🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th January 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 11, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th January 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you today. 

There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine.

However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy.

Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Diana. Focused Intention. “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.”

This card speaks for itself. Focused Intention. “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.” This is a really strong message to stay focused, of course! At this time, the energies are ripe for all of your manifestations to appear. Have you already been feeling this? It feels like something has already landed in your lap, with more miracles to come. If something hasn't started up yet for you, this card comes to you with deep importance to stay focused on your intention, stay focused on your target and you will make your mark. It is so important at this time to release negativity or any thoughts or feelings that are keeping you trapped, stuck or like you are going around in circles. Do everything that you need to do, to stay in your highest vibration, in the highest iteration of yourself, for this time and this energy in your life right now, is where dreams can come true. However, divine timing also plays into this, so allow your impatience to be transformed into powerful high vibrational feelings, to support the manifestation, rather than the ill manifestation of your dreams. It feels like there is still a bit of a mountain to climb, and this feels a similar message to another message not too long ago in Tuesday Tarot, that there is still a little bit of climbing to go on the mountain. However, you are about to ‘make your mark’. Don't let anything distract you, and take extra care of yourself at this time, make yourself the utmost importance and priority to stay focused. It's okay to say no to others who are draining your energy or things that are pulling you down so that you can stay focused. It feels like a really strong message from Diana at this time to really be discerning about who you are letting into your life and where you're spending your time and energy for this is a very potent time for you. Can the message be any clearer? So, what are you needing to focus on? What are you needing to elevate your vibration to, so that you are in an accelerating manifestation phase, rather than holding yourself back? You can do this, because you've done it before and you're about to have a breakthrough. Keep going! Love xxx There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine. However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy. Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Athena. Inner Wisdom. “You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom, and take appropriate action without delay.”

Athena is asking you to Trust Your Intuition on this topic right now. If there is a situation or a decision that you are needing to make, your intuition knows the answer. It feels like you have been given information about something and you're needing to make a decision. It feels like this decision is going to change your life in some way. There is what looks like a Pegasus on her necklace on the card. Pegasus is about bringing that childlike innocence, purity and magic back into your life. It is very connected to Trusting Your Intuition and the manifestation of your dreams. Perhaps you are questioning your choice because you are confused about which is your intuition and which is the logical choice. Remember that intuition is clear. Logic decision will always be confusing, especially when it is clashing with your heart. Your heart knows.. Your intuition lays in your heart. It also lays in other places but… lets keep it short for the moment - the card is green as well which is signifying your heart chakra. What does your heart say? Your heart knows what to do however, your logical mind will always talk your heart out of the decision that you know that you need to take. If you are unclear, give yourself some time. And by time I mean stop thinking about it. Which is kind of hard to do at times right? What I like to share with my clients is that when the decision needs to be made, is to pick a date of when the decision needs to be made by, or perhaps you already know this date. Then decide, that any information that comes to you between now and your decision date, which of course we know that more information will come in from all different sources and places and reasons and rhymes. However, all of this information gets placed into your information basket that on that particular date that you have chosen you will be able to take all the information and make a decision on that date. Until then, all the information gets placed into the basket. You can also ask to be showing signs to support your intuition and your decision. I am also getting the message for you to pay attention to your dreams. Perhaps that is your sleeping dreams. Pay attention to the feelings, the symbolism of the people that show up in your dreams, but also your waking dreams - your daydreams. Daydreams are underestimated but hold powerful information from your intuition via your day vision dreaming, just like your sleeping dreams. When you catch yourself in a daydream, instead of shaking yourself out and coming back to the present moment try and stay there. Allow yourself to receive that information. The best way to do that is to stand still or sit still aware that you were in that dream and just stay still,  just like when you're coming out of a sleeping dream. If you are unsure what the dream means, remember to ask for more information. You might get information straightaway or you might get over the coming days. Regardless, ask for signs from the Universe, from your intuition to show you and guide you along the way that can help place the information into the information basket, for your date to choose and decide on that day/date. However, I feel like you are already getting signs. I feel like you already know the answer. I feel like you already understand what it is that you are meant to decide on but your logical mind is getting in the way. Your heart knows, it always has. Sometimes it is hard to trust your intuition on such a life-changing decision, because it is just that - a life changing decision and it changes the trajectory of your life. Remember, your intuition always knows. The decision that you're about to make has ties into your past lives and is breaking stuck patterns and cycles so that you can set yourself free and do what your heart has been born to do on this planet. This decision is coming about because your life purpose is awakening, blooming and about to become your life. You trust the trajectory of your Life Purpose don't you? Know that you can. Know that you are safe as you follow the direction of your heart. It doesn't need to make logical sense, you just need to trust your heart at this time. Love xxx There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine. However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy. Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Aine. Leap of Faith. “Take a risk, and put your heart's true desire into action!”

There are a lot of cards in this week’s Tuesday Tarot today that speak for themselves. I feel this is a message in itself for you in this regard to stop thinking about it and just do it. There are deep truths in Nike's slogan, ‘Just Do It’ – it is important to trust yourself at this time. I also feel like you either have just taken a leap of faith and put your heart's desire into action or you're just about to. Regardless, this card has come to you as confirmation that you are on the right path, the right track and things are moving forward for you in ways that create leaps and bounds in your life. It feels like you have come out of the dark part of your life and you are about to propel and accelerate yourself forward in ways that you didn't know were possible. It feels like there is a lot of positive energy around you at this time with this card and to continue to stretch yourself with this faith throughout 2022 and beyond. It feels like you have shifted through a ton of darkness and you have consciously chosen to not let fear immobilize or paralyze you anymore. It feels like you are at a point of living each day as it is as if it is you last. It feels like you are ready to take yourself to the next level and it feels like your faith has increased tenfold especially compared to where you were at this time last year. I also feel that although you need to continue taking action on your heart's desire, I don't feel that you need to push at this time. I feel it is more of a surrender energy that enables you to hold more light, to increase your light quotient and surrender at the same time, whilst the actions that you do take are going to propel you forward in ways that you could never have imagined. It feels like you are choosing to live life from the heart, instead of trying to figure it out with your mind and feeling stuck, exhausted and obliterated like you have done in the past - is a thing of your past. You have significantly increased and changed your vibration in the way that you function as well and this is reflected through the manifestations that are pouring in for you at this time. Continue to keep the faith, continue to take leaps of faith and know that you are fully supported every step of the way. Go for it! Love xxx There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine. However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy. Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Sedna. Infinite Supply. “You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows.”

If you have been worried about finances, don’t be. As Sedna has come to you to remind you that “You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows.” I am also noticing a strongly, the Whale on this card. Whale signifies how much light you can hold in your system. What can you do to increase your vibration, what can you do to increase your frequency, what can you do to increase the amount of light that you can expand with in your life? Have you been in a negative mindset or positive mindset? This card is reminding you to keep your thoughts focused on the positive and what you wish to create in your life. Even if you are unsure, do not worry. Instead, raise your vibration and frequency and then come back to think about it. And you will find that you have changed the way that you think about it by raising your frequency. Perhaps that entails moving your body through cardio, yoga or some other form of exercise. Or perhaps it is increasing your meditation routine, changing the foods that you eat, stopping alcohol or something else that you know that lowers your vibration. At this time, you are being reminded that there is an infinite supply and to change your focus to this awareness. As my mentor once said, ‘You can either be in scarcity or in abundance but you can't be in both.’ Which one do you choose to be in? If you are struggling to remember and feel the infinite supply of the universe, come back to moving your body in ways that you know support you to shift your energy, your frequency, and/or allow yourself to rest as needed. It feels like things are going to accelerate forward for you in 2022 this year, however it also feels like some changes that clean out your body, your system, your life and increase your vibration and frequency are also required, but I feel like you have already been getting this message. Have you been sick lately or have you been increasing the way that you detox and fuel your body? I feel like you are already doing parts of this but now it is time to increase this. This is how you tap into the infinite abundance of the Universe. I'm also getting the message to make sure you have a list of things that you know that increase your frequency and vibration and make you genuinely happy. If you are in doubt or unsure the best thing to do is just focus on what makes you happy, better still, actually go and do the things instead of thinking about them. This year for you, is more about action than it is thinking about things. Action creates movement, movement shifts and creates energy, energy creates life. It is the movement that allows the infinite supply to come in. Yes we need to rest and stop to receive, however for you at this time, I feel that you are being guided to move your body to allow more light in, hence the Whale. Again, I feel like you've already been receiving these messages intuitively. This card has come to you, to make sure that you know you are hearing intuition correctly and to act on it at this time. So, what is the first thing you need to do right now to increase the light quotient and energy in your body? Love xxx There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine. However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy. Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Yemana. Golden Opportunity. “Important doors opening for you right now. Walk through them.”

These are very positive cards throughout Tuesday Tarot this week – yay! Golden Opportunity - there is the wave of abundance, there is a wave of opportunities, there is a wave of new life direction changes headed your way. However, I feel like these doors are open, the light is shining on your face and you are very aware of all the pieces at your fingertips that are available to you for 2022 and beyond that are going to change your life in positive ways. If you have been questioning something  – which seems like a common theme throughout Tuesday Tarot this week - it is time to Trust Your Intuition and as Yemanya says, “Important doors opening for you right now. Walk through them.” If there is something that is been on your mind, this is a card for you to Trust Your Intuition at this time. There is a Dolphin leaping out of the Ocean on this card. Has the Ocean been calling you? Dolphins are symbolic of your heart, deep heart spiritual healing, and joy. As the Dolphin is a leaping cleanout of the water, I feel that you have broken patterns of your past, you have released a lot of past life issues, and to even go so far as to say that there is a lot of Past Life karma, that has been cleared - you now have a clean slate ahead of you. It is important to spend time – which I feel you already do – specifically on visualization, manifestation, journalling, affirmations, whatever it is you do - up your manifestation practices deeply support you and help you in your life. At this time with this clear slate, it feels like you you have been given a Golden Opportunity with this clean slate. What you have at your fingertips is the opportunity to write your life in the most opulent way that you can imagine for yourself. Do not settle, do not compromise, for at this time the Universe is supporting you with a wave of opportunities throughout 2022. It feels like this is a significant year of grounding many ideas and pieces of the puzzle of your life that you have been wondering and always wandering around for years to find and now everything is locking into place and giving you a solid foundation of which to move forward on. It feels like at this time everything in your life is significantly increasing and feels like there is a wave of opportunities that is coming in for you bringing you an abundance that you haven't felt before. Yemanya with this Golden Opportunity, and the Dolphin leaping out of old cycles with a clean slate ahead and brand-new crystal clear water, also feels like you are very clear in your decisions. Your’e clear in your emotions and you are clear in your intuition. Continue to walk this path of clarity knowing that you have worked hard to get here, knowing that you deserve this life, and staying on this clear path. “Important doors opening for you right now. Walk through them.” – Are you listening? You can trust this path at this time. You can trust your ideas at this time. Continue forward, as it holds many blessings. Love xxx There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine. However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy. Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Aeracura. Blossoming. “You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.”

Do not give up. At this time, it is important to keep going. I feel like you might feel like you are being blocked or like there or is there a sense of impatience about you? Impatience simply means, that you do not trust the Universe. But you do, don't you? I feel like you have been receiving lots of ideas and I can see there are many things sitting just outside your Aura - meaning there are lots of pieces of the puzzle about to come into your reality in a positive way. I feel this card could be similar to “Keep the Faith.” Your Faith is what is going to continue your focus and desire that are ‘Blossoming’ into your reality at this time. The vision that I am getting for you is that the seed is cracked open and is about to break the surface of the soil and experience the sunlight for the first time. I feel that at this time to remind you that the hardest part is always just before the breakthrough. If it feels like you've been slogging away and it's been a mountain uphill climb, whilst you drag everything behind you and pull the big sled up the mountain, which by the way, whose stuff are you carrying that you need to let go of? Do you literally need to declutter your home, car, office or your energetic field? Make sure that you are not carrying anyone else's stuff with you into your new reality, however, I feel like you are just about to have a breakthrough. Hence the seed just about to experience is sunlight for the first time in its life, you are about to break through to a new reality that you have been working towards for quite some time. Just as little plant, still needs nurturing and patience, so too, do your dreams, desires and manifestation processes. Do not give up at this time. It feels like a strong message for you. There are lots of stars on this card, have you been Stargazing or have the stars been speaking to you Pleiades or Andromeda or some other Star constellations that are specifically speaking to you? I feel like the Stars are activating different parts of your psyche and it is important to continue your study and/or interest in them stage at this time. It feels like they are supporting your activation of process ‘breaking open’ your Crown Chakra and allowing a new energy and frequency into your being that is supporting these healthy changes in your life. What else do Stars mean for you? Is it time to step up and be a Star in your life or publicly? Can you feel that coming? Perhaps you are already a Star? And it is time for you to take it to the next level? What does that require of you? It feels like over the coming weeks you will be shown information that is important to take notice, and to not question, but to Trust Your Intuition on which direction to take. Know that the Stars are guiding you, that you have a strong connection to the Stars, that they are activating you at this time, and that you are born from the Stars. Trust Your Intuition with the messages that you are receiving, especially after Stargazing or researching information about any of the Star Constellations or Beings from different Star Planets. Do not give up, continue to expand, continue your curiosity with the Stars and the Beings and the messages that are coming through for you let it integrate into your body mind psyche and trust the next step that is expanding you to your next level in your life, business, career in the sense of being a person of who you were born to be. You can feel this path opening for you right? Love xxx There is something so magical about stepping into the flow. A feeling, a sense, that only comes from completely Trusting Your Intuition, stepping into your authentic true self, and allowing your light to shine. However, most people only get glimpses of this. It's not easy. Trust Your Intuition, that starts on the magical date of the 22-02–2022 enables you to tap into an authenticity of feeling, a magic, free to become your true self, let alone a guide to support you Trusting Your Intuition to depths that you never felt before. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition