🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th December 2023
Dec 12, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th December 2023
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the The Spirit Animal Oracle 🦁🔮
Ready for change.
Ready to not hide your truth anymore.
Tired of the surface shit.
Feel like it is pointless, over it, don’t have time for it - don’t want time for it and talking about normal shit bores the shit out of you! ‘Normal surface stuff’ - crystals, reiki, shadow work.. gah.. give me depth woman!
And so here it is.
Life Purpose Accelerator applications are open now, where the real talks happen, in the real world, with the real people… not the facade behind the curtain and the glistening lights… but the one on the ground living it, real time.
Click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Armadillo Spirit. Set Healthy Boundaries.
Where do you need to raise the bar? Where do you need to raise your standards? Where do you need to clean out your cupboards and say - that’s enough of that now? Where do you need to take a step back and truly reassess who you are working with on a daily basis - with your clients, your colleagues, your family, your friends and change circumstances? I feel you have drawn to this card today, because you are indeed, reassessing your whole life right now - like a HUGE recalibration point where you are at a monstrous life changing point - where your life direction is decided for the next 27 years - no joke, astrologically, there are planets about to embed this for us for the next 27 years - sooooo, you’re right on point with what you’re choosing in your life right now. And the question is, when factoring your decision - when you look back over your life from - zoom out to 27 years into the future - where do you want to be? This will be a reassessing of ALL relationships in your life, a deep cleaning up of old threads and really deciding what this next chapter - um, next book - looks like in your life and then… actioning that. I feel something has ‘let go’ - something has shifted in you and you’re no longer afraid of what people think, it feels like a ‘cap’ has come off your energy field and you’re ‘free to do what you want now’ - even though you were before, but the energetic lockhold/block/cap/glass ceiling - is no longer in existence… so… what do you now choose with this new found freedom? It feels important to really not only ‘journal, write down, create vision boards’ - of course, do these things - but with these energies? These are to be LIVED. It is almost like you’re out of the frequency of spending hours writing your reality into existence or creating vision boards (who even does that these days?!) - these energies are calling you to step up and go out and BE who you say you are - LIVE it. Sure there is definitely a time and a place for doing all the inner work 150 million %!! However, you’re being asked to step into life and live what you want to create… there is action and then there is ACTION and this… is the boundary for yourself to be set - to create the life, instead of just talking and writing about it - isn’t it time? Love xxx Ready for change. Ready to not hide your truth anymore. Tired of the surface shit. Feel like it is pointless, over it, don’t have time for it - don’t want time for it and talking about normal shit bores the shit out of you! ‘Normal surface stuff’ - crystals, reiki, shadow work.. gah.. give me depth woman! And so here it is. Life Purpose Accelerator applications are open now, where the real talks happen, in the real world, with the real people… not the facade behind the curtain and the glistening lights… but the one on the ground living it, real time. That. You. Click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Dog Spirit. Be Loyal To What You Love.
Hmmm, couple of messages here - Dog is Forgiveness (Rose Quartz) in The Liquid Crystals - whom are you needing to forgive, soften your heart and open your life in a new direction again to? And then also - don’t throw the baby out with the bath water and your answer lays in - why you began in the first place. What is the thing that is most on your heart, when someone asks you what you do - what do you do? I feel that for you at this time, it is important to not lose sight of your big picture goal and to pay attention to omens and signs that are leading you in the right direction - in essence - trust your intuition and your heart about what you’re being guided to do at this time. I almost feel like ‘walk in silence’ with what you are building right now, because you are receiving a lot of guidance - because you have opened your heart and have shifted through so much old hurts, pains and traumas recently - hmmm, were you sick in the last week or so? Like physically sick and you’re someone who RARELY gets sick? You’re on the wave that is shifting a huge aspect of human consciousness and the direction of where humans are going right now - come back to why you began - why did you begin? I feel like you’ve been ‘a bit lost lately’ - but this, has been a huge recalibration for you - there have been massive changes on the home front for you just recently (last 2-3 years, but also the last 2-3 months have changed everything again) and you’re shifting the way you live life, things have changed in your heart and you’re….. trying to manage ‘what you do with these feelings now’ - because nothing feels the same right?! Have you felt ‘strange in your body’ - almost like - you go to touch something and you pause because you’re really noticing ‘is this reality?’ Like almost glitching out but not - I know… sounds crazy, but tell me you haven’t been having waves of this at times, some weeks and days, stronger than others - again, this is because you are on a certain ‘wave of humans’ that are impacting the world globally and this… is your calling - this is why you are here. Soooo, what is the ‘don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater’ for you? It feels like something you’ve given up on or thought would be different by now, or something… didn’t work out the way you expected and… this is just because there is something ‘more’ that it wants to birth ‘with you’. It is your baby right?! Whether a project or an actual baby - there is something here that you’ve been working on for… decades it feels like and it is needing a different angle/approach and yet.. it is also something you’ve thought about for years, you just haven’t… done it! This, ‘Be Loyal To What You Love’ is your sign to ‘go back to the drawing board’ - go back to the beginning, learn the starting steps all over again, remember why you began, nurture what you love - and/or take break from thinking about it and do something do you LOVE - to reignite the flame that you remember who you are, why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you’re living for - because this ignition is calling you to respond - there is a deep expansion calling forth within your heart with this that WILL set you free and allow you to realise your full potential - it will bring that aliveness and freedom back to your heart - the thing you feel you’ve lost right?! Remember why you began… and take a break instead of trying to force the answer - because it is waiting to be birthed and picked up by you. I feel you are clear… and it is still dripping in - but it if it isn’t, let it come.. because there is MORE. Gestation is over, let it birth. Love xxx Ready for change. Ready to not hide your truth anymore. Tired of the surface shit. Feel like it is pointless, over it, don’t have time for it - don’t want time for it and talking about normal shit bores the shit out of you! ‘Normal surface stuff’ - crystals, reiki, shadow work.. gah.. give me depth woman! And so here it is. Life Purpose Accelerator applications are open now, where the real talks happen, in the real world, with the real people… not the facade behind the curtain and the glistening lights… but the one on the ground living it, real time. That. You. Click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Ant Spirit. Time To Collaborate.
All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together for you - but you’re being asked to expand into other realms that… I want to say - your heart has been calling you forth for quite some time. There is an idea, or a way that you have always seen your life to be lived and living - and… you actually haven’t been living - like, any part of that really lately have you?! You may have just scratched the surface with what you are TRULY on this planet to do, but you haven’t really been.. living what that deep down internal integral vision that is aligned with your heart is now have you? When you hear ‘Time to Collaborate’ - what comes to mind? Something to do with your Clairaudience too - have your ears been hurting, spiritually or physically or ear things going on for you, balance, itchy or tingling or ringing? Downloads, shifts, awakenings and insights pouring in - listen up - are you listening? Hearing messages through songs, sounds, being sensitive to sound and lights that you are not normally - your body is undergoing a huge process and change right now, your DNA is shifting and dormant parts of your gifts are awakening - think, who you have you been in contact with that feels like a soulmate energy, someone you’ve known for like… lifetimes, but perhaps not met on this planet physically, but been in contact and… this is awakening - you’re awakening to this next stage and phase of your life right now - you’ve crossed a timeline and now you’re accelerating - so pay attention - what are you hearing? You’ll hear songs stand out to you ‘all of a sudden’ like you’ve heard them ten times over but now you’re ‘really’ hearing them - pay attention - are you listening? You’ll be walking along and ‘all of a sudden’ a conversation with two random people is ‘all you can hear’ like there is no other sound but a tunnel tube hearing exactly what they are saying and the entire message is…. exactly what you needed to hear of course! Pay attention - are you listening? I am also sensing a mindset shift is required here - or you have just done this. Instead of ‘feeling left out of the crowd’ - honey, this is a ‘you problem’. It’s time for you to break out of your shell, it is time to step into uncomfortable situations - meaning - out of your comfort zone to shift reality. There are things that have been on your mind and also people/a person that you have been thinking about that you KNOW can help you with this… out of the comfort zone we go! Mindset shift.. you CAN. You’re not your limiting patterns, beliefs and thoughts, you’re a mighty warrior who has come to conquer the Earth - ha, not quite, but you get what I mean… the energy in that though - is required to break through these barriers, stretching yourself, placing yourself in situations that you KNOW will force you to grow because your Soul has been calling you forth to this and on the other side of this? Your next level that…. is all you’ve been thinking about! Time To Collaborate baby! Love xxx Ready for change. Ready to not hide your truth anymore. Tired of the surface shit. Feel like it is pointless, over it, don’t have time for it - don’t want time for it and talking about normal shit bores the shit out of you! ‘Normal surface stuff’ - crystals, reiki, shadow work.. gah.. give me depth woman! And so here it is. Life Purpose Accelerator applications are open now, where the real talks happen, in the real world, with the real people… not the facade behind the curtain and the glistening lights… but the one on the ground living it, real time. That. You. Click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Snake. Time To Heal.
The number 55 is coming straight through - it is this card number in the deck. 55 is the number of big changes occurring or about to occur in your life. I am also getting the message with Snake’s ‘Time To Heal’ message for you today - that it is time to heal from a situation that was a huge upheaval and change in your life that you ‘didn’t see coming’. It feels like you have been holding this deep inside of you and - maybe this just came up and out and now you are ‘healing’ as your cellular molecular structure is changing. I am also getting that ‘the big changes’ are something that you’ve been thinking about. Is it the way you show up in the world? Is it what you do with your clients? Is it the way you work? This ‘Time to Heal’ card - when we heal, there is the physical, emotional and mental healing of the trauma and the detrimental effects it has had on your body, mind and spirit and then there is implementing the new ways of being in your life now that you are healed - I feel that this card is these two messages for you - either you need to heal from a traumatic and major life direction changing moment in your life in your past - or you have healed and now you’re being guided to consciously create your life. Stop looking how other people are doing it and ask your Soul how your Soul wants to do it. You don’t want to be like them - who is your Soul, calling you to BE in the world? Who are you Being in the world? Not what or who they are - what is your Life Purpose calling you to be? You’ve already been getting ideas and they will only happen when you implement them - what are you doing to implement them into your life now? I also feel you’re being asked to heal your whole life. I know, of course you would right?! But I also feel that you haven’t really shifted some things that you’ve been holding onto from the past - a certain way you do business or show up in the world for example. This ‘healing’ comes from you holding your new boundaries with yourself first, then God, then others. If you can’t hold your own boundaries, how will reality even shift for you? (Did you pull the boundaries card today too?!) When you choose a new life, you will be tested… until it SNAPS into reality. Are you going to hold it until it does? Or are you going to take the breadcrumbs and continue dragging your own structure and life along behind you, that.. breeds resentment, because you don’t want to be doing life a certain way anymore? I am getting the strong message here that this healing for you is truly listening to your Soul and taking action, holding boundaries and deeply allowing your new life to enter your realm. I feel you’ve been dropping your standards for way to long in the way you do business and life and… no wonder you have to keep healing! ;) Snake - can also represent and invasion of your energy - who is in your energy field that shouldn’t be there? Where are you needing to take back your power and shed the old life, so you are not down in the trenches anymore, being pulled down by everybody when you’re here to change the world? Love xxx Ready for change. Ready to not hide your truth anymore. Tired of the surface shit. Feel like it is pointless, over it, don’t have time for it - don’t want time for it and talking about normal shit bores the shit out of you! ‘Normal surface stuff’ - crystals, reiki, shadow work.. gah.. give me depth woman! And so here it is. Life Purpose Accelerator applications are open now, where the real talks happen, in the real world, with the real people… not the facade behind the curtain and the glistening lights… but the one on the ground living it, real time. That. You. Click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Dragonfly Spirit. Truth Transcends Illusion.
Dragonfly Spirit is about the transforming darkness to light - do not let the negativity, the naysayers, the ones holding you back stop you from doing what you know is right for you - for the things you’re being called to do and I want to say - create the space to do them! You’re the only one that can do this. Delegate other tasks that are not for your time and energy anymore and take steps in the direction that you’re being guided to do of this new venture, these new ideas that are calling you. I am also getting the strong message with Dragonfly for you today to trust your intuition. When nothing makes logical sense and you’ve surrendered to the point ‘of exhaustion’ (in a way, tricky to describe), you are receiving very clear and accurate messages of the divine right now - pay attention to the claircognisent ideas that you are receiving, pay attention to the claircognisent messages you are receiving - these divine thoughts that ‘pop in you brain’ like a lightbulb moment, a lightning bolt out of the blue are real and is Spirit speaking to you. These thoughts will ‘feel’ different and have a deep resonance of truth to them, your body will feel calm and they will be sharp and strong. I am also getting the message that songs have also been coming to you - weather stuck in your head, or you just turn the car off, unplug/bluetooth off your phone and the radio comes on with a song that makes you stop in your tracks and almost cry - or cry. These messages are real and strong from Spirit for you at this time. Dragonfly has come to you to ask you - are you willing to step out of the illusions you’ve been keeping yourself entrapped in and allow yourself to transcend these illusions, but staying clear in your willingness, boundaries and clairvoyant vision that is a direct link to your ultimately Life Purpose that you… can’t stop thinking about recently? I feel you’re very established in what you do and you have been feeling this deep rumble of change and it hasn’t quite landed yet. It is almost like you’re sooo clear on what you want and where you want to be 99% of the time, you know you ‘don’t want to be where you are’ - even though this is what you’ve built, but you can’t quite grab the steps yet of how to get ‘there’ when this is the life you’ve created to ‘be here’. This may not make sense to some of you - but it is making sense to the ones this particular message is for. Send me a message if you know it is time to shift to ‘where you want to be’. Dragonfly is asking you AND reminding you that this is your break through point, that all you have built is not lost - it is expansion to the next level of ‘why’ you did it all in the first place. Transcend your stories, move past and walk forward into the life you choose - with all the relationships, friendships, family, colleagues, clients - everything - reassess it all and know that this is a period of out with the old and in with the new - don’t look back, you’re not going that way. Transcend into your dreams - make them reality by the everyday choices you make now. Love xxx This is the period of time where you are not who you used to be - at all - but you’re still playing the game and the game is tiring you, you even notice it in the way you look at yourself in the mirror - you see it and wonder if other’s see it or whether it is just you noticing it. Your heart isn’t in it anymore, but this is who you are - isn’t it?! This is a deep recalibration in time for you and the old life is dismantling, even though it is the foundation of everything right now. You can feel the change - you’ve felt it for months, not knowing what it is, now you’re clear and you know it is because this new path has called you for some time, but you cannot deny it anymore. This is the place for the established Ancient Blooded Healers who can feel it runs blood deep, you are One Of A Kind and know you’re different from the rest - that is why you already do what you do, have built what you’ve built and are ready for the next level of where your Soul is calling you - because it has always been there.. buried, locked away almost and this reflection in the mirror can’t deny this next level version of you that is busting to come out because.. you’ve already felt it in your body in these last few days and you know that… it is time. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Frog Spirit. Clear Out The Clutter.
This card has the obvious meaning - clearing out clutter. In your home life, work life and of course, this time of year heralds tidying up for the year and preparing for 2024. It appears the Frog is holding a water droplet, that looks like a Pearl or a sphere. I am sensing that you feel like you’ve done something wrong - when actually you’ve done nothing wrong. There is nothing you’ve done that can’t be undone and you have the power to turn this around. You may feel like you’re heading in the wrong direction and yet, you are right where you’re meant to be - coming full circle - the wheels have turned, you’re coming home to where you’re meant to be. There is a big change on your doorstep, but you’ve created this - and you also have the power to change this. Even though the solution appears to have evaded you at this time, be okay in the not knowing, even though pressure mounts daily to figure it out - surrender (not much else you can do) but you’re here… because you are being shown that you are having this breakthrough from all the clearing work you’ve done - a whole new way of being is coming in, stepping in and about to speak through you. Your voice will change, the way you talk will change, the way you show yourself and how you show up in the world will change - perhaps it already has started to, but finally, your Soul is getting a chance to speak. I feel that part of the ‘healing’ of the Frog - is this emotional toxicity that has been stored in your body (in Shamanism, Frogs are all about cleansing the emotional body and Frogs are considered magical because of their sensitive skin and ability to live both in water and on land), because somewhere along the line, you lost confidence in yourself, because ‘one day you woke up and this isn’t the life you saw yourself living’ and yet, there was nothing you could do about it at the time and right now? You are or have just - broken the Generational Curse through your family system - of not being able to do what you want when you want. You’ve broken the Generational Curse of not being a part of something much greater, of having to put everyone’s needs before your own and ending up in a life that you aren’t overly happy with. Sure, you’ve made peace with it, learnt to love it and genuinely have…. but you’ve reached a point right now where you can’t go any further ‘pretending’ that this is still what you want. And you’re at a point of power… a crux point if you may… where you can change it. And you are. That… is the biggest clearing out of clutter you could possibly do - because the clutter all around you is only a pile up of the wrong end of the road that you don’t even want to be on. If you would only turn down the road you simply want to go - everything will shift - rapidly. I guarantee it. Try it. Prove me wrong. Do what you want to do and only this from now on. This.. is the healing. Love xxxReady for change. Ready to not hide your truth anymore. Tired of the surface shit. Feel like it is pointless, over it, don’t have time for it - don’t want time for it and talking about normal shit bores the shit out of you! ‘Normal surface stuff’ - crystals, reiki, shadow work.. gah.. give me depth woman! And so here it is. Life Purpose Accelerator applications are open now, where the real talks happen, in the real world, with the real people… not the facade behind the curtain and the glistening lights… but the one on the ground living it, real time. That. You. Click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator