🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th September 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 10, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th September 2024

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you today. 

For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. 

Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Damara. Guiding Children. “You are good at helping, counselling and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.”

When this card appears - yes, there is working with children, helping children and guiding them now or it may be a big part of your Life Purpose. However, when this card also appears it also represents your Inner Child. Whatever change you are going through - it is your Inner Child that is scared, worried or not sure about what is going on - drop in and spend time with your Inner Child. (In my Life Purpose Activation Kit, you have access to my Inner Child Meditation that you can work with, plus the training videos on how best to do that). Ask yourself, what does this situation remind me of from my childhood? Whatever memory comes to mind - is ‘where’ this stems from, what it is reminding you of right now and ‘why’ you’re feeling the way you are right now. Working with my inner child meditation on a daily basis for a time can deeply help heal and shift this internalised fear/feeling and allowing to heal, to stabilise a new frequency in your reality - because what is going on for you right now in your life? Stems from deep in here. It is just time to heal this right now. When you ask what is this situation reminding me of, it may not come straight to mind - it might come to you over the coming days or your parent or sibling might start ‘randomly’ talking to you about a particular event/memory from childhood, so be open to being shown intuitive information via many different sources now you have read this card today for you. Your Inner Child is the seat of your Life Purpose. Tend to them, spend time with them. Know that any feeling you feel or life change you go through, the more you connect with your Inner Child, the more - not only your Life Purpose will become clear, but you’ll become stronger, more confident and grounded within yourself, because your internal world is stabilised and that, ripples out, changing the entire trajectory of your life. That, is the power of your Inner Child. How are they feeling today? Go within, you Inner Child is calling you. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Kali. Endings and Beginnings. “The old must be released so that the new can enter.”

You are going through big change right now - but it might seems like nothing is changing - but everything has changed, but everything seems like it is taking time. Honey, reality check - Rome wasn’t built in a day and your dreams won’t happen overnight but daily work makes dreams reality. Have you been feeling like everything is on top of you like a great big pile of stuff just all of a sudden happening to/for/around you? It’s just that, some things have been out of whack for a while and now? They’re just getting sorted out, that’s all. Which can feel like when we are tending to reality it can be a shake up simply because tending to reality is change - like moving house for example it is a big change to your routine, to your environment and to the energetic land under which your feet now reside. This is all change for you on a spiritual, physical, emotional and mental level - go easy on yourself. If nothing has changed but everything has changed you will be in an energetically different reality - your frequency has changed. This can be represented by everyone you’ve ever known to suddenly disappear, go, leave, get narky at you and change. It’s like you haven’t gone anywhere but everyone around you has gone - you may as well have moved! Frequent shift honey - hold it. You’re vibrating at a different frequency now and all the relationships, support team and environments will come to YOU, you won’t need to ‘do’ anything but keep doing what you’re doing because that is ‘why’ this has happened - you’re in complete alignment for your purpose and your purpose has ‘caused’ this frequency shift. If you have physically moved, the frequency shift that was required for you to be in full alignment of your Purpose was/is great and now you’re here - well, what to from here? Let yourself ‘arrive’. It takes 3 months either side of the move for you to truly energetically land, 3 years to receive the entire coding of the new frequency where you’ve landed and 4 years to try embody it, to come out the other side of the initiation of what you’re being guided to do here. So, let yourself arrive. Your nervous system will be going through a whole new recalibration and so the change can be great. You might be more body tired than you’ve ever been as you allow this new energetic stabilisation arrive in your cellular make up of your being or more switched on as you’re on high alert in a new environment that you haven’t experienced before and have ‘suddenly been put here’. Either way, let yourself arrive. Now is not the time for thinking, now is the time for letting your body recalibrate as you recover and prepare for your next stage. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Green Tara. Start Delegating. “Ask others, (including me) to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself.” 

Rome wasn’t built in a day and it certainly wasn’t done by one person! There are two main messages here - something about your relationship needs tending to - or you need help with your relationship. Whether that is a counsellor, mediator or healer, something needs tending to. Perhaps it is the inner world that needs tending to inside of you that will support your relationship in the long run. The other is about home or business help. I feel like you’ve. Been frustrated not being able to get everything done - those little things annoying you or that you’ve just turned a blind eye to - underneath is dragging you down. If you won’t tend to them - get someone who will. Delegate. If you’re not sure where to start, start with Tara - “Green Tara of 100% Light, please help me to sort out all the tasks that need completing, that overwhelm me, that I can delegate and please open my mind to see what you see. Please help me to be willing to act on your intuitive guidance that prompts me to take action so I can continue to work on matters that are close to my heart, that bring my dreams to life.”. There. Done. Simple. Just. Like. That. As soon as you even start taking the smallest action towards what your intuition is guiding you to do or even actioning it in full - you’ll immediately regain energy, have ideas flood in and things that didn’t seem possible before suddenly start taking shape and it’s like all that you lost hope for not only comes back - but reality lands. Hand it over today and continue to hand over 1 thing a week and your entire life will change ‘overnight’. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Sulis. Bodies of Water. “Spend time near water, such as a lake, river or the ocean to recharge your batteries.”

This one is simple - spend more time near the water or consciously be present with the water around you. Your body is made up of 70-90% water, so this card could symbolise a choice is needed to consume healthier water for you. This Bodies of Water card also represents being conscious of your emotions. Are you reacting or responding? I also feel that you’re in a space in your life where you’re much more conscious than you ever were about your emotions or just your conscious awareness of self and life in general. You’ve grown - not just in age - but in spiritual development. I am also getting the message that there is grief or frozen feelings here about a relationship that you’re needing to deeply grieve. As I always say, it is so important to grieve as hard as you can when it is fresh - whether a relationship break up or the death of a loved one or some other huge change. The sense I am getting here also about this here is that if there is some kind of legal or contractual separation, paperwork or some other huge dismantling of everything you’ve ever done and created - everything is working out in a fair and just manner. This part about your emotions - the bodies of water - to continue to grieve hard when it is fresh is going to support this ‘fair and just manner’ because you won’t be blocking up the dam so to speak by holding it in and it getting clogged up. So - let the dam walls burst open and the flood gates of your grief flow. This card also comes to you that during this time - spend more time outdoors. You’re being shown something really important about the direction of your life right now - become adrift. If you can’t do your normal routines - I say GOOD! ANY thing - even good things for us can become and addiction to covering up that well of grief and it is so important here during this grieve hard when it is fresh here to let everything go. God is trying to take you somewhere - but the currents of God’s ocean can’t take you if you are still hanging onto your shore that has been familiar for you all this time. It has broken away for a reason, trust God enough to surrender in the adrift - it is the start of shifting dimensions and raising your frequency to attract what your heart is trying to bust forth through for you - the love, you truly desire. If you love your life now - good. Cut the tether and let it all go. Be okay with not knowing where or how or what the next step looks like because God has a plan for you. Right now - be okay in nothingness, it is the Ocean current after all and it is moving you. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Guinevere. True Love. “The romantic stirrings in your heart have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you.” 

Two messages here - The person you are with? Is your Soulmate. Your One True Love. And if you’re reading this and have just broken up with someone or someone has left you or it’s changed - this separation has occurred because you’re being called deep inside your Soul to heal that which you’ve covered up by being in relationship. When you’re constantly in relationship and jump from one relationship to the next, you’re not allowing enough space to truly travel the depths of your own Soul. That ‘you can only meet someone as deep as they’ve met themselves’ is real. If you’re disappointed at what didn’t work out, take conscious deep space, away from any relationship - for a long time, until you’ve met the depths of your own Soul, because until you’ve taken that solitude, the quality of relationships you attract will be surface. If you want deep, you’re going to have to travel deep - alone, on the shores of your own subconscious - alone - before anyone can meet you there. Back to the first message - this person is your Soulmate, your One True Love and you don’t need anymore confirmation about this other than the fact that from here you get to create magic and embody the frequency of divine true love that not many reach or find in this lifetime. There is a beautiful Peace that emits from the ones who are in the One True Love and this frequency, is what is changing the trajectory of human consciousness right now. People have been worried about the dark turn of the ages and AI.. no, no need to worry - there are too many of us awake now and about 6 months ago, the trajectory of human consciousness changed - we are out of the dark, but the fallout from a bad relationship takes time to heal and recalibrate from and that is what is happening with humans right now. Your magnificent One True Love Relationship is a divine beacon emitting a powerful frequency that is dismantling relationships that were built upon of a compromise of values. It is here, your frequency is drawing those that are meant to be together - in pure alignment - like magnets to each other. This is your Purpose, do not underestimate it. The power of polarity intertwined in harmony - creates frequency shifts that obliterates the darkness and allows what we’ve always known life to be for in our hearts. If you’re single and have been for a very long time, this is your sign to get clear on what you truly value in relationship and what you want in relationship, what sort of relationship do you want? Not just write your list - but make sure you’re embodying, valuing and living what you say you want. How can your divine lover find you if you’re living out of alignment of what you truly believe in your heart to be true? Start here, align here, embody here, live here and know that your time… is close. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Maeve. Cycles & Rhythms. “Honour the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.”

You are being asked to track your menstrual cycle with more diligence and care. (If you’re a man reading this - become conscious of the women in your life, their cycles and watch your relationship change and flourish because you care and know how to support her). You’re being asked to pay more attention to the moon cycle, to the wisdom that She can teach us, the cosmic cycles, to energy updates and this is because your intuition is gaining traction, heightening and you’re being asked to be diligent with all the facets that are affecting you right now. Down to who you’re communicating with on a daily basis, to what you’re eating, to your sleep patterns, to what you’re wearing. I know it sounds a bit OCD - but this isn’t about going crazy with it, this is about learning how to navigate the energies, because you are extremely sensitive and your Life Purpose is asking you to learn how to decipher subtle energies with more conscious awareness and learning. I am also getting the message that it is time to cut ties from your past. Whether it is a relationship or friendship circles or support people or a career environment - there is something you are needing to release here. Perhaps it could even be an addiction that is halting your next level of growth and it is time to release this. Time to implement new structures, new routines, new life plans, new somethings. You can work with my Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation that you can find on my website (or comment PAST LIFE below and I will send it to you) to unhook from the core of where this cycle pattern began. You are breaking out of these karmic cycles right now and the clean up is real. Remember that you are working through this and the sense I am getting is that - you’re almost there, don’t give up now. The cycle is complete, it is done, this is the clean up - you’re in a new phase and it is okay to remember that you’re worthy of all you desire - or you wouldn’t have made it this far, you wouldn’t have even been conscious of another way for you and that.. is why you’re here. This sign for you today - to remember this. You’ve sooo got this. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator