🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th November 2021
Nov 09, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th November 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Mermaids and Dolphins 🧜♀️🐬
You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right?
I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️
Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now!
Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: You’re Being Helped. ‘Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see results yet.’
It might seem like nothing is happening, it might seem like nothing is moving, it might seem like there is just… nothing. However, this card has come to you today, to reassure you to hold the steadfast vision of your dreams in tangible reality of your heart. I am sensing there is something soooo near and dear to your Heart - has it been on your mind a lot recently and perhaps it is something that was so normal to you quite some time ago and yet, it got put on the back burner, it was something that was ‘in the future’ - but that time, is now yes? I am also sensing movement - are you needing to move house, move your body or are you ‘on the move’? Has there been somewhere interstate, or other country calling you? Are you wondering ‘how’ when things are impossible in some parts of the world at this time? There is a big change on the horizon for you - whether that is a move of house, move of country, moving your body, changing careers or someone ‘walking into your life’ - there are big changes on the horizon for you. I am getting the message to continue with your manifestation practises - because they are working! Do not give up before the miracle occurs I am sensing for you. Is there things you need to plant - could be physical plants or metaphorical plants. What are you needing to ‘prepare’ doing this time of ‘awaiting the help to arrive’? Not, waiting around, but there are things to do yes? Planting seeds of all kinds. I am also getting the message something about animals - do you have a strong connection to animals? Is there something going on with a particular animal in your life? Or are you feeling the strength in connection to your Life Purpose - something to do with animals? Or have you been around a lot of animals lately as well? Did you look up their healing metaphysical meaning? There may be a message in that for you as well. This is a strong message for you to keep the faith at this time, you may be feeling stretched, but at the end of the day, you are deeply in alignment with your Life Purpose, your Life Path and you’re exactly where you are meant to be right now. Trust this. As hard as things may feel at this time, things are about to change - for the better. The seed is about to bust through the dirt and darkness and into the light. Keep going. Love xxx You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right? I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️ Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now! Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Wait. ‘Don’t rush into action right now. Bide your time for better results.’
It’s okay to just pause on the thing, and come back to it when you have inspiration again. It is okay to leave it and do it later. It is okay to take a break, sort out your life and come back and finish it. It is okay to do it in your own time. It’s okay to say no to an argument and come back when you have both cooled down. It is okay to just wait until your intuition says YES! IT’S TIME! I am getting the sense that right now you are HEALING. Deeply, healing and it is okay to wait. It is okay to spend a whole day in bed, it is okay to release any negativity you may be carrying from your past. It is okay to shake it all off and start all over again. It is okay to pick yourself up and keep going, even when you don’t know when you are going or even where you will go. It is okay to WAIT and walk, and listen each step of the way - moment by moment as it seems you have walked through some pretty heavy territory lately right? You are healing right now. Be gentle with yourself. It is okay to get a gust of wind and get lots done and then retreat again. You’re riding the waves. You’re navigating how to trust your intuition, because it feels like this ‘heavy’ thing you walked through recently - it feels like - you are not sure why it happened, but at the same time, you are getting more and more information about all the little pieces of the puzzle, it is like they are all starting to drop in. Also - does this period of time, the last 3-5 months, remind you of something, a life experience that you went through, 3 or 5 years ago? Where you were just finding your feet and having to walk away from a lot of things back then too? It ‘feels’ very similar to now right? This ‘Wait’ card is you, shifting up the spiral and I truly feel for you this old cycle - is done (almost like 98% done). It feels like this old cycle? That has had tows in generational blood and Soul lineage bonds have been broken - forever. The karmic cycle that has plagued you for years, is coming to an end. Hang in there. AND be proud of yourself and the work you’ve done, not many reach this level. This next book of your life - is the stuff dreams are made of, even through this crazy world. You were born for this, remember that, this is the next cycle of your life - without any of that old karmic crap. One could go as far as saying you’re totally free now. Bliss out baby. Love xxx You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right? I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️ Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now! Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Alchemy. ‘You have the Midas touch right now and every project you begin turns to gold.’
What you have on your mind? Is the right choice. This card, could also be your ‘yes’ card today if you are looking for a sign to do - whatever it is, that has been on your mind to do. Alchemy - you have the Midas touch right now and every project you begin turns to gold - you will be successful as long as you stay focused, dedicated and continue doing what your intuition is guiding you to do. I am sensing that you have been doubting your decision that you have internally made recently? It feels like you’ve made a decision, but you’re questioning if it is the right thing to do, even though - it is? Doubt means that it is the right decision. I wouldn’t be doubting yourself at this time. With this Alchemy card coming up for you - you have this Midas, magical touch. Your dreams will come true, are coming true even - if you’d only look around you and I am getting the message about ‘crumbling’ and ‘gratitude’. Everything is crumbling around you right now? Things have fallen apart - definitely NOT gone the way you thought they were going to go right? Like just two months ago you were heading in a VERY different direction to where you are now right? I feel like you’re still almost motionless right now, feeling numb, confused and disorientated in a way, trying to figure out what you’re doing and the direction you’re going in. You know, but almost don’t know the steps or just… well, this wasn’t the path you ‘planned’ to take right? Right now, you are being initiated into a new direction of your life (well obviously right?!). However, there are important lessons and skills you are learning right now, almost, coming down off something - waking up to some cold hard truths that I think - you knew these truths a while back, but didn’t want to face nor believe a reality that was this right? And now, you’re having to truly face it, but you’re also some what… meh about it all. Have you been feeling lack of energy lately too? It feels like you’re in a big recalibration right now - the Alchemy card - whatever has been on your mind to fully dedicate and commit yourself to recently - IS the ‘Alchemy’ you’ve been looking for. It is the answer and almost anything that you do - is just delaying ‘your dreams coming true’ any longer yes? I think you know this too right? So, what is it, that you have been putting off, that is just…. An excuse because you know you just have to do the thing? There is magic awaiting you - and it IS the answer, the key to the door - the doorway you’ve been looking for. Don’t doubt. Just do it. It wouldn’t be on your mind, if it wasn’t meant for you. Love xxx You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right? I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️ Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now! Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Break Free. ‘Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.’
Ah, something about ‘countries’ in these cards today - well, this one and number 1 so far. This card is obvious for ‘breaking free’ from restrictive countries of course! However, I am also getting past life memories surfacing for you - is that breaking out of - what comes up for you? Breaking out of a relationship? Breaking away from an old addictive pattern? Breaking away from - ? The Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation on my website will be helpful for you in this regard with what you are ‘breaking away from’ as I feel there are ‘hooks’ in your past energetically with this one, it feels old, ancient and deep for you. At the same time, I feel this is dissolving for you, it is changing - you are shifting to a new frequency. With this card, it is also about - ‘try different ventures as a way to grow and learn.’ This has been coming up a lot it seems in the past several weeks, about gaining new skills, learning a new hobby, taking your hobby and turning it into your career, moving to outside your comfort zone to a new level of your being, stepping outside of the box, asking that person on a date - shifting beyond what you’ve ever done before. You are ‘breaking the glass ceiling’ with this card, you are ‘snapping the web’ with this card. I wonder if you feel at a standstill at the moment? I am wondering if your eyes are on the future and you’re feeling a bit ‘stuck’ with this right now moment? I am getting the message for you to ‘look beneath the surface’. What are you needing to tend to that you’ve been putting off? It feels like a body cleanse, a walking away of a friendship/s or relationships that you know isn’t aligned for you anymore, or a shift in perspective about something. I am also getting the message to ‘open up to new ways of being supported’. That means, mentally, spiritually, physically - how can you ‘break the glass ceiling’ with how you’ve been supported in the past? I feel like something has been on your mind and this is a big leap of faith - or a big leap out of the water (like the Dolphin on this card) - completely breaking free of your old life. I am also wondering ‘who has a metaphysical dagger in your back’? Have you felt ‘stabbed in the back’ by someone lately? Or have you sent ‘daggers’ of envy or anger to someone? Have you felt crippled or paralysed energetically recently? Breaking Free requires you to truly walk away from all that is holding you back and if there are people around you who do not want you to succeed - from this lifetime or that past life I mentioned, then definitely work on releasing these energetic bonds, contracts, vows, commitments, ties and bondages that are sitting there from eons gone by. It feels like this - will set you free and you CAN do this. Dolphin says so. Love xxx You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right? I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️ Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now! Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: A New Dawn. ‘The worst is now behind you and positive, new experiences are on the horizon.’
Ah, it is like you can breathe again right? Something has deeply shifted and PHEW that was a close one right? I am also sensing you have been seeing someone’s ‘true colours’ recently as well? I feel like you’ve closed the door on quite a few people recently that you have realised a just not in alignment with who you are or where you are heading? I also feel that you have a big project ahead of you are although it is exciting it is also daunting or I am wondering if you feel like you KNOW you have to do this but are a bit ‘meh’ about it as well? Almost like ‘omg I have already done sooo much how do I have to do more of this right now?!’ I am wondering - if you just need a break for a minute! It feels like yes, ‘A New Dawn’ - but also A New Dawn on the way you are doing things. It feels like this task is a doorway, a different direction to the world you’ve been trying to create all along? I am also sensing that this is a big mindset shift too. It feels like you have ‘changed your mind’ about a lot of things and have realised, no, I don’t need to stay in this situation, no I don’t need to do it like this and it feels like you are disintegrating a lot of old beliefs about different ways you used to do things and are just not subscribing to that reality anymore. It feels like you are creating a space of ease, grace, flow, alignment, joy - these things to create a whole new sphere of reality that you are diving into right now it feels like. And.. in that - are you feeling a little bit meh at the same time? It ALMOST feels like you want to give up in some ways, but - it feels like you KNOW this is the break through point, this is the door way to the new dawn, this is the light at the end of the tunnel. You are getting glimpses of it, and you are feeling it deep inside you, you can sense.. and feel.. it is definitely A New Dawn…. just.. it’s darkest before the dawn. But you can feel and are choosing to continue you on because this light, this ease, this flow… is all you choose to live by now. That, is worth seeing a zillion sunrises for. And it’s yours, receive it. You know, it is worth it and you know, you definitely deserve it - so… GO GET IT! Love xxx You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right? I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️ Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now! Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Mother Healing. ‘As your feelings towards your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.’
Ah, right now you are dissolving soooo much ‘hard work’ out of your system - you no longer need to be in the fight or flight, the constant do do do - something inside of you has shifted. I am also getting ‘rest’ are you needing more rest? Ah - it wanted to type/auto-spell - reset! Are you on a reset? Do you need to reset? What does reset mean to you? Whatever it means for you - reset for your system, your body, your life - is on the cards! What is it that you are doing that is a reset for you? Resetting the family system perhaps? This is definitely a card for healing the feminine too - is there a female in your life that you need to forgive, let go of, walk towards or? What does healing the feminine mean to you? What does the feminine mean to you? I am also getting the message that you need to ‘Mother yourself more’- so taking better care of yourself, because it feels like you have ‘dropped the ball’ on this a bit - or perhaps you have just picked up a new looking after yourself routine? Whichever, it feels like this is a key to a doorway that you have been ‘looking for’ outside yourself for a little bit recently. Have you been looking for love outside of yourself, but just not taking care of yourself? Sometimes we are looking for love or over caring for other people for example, but we actually need to take care of ourselves instead of constantly looking to other people to care for. Your inner self needs you, not more caring out there, it feels like now is a time to care deeply for yourself - it feels like in several ways, more than you have ever done before and that is going to support these feelings of how you feel ‘towards your mother’. What is/was the relationship like with your Mother? If she is not around presently - your Inner Child would benefit for some extra TLC from you and if she is around - what does ‘your Mother’ and ‘Healing the Feminine’ mean for you? Who is like a Mother towards you right now in your life and how does that trigger wounds from your own Mother ‘or support what you didn’t have’ around for you too? Also - are you over mothering someone? (Which can be same as over caring for someone). A sure key sign that you are in unhealthy balance with someone is if you feel drained, depleted, agitated, upset or ‘void’ when you’ve been around them - simply - you’re not in alignment anymore. Are you going to honour that/those feelings? Because - that, is your intuition speaking to you and your intuition? Comes directly from your Inner Feminine. Do you trust your intuition? Do you trust your Mother? Do you feel supported by her? Or abandoned by her? Do you feel supported by your Intuition? Or abandoned by your Intuition? Do you see, these are the same thing here? So, now, you know what to work on right? I believe in you. You are worthy of being taken care of - and that begins, with you. Love xxx You’re an empath, you’re intuitive, you’re psychic, you sense things, you know things before someone knows what they actually need, you can smell bullshit ten miles away, but STILL get confused, still wonder what is going on when you swear you knew it two seconds ago, but the person denied it, so you trusted them…. AGAIN. #overit right? I know! I have been there MANY times and it cuts you to your core, you feel lost, confused and then just pick yourself up again and it happens - AGAIN! NOT ANYMORE! 🙅🏻♀️ Trust Your Intuition takes you out of that cycle, turning off autopilot and brings you into your intuition making you stronger, clearer and not on that damn wheel anymore! You can actually live your life now! Click here for all the details, Early Bird is Open Now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition