🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th June 2024
Jun 11, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th June 2024
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Ascended Masters there for you.
One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made.
You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Choose Peace. Paramahansa Yogananda
Something has shifted. Even though everything is in chaos, thrown up in the air and you’re not quite sure where all this is going to land - you feel peace. Underneath it all is this peace. This peace, is a clear sign you’re on the right path. ‘The more peace you feel the more on path you are’ - Archangel Chamuel. You’re being asked to trust this process, trust this path that is laid out before you - your destiny. You’re being asked to trust what you’re being called to do, more than anything right now - like tunnel vision in onto what you are doing and being called to do. Recently - a path you thought you were meant to take and stay on and be on has suddenly ‘shifted gears’, changed course of direction, dropped away and it came as a shock! It was a big blow to a path you thought you were meant to walk and be on and all of a sudden that timeline feels so far away - like, you didn’t even have a choice and all of a sudden, God has taken you and put you on this other path, this other timeline - you can feel it pulling you, taking you - like the current in the ocean - adrift, on a path you didn’t see before, on a path that feels so right, but you’re still looking back at everything you’ve left behind…. Like you’re on a boat, looking at the way all the other boats are going and you’re, being taken into a place, the current is going a different way for you. I was going to say - let it. But you kinda have had no choice to surrender to it all and this… is the way of the spiritual warrior. One who trust’s their unique path, one who knows the way, one who walks the way only those who are completely on their unique soul path do. This. Is you. You always know you’re on the right path, because you can’t live any other way AND the underlying peace you feel - proves it - even when the very world you live in is crumbling beneath your feet, you know it is happening because… your new world is being born. Love xxx One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made. You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
Card #2: Come Out of the Closet. Amaterasu.
This card has two meanings today: one is that have just stepped out and stepped it up a notch, in your business, teachings and other offerings. You have changed something to come into more alignment with your Soul. OR - you need to! And, you’ve been getting so many signs, nudges and pushes off the ledge to do it! But… the main message here that was streaming through for this card, which can/could and does apply to a level on the first message, is that - you are needing to forgive yourself for who you are. Forgive yourself for being a witch, forgive yourself for being a healer, forgive yourself for not fitting into society, forgive yourself for living a different path, forgive yourself for being different. Bare with me whilst I dive into unpicking this for you. You… for a long time, have hidden who you ARE. Still today - you’re trying to fit into normal society! You go from job to job, from business to business, all whilst holding onto to shitty ass relationships in your life that only hold you back and keep you in a drama loop so you don’t have to FACE YOURSELF and ADMIT to YOURSELF who you actually are. You’re soooo ashamed of who you are and your reality reflections show that! You hide your true gift, you keep quiet, you even put on weight to hide your true nature, because you’re soooo fucking scared what others think of you and then to top it off, you get sick and blame the sickness for not owning who the FUCK YOU ARE. REMEMBER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE **cue lion ROAR**. No shit. Yeah, this card is a tough love message today because we all need the tough love wake the fuck up calls throughout our life. Tough love - IF you hear and act on the message, stop your life from getting worse than it is right now. Like how worse does it have to get for you to ACT ON YOUR INTUITION and COME OUT OF THE FUCKING CLOSET?? Yes, you’ll have people say shit about you - but let’s be real, people say shit about you now anyway right? So what's the difference? The difference is at least you’ll be HAPPY living and doing what you REALLY want to be doing, instead of hiding behind the cloak of shame that is clouding your life and you’re calling it your life! Fuck no! You’re born for MORE - that is why you get triggered as FUCK at times by me, Reality Awareness and all that happens here - BUT you can’t stop coming back, because your SOUL KNOWS this is the place you’re fucking MEANT FOR!!! Or you simply wouldn’t be thinking about it, love cards, can’t get enough of this stuff and hide it from everyone and this… has to stop. As soon as you COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and actually follow what your Soul is guiding you to do - you WILL get healthy AND create the life of your dreams.. but you must, face your fears and do it anyway. Remember, they’ll talk about you anyway, so you may as well be living your dream life doing it and truly giving them something to talk about 😉😍 Love xxx One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made. You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
Card #3: Take Charge of a Situation. Moses.
Honey, don’t you remember you can part the waters!? Don’t you remember you have what it takes to succeed? Remember - just before the waters parted, you were ‘stuck’ on a island, on a land you didn't want to be on and HAVE to move from.. but you couldn’t/can’t and just tried everything (are trying!) And nothing, is happening because… you’ve forgotten you are not made of this world, you’re not part of this world - you ARE this world! It is here, your magic resides. You’ve been trying to create reality the way norms do it, but you're not… one of them. As soon as you remember your magic, remember your gift and remember how, where and why you’re doing it all in the first place - the waters will part and the path will open up - like magic! #ofcourse. There is another part to this - you put something off or let it go because you simply didn’t know ‘how to manifest it’ - you even settled for less in your mind and yet - your Soul ‘pushed’ you and reminded you and ‘made things happen’ to show you - you CAN. You even stopped believing in yourself. But… for a while there you weren’t clear - because you dropped your standards and settled, but the Universe showing you, no - this way, this path and stand before the waters, remember who the fuck you are and know you’re going THIS way. You don’t need to build a boat - you are the mofo boat! This is your reminder that if you are thinking about it - it is meant to be yours and let’s be real, you’ve always wanted it and now the Universe has shown you, you CAN even though the details aren’t quite conscious for you yet, you’ve taken the steps and the steps are all you need to remember your magic, your power and how you manifest the fuck out of your life. It almost feels like - what are you waiting for?! LETS GO! I am also sensing with this card for you - everything is going to happen and come in at once. Standing at the waters edge, giving up thinking you need a boat (settling) and standing there staring out at the waters edge, truly seeing the glistening and glimmering on the water - showing you your magic, showing you who you are, showing you - your REFLECTION. You ARE the water and the water is YOU. You can manifest anything you want in your reality and you’re being asked to remember you don’t need the damn boat - you need your MAGIC. So the ONLY thing you should be looking for IS that…. And the waters will part - like magic because it is YOU. Love xxx One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made. You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
Card #4: Nurture Yourself. Mother Mary.
It’s time to stop and put you first. You have been giving so much of yourself, not just lately - but like you haven’t stopped and you kind haven’t been able to! I know that you do have a choice but you also don’t and I get it. Regardless, this is a sign for you to come back to you. When you are busy, when you ‘can’t stop’ there is a way to. You absorb every moment you are in, you become super present and accept where you are and CHOOSE to enjoy it, even in your tiredness, even in your craziness, even in your not feeling wellness. ALL of it. When you can come to complete presence in your moment right now, you get to absorb all of it. We don’t remember things or time, we remember moments… make each moment count right? You do this by being present, which means, being in your heart - not your mind. You will know when you’re not living in the moment, because you will be sad or melancholy of your past and worried about your future. Of course, there is healing and depending on what healing you’re doing, you’re feeling and remembering parts of your past and sure, if you’re manifesting your future you’re in your future reality pulling it into NOW - but that is the piece - back to now. Now, now. All you have is now - make it count. You will know, by how you feel afterwards, if you can look back and say, yeah, I was fully present and enjoying every moment and I soaked up then YASSS you did it! If you keep complaint about how much you’re working or that you don’t have enough time or you’re tired, you’re missing the MOMENTS right now by clouding them with your tiredness! YESSS you CAN be tired AND be present and enjoy and ABSORB this moment - because that? Is a CHOICE. You can waste the precious moments (remember, moments is all we have!) By complaining or you can choose to feel tired for example, not voice it, treat yourself with gentleness and be super present with what is in front of you - given your children, your work, your life, your relationships whatever it is and absorb these precious moments that life has to offer us and you know what happens when you do this consistently? Life…. Starts to change. You naturally take better care of yourself, you start to feel happy with life because you’re not complaining about it all the time because you’ve reached a level of self love that requires you to accept where you are and learn to love where you are, no matter what you’ve been through, you begin to live life from now - from where you are at now - absorbing every moment - of now. But… it is all a choice... what do you choose? Love xxx One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made. You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
Card #5: Persistence. Lugh.
Um, now is NOT the time to give up! When things fall away and ‘the rug is pulled out from under your feet’ - all that is required is a re-structure, not a burn all bridges and burn it all to the ground! Nope! Just a restructure to match your new frequency that is all! Because the bottom only drops out of all things when YOU’VE CHANGED. When your SOUL has grown so much it has outgrown your physical reality and so everything shifts - CELEBRATE IT! Although when you’re ‘not expecting it’ - like when you’ve been manifesting something for ages and you’re just in your zone then suddenly everything shifts it can take you by surprise. Let it. Let it all fall away (well, you kinda got no choice lol) but - these are the changes you’ve been asking for. When you are shifting vibrational scale and your frequency has jumped and arrived at a new timeline - the people around you will feel it too. You may get back lash from them and be shocked at how they respond (react) to it - however, this is what happens with growth. Some will easily rise with you and others will drop away - this is natural. The only thing needed for you right now is to stay focused on where you’re going and what you’re being guided to do. And let’s be real, you really can’t do it any other way anyway, so it’s time for you to become fully selfishly your and let your sun shine again. Because for years, you’ve been dull, you’ve lost your glow, your spark, your aliveness and... with these changes that you’re making - it’s bringing back your energy, your spark - your HEART and everyone can notice it - sooooooo, if you needed a sign if you’re doing the right thing, well you are - and I know you know this, but sometimes when that rug drops deeper than you would ever think possible, sometimes, it is easy to question yourself.. but that, also only happens right before the big break through, sooooo…. The answer is YES. Keep going and do what you you know you have to do - that doesn’t make any logical sense whatsoever, but you know, in your heart of hearts… this is your path, because it is. That big picture vision is yours, for a reason. Love xxx One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made. You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor
Card #6: Meditate. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
You’re being asked to strengthen your connection to your creator - to your Soul. You’ve been wondering what to do or almost moping around, but your Soul, your Inner Child is screaming out for you to SIT and connect to your highest self at this time. It might seem counter-productive to what you actually have to get done, but reality is, is that you KNOW the power in the connection to your Soul, you’ve felt it before and gone through long phases in your life in this deep connection until.. life pulled you out and now you’re being asked to be super conscious in taking yourself back - to yourself! Through Meditation, is one of the most powerful ways to do this - just present, still mind meditation - NOTE - still mind meditation does NOT mean stopping thought! We are human, we cannot stop thought! Still mind meditation is about becoming conscious of what we are thinking about - we are witnessing ourself thinking. Still mind meditation is another way to say - not guided. For example, 99% of my meditation I offer are guided, I am taking you on a journey and you are listening to ‘where I am taking you’ in the meditation if that makes sense? But still mind, is that you are focusing on your breathing, or looking at a candle, or inner focus on your third eye - you are just focusing on one thing, rather than going on a wandering journey through the forest with me, or diving down under the sea with the dolphins who are showing you crystal caves to reclaim your magic 🤩 Remember - any meditation is a muscle and you will be fidgety and distracted for the first 10-20mins when you begin. However, consistency of a disciplined regular routine, will allow you to train this muscle and instead of being fidgety for 20mins, you’ll be sitting and dropping into deeper states of meditation for 19mins instead of 1min. Practise. Discipline. Consistency. Always win the game. This is a strong sign for you to commit to a regular practise of meditation and connect to yourself. Train yourself to sit in meditation. I always used to giggle when I taught yoga classes and people would say to me, ‘Oh I am not flexible, I can’t do yoga’ and I would giggle and say back, ‘No one is flexible when they start yoga!’. Just like meditation takes practise… are you willing to? To just do it and become good at it? No one is a born meditator, but we can get back to that state - with practise, discipline and consistency. This isn’t just about ‘receiving guidance via your intuition via meditation’ - although that does happen… this about shifting your frequency, and that… is what your Soul is asking of you to do. Are you ready for this? I think you’re craving it too, right? Love xxx One day, you’ll wake up and turn around and *realise* you’re living your dream life. But every, single day, every breath you take, you’ve always been living the path, you’ve always been doing the work, you’ve always been chasing your dreams making them reality and you have not stopped! This. Is how dreams are made. You LIVE it, you do whatever it takes and you ARE the person who makes it happen. You don’t let your current circumstances, you don’t let your past traumas, you don’t let your illness, you don’t let your fill in the blank stop you. You are someone who figures it out, makes it happen and finds a way. Master Manifestor is for you, if this is you. Who knows they create their own reality, who knows that being around those who are creating and living their dreams are your kinda peeps, Master Manifestor - Bringing Your Dreams to Life in this 3 Week Vortex, with the synchronicities and magic that has already connected in, in the super flow that is where all the manifestations transmute from thought to physical form - is waiting for you, early bird investment increases in less than 48 hours, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor