🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th October 2023
Oct 10, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th October 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the The Archangel Oracle Cards 💫🔮🕊
If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you!
If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating....
If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality...
If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'...
If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you -
The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Teaching & Learning. Archangel Zadkiel. ‘Keep an open mind and learn new ideas. Then, teach these ideas to others.’
If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant - what do you want to learn? What is new for you, that you want to explore? Perhaps something has just kicked you into gear this last few days?! Whatever brings you ALIVE and makes you shine bright, happy and feel amazing about - SHARE THAT! This, is what Archangel Zadkiel is speaking to here! Learn it, then teach it - we learn a tonne more - a deeper layer, when we step up to teach it, so don’t be afraid to share incredible techniques that are working for you - because this information is meant to be shared! AND - it is pulling you into deep alignment with your life purpose right now! You are learning very important key factors that will help you with the rest of your purpose - not just for your health and well being, but crucial intricate parts that you will share in the future and help people with - to know what you are learning and walking through right now - is an important part of this. So deeply step into trust and share what you are being called to right now, share what brings you alive, makes you happy and is WORKING for you! That feeling of it working is pure alignment and an important factor to your overall life purpose - it is called being on path. I am also getting the message - how can you monetise is? Or - is there a monetary opportunity that you’ve said to recently that feels good but isn’t what you thought it would be - or is it that you are doubting your purpose path because of finances?! Or something to do with finances. You know it is okay to do your passion, your uprose AND make money too? And did you know it is okay to have multiple streams of income and still be able to do what you love as well as other things to bring income in!? Sure - the ultimate is living from your purpose passion and being wealthy as fuck in that right?! BUT - any wealthy person will share their wisdom of multiple streams of income and THAT provides freedom. No one said you had to choose one or the other - BOTH - remember? ALL of it - remember? There is no shame in doing whatever you need to to get where you want to be. Starting ANYTHING and KEEPING it going takes work - don’t be afraid of work! You will go work for someone anyway - so what is to work for yourself?! Exactly, it’s not. So don’t give up - take breaks and know that there are many ways to receive income these days. I will be sharing more in my Part 3 of Wildly Wealthy Witches so keep an eye out for it very soon! I keep getting the message for you too - what power can you amplify from deep within you - there is something that is trying to birth out of you - but you keep clouding yourself in a cloak of shame - stop that! There is nothing to be shameful about - you have done everything the way you have meant to have done it just… now is time for change and the faster you take the steps and actions in your daily life that you KNOW your Soul is calling you to take - the more immediate the results of everything you’ve been trying to create - you know it is an internal energy thing… so, what are you waiting for? Release the shame cloak, know your worth and step into the light. It is time. Love xxx If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating.... If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality... If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'... If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you - The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #2: Gifts from God. Archangel Sandalphon. ‘We Angels bring you gifts from your Creator. Open your arms to receive.’
There are things you have been receiving and you haven’t been paying attention to! I know you are grateful - but there are other things going on around you that you are missing.. I wonder if slowing down or - hmmm, it is coming back to what is important. What is important to you? Have you been so ridiculously busy that you are forgetting about.. you? And what you love? And what is important to you? This… is the gift. You are the gift. Sure, you might be busy, but it doesn’t mean you can’t look at yourself in the mirror for 30 seconds longer and just honour yourself - acknowledge how busy and full you are and what are you planning very soon that can give you the replenishment, the rejuvenation and relinquishing in what you love again to revitalise yourself? The 4 R’s are now a thing! ;) So - this what is important to you - in this space, when you do the things that are important to you, that you prioritise, you will find that your energy comes back, you won’t feels so overloaded, you won’t feel like life is at a standstill and you know what else it does? It replenishes your spiritual energy. Your heart - your energetic heart - is MASSIVE. And the way you keep it MASSIVE and not shrink down, is by doing what you LOVE - why? Because love is the heart right?! And that is the spiritual consciousness of energy that keeps us alive in our human body. So the more you do what you love - the more you keep this gateway open and that ‘fixes’ everything in your human body, because you are following your heart. This is more than just following your heart energy. This is about keeping that soul path alive. So whatever it is that you are ‘missing’ can be found in the things you love. You will feel reconnected and whole again and like everything can move forward again because without that spiritual heart energy, that is when we feel lost or venture onto the wrong path and addictions can be rife here because the pain of not being where your heart is leading you - is deep and addictions do nothing but cover the pain. When you are releasing ANY addiction - do NOT focus on the addiction, you must look to what is underneath to shift the pain and once you do (which can take work and deep time - be okay with this and deeply gentle on yourself) then the addiction will release itself or then it is more time to focus on releasing the addiction but it is pointless if you do not heal the pain underneath otherwise you will just jump to another addiction - healthy addictions like ice baths or yoga classes or spirituality can be a form of an addiction - anything can become an addiction ‘even if it is good for you’. So be aware if you are truly dealing with what is underneath.. and perhaps this is the Gift here - the gift of what you are missing - why something doesn’t seem to be shifting, why you are attracting the same circumstances over and over again or whatever else you are wondering why something is falling apart - remember - things fall apart because there is somewhere along the line you have asked for MORE. More love, more wealth, more health, more - whatever you are asking for - something better than what you have and that SHOULD be asked for we live in a limitless Universe - but do not give up on your dreams because it hasn’t happened - YET - this is the Gift.. even though it might not feel like it - it is happening… just what isn’t that.. is deeply releasing from your life right now. Love xxx If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating.... If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality... If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'... If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you - The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #3: Chakra Clearing. Archangel Metatron. ‘Call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes.’
Hmmm, definitely use sacred geometry to clear your energy right now - simply think of your favourite sacred geometry shape and imagine it beaming/glowing with a beautiful colour of light (whatever light comes to mind for you you can google the colour meaning/metaphysical properties and that can have more insight for you too) and then imagine it inside your body, glowing and expanding and getting bigger and bigger throughout your entire body and aura (the bubble of energy around your human physical body). As the light expands it dissolves any darkness or anything ‘caught’ in your aura or chakras or that may have been attached to you on your day to day errands. See how simple that was? You didn’t even need to pull out your $100 yogi meditation cushion and light a candle! You just thought it and BOOM - done! Make it easy, make it simple, make it doable. Of course you can sit on your yoga meditation cushion and drop deep into mediative states and these practise are SUPER beneficial and take your skills to the next level - BUT - when you are busy in your modern day life I just gave you no excuse to clear your chakras with a simple thought. Energy is thought - and so too - can you clear your energy like this now yes? There are MANY ways you can clear your chakras - do you have my free Chakra Clearing Meditation? It is in the Essentials Meditation Pack of mine (also free) - so comment ESSENTIALS below if you haven’t got this. I am also getting the message about girding your home or land and yes you can use crystals for this - but you can also just imagine the crystals and grid points you are activating around your home or environment. You can do this for energetic protection and invisibility if you need to shield yourself from the world for whatever reason. Just remember to ‘uncloak’ the invisibility when you are ready to come back out again of course! With the gridding - just ask the land, your house (yes they are BOTH alive - try it, they will respond) - you will either just know what to do, hear a thought in your mind on what to do or think of something later when you’re not thinking about it. And also - do what you WANT to do as this is a very highly clairsentient way of ‘listening to your intuition’. You are deeply psychic, deeply in tune and deeply sensitive - hence why Archangel Metatron has come to help protect your energy at this time. There is also his Sacred Geonemetrics Meditation that is effective for electromagnetic protection as well (paid meditation) comment SACRED below and I will send that to you. Then also - the post I posted the other day about grounding - being outside and connecting with a tree - minimum 2 hours in nature will reset you - so make time for it and if you don’t have 2 hours - you definitely have 5 mins whilst you’re walking to your car to take in a tree energy by looking at it - again - no excuses. There is always a way and the more you do all of these things - the stronger your energy becomes and you become more consciously clear in your psychic senses…. everyone wants that don’t they?! And if not for that - don’t be carrying everyone else’s garbage around energetically for them - so clear your energy right now - oh that’s right, you just did before reading the start of this card :) :) :) Love xxx If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating.... If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality... If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'... If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you - The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #4: Remember Who You Are. Archangel Michael. ‘You are a powerful loving and creative child of God. You are very loved.’
It’s okay to fall down and feel like none of it is working. It is okay to break down and think about giving up. It is okay to wonder if you’re doing anything right and break down some more and completely let go, surrender, walk away whilst you’re howling on the living room floor and let those feelings release from your system. Then… you pick yourself back up - when you feel it, don’t force it - and straighten your fucking crown and realise you have all these brand new ideas, feel a new lease on life and everything starts flowing again. Understand that this is called riding the waves of life. Understand that there is nothing wrong with you and when you feel like walking away from it all - indeed you are - at the level that is disintegrating right now and that you have to enter a new space of being that is allowing it all to expand. You’re birthing. You’re breaking through to the next level. You’re not giving up - although you did and it was the exact let go that was needed. It is that we do thing, build life, live life, goals etc at a and in a certain way. Then when that capacity is reached there is an expansion to a new level - that requires the disintegrating and destruction of the old way of doing things. It dissipates. So when you are feeling at a loss and everything isn’t working or you just don’t want to do it anymore (you do, but you don’t want to at the same time) - this falling apart, breaking down, things not flowing - is just the new capacity and structure and way of living coming to reality - a birthing of what you know is what you were working towards in the first place it is just that it is here now! That is all. So Remember Who The Fuck You Are. Is allowing yourself to ride the waves. It IS working, you have build extraordinary momentum - it is a journey and the destination IS the journey and each goal and level you reach - just requires expansion and learning the new level - just like a game right?! So play it and play it well - in all ways because this is WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE. Work hard - play hard and enjoy the fuck out of it in between. Love xxx If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating.... If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality... If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'... If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you - The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #5: You Know What To Do. Archangel Uriel. ‘Trust your inner knowledge, and act upon it without delay.’
Look how far you’ve come. Acknowledge what you’ve been through to get here. You have always known the plan and deep down inside you still know the plan - for your Life Purpose. It is the things you think about that are ‘some far off dream’ that you ‘brush aside’ and get back on with your ‘normal’ life. NO… not anymore. You’ve arrived here because it is becoming real. Look how far you’ve come - you were once wishing for what you have now and this is your reminder to step back into gratitude of what you have now because of where you once were. From this point - what do you get to create now? What is your next level goals? And more so - what do you KNOW what you have to do? There is a deep part within you that knows exactly what to do. If I was to ask you, what is the next most aligned action for you to take right now - bet you COULD answer me 100% so clearly. You know exactly what to do and you’re here right now because this is your reminder that even though you don’t feel clear - you actually are. This is also your sign to allow time to rest and take care of you - because it is in this place, is where the clarity is, where it comes and where you know it to be real - when you’ve connected back to yourself and your heart - everything opens from this space, so where do you need to take more time to reconnect back to you? The other message here is - yes - you know what to do - but what you are deciding on - just double check it is the best one? As I feel there is something better if you just asked that question? More support, better all round for the choices you’re making - like it is the right choice, but if you just asked, what else is there? You will get even better than what you are asking for. So this may be your sign to dream bigger, ask for more, know you deserve more and that you are welcome to receive more - but you must in an open state of receiving TO receive it yes? Yesss….! If you’re not asking for more, how can there even be more? That one. This. Also - big opportunities are coming in for you - but - open to receive them. notice where you close down, shut your mind and heart down and I feel you are being shown so much lately of just how/where you do shut down, but you don’t need to anymore. The other key part here is that you’re ‘arriving’ in a place in your life - where you are safe now, you don’t have to close like you used to… you’ve done a lot of work to get where you are and there is always room for more let alone - opening to more - you’re safe as you open to so much more. I think your mantra question to yourself to let the Universe show you right now is: how much more joy can I truly open my heart to right now? And over and over again - the Universe will respond in kind. Let yourself open, let yourself receive and know that this wouldn’t be happening if you weren’t ready to receive it. So trust this space and open some more. Let the Universe show you just how much you CAN receive. Love xxx If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating.... If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality... If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'... If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you - The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter
Card #6: Claircognisense. Archangel Uriel. ‘Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.’
The thoughts you are thinking about - are correct! Trust them! Claircognisence is the ideas and thoughts you have - now - these are not obsessive and make you feel crazy thoughts because you can’t control a situation and it spirals you down - no. That is not claircognisence. That is a sign you need to cry and are spiralling down and not feeling good - so go and have a good cry and release that cortisol through your tears. The true Claircognisence thoughts you almost have to be still to receive them! Well, not always and most of the time not. What I mean by this, is that they are the ones that usually come when you are doing the mundane tasks - they will come ‘out of the blue’ and you will feel almost like that thought is not yours and a ‘why didn’t I think of that, that is brilliant idea’ - and also the feeling of you JUST FUCKING KNOW. This one. The strongest feeling of knowing you can know is just knowing - yes, that technically is combined with a feeling and ultimately that is how your intuition works - each one is backed up with each other. Meaning you will get an out of the blue thought or series of thoughts - for example when I am doing the dishes or anything with water - I find that I will almost go into a trance like state (water cleanses right?!) and water also holds memory - water speaks to you almost more clearly than animals if you would truly pay attention…. I digress, but also - when I am with water, cleaning or whatever I am doing, I find that the almost trance like state - is like a day dream state if you would try and describe it and then I would have a series of thoughts almost at the same time like a vision - this can feel like remembering a movie scene or replaying your mind what you did yesterday with a friend - not a ghost like vision - it is more like a memory you are ‘seeing’ - you are remembering it - these are all your intuition and so don’t brush these thoughts or ‘memory like thoughts’ you are having because this is your intuition speaking to you - which - backs up your Claircognisent thoughts - yes? Many people don’t understand the subtleties of your intuition - which is a huge chunk of what I teach in my Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer Course (Super Early Bird doors open next week!) - and of course we clear out deep long held body trauma from this lifetime and past lives, alongside inter dimensional lives and realms, as clearing the trauma, allows you to become clearer in your intuition because you are not carrying it all. So next time you are ‘doing mundane tasks’ - cooking, cleaning, washing, gardening, driving - and not limited to of course - and of course meditating etc, but don’t miss those moments of ‘mundane’ because you will find you are actually receiving sooo much information at these times. They will bet confirming things for you - giving you ideas about what decision to make, what next steps to choose, ideas you didn’t think of before and when you act on them right away - yes, stop the dishes and go do that thing it will take 5 mins - they are THE most potent ones and if you act on them when they drop in you will receive MORE, open to MORE and the floodgates will open let alone your intuition gets stronger because you are acting on it and keeping the flow flooding in - does that make sense? Yes it is a skill to act on it right away or even catch you are having intuitive drop ins like this but once you begin your intuitive muscles and ‘catching’ them grow stronger until it becomes second nature and then you don’t even realise you are doing it! And who doesn’t want stronger, clearer, accurate intuition right?! Yesss! Of course! So catch them - and act on them right away and watch your life turn into utter magic! Love xxx If you're ready to shift a lot of shit in a short space of time (seriously this isn't for the faint hearted!) to reclaim your energy, find who you are after all the damn trauma and come out the other side ready to take on 2024 like you damn well own it, then the 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! If you're ready to clear past relationship patterns that are looping around and are ready for the next level of healthy relating.... If you're ready for deep womb clearing to sharpen your manifestation abilities and birth your new reality... If you're ready to heal the deepest core woundings that you know are sitting there somewhere but can't 'see'... If you're ready to clear the slate to re-write history and claim the future your destiny laid out for you - The 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter is for you! Click here for all the details before this closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-quantum-trauma-shifter