart to allow yourself to truly receive that - want that even. It feels like recently you let it go in a sense of you didn’t think it was possible or time or even a reality for you - you did then, it was almost too good to be true in a way. And yet, now - your Heart has come alive again, lit up again, or just become clear in remembering what is really important to you, not what outside influences have you think and have in your life. This ‘wonder voyage, crossing deep waters’ - has the Ocean been calling you? Have Mermaids been strong for you? Has travel been on your mind? Has there been a lover across the sea on your mind again recently? What longings of your Heart are left in deep unrest? What is it calling you to take action on - that allows your Soul’s destiny - the life you truly… not just deserve but is in your Soul divine blueprint to live - come to life? Isn’t it time you truly owned that fact and discarded ANYTHING that is not whole heartedly in alignment with that - go? There is a deep journey of the Soul going on here for you - whether that is physical travel that your Soul is calling forth for you, or whether that is you diving deep into this long held issue that has been eating you up from the inside for what seems like lifetimes of this same issue…. You’re being given an opportunity for this to dissolve away now and allow yourself the freedom to truly step into and own the life you know you’re meant to live now. The Journey of Your Soul is deep and…. You’re worth it. Time to claim the life you know… is yours in your Heart. Love xxx There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end. If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here. This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again. This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called. You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #2: Transparency. ‘Honest, authentic, genuine, present.’ 

Have you been owning your power recently? Have you finally stood your ground after years of being tossed around by the crowd and lost to those who have controlled you in the past? Have you finally come into your own and said no for what you know you can’t enter into anymore or tolerate in your life? Have you felt slightly uneasy about this, but you know this is the right choice for you? I feel that your Guides, Angels and all that stand beside you in the Spirit world and Celebrating and encouraging you and saying YES to you owning your truth - but finally standing up for yourself once and for all. I feel this is opening a path to greater, bigger and better things for you and I wonder if you have been doubting your choices? Even though you know that it is right for you? It is normal to doubt ourselves once we have made a decision and it is also normal to feel guilt or question things when this is one of the first times you have actually said no to your what you know isn’t right. I am also getting the message that in a few weeks you will have more clarity and that you will truly know you’ve made the right choice - or you will be shown how this is going to enter back into your life and you will truly know it is right in your HEART that you are trusting - not your mind. In the meantime know that right now, you’ve made the right choice and perhaps your Heart is getting comfortable with that. Remember we are in Mercury Retrograde and Eclipse Season. Not the best time to be making life changing decisions as all the old patterns, emotions and all the old paradigms are being rehashed. However, what is important is that you trust your truth in the right now and follow what feels right in your Soul - always. That is all that matters because you are being honest, integral, transparent, genuine and present. You are connected to your truth when you are trusting this - so do…. More of that. You’re on the right path. Love xxx There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end. If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here. This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again. This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called. You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #3: Yearning. ‘Longing for someone, undesired separation, pining.’

Oh honey, are you going through heart break? Or missing someone… or have someone on your mind or wondering if you will ever meet that one that will meet you there? I am wondering too…. Might seem unrelated - but also so on point - I am getting the sense that you are holding back your next level of your life, money, business - because you are afraid that you won’t be…. Relatable? That you feel that you are holding - hmmm, do you feel that someone is holding you back? Or would be? And… do you feel that, do you realise you are holding yourself back…. Because you are still holding onto someone, longing for someone - or do you realise that… the true love, the one you are waiting for, yearning for, longing for - is actually waiting for you to rise to your greatness? It almost feels like you have been ‘looking in the wrong places’ - in a sense that you are looking in the dark for the one you are meant to be with when….. they are waiting in the light for you. Do you realise this? It is like you keep looking back and in the dark for the long lost love… when.. honey - you KNOW that isn’t in alignment. The love might be there.. or wasn’t even there to begin with. Is this the yearning? Longing for a love that you’re realising with some deep grief surfacing that - they weren’t the one after all? And all this time you[ve been holding onto something that wasn’t even aligned, wasn’t even right after all? Gosh. Ouch. All this time right? Yikes. Gulp. That is a bit of a stark realisation for you too? Almost more heartbreaking than the fact that they aren’t there anymore too - because you’ve realised that…. All this time they just weren’t even! Cry, howl, be gentle on yourself beautiful one… but I feel the biggest realisation for you that you are ‘unpeeling’ yourself away from is - the dark now. And now… almost the tears and grief that is coming in for you - is that you… can heal, grieve, and finally move on that you can…. Actually be in the light now you can live in the light, be in the light, love in the light - you can be you now - in the light, without the fear of anyone tearing you down now. You can finally be you and that… is the truly where the most yearning has come from all this time. You have, come home, to you in your Heart, you can finally be you and feel love in this space - knowing that your other half - has been waiting for you here, all this time. Love xxx There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end. If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here. This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again. This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called. You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #4: Time and Tide. ‘Oceanic Spells and Rituals.’

Ah, I am deeply getting the cycles and rhythms of the tides of the Oceans, of the inflow and outflow. Of the cycles of Nature, of the Cycles of the Ocean, the tide that comes in, the tide that comes out, the eb and flow of life in general, when there is love there, when there isn’t love there, when there is people there, when there isn’t people there, when it is night time, when it is day time - there is a cycle and rhythm to EVERYTHING in life. When there is money there, when there isn’t money there, when there food there, when there isn’t food there and I am sensing that there is a big piece that is coming in here for you - of stabilising the eb and flow. Two parts to this card actually. One is on stabilising the abs and flows. The Ebs and flows of all different areas of your life are always going to be there - the tide comes in the tide goes out. The Sun rises, the Sun sets - but how do you feel in between the night times when the Sun is going and coming. So right now - is a message to stabilise the ebs and flows - what I mean is - do you get anxious when there is no money coming in - but you know sometime it will? Can you stabilise that feeling so to not feel anxious in that space in between? When it is night time? You know there is more money coming in for example, but can you not drop into all the old feelings, emotions and panic/anxiety or old do this so it comes in faster - when it was always going to come in anyway and allow yourself the freedom to feel calm, safe and secure in the space, in the nighttime? Yes,  it takes training, practise discipline and healing old wounds but this card has called your attention to do so now. This is going to enable you to shift to your next level faster that dropping your vibration, your health, your energy levels with the panic, anxiety and all those things you are trying to create a life without right? This goes for a person that you’re feeling abandoned by too. I have had to learn the hard way that just because someone doesn’t text back or my mentor or awaiting a reply from someone professional doesn’t reply right away, doesn’t meant they are doing it on purpose to hurt me. What I have learnt is that they have strong boundaries with the way they deal with their business and life and THAT was a hard lesson for me to learn. It wasn’t even about me! They love and adore me and were simply busy running their business AND had solid time off boundaries like not answering emails on the weekend! #ofcourse. And yet, they were some of the most crucial life changing times of my life because I learnt that I didn’t have to be at the beck and call of everyone and yet, those times I was dying inside and ALL my abandonment wounds were coming up and out and playing out in all sorts of emotional tidal - ha literally like tsunami waves that cause way more damage in my life than I really needed to back then. So - stabilising the way you respond (react) to others behaviour - even when they haven’t done anything but live their god damn life! #realitycheck. It isn’t always about you honey #saidwithlove but sometimes those tsunamis are the very thing we need to wake up to to be able to shift onto the stable ship that travels the sea, not be washed around in the ocean current that is causing more pain and de-stabilising trauma heart break than is really necessary right now. The other piece to this card for you today is that Oceanic Spells and Rituals - you are being called to create Spells and Rituals that are right for you. Not necessarily Spells and Rituals in the obvious sense although you can definitely do this. However, the sense I am getting is the ritual and routine part for you. What are the things that nourish your Soul? You don’t have to do them religiously every day at 8am, 9am and 12pm for example - but what are the things you know you need to do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis that completed fill you up, nourish what you know your Soul needs to shine and to allow you to feel like you are LIVING again?Perhaps a structured routine is what you need for a time - or perhaps it is knowing and getting clear on what it is you need to make daily rituals, what you need to make weekly rituals and what you need to make monthly rituals and then making them happen, even if not the same time/day each week/month etc, but you get them done and make them happen? I am sensing that this is going to give you the ‘missing’ piece so you can reconnect to you - rather than allow the tsunamis to flood you and drown you focusing on other people so much 😉 So, time to create those rituals and make them part of your reality now? Love xxx There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end. If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here. This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again. This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called. You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid 


Card #5: Reflections. ‘What you contemplate can actualise.’

Ooooohhhh, what just triggered you soooo much? What upset you? What made you angry? What made you jealous? What made you pissed off? What made you envious? Or - what did you celebrate alongside someone, even if it is just online? Shadow Work baby! However, this card? I am sensing is also showing you strongly to stay focused on your dreams, on your desires, on YOU. On what is calling you in your Heart. It feels like if you have been getting triggered left, right and centred - something needs to change in your life - and you’re probably stamping your foot at me deeply knowing this but screaming - but WHAT HANNAH?!? And yet I also feel like you deep down know. I am sensing that whatever is triggering you - IS the answer to what you are seeking - desiring - something that you are NOT doing in your life IS what is making you triggered. For example if you’re trying to create a certain type of life, but you aren’t taking the action steps DAILY you know you need to, you will be triggered more easily by those that are living the life you want. Or, you will sink further down into depression because you aren’t taking action on those things that bring the life force energy into full swing in your body, mind, Soul and entire life. If you’re not sure, start with the Shadow Meditation that is free, found in my Clear & Activate Pack on my website. This will help you integrate, understand and process these triggers and gain clarity on what is going on, what the story is underneath and this ‘story’ is guiding you to all the answers you’re wondering where to find them that seemingly NO ONE can help you with. You have the answers within and these triggers are beacons guiding you to the Light that you are calling into your Life, calling in that better life, have been visualising on working on bringing into your life, desiring and creating your life - this card is your sign that what you want - can happen and fast - if you integrate the triggers, pull your focus back on yourself not other people and hold steady that life you feel deep inside of you for as long as it takes.. it will actualise - it cannot not any other way. Love xxx There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end. If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here. This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again. This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called. You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid


Card #6: Time Out. ‘Awareness, Contemplation, Solitude, Time Alone.’

Well this card is pretty self explanatory! And yet I am wondering if you have taken time out? Have you even felt like you are taking a break when you do take time out? Or are you still switched on? I am getting the message that regular time out is important for you. I feel like you have been increasing it a little bit compared to not so long ago - however I am getting the message that this card has come to you today to - increase those time outs! And yet, you have already been getting this message yourself already right? That you need MORE of that time. I am wondering if you have begun something recently, a new hobby or have picked up an old favourite again of something, and I am wondering that you have regained some sort of feeling with a change you’ve made or re-entered something back in your life and perhaps the time out itself isn’t it but the… FEELING that whatever that thing is - brings to you? It seems like it is this key FEELING that you are aiming for and wanting to expand on yes? So - this ‘timeout feeling’ this reconnection back to self feeling I feel will not only make you feel better/good - but also give you the clarity and idea that you are seeking. Because, you have been wondering about a Life Direction choice right now right? You’re clear, but you’re confused and you’re wondering why this confusion when you also know? I am sensing that this ‘timeout feeling’ is going to bring you that clarity in a sense that it is actually going to shift you into that Life Direction too. You’ve made your choice yes, but it is also variant on different factors right? And so I want to say that is where the confusion comes in. Number 1 - Timeout. Focus on the things that bring this feeling and stay here a while (like regularly/on a consistent basis) for that is going to make the connection/feeling strong and gain that clarity real time, not just when you are taking time out. Then, the next piece is that your Life Direction - the new life, the new path, the clarity comes FROM within this space. Almost like you don’t have to do anything to figure it out - that is all happening for you FROM you taking time out. Sounds like a pretty good deal really right? Take more time out, anchor in and expand on that feeling and the Universe will take care of the rest! Ah, that’s better. More of that please! Love xxx There is a potent timeline shift occurring right now - as we are right in the middle of these Eclipses, and about to ‘pop’ out the other end. If you’ve been feeling defeated or like you just can’t get on top of things, or there is a lot of dark, seemingly negative energy around you or just one thing after the other, or it is the hardest time you’ve had in a long time, I got the strong message in our Transcendence Reality Society Live Zoom call yesterday that the Removal From the Dark Mother Grid is required and needed here. This is where we unplug from the abuse, trauma, the hurt and the pain, the thing that keeps us in the dark, holding on for dear life - when the Light Mother is right there (always has been) and is ready to shed light on all that grief, lifting you instantly out of the realm of darkness, unconsciousness and get you feeling yourself again. This is a deep journey into the Removal From The Dark Mother Grid from your body, system and life and right now at this crucial pivotal time has called. You can repeat this up to 3 times before the Eclipses finish for this season on our Full Moon in 2 weeks time. Right now, on our Dark Moon Phase, perfect time to unplug from all that has held you back to date. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/removal-from-the-dark-mother-grid