🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th February 2025

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 11, 2025

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th February 2025

Scroll down to find what messages are awaiting you there from the Flower Therapy Oracle Cards for you today. 

Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen đŸ‘‘

Card #1: Open Your Third Eye 👁️ Echinacea. “It’s safe for you to open your centre of Clairvoyance. By doing so, you’ll see the truth.” 

You’re being called to step into training your Clairvoyant Gift professionally. Whether you step into this work professionally or not - your Gift is calling you to fine tune, hone and learn it. The relationship you have with your Gift has been one of its there, but you haven’t sought professional training. If you’ve been seeing increasing ‘weird flashes or things moving past out of your peripheral vision’ and then when you look it’s not there; or increasingly vivid dreams, these are signs that your intuition is ‘getting louder’ to get you to pay attention to step into professional training for your gift. I frequently have had clients come to me with ‘scary visions/dreams’ that instantly disappear when they commence working with me - as it was just a wake up call to get them to notice that it is time to hone this skills an step into your power. You are particularly clairvoyant, you see things in pictures, you constantly see the bigger picture - that eagle eye view - and always have the solution for the person who comes to you with any issue. Your Clairvoyance always taps you into the truth. If there was one word for Third Eye - it is truth & relationships. Okay, that is two words. Seeing the truth in relationships is what the depth of Clairvoyance is about. And we are in relationship to everything. If you tried running away form a truth recently, it’s been ‘in your face’ about something you’re needing to face - maybe something quite literally about your face/eyes?! In particular there is a relationship that’s been in question or at the forefront of your awareness also and you’re being asked to trust your intuition about this - you’re seeing the truth correctly. Perhaps this relationship has spurred you into deeper personal development and is nudging you further to train your skills professionally with your intuitive organs so that you can stay aligned in your choices regarding this relationship. The outcome of this relationship has deep aspects into the spurring of your unique Life Purpose and training your gift further allows you the accuracy in following this. If you have been seeing Lizard’s or Geckos around - your Third Eye is strongly urging you to pay attention to these messages as Lizard is associated with Sodalite in The Liquid Crystals. The messages are real. Love. xxx Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Stand By Your Commitment. Pink Lily. “You’re strong enough to keep the promise that you’ve made. Don’t back out now - your angels believe in you!” 

There is something you were faltering in, wanting to walk away - again - maybe you even did. However, this is a sign that no, don’t. Now is a time to dig in deeper and stay committed to what you said you were going to do and what you originally were going to so. Don’t get distracted, don’t get pulled out of your focus. Your original commitment, your original decisions are correct. We all have moments where we falter, want to give up and feel like the momentum or excitement is gone. Those moments - are the ones where discipline kicks in and… we rest, not give up or stop. Life - is cyclic. We breathe in, we breathe out. Daytime, nighttime. Ocean tides in, ocean tides out. Life, is a natural cycle. When we align our creation with natural cycles and rhythms - we keep momentum, we shift to higher levels of productive creation rather than trying to force when it is out of flow - you’re using the natural rhythms of how our realm operates by tapping into these energetic cycles. This allows you to run with the long run and actually allow your manifestations to occur. Nothing happens overnight. A big oak tree takes years to grow large and mature and just like your dreams, goals and aspirations for your Life Purpose and your intuitive abilities - it’s a practise, a steady growth, nurturing and diligent care for. Over dedicated time, you see the results of your success. This is your sign to not give up. This is your sign to dive deeper into your commitments - or start one - to excel in the areas you know you’re being called to step into, because let’s be real, you’ve already had this on your mind and the divine timing is awaiting your decision to full commit and allow that Oak Tree to flourish. You might have something change in your sphere of the direction of what has made up reality for you to date and yet, this ‘shattering’ is pure alignment for you to step into full commitment of the true path - you can create without any interference. Love xxx Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Wise Soul. Azalea. “Your soul carries ancient wisdom. Please embrace it, as you have the knowledge to help those around you.” 

You have been getting it information recently on how to help people in your business and it is ‘wise’ to pay attention to this. It may feel a little scary stepping into what you’re being called to do and yet - this is what you do so naturally ‘behind closed doors’ and now you’re being asked to share this. I feel that the information you’ve been getting is this ancient part of your soul calling forth the attention to bring information to people to help them. You would’ve naturally been doing this recently and more so than usual. That is because not only is the collective rapidly shifting, you’re being asked to step into your leadership role and guide others. People are looking for the breath of fresh air you bring with the perspective you bring. I almost want to say get over your nerves and ‘get over yourself’ this isn’t about you - this is about serving humanity through your purpose. There is a card in one of the oracle decks I have: If you get nervous, focus on service. This is key. This isn’t about you, this is about the message that you bring to people to help them through this massive shift that is occurring right now. 2025 is set for a hold onto your hats and rollercoaster ride this year and well it has definitely began that way - collectively and personally for almost everyone. It is the year of change. Make this year the solidarity in who you are - sharing the messages your soul want you to share. You wouldn’t be called to this if you weren’t meant to step into this. Your soul has a unique understanding - you are deep. Deep is your middle name and people turn to you for the way your perspective helps them shift. They need your way of understanding without realising that is what they needed until they hear it. And yet - they cannot hear it if you are not out there sharing it. There is a unique way your Soul wants to share this and I feel that you’re being asked and guided to share this perspective your way. You are refining your skills, but do what you do best and share your unique skill set for the world to see. It’s clear who you are, clear who you’ve become and now, this grounded solid you - is here to share this with the world. Don’t hold back - your Soul is Wise and this information is important, in helping guide humanity through this intense time of transition. Love xxx Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Open Your Heart. Red Rose. “Your potential for greater love, rests in opening your heart. Blockages and wounds from your past will be healed and you’ll be met with the true passion you seek.” 

You’ve healed your heart - or need to. There is something you know deep in your heart that you need to take action on and the truth is, is that it has been like a shell for you. A facade, a shadow version of you that you have bene holding up - that no longer needs to ‘be the face of who you are’. Your true self is busting to come out - or has come out and is ready to be who you really are. This could be in your relationship or it could be in your business. If it is your relationship - you are healing your heart of old hurts that have created a concrete barrier around your heart. I am hearing ‘forgiveness’ - but I don’t think it is of the biblical term (I don’t agree with that) - I am more - fuck forgiveness until you can heal from the hurt - then forgiveness is natural by-product, because you are then whole - the attachments, energetic hooks, cords and quantum entanglement via the trauma is no longer there. You’ve sealed up your aura if you may. And from here - you are in a different vibration and are not affected by the energetics of that frequency in which you once resided. What next is your ‘work’ - is stabilising this ‘healed/whole’ frequency. You’re vibrating at a different rate, different frequency and so therefore your relationships will change. People will fall away and systems that have held strong will ‘collapse’ and need to be restructured. I am sensing here that your heart frequency has shifted. Pay attention to the people in your awareness and into people, places and opportunities that cross your path, as you are now attracting new circumstances that reflect this ‘healed’ frequency. What can occur is a sense of loneliness. You will either ‘feel like your soulmate is coming in’ or you will feel lonely. This is normal. The ‘soulmate coming in’ - is actually you rewiring and restructuring your relationship with your inner masculine. That once was reflected in the world as instability and reactivity, you are now experiencing a new inner relationship that has ‘left you with a lot of space’ in your own physical reality. When you catch this and realise ‘this isn’t your soulmate on it’s way’ - what this is, is the inner masculine healing within you - you become a whole new level of whole. This will usually occur when ‘you’ve lost a masculine physically in the world’ - whether father (or father figure); relationship breakup/divorce or have made choices to restructure your life. When you can deeply integrate this inner masculine relationship and see this is healing - you are rippling out to the world, deep inner wholeness. Therefore you attract someone who is also ‘whole’ - rather than two empty holes that create chaos - you vibrate on a frequency of wholeness which is stable, grounded and mature. You’re being called to nurture this relationship with your inner masculine (whether you are male or female reading this, this message applies to you - if you get the energetics, you get the energetics, if not, you need me as your mentor). Open your heart to your inner masculine - not ‘out there in the physical world’ - as you are now strengthening a whole new version of you that creates your reality from a stable, grounded place of peace and inner strength - from wholeness. Which is abundance in it’s truest form and here - everything that you’ve ever asked for - is awaiting you. Love xxx Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Your Wishes Are Coming True. Sweet Pea. “What your heart has been longing for is getting closer each day.” 

Eek! Celebration time - what are you celebrating? I am getting the strong message for you to focus on your strengths, not your losses right now. You have gone through great loss - but - it gave (or is in process of) giving you the freedom you asked for right? Or did you not ask for it? Did you not open your heart to this situation and choose what you have? I feel like - this card is a huge positive sign for you - but there is something coming through that you are focused on the negatives? Or is it that the negatives have weighed you down and you are still shaking them off? Either way - this is your - yes, you’re right in what you ‘have to let go of’ - let go and let God and come back into the full alignment of what you know is what you have to re-focus and celebrate on. I am hearing - start small - start with the little things you are grateful for to help - like a guiding light or life saving rope - pull you up from the darkness. I am also hearing about you taking extra care of yourself at this time. All of a sudden there has been a big change for you and as you take care of yourself - this keeps you anchored in this reality, grounded in your body to ‘deal with the influx’. Because ultimately? This is the celebration. You’ve come back from the dead, you’re no longer walking the path of misery and the company that supported that has left (phew!), and you’re in your stable asf era. This. Is to be celebrated. The grief and the ‘negative’ emotions will still surface - and so you ride them, or ‘travel them’ as I call it - and stay centred on your path. You can be celebrating the highest of highs, whilst dealing with the lowest of lows of reality completely restructuring and changing for you. This - is the skill of a leader and you - are a leader of your own kind. Your Wishes Are Coming True - I want to write - you’re only just getting started, don’t give up on yourself. Celebrate and focus on where you’re going instead. This is a strong reminder of how skilled you are at holding the polarities. This ‘stretch’ in the two directions - is the expansion for your new reality birthing. You’ve got this so celebrate this - hard. Birthing pains are normal. Love xxx Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: You Are Lovable. Camellia. “Love who you are, as you’re created perfectly. Everything about your true self is beautiful.” 

You recently heard words that healed your heart. It was something your guides said to you - or something you were not expecting someone to say to you. You either thought you’d never see the day (not that you were waiting around!) but also this could’ve come from someone ‘random’ and it made you stop and realise that what you experienced and what everyone thought of you in the past - is not true. You knew deep down it wasn’t true - but it completely changed the trajectory of your life and overtime, you have definitely questioned - okay, maybe it was me, maybe it is me and so - you being you - did the work. The deep inner work and you became so conscious, so strong. And do you know what this is? Love. Self-Love. You were strong enough to walk away, to say no, to hold high standards for yourself, to redirect your focus and not wait around for anyone to create your life for you - that was never your path. You have always been a leader and you’ve always broken the barriers to then everyone copying you and you leading the way. Whether they have acknowledged you or not - there is a strong message here to be aware just how much you influence people. Not out of ego - not out of anything bad or that you need to be mindful of what you’re doing - hell no! This is more out of - do you know how brave, brilliant and beautiful you are? Do you know how much of a trailblazer you are taking the industry by storm? Do you know how many people have ‘turned against you’ - to only then start living life the way you do? To then realise how much you were actually leading the way? To then start following in the same footsteps and career path as you? You are loveable. There has - never - been anything wrong with you - ever. Do you know how much this changes your life? How much you will absolutely quantum leap with the confidence that is ‘instantly restored’ from all these years thinking you were the problem? Not that you believed it - but over time and life circumstances, it started to creep in and now… well, that reality just completely obliterated. You have done the work to feel whole and complete and now with this? This is a whole other level of reality that you were not expecting and now this quantum leap that you’ve been feeling? Days away baby. Hold it - this frequency is everything. It’s always been you. You’ve always been The One. You’ve always been the leader, now your deep internal knowingness of the alignment of your purpose - can take flight, with Eagle wings - because you were designed to soar. Love xxx Your intuition isn’t random, it’s speaking to you. The signs, the nudges, the synchronicities… they’ve been relentless lately, haven’t they? Today’s choice in card for you confirms it: You’re being guided. And when you TRUST that guidance? Everything shifts. But the question is are you listening? Most people second-guess. They ask for signs and then ignore them. But you? You already know. You’re here to master your intuition, refine your gifts, and walk with certainty. This is why I created Trust Your Intuition, for those who aren’t waiting to “feel ready,” but are ready to step into mastery now. February Self-Love Offer: $1,111 Off TYI. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition