🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th October 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 11, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 11th October 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the White Light Oracle Cards for you! 🎇🤍

When you’re making big move - your Muse is required.

Goddess Codes is a deep activation.

Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises.

It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency.

Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes.

You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change. 

Love Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑


Card #1: Dvara Patra

It feels like hope. It feels like light. It feels like a breath of fresh air and you are at the the beginning of a new beginning. You are not dredging up the mud anymore and… it is okay to be here! It can take a bit for your nervous system to adjust - and that is normal, and also? It is a choice to stay here. It is a body muscle soul memory that you are activating from deep within you that you are remembering you are safe now and can move forward in this direction - with joy, with grace, with ease. It is safe to feel safe and happy and I am sensing this card has come to you to give you permission, to remind you and to tell you that this is true for you now. There is a big sun type symbol on this card and I feel that this is deeply reminding you of your power - it is like you forgot it for a little while there, but you are back now. This card has also come to you as a potent reminder of your faith to manifest anything you desire into this reality at will - and it is like you have/had forgotten that for a time too. You can continue this good feeling, you can hold the faith and you can manifest all you desire at will - because that is who you are. You used to do this all the time and now it is coming back or truly becoming conscious for you very rapidly. You’re a wizard, you’re a priestess, you’re someone who is very magical and powerful and it is time to own this, instead of hiding it away. You don’t need to do that anymore and it feels like your Soul is busting out of the cage anyway! The worst is definitely behind you - you’re way in the light now and now it is allowing your nervous system to relax into this state. I am also getting the message for you with this card is it is okay to ask for more! Ask for more than what you are comfortable with at this time, because it feels like this is a time of great expansion for you and to ask for the highest light, ask for what you are asking for - x 10 - because at this time, you are stepping into this and it is a requirement with your Purpose and what you are being called to do. So stretch - open and ask for more. You are aligned to receive it at this time, but you must, ask for it. Love xxx When you’re making big move - your Muse is required. Goddess Codes is a deep activation. Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises. It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency. Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes. You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change. 


Card #2: Dakini of Infinite Light. 

There is a deep cleanse going on for you, there is a deep recalibration. You have been given the gift of space at this time, space… to heal. Space to… get clear on what you want. Space to cleanse. Space to find and refine you and some. You’re being given a gift right now that is guiding you to teachers, mentors, healers, guides…. To refine your own process at this time. It is okay to block out the world at this time as you  stay laser focused on getting your life on track, getting your study done and learning this new way of being in the world with this new found frequency of shifts and magic that is occurring in your life right now. You’ve been seeing the signs right? Rainbows, a shift in your feelings, a change in reality - even though everything may at this moment be the same, things have.. shifted. It feels like you are healing from a hard and dark past and it is okay to take your time as you shift, cleanse, sieve out what feels good and aligned and what does not. Stay connected to your truth, stay connected to your power at this time. Increase your meditation schedule to longer increments. Step outside (or outside your comfort zone) and attend a new class that has been on your mind. Stretch yourself. Find yourself and let yourself deeply be present in this space. There is nothing else you need to be doing other than what you are right now. You are in a safe space of deep recalibration and the Universe has your back right now. You are meant to be studying, increasing your skills, increasing your vibration. You are stabilising and calling forth a new reality right now that will set your heart alight, set your world on fire and ignite the world with your shining beacon of light that you are. You are a Leader, you are a visionary, you are a Lightworker, you are an Ancient Blooded Healer and you’re here to guide the lost and forsaken Home. You are here to inspire others and - I am getting such a strong message that you do this to and for so many others than you are current aware of. This card feels strong in  if there is a new class or place to visit or mentor to learn from it feels strong in step outside your comfort zone, stretch yourself and be guided by your Soul at this time - you are definitely on the right path. Do not lose hope - increase it. Love xxx When you’re making big move - your Muse is required. Goddess Codes is a deep activation. Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises. It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency. Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes. You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change. 


Card #3: Anapausis. 

A deep cleansing of your Soul card. A deep recalibration and a grounding in of your spiritual projects into reality. It feels like you are wondering when your breakthrough is going to happen or that.. is it ever? This card is a strong message for you that you are coming close to your breakthrough but still, more patience is required (omg that can be sooo frustrating hearing that right?!) Get me outta here already!! I hear you screaming!! Is there something you need to walk away from? Or perhaps you just have and now there is this space of not knowing. I feel you are close and if you have been feeling like you are running out of time, or the need to hurry - well, maybe you do - but I don’t feel you do and I feel this sense of urgency is more that you have big goals to meet by certain deadlines and yeah, you wanna be spending your time on them instead of on netflix! I am getting the message - you can take a moment though - let yourself ‘rest’ in this phase of getting it done, it is okay to take a day off, it is okay to take a morning off, it is okay to let yourself be in it. Contrary to what some counsellors may suggest, I am all for sitting in it as long as you need to. Those who do not understand the depth of trauma do not understand there is a time and a place for pushing forward and pushing it aside and there is at time and place for being in it until it shifts. That is a fine line of understanding and for you right now, I am sensing that it is okay to be in it! You are super conscious where you are and you are receiving support from the correct places, so trust yourself and this process right now. It is okay to not know the answers right now. It is okay to feel slightly (a lot!) Of frustration to not know and this… is a deep let go and transformation for you in itself - foreign territory even! Anapausis is coming to you to let you know it is okay to not know, to let go and to allow this space of deep transformation that is happening right now. You can still get what you need to get done and let everything else go whilst you.. transform like the chrysalis that you are right now. Trust this space. And trust it some more. Space, is safe. Your wings will be out very soon. Love xxx When you’re making big move - your Muse is required. Goddess Codes is a deep activation. Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises. It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency. Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes. You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change. 


Card #4: Yogini of 285Hz

What you thought was a closed door - a missed opportunity was actually a life redirect. Timelines have shifted recently and that means that what you thought you had to continue walking through or going down a certain path to get to x-y-z is no longer. What was going to take 5-7 years has now time collapsed into 2-3. Time has changed and that means your Life Purpose is on a rapid acceleration right now. What you thought you were going to do now - has changed and I am getting the strong message for you to trust in this right now (well, you kinda have no choice not to) but it feels like you are (or have been) very disappointed by this life redirect that has occurred. I am also getting the message that something that you chose/occurred between Aug-Dec 2014 has had a deep (very positive) impact on your life now. This ‘missed opportunity’ of now - is because of the decisions you made back then. You chose you, you chose your Life Purpose, you chose trusting and following your heart, even though the decisions you made back then and even the situation just recently has NOT been easy at all and you’ve even questioned yourself a zillion times, even though you know what you chose is/was right under it all you still have questioned it but now? Now the gift of what you chose back then (you) is about to come to fruition. I feel you may have been receiving signs of this, even memories from 2014 have been in and out recently and how that is tying into your reality now. Even though you’ve questioned - its more a reflecting space you've been in, a wondering, a curiosity at ‘why’ even though you’re at peace and very happy at the same time, where your life is currently. Trust in the changes that are occurring - your heart knows the correct choice for you right now and it is important to trust in this. You needn’t go through unnecessary drama and hurt anymore - that is the past and your past choices have led you to a wonderful destiny. Continue to watch and open for the signs, a special doorway is opening… that is the doorway of your Heart and it’s getting stronger. Trust, follow and lead with this space - it hasn’t failed you yet. Even though at times, it seems like it has - you are now realising, it hasn’t - even though - you knew that all along. Love xxx When you’re making big move - your Muse is required. Goddess Codes is a deep activation. Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises. It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency. Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes. You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change. 


Card #5: Basetet of 174Hz

Hmmm, Basetet is also asking to calm the farm! To rest.. to take it easy - there is no need to rush, hurry or push at this time. Card #3 also was a similar message. The strong message for this card is - it’s just not yet time. Perhaps it will be in the future - but right now, the timing is off and it is important not to push this issue at this time. Let it go, step back and regroup, find your Peace again. Stop trying to force things, that it is just not yet time for. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future, but right now… breathe. I am also sensing, there is a project, or study, or something that you are finishing? Loose ends you are tying up? Something, you are needing to tend to? It feels like you are on the right path - but something is also off and ‘timing’ keeps coming back to it. And… the reconnection back to yourself. It feels like this is a time for healing, for sorting things out, for creating space and getting your health, wellness and life on track (or is it the project). I feel like everything is going to work out 100% but if you keep getting met with blocked doors, it is a sign - that it isn’t ready! So don’t push it! Hmmm, I am getting something about your body and your health with this card too. Are you needing to be strict on your diet and exercise - did you drop your exercise routine? Did you need to change it up to a different class or start a new one? Is there something you are needing to tend to with the way you treat your body? If you don’t care about your body - how can anyone else? If you don’t tend to your own heart and soul - how can anyone else? Plus - you do know, that you won’t feel loved no matter how much someone is being there for you and trying to love you if you don’t feel it or even care for yourself right? I know, I know, you’ve heard this before… but are you listening? Maybe, just MAYBE those doors might open for you… if you tended to you first hey? It’s time right? You first… then everyone else. You first, then… the Universe will show you where to go with open doors. Right now, it is time to step back, finish projects, finish study, clean up your life and body and… then where? The Universe will show you. But these blocked doors are only because the open door… is the one inside your own heart… first. Love xxx When you’re making big move - your Muse is required. Goddess Codes is a deep activation. Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises. It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency. Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes. You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change. 


Card #6: Sacrament of Extreme Unction

This card? Is like BORN AGAIN baby! You have completed not a chapter of your life - but an entire BOOK! The cords have been cut, the jar’s smashed, the sand obliterated - you are no longer holding onto your past. You have completely shattered and dismantled anything that was holding back deep lay bury in your subconscious - no more. You may have felt renewed lately, you may have felt like a new lease of life has washed over you - because it HAS. I feel like you’ve been getting ideas this last few weeks, but then just this last week something has deeply solidified into form and has deeply come into a place where you are trusting of what is required of you and taking the necessary steps. I feel like your faith and trust has been tested lately, but you have been given the green light so to speak and now doors are opening for you that were previously closed to you. You are discovering things about yourself that you didn’t know existed and it feels like such a deep sense of relief and… new lease on life right? I feel you are clearing out some old threads - but a lot faster than ever before and saying no before you put yourself in the shit so to speak - but that, is just a reflection of the threads just… tinging and pinging and breaking away. You are free now. Sooooo, watcha gunna do?? You can release any last threads of guilt, shame or any hurts that may ping as you move swiftly in the direction of your dreams, because I do feel that very soon, things are going to move incredibly fast and you will be wondering how on Earth this hasn’t happened sooner, but also it’s the right time but… ah, thank fuck that portal of your life is over and you are literally walking around brand new. Brand new surroundings, brand new openings, brand new opportunities and everything has been given an upgrade. And do you know why beautiful one? Because.. not long ago, you decided to open your heart and trust again, to… love again…. And so life is showing you… just how much you can open, love, trust and this feeling? Continue to stay here a while… or forever, because it is the place... they call home. You see, it was never a place.. it was… within you all along and as much as you knew this… now you are experiencing this and this? Is your Purpose baby. Thi sis your Life baby and this... is something to write home about. Pun intended. Your gift to the world is YOU and now you have reached here, it is time to share that joy… because that is you and you’re back with vengeance and God to save the world with your pure, pure heart… that you’ve been looking for all along. Thank fuck… you’re back. I love you. Love xxx When you’re making big move - your Muse is required. Goddess Codes is a deep activation. Over 4 Months - the activation is different. It stabilises. It is a different frequency. 4 is a stabilising number and the energetic shifts that flow, stabilise and activate over this time is when you’re ready for change that stabilises, instead of destabilises. It creates clarity and foundational solidifying shifts that come from this Goddess Code Frequency. Yes, male clients come through Goddess Codes, to activate God Codes. You can feel its unique energy and this is… Goddess Codes. Send me a message to discuss more if you can feel that Goddess Codes calls, as your Soul is required for this change.