🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th April 2023
Apr 11, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th April 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩
There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: The Gift of Neutrality. “Balance is at work in your life. Yin and Yang are opposites in energy, but reside side by side to create the gift of neutrality.”
It feels like old karma is being released and worked out for you on your behalf in the Spirit World right now. The other message coming through strongly for you that I am hearing is, “You don’t know how it is going to work out right now - you can’t possibly know how this is going to work out for you, so stop trying to figure it out, stop trying to work out something that you can’t possibly work out and let go right now.” Feel all the feelings for sure, but stop trying to figure out something that is way beyond your control right now and just let it all be. Focus on what you can focus on right now and then let the rest go. Focus on where your hands are and just stay present with what you are doing. Everything is working out for you, just stay present. Staying present with where you are and what you ‘can’ control (which is right now) brings you back to this state of ‘neutrality’. This is the state of observing and witnessing - doing what you can with what you have (right now) and allowing it all to work out to your highest good, by holding the faith and staying present where you are. I am also getting the message that right now - does need cleaning up? There are tasks, certain tasks that you DO need to finish before such and such happens - what is that? It’s almost like you’re waiting and wishing this thing would happen already and yet, you KNOW that if it did happen this second you would be wishing you got that thing done when you had time to! What is that for you? It feels like right now you are being given the gift of time to prepare and get organised - so use this time wisely - again this present moment is offering you a space to organise certain things, so it’s time to get that done. Remember, the karma is being worked out on your behalf, you’ve done all you can about this situation, now let go and let God as they say, hand it over to Spirit and come back to organising what you know you need to do, because when the time is right for you to do anything else, you also will know. Love xxx There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #2: Empower Yourself. “Tune into your personal power. You are more than able to handle the situation facing you. Allow yourself to be the strong, beautiful person you are capable of being.”
You can get through this. When all is falling apart - fall apart with it. Allow yourself to ride the waves of this incredible portal of change you are in right now. It will not be easy - BUT - as the card states,” Allow yourself to be the strong, beautiful person you are capable of being.” . Not that you have forgotten how strong you are - because you know this from your past experiences, you don’t need to be told this again… but where you’re at now? You don’t want to be that strong person anymore. You just want some help or something.. you just… are tired of holding it all on your own anymore and even though you’ve ‘collapsed’ and let yourself fall into this a few times now, you’re also realising you’ve been carrying so much more than you’ve ever felt or carried before. And you’re just… done with that. Done with that lifestyle. Done with that part of your life. Just… done with it. And you’re ready to step out, step into your new life - but it almost feels like you don’t know where or what that looks like either? Or you could be really clear on it, but there are few other few huge important factors, events and circumstances that need to occur before you can? Be okay with the time it takes for you to allow all of this to happen, for it all to line up and even for the clarity of your next steps to come in. I am also feeling that this Empower Yourself card is about taking back your power in the minute things in your day to day life. Where can you set healthier boundaries with yourself, that you KNOW empowers you to feel better, rather than putting yourself last and thinking you’ll be okay, when you know deep down that never works? It feels like pay attention to the details - the huge shifting is in the finer details, in the fine print, in the small things that you can do right now - are going to make the biggest impacts for you at this time. Where can you pay closer attention to the smaller details, the little things you do in your daily life that will all add up to an overall sense of empowerment in your everyday life that affects your entire life? Love xxx There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #3: Break Through to New Dimensions. “A new endeavour is on the horizon. Innovative energy wants to bust forth into your consciousness.”
Have you been breaking glasses, plates or have things been breaking around the house lately? These are signs of busting through into a new dimension of your reality that you’ve - been working so hard to achieve. BUT the breaking things was not part of it right?! No, definitely not - but just like angel feathers fall at your feet when you aren’t expecting a sign but didn’t know you needed it or same of finding gold coins in ‘random’ locations… breaking several glasses all of a sudden in a short space of time (or plates or something else etc) is a sign you’ve just busted through to a new dimension in consciousness, in your life, reality has shifted in some way shape or form. You may literally have moved or something else major might have just occurred, but at the same time, you’ve literally moved into a new sphere of consciousness, of energetic space. It is from here… there is something else new, that is about to come into your life. Perhaps you can feel it energetically, perhaps something has been on your mind, perhaps it comes in and out of your awareness, but you almost ‘stop it’ because you don’t think that could happen to you and I am here to say this card has come to you as a sign to HOLD THE FAITH. Allow the incredible stream of consciousness about to pour into your life, like Archangel Ariel pouring the cornucopia of abundance into your life - let yourself be open to receiving this. Expand bigger and expand more from this vantage point. You are at a very magical and potent time of your life - let the next level in, because it is here waiting for you. You are being called into the next level of service and what comes with that? More support from the Universe in great service of your Divine Mission. Let it beautiful one, you not only deserve this from what you’ve been through.. but you’ve worked for this, you’ve done the mental, physical, spiritual and all types of work… and it is here. Now, expand on into it! Love xxx There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #4: Distinctive Potential. “Rely on your faith and the knowledge that nothing is impossible. Use your determination to hang in there until you realise your goal.”
We’ve all heard the “just believe it to be true and happen in your reality and it will.” before - probably so much that it makes you yawn sometimes because yeah yeah yeah, especially when you’re at a low point and just… would like a sign please! Well, this is your SIGN! ;) I feel the strong message for you with this card today is to truly believe it, see it in your minds eye, visualise it, affirm it, hold it, live it, be it. I feel that right now there is a lot of magic on your side and the key ingredient is your belief in self! OF COURSE there is physical aligned action you need to take, but everything else is not just the belief in yourself, but seeing it, feeling it and spending time in lala land day dreaming about what it would be life. There are times where this sort of advice isn’t what is needed, but for you today? If you can dream it - it is meant for you, it can and will happen. If you can imagine it, it can and will happen for you. It feels like now, more than ever, to hold this level of faith and keep holding it here UNTIL it happens. I feel that there is unexpected twists and turns coming your way soon, not in a bad way, but just if you thought you’ve been busy recently - hold onto your hat! It may be a good time to think about hiring more help, getting more support or expanding in some way that you perhaps thought you were ‘years’ away from. It feels like there are good things coming, but it will be busy - in a good way - yes, good, good, good - so hold the faith, because miracles abound. ‘Everything is always working out for me.’ and some. Do you what you need to do to hold the frequency of all of your dreams coming true, because they are. Love xxx There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #5: Rediscover Your Zeal. “Pay attention to the passion you are feeling for discovery, learning, exploration, spirituality, travel, your work or your relationships. Passion and desire go together, especially as inspiration.”
What interests make you happy? Where has your zest for life gone? What hard truths have been coming into your awareness lately and have you been burying something because you just didn’t know what to do with it, but you didn’t have a ‘choice’ but to bury it, but you’re realising some hard things lately that.. you didn’t realise you buried? It feels like things are coming to the surface from from ‘down in the deep’, deeply buried in your psyche, that are needing to come up and out, that the lid needs to be lifted, that it is time to look at these pieces. it feels like this is the ‘block’ that has come to your awareness from that which you’ve been asking for and you’ve been working on things.. but there is something else here. Where do you feel it most in your body? When you tune into your body - what comes to mind? It feels like there is a piece here of this part of your body that is connected to your childhood in some way - that, your ‘zeal’ was taken away/lost or was when was the happiest time of your life - either or. And this, is your key for getting your zeal back. For remembering what was going on around that time that made you extremely happy or that you had to hold it all together since then (heavy!) is your key to unlocking the core of when it all began, so you can “Rediscover Your Zeal”. I feel that, this time in your life has been on your mind recently and that you’ve been thinking about it and almost wondering why you’ve been thinking about it. Your time is coming. To reclaim yourself, to rediscover your zeal, to find your grounding, find who you are, ground into your home and truly allow yourself the gift of truly living the life - without worries that have been plaguing you in your past. Your time is coming. So jump in and reclaim yourself, because the time is perfect for you right now, your time is coming. Love xxx There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #6: Safe and Surrounded by Love. “Keep your heart open and know you are being protected. Listen to what you know to be true and allow yourself to see and understand what is going on around you.”
Right now.. .there is so much love around you. If you don’t feel it from people - nature - there is so much from nature right beaming it’s heart into you. I feel that this card is more than a message about love for you today, in a way that right now - you have all this space, or that, there is an old part of your life falling away right now and it is like there isn’t much to do - or you’ve felt moments of space, or ‘nothing to do’ - which is a HUGE change for you. You’re still SUPER busy in other moments, but you’ve been feeling waves of deep, deep peace and space… this? Is LOVE. This is the love coming on the gentle breeze you feel on the waves of the wind. This LOVE is the warmth of the sunlight on your skin. This… LOVE is the Earth beneath your feet. It feels like you’ve come into such and alignment of your life and for your Life Purpose, you haven’t felt this way about your life before now and I say to you - anchor this in. Let this space be filled with ‘this is my new normal.’ ‘this is my normal now’. Make these feelings normal thus they expand to more. I feel like you’ve come a long way and that is to be celebrated and allow yourself to truly bask in all that you have achieved, created and worked for. It feels like all is manifesting for you and that these spaces of deep space, will only continue to grow at this time. It also feels like, these moments of deep space and peace that you feel - are opening a ‘portal’ so to speak, to an entirely new life about to come into your sphere, to be living in a completely different paradigm than you have ever experienced before - but you are experiencing it now - in these pockets, in these windows of space and peace. They are like the new reality merging with you and about to become normal - but it is just a taste of an entirely different restaurant so to speak - a different way of living - about to come in and be your full normal. Does that make sense? Hard to describe. You are surrounded by love, that is only increasing and so is an entirely new paradigm of living about to become your entire normal. Bask in it and most of all - celebrate this. Love xxx There is only 48 hours to experience LIFE to get your LIFE back on track to the open hearted, divine missioned hearted Soul that you are at your core, click here for all the details before the doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life